Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel)

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Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel) Page 20

by Melanie Walker

  He nodded and kissed her, slanting his lips over her she opened for him with no hesitation. The kiss was endless as his hands stroked up the sides of her body and pulled her closer. "I want all of you." He whispered back and fell to his elbows as she came closer, the contact a desperate plea.

  "I’m not innocent anymore and wish I had at least that piece of me to give."

  His hands stopped roaming over her body and his gaze fell on her, the purple haze that was hers alone was brighter than ever before. "Oh baby." His voice like gravel he simply held her close. "I will always have your innocence Bri, I have always had it."

  She felt the tears fall from her lids and for once she didn’t hate the damn things because he kissed them away. "Oh god I need you to touch me, make love to me Fangs."

  "I’m Kuyper here Bri not Fangs, not a Vampire just your man."

  "Okay." She closed her eyes as he kissed along her jaw.

  "And you’re Briar, not Briar Rose, not Sleeping Beauty. Your mine."


  "That’s my girl." He pulled her over his body and let his kisses pepper across the toned expanse of her tummy, his finger tips feathered her thighs while his thigh parted hers. She could feel the erection he had and it sent a chill along her spine in anticipation, knowing that each move he made was with love. It was different and new and yes! She was innocent here.

  She normally came alive at his touch but this was different. Like the blue at the bottom of a flame, it was the hottest part but the burn grew, changed, became a different heat. This was the different heat, it felt just as amazing as it always did with Fangs but the way it grew, changed and made her feel was the difference.

  This wasn’t sex, the coming together of two bodies to find satisfaction in the end. This was them, the two of them so deep in the love for one another that the expression came in touch. She gasped when his fingers found the center of her body where the heat and the passion centered on the little nubbin of nerves that he was gently rubbing.

  He let out a moan and a curse when he slipped two fingers inside of her body and she arched her hips in response. "I love how wet you get. When I touched you before you were distant and quiet. I never knew if you really wanted me until I touched you here." He let his fingers circle the core of her before going back at the bundle of nerves that was on its way to aching. "That was how I always knew that you were right there with me."

  "I always wanted you." She whispered and cupped his cheek in her palm. The look he gave her made her moan and gasp in his retreat as he climbed up her body.

  "I know that baby." He kissed her again and let his body fall between her legs until he lay in the cradle of her body. "I can’t wait Bri, I need you now Bri."

  She nodded and slipped her hand between their bodies, taking him in her palm and enjoying the feel of his smooth sex and the pearl of wet at the tip. She aligned them and moved her hand wanting to feel him as he entered her. She needed him to have the control. As if he knew it he didn’t enter her but let the head of his cock stroke the smooth wet valleys of her sex, stroking back and forth as his mouth came over hers. She opened for him and he entered her body and she wanted to cry out at the invasion she had wanted so desperately. "I have never been made love to." She cried as he began to thrust inside of her. "Seven hundred years and I had to find you to be loved like this."

  "I’d have waited a thousand Bri, for this moment I’d have waited forever."

  "I love you."

  His response was met with a thrust and his mouth meeting hers again. This didn’t need words, didn’t need anything more than his touch and her gasping the way he liked. There would be more of this she knew because there was no way she would ever leave him.

  "Do you mean that?"

  Had she spoken out loud? She didn’t care because the answer was simple. "Yes, this thing between us... its forever I see that now and I’m so sorry." As her admittance came so did the beginnings of her climax, the slow burn starting in her toes and shooting to her spine. She was writhing beneath him and he knew her signs, what she needed because he picked up the pace and met her thrust for thrust until she was crying out his name when the explosion hit.

  "Kuyper...." The single calling of his birth name had him tensing above her and releasing inside of her.

  "I... love…you... Briar." He spoke in tune to his final thrusts and kissed her long and sweet before curling to the side of her body and taking her close to his chest.

  In the silence he ran his hands through her hair and whispered some seriously erotic things in her ear, all in a voice that scratched along her spine in the best way. He had always had the best sex voice. And with what he was saying they would definitely be back to their old tricks in less than an hour...

  Maybe the shower....

  Hours later Fangs came into the room with the left over pizza and a giant coke. Handing Bri the pizza and a coke he bent down kissed her and lingered peppering more of those soft kisses along her jaw before climbing back in the bed.

  They had decided that after careful consideration it was time to touch a milestone and take a night off, for one night they were going to do nothing but love. They had sandblasted all the ugly shit out of the way and now it was time to polish until it shined.

  "Can’t we stay forever, just forget about the world?"

  "Ah, but the elusive knife is so close." He smiled and tangled her fingers in his.

  "But this is what matters Fangs. I don’t think I want the knife. I don’t want this spoiled."

  " Bri nothing can ruin this." He motioned between the two of them. "We are rock solid, rock steady, and not Fil or Ashess' feedings or your dads demands are gonna change that. I won’t let it." And he wouldn’t, he knew. He would absolutely kill anything that threatened this moment and not bat an eye.

  "I hate admitting I’m scared."

  He hated the tone of her voice because it showed how scared she was. "Babe, the one thing I know as well as the back of my hand is your ability to rebound. The minute that knife is in your hand you won’t want anything more than what is rightfully due. You may be scared but it’s not of Fil or what you have to do. You’re scared of the outcome. Not knowing has you tied in knots."

  "I'll never want anything more than I want you. I promise I'll never forget that again Fangs."

  "Not about to let you forget it Princess." he pulled her into his arms and rolled until she was beneath him. His erection was a brand against her stomach and he wanted her again. "Count on it."

  "Will you promise to always be here waiting to fuck me back to sanity." She laughed as he nipped at her neck, the bite asking for more than he ever had dared pressure her with. He wanted all of her, inside of him, fueling him.

  As if she read his mind and a good chance she did she tilted her neck to the side and offered what he needed. He didn’t hesitate and his bite was erotic and greedy and she opened for him.

  He pushed inside of her and knew this was not a sweet and slow moment. The hunger for all of Bri was soul consuming and he went wild above her.

  What do you know, his little Princess met him stroke for stroke before dropping some fangs herself and clamping down on him.


  Hours later Fangs had Bri curled into him in his bed and couldn’t help but smile because dammit that was where she belonged. There was a peace between them now that hadn’t been there before. There were no more secrets and lies. Her shields had been down since the minute they left on this little journey and his chest filled up with pride knowing she trusted him enough to let him see the real her. She still had secrets, ones they needed to discuss when she woke but for now he was content holding her.

  For all his years he never realized what a fool he was. It had been engraved in his mind that a man was to protect his female, keep her safe, provide for her and he realized that he had been trying to do that to Bri when all along she was a warrior herself and wanting the same for him. There was no shot at making it work if they didn’t relent from one another.
  He looked at her, eyes closed, deep even breaths and she was the most beautiful woman when she sleeps. This was the definition, in his mind and his heart, of Sleeping Beauty. Simple and to the point. Her body against his, her rear pressed against his pelvis, and though his erection was desperate to be let back in, he made sure it stayed pg13 while she slept.

  He traced his fingers along her arm; her skin was as soft as a rose petal in bloom. He pulled the hair free from her neck where it had fallen over her shoulder and hid the beautiful swell of her breasts from him. His fingers ran through the strands of gold and the scent of coco butter and vanilla wafted through the air. A scent he realized would forever remind him of Bri.

  The bite mark on her neck did not help the erection issue because dammit, he loved seeing them there, wanted them to be there every day and every night forever. He wanted her marked, branded by him so that if Fil ever got a notion that she was his, those bite marks and the consequence of touching her would keep him and any man away.

  "You know I can feel your eyes on me." Bri said from the crook of his arm, her voice thick with sleep and sex and meant to drive him mad. His cock twitched as if the sound of her voice was like the dinner bell ringing and just like a divining rod it was pointed straight at her, demanding more.

  "Well get used to it Princess because I can’t stop looking..." He hissed and placed a kiss on her shoulder. She shifted to kiss his lips and he got a perfect view of her breasts, her nipples peaked and darkened from his mouth. "It’s all I can do to not mount you again."

  Bri laughed and rolled until she was facing him, all her bare flesh warm and inviting, Fangs had to close his eyes to keep from eating her up. The hunger for her was a desperate aching need that he refused to ever be without again. "What time is it?" She rubbed her eyes and then stretched making him curse because seriously this was torture.

  "I have no idea but it’s after sunset. I can feel it when the sun goes down." He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and wanted to kiss her. Leaning in he did just that because he could and damn him if that wasn’t so fucking perfect. Kissing her would never get old, her lips were the smooth and soft, softer than the finest satin he had ever touched and her little gasps were enough to make him look like an amateur if he didn’t get a hold of himself and quick.

  "I need to call Ash..." She let the sentence die out because of shame, he could smell it like rust on metal.

  "Sure, but I think you should wait a little longer." He looked her in the eye because he needed her to now that he didn’t mind her bond with Ashess, he understood the basic functions of feeding off blood and the thing with Ash was her tale to tell. Besides, when she fed him it was because of passion and want, with Ash it was necessity and that was fine by him. "I took a lot from you, I didn’t mean to but I was desperate for the taste of you."

  She seemed shocked by his statement. It wasn’t that he was open about how he wanted her, that was him. He had always been intense about… everything. Her shock was because of his reaction. He was willing to bet a dozen dimes on it. "I’m sorry I have to..."

  "Don’t be, I’m not going to push you on this, on anything. You can tell me what you want and keep your secrets as well. I only want you. The rest is a bonus for me."

  "Ashess is a bonus?" She asked incredulously and sat up. Great he had insulted her when all he wanted was for her to know they were moving at her pace.

  "You’re the only bonus. Your secrets are yours Bri and if you want to tell me them then I will be honored, if you don’t then know that I won’t be offended. I know how hard it was for you to sit in that chair at Canes and have all your shit lay bare and I’m not about to call you on it. You and I are fine, you know where I stand on the battle as a whole and that is right at your side. I don’t need the details if you don’t want to give them."

  He wanted the details, he could have sat with her all night talking up a storm on all the ins and outs that fucked her life up, but it would hurt her to process through it all so he settled that in time she would tell him more. He would wait for that because he was not going to force anything on her, she had been forced too much in her long life and he loved her to much to not break that damn cycle.

  Didn’t mean he didn’t want Ezek and Fils head though.

  No... it didn’t mean that.

  "And if I wanted to tell you? What then, I mean some of what Adam Cane said is really bad stuff Fangs. It scares me most of the time and I don’t want my shit to be your burden." She had moved to sit in front of him, she unlocked the hair from behind her ears protecting her scars. She had pulled the sheet up and tucked it under her arms, closing herself from him in any way she could.

  "You are not a burden to me Briar. I love you and it’s that simple." He tucked her hair again and leaned forward kissing her cheek, hovering longer on her scars as he tugged the sheet from her body. "Don’t hide from me baby, I need to see you and know you like me seeing you. All of you."

  "Ashess wasn’t human when she died." She blurted and then covered her face with her hands like she couldn’t believe she had said it.


  "It’s actually a funny story, if you get passed all the dark shit and dig real deep. Ash and I laugh about it because it’s where the story of Sleeping Beauty started."

  She dropped her hands and looked at him for a long moment before curling her fingers in the sheet. "She was a Vampire-" She paused for a reaction and when there wasn’t one she went on. "I don’t know all the ins and outs of it other than when she was killed Ezek told me about her and that she had suffered like I had. He said that because she wasn’t a human he couldn’t give her the option like most and that she would need to be connected in life to live again. So I met her, fell in love with her immediately because she was as pissed off at the world as I was and I decided that I wouldn’t mind helping her out, letting her get her own justice. So because of my being a vengeance demon, it had to be my life source that fueled her and because all I had that wasn’t tainted at the time was blood that was how we did it.

  “Had I been in a better place, not been insane with fury, my magic’s would have given her new life but all I had was vengeance and she seemed to think that was great. So Ezek reanimated her and she had like, less than five minutes to drink from me and she had to damn near drain me for it to work. When she came to I was passed out on the cold ground and pale..." She looked at him and the smile she gave had a faint blush to it. "I was found by a group of townsfolk that believed I was dead. Ashess kept demanding that we needed the town doctor, that it was blood loss. Ezek had been summoned by Ash the second I went down and he knew the only way for me to wake was by my owner, Fil was forced into town by my father, where in grand style he kissed me in front of everyone playing the Prince Charming, the hero and dubbed the magic infused kiss as true loves kiss and that I had somehow managed to slice my wrist on a spinning wheel. It was bullshit and from it stemmed one hell of a fairytale. Hence Sleeping Beauty."

  "So you provide her the substance and Ezek provides the souls for her to take?" He was expecting a horrific story but he could see the comical side of things at how the tale of Sleeping Beauty was spun out of control. He hated she had to do any of it, but could see where she found the humor in it.

  She nodded. "Ashess was in a bad place when she came to our side, her demise had been an act of such betrayal. Her despair was painful- physically when you were around her. Because she was betrayed by Henry, her Prince Charming, her soul called out to Dvina the Succubus leader. By choosing that as her path she sought out despair and sadness and between the two of us we brought Ezek a lot of business. We have worked side by side since the day we met. She handles the sadness, makes the deal for revenge and sends the spirits to me. I kill and Ashess gets the soul, she splits with Ezek fifty/fifty and in turn we earn the right at our own justice, ie: the contract and the knife."

  Fangs let everything penetrate and had to admit, it made sense. He didn’t like that Ash had to be so dependent on Bri
but he could see how together they were fucking scary. He actually despised Ezek for creating the bond between them to benefit his own power. They should have been allowed the chance to meet their own justice before serving over seven hundred years. He was damn pissed and wanted to know when they had done enough to earn their peace.

  "So if the Blessed Knife wouldn’t have gone missing you would have been free a long time ago?"

  Shaking her head no she spoke. "No, I had no choice but to give five hundred years of service to Fil. The demon rules are so messed up and so not all about giving the ladies some options. I am owned by Fil and about ten percent to the Dark. I had to serve him first before myself. The minute my time was up I landed my happy ass in London England and began searching."

  "And Ashess?" He asked forcing his voice to be level and calm when inside he was in an all out tantrum. This sounded more and more like a set up and she had no idea the crooked plan she was in and he hated how trusting she was of her father in that instant.


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