Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel)

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Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel) Page 4

by Melanie Walker

  She used to think that she was a fool for leaving him, but then, like always her guard went down and she felt that summons when it was too late to block it. Fil had a knack for catching her when her shields were down. Every time she came close to rationalizing her feelings for Fangs and admitting that perhaps something would come from it, that ex of hers came on like a hurricane and wrecked everything in his path to her. She could still feel the welts on her back from his summons three nights ago and a distant thought she wondered if her costume would cover the whipping marks.

  Fil had ownership of Bri. He married her over seven hundred years ago in an attempt to combine his father’s kingdom with her father’s kingdom. Just like the fairy tale version of her life, they had been promised to one another at birth. Fil knew more about the deal than Bri did. Fil was aware that King Hubert was not Bri’s real father. He knew that a demon in ranks back then, by the name of Ezek, was next in line to become the next Arch. Ezek was her real father. Ezek was an Incubus and madly in love with Bri's mother. One of their many nights of passion lead to Briar's birth. How Fil knew was beyond her but he mated her with all the promise good old Disney portrayed, it was the happily ever after he fucked up so bad.

  Bri glanced at the Cemetery quickly before dropping her stare to the long dirt road that lead straight to her drive. She parked her Audi and dashed in her house. It was later than she had planned but she didn’t expect a spirit to show up while she was in Seattle picking up a costume she dreaded putting on.

  Quick shower and an even faster blow dry, Bri dropped her shields, the ones she used every minute of every day in fear Fil would find her, well that and she hated her appearance. She moisturized and applied her many creams that were supposed to help with blemishes, wrinkles and even light scarring. Where the hell was Neosporin in the thirteenth century? It would have saved her a lot of hassle.

  Her scars were hers to bare and it wasn’t something she ever wanted seen. She could recall the feel of claws when they dug into her tender flesh. Now so many years later, the smooth skin of the scar still raised above her cheekbone looked as fresh as it did then. There were two other scars, one just above her eyebrow and the third scoring under her eye. The attack had come from an upward angle and so the scars flowed in the same direction. Hidden it was none the wiser. In the moments my glamour was down, it was those moments I felt true shame. Pride and vanity were sins and I was very guilty of those sins.

  Without the shield of glamour the deep purple scars on her cheek told her loud and clear that time, no matter how much of it you had, did not heal all wounds.


  The girls all needed a night to relax and have fun and Bri was desperate to see Ash, outside of the blessed knife issues and see if she needed the help Bri was too certain she did.

  Dressed in clothes Briar would normally never be caught dead in and feeling very out of her tank top-and-worn-out-jeans element Bri slipped the pink taffeta nightmare that the costume store called “Sleeping Beauty”. More like Taffeta Nightmare. It itched, was about three inches too short and had lost any character it had in the beginning. She almost rented the one that the ditzy dressing room attendant called, the Maryweather nightmare. It was a tied died disaster of pink and blue, a bad imitation of the Disney versions 16 birthday gown…

  Ah memories.

  In reality her sixteenth birthday was spent in the confined tower of her own castle.

  Her long blonde hair was down for a change, something she only did when in Fangs presence because he liked to pull it when she went down on him…

  Her black headband was such a key element when portraying the Disney version of herself and the one thing she wore often, but tonight she pulled out all the stops. Stepping from the bathroom she walked into her room and knelt at the end of her bed where an antique cedar chest from the thirteenth century was. Her mother had given her the chest the morning of her mating to Fil, inside was her dowry. Bri remembered crying because she didn’t want to marry Fil but also because for a woman to receive her dowry was a huge step that all girls dreamed of in those days.

  She cracked the lid and closed her eyes because the only thing she had left of her dowry was her crown, the bare panels and drawers inside were depressing. Fil had gotten rid of everything but her crown. She had needed that for appearances. The crown was not as flashy as a Queens, not as heavy as a Kings. She had been the only Princess in Hubert’s kingdom and so it was the best of course. The gold crown was thin the entire circumference was no more than a half inch in width, expanding in the front with a high point raising no more than an inch and a half. King Hubert had sent miners out far and wide to ensure they retrieved the most valuable red and pink diamonds to match her mother’s crown. The gems were then and are now the rarest gems in the world and the crown now in her hands worth well over millions of dollars.

  King Hubert gave it to her on her thirteenth birthday declaring her a woman of age to ascend in her royal duties. She had cried that day, so proud when he placed it upon her fragile head. She only wore it when in court and at royal functions and had been envied by every girl in the land. The last time she wore it however was the day she mated Fil, when her mother presented her dowry, her mating gown and her crown. It made her sad to think of the young girl she had once been, with dreams of marrying Prince Fillip and living happily ever after. It was the greatest disappointment of her long life.

  Bri decided to wear the crown tonight and feel that feeling of untouchable just once more. It was ensured in a less typical way of course, if anything tried to steal it, it could be tracked by the magic’s Bri and Ezek both infused it with. Allstate indemnity insurance had nothing on demon power. Bri took the crown back into the bathroom where she eyed the scars on her cheek. The grooves in the raised purple skin made her stomach want to turn up and kill out.

  She refused to think of all the things those scars cost her, not tonight. She had plenty of time for dwelling on the shit she couldn’t change, tonight was no different than any night. Hide the scars with glamour and fix the fuzzy hair while she was at it.

  Double checking her appearance one last time Bri made sure all her shields were up because she needed to be what he thought she was to keep him from finding out who the real Briar was. Her mask was a part of her now and even though she could fantasize the idea of one day being herself, the possibility that if Fangs accepted her, scars and all she would be a lot stronger having a chance to use her powers for more than personal necessity.

  Well it was all a fantasy, because Bri knew she was beyond ever letting the real Sleeping Beauty out in the light of day.

  Chapter Four

  Bri walked into the back yard of Winters home. The music was loud and the partiers were on the lit up dance floor shaking their asses when Winter laughed from behind her. Spinning she knew exactly what she was laughing at. "I had no idea you would go to the extreme." She giggled and pulled Bri into her embrace. "But I'm glad you did."

  Bri squeezed her tighter and laughed. "How long do I have to keep this on for, it itches, I know everything this dress has been through courtesy of my touch and I don’t think I can take the memories Win, they are bad...real bad."

  Winter laughed harder and pulled herself free of Bri's hold. "Just let me get a picture of the four of us and you guys can all take them off." Winter had somehow managed to find the Disney Princess store that sold to the slutty. Her vision of Snow White would have made Walt himself blush even on the ice. What should have been a long flowing skirt in yellow, had been cut to just about nothing, and hiding the fair skin on her legs was bright red thigh highs and stiletto Jimmy Choo’s . The navy blue corset had been modified so that it showed her abundance of cleavage and the bright white collar came to two points one on each side of her chin. Her short pixie cut was curled and held in place by a sparkling red bow.

  She was more Betty Boop does Snow White.

  Bri stepped in close to Ashess and smiled at the sight of the perfect Cinderella. "I had a spirit today who us
ed to argue with her sister over who was prettier between you and I." She whispered into Ashess' ear. "I must say Cinderella you have kicked my ass with it tonight."

  Ashess laughing in a glamour that was the picture of Cinderella, was kind of like that uncomfortable silence at weddings when they you to speak now or forever hold your peace, it was immoral. "I glammed up, figured I could get away with the power surge for a good twenty minutes. She about died when I walked in the door."

  Ashess was by all definitions the closest to Briar and because of that bond Bri knew it was more insane than sane that Ashess dressed in her Cinderella best tonight. Cinderella’s memories were the darkest of all and she was no longer that woman.

  "I bet. I almost died. Where's my best friend with the black makeup and purple black hair?" Ashess was anything but her Disney tale in the flesh. Sure she had the evil step mother, the wicked stepsisters and even the prince to take her away, but she was absolutely not the woman before Bri now. Cinderella died a long time ago and Ash let her go willingly.

  The glamour flickered and Bri didn’t need to worry if anyone saw, if Ash was dropping the glam act then she made it so no one saw her do so. "I'm beneath I just thought for once I'd try it out see what the big deal is."


  "And, I look ridiculous and I’m still not completely sure why when I was given this dress all those years ago I cried in tears of joy." She looked at Bri. "It’s awful."

  "This is the original?" Bri had assumed everything burned in the fire that Ashess crawled out of. She was like a Vampire when she chose her name, she wanted meaning and there was definitely meaning behind her name.

  "No, but I remember it perfectly so I glammed it up. Trust me baby, I burned the hell out of that dress."

  "Picture time and then you can change." Winter said from behind them. Bri turned and... well... what do ya know. She was speechless.

  Standing in a vision of yellow and gold was Belle, perhaps the most cynical and tom boyish of all, damn! The woman looked elegant and even though it was for Winter, who by all definitions was her best friend, well it still shocked both Bri and Ash.

  "Say a word and I will shift here and now and snap both your heads off." She warned both Bri and Ash and they accepted the threat because Belle had an awesome follow through tactic that would make a parent envious, nobody in their right mind wanted Belle's beast coming out. She was more Cybil than Belle with the wolf inside.

  Marcus, Winters long time lover took the picture next to a giant apple shaped cake that was covered in red sprinkles. The entire party looked like a five year old girls and it was more than a little kitschy but they endured the first hour dressed as their rightful selves and hated every minute of it. Once the gala was off to a running start Bri and Ashess were stunned once again when they made their exit to change clothes and Belle refused, saying it was her gift to Winter.

  Bri smiled but in the back of her mind she was thinking, 'not even for the elusive Blessed Knife would I do this'. The thought of the contract had her tugging on Ash's arm as they climbed the stairs. "Anything come from that auction earlier today?"

  Baker Auction house had an original Prince Phillip piece as they called it, referring to her husband Prince Fillip, the son of a bitch. They didn’t know that old Phillip was really Filicus and he is the most vile of Incubus demons, he could shift into anything he wanted and appear any way. There was a lot they didn’t know about the fairytale world, mortal and immortal alike.

  "Yep it was bought by yours truly. And yes it’s the real deal." Ash slid a palm down her body and transformed from the blue eyed blonde beauty into the freaky long black and deep purple haired woman with the black eye makeup and deep lipstick. Dressed in a leather corset top with purple ribbon lacing and leather pants, next came her newest pair of Rocks and she was set for the night. Even in all her gothic/emo glory she was absolutely ravishing.

  Bri didn’t have much to go on with her black tank top and jeans duo, but she brought a black head band for good measure and kept her hair down. Maybe it would even make Fangs smile considering his memories of it down were like hers. She shut her eyes because she didn’t want to think about him, it was bad enough he might be here tonight. She would force herself to deal then.

  "Absolutely positively certain it’s the real deal?" They exited the guest room after Bri hung her taffeta nightmare in the empty closet.

  Ashess gave her an incredulous look. "We are not amateurs Bri for Christ sakes."

  She nodded and realized she was actually nervous. "I refuse to get my hopes up." She told Ash as they took the stairs two at a time. To think that the contract to bind the Blessed Knife was actually in the state of Washington, hell in the US was unbelievable. Perhaps her father had been right and the contract would somehow guide the Blessed Knife to it. Stranger things have happened, four of the most famous Fairytale Princess' of all time were in the same room together right now so unlikely wasn’t a word Bri liked to use. She couldn’t help herself and looked at Ash her violet eyes huge in wonder.

  "Stop, no emotions yet Bri. We have no clue where the knife is." Ash made a point. The same one she was making right then but the thought of being free of Fil was almost too good to resist. Perhaps a dream here or there never hurt anyone. Hell, her theme song was about dreams... okay she was stretching it but still. The knife had been created for the purpose of freeing Bri from Fil once and for all, no more late night summoning that when she awoke from being beaten and bruised because Fil could only reach her in sleep, when her guards were down. Sleeping Beauty? No more like Waking Nightmare. No more of his feeding from her like a fucking happy meal and no more contract between her and the Dark. She would be a free agent no matter how much her father begged her to stay. She would also kill the SOB Fil the minute she had both contract and the Blessed knife in hand.

  "I know your right. If the contract is real then I want it moved Ash." That had Ashess grabbing her and bringing her to a halt.

  "What? Absolutely not Bri. My safe is magically coded, steel and titanium reinforced and can only be opened by my handprint and pulse. So.Fuck. No."

  "Ash, Fil is a tricky son of a bitch and demented to boot. I can’t have him suspicious of the contract being with you and come after you."

  Fil had attacked all the girls in some form over the span of their friendship and had used them against her every time. He is sadistic would love a go at something she loved. He was the sole reason she walked away from Fangs, the only man she had ever loved to her fullest ability. She would not risk Ashess in the process. It was her freedom, her burden.

  "Oh god Bri get off the cross the wood is needed." She spun her around and stood in front of her, blue eyes blazing. "Don’t you get tired of constantly being the fucking martyr?"

  "Not everyone is like you Ash. Death doesn’t become us all." Bri knew it was a low blow but not everyone escaped their fate like Ash. She didn’t get the chance to go to hell, her pain was palpable from the instant her heart stopped. A succubus was there to tie Ash to the demon world, and Bri had been there to tie her to the Dark.

  " Bri, make no mistake that I don’t get the same fear and the worry inside of you over the God damned thing. But I am the safest place for it because Fil knows that it’s not Ezek protecting me. We are made from the same cloth, he and I, and he knows damn well that I am worth more than him. So if he wants to come, let him. If he wants me he can damn well try." Ashess was right and Bri knew that she had made herself untouchable. She had the entire Dark on her side and Fil had made enemies with their kind and he would never dare come at Ash full head on. But that didn’t mean she should be saddled with it either. They both worked for Dvina, hand in hand an Incubus and a Succubus, but Ash had the type of power inside of her that could light all of Emerald City if she chose to let all the despair inside of her out. Fil didn’t stand a chance, but it also didn’t mean that he wouldn’t find a way to hurt her. Fil always found a way.

  "Just because you have more pull than him doesn’t me
an you are untouchable. Think back to the shit he has done Ash and tell me you believe it."

  Ash said nothing because perhaps somewhere inside she knew Bri was right, maybe she was just pissed. But they stood there silent as can be in an extremely loud party.

  "It must be exhausting being you Bri." She said with deceptive gentleness that Bri didn’t fall for in the slightest. "You need to prove a point or maybe you just don’t think I can succeed. Whatever the case Bri I am washing my hands of the fucking thing." Ash walked away not even glancing at Bri.

  She wanted to tell her that it wasn’t fair to place a burden like that on her, to tell her thank you for always watching her back. She wanted to scream that maybe this time she wasn’t the scariest thing in Fils world and tell her she was being a baby. Either way she let it go, Ash was her best friend and they had argued in the past over much bigger issues. Besides, there would never be a final between Bri and Ash, they were bound together by blood and Ashess survival depended on that bond.

  That bond had been formed by Ezek, Bri’s father when Ashess was bound for her fate before him all those years ago when the deal that Dvina, the Succubus that made Ashess, broke a law that would cost Ashess her life. In an attempt to save her, he tethered Bri to her by the life blood in Briar’s veins. Feeding Ash had become a normal every day thing but Ashess would never ask for her vein so it was Bri who made sure she was around once a day.


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