Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2)

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Outcast (Supernaturals Book 2) Page 5

by Jennifer Reynolds

  I didn’t know what the behind-the-scenes story of some of the other packs was, but I had to wonder if we would be better off with a single alpha couple, not a ruling Council. I didn’t think I wanted an outside pack taking over because the only packs wanting to do so were those who preferred war to peace, being nomads who rarely settled down, and mostly gave in to their animal sides rather than their human ones.

  No one inside our pack would be willing to overthrow the Council, not even Dave who I thought was born for the role, so I couldn’t hope for that to happen, which meant that if I wanted a change, I was going to have to leave the pack. The Council couldn’t stop me from leaving if I found a pack to take me, and I was sure I had already found one. Martin could glare all he wanted. He no longer intimidated me or commanded how I thought or felt about others.

  Before we were even remotely finished with our meal, Leigh had finished her sushi and glass of wine, paid for her food, and was standing to leave. I couldn’t take my eyes off her body or her expression of loneliness and resignation. Finally, right before she left the restaurant, she looked our way. First, she gave Danielle a weak smile and slightly held up her phone to indicate that they would converse via text messaging, then she chanced a glance my direction. Apparently, she hadn’t expected to catch me watching her because her eyes widened at the sight of me taking in her beauty. She turned sharply and walked hurriedly from the restaurant. It took everything I had in me to stay seated. I couldn’t cause a disruption by following after her, but I couldn’t stop my mouth from watering at the sight of her ass walking away from me.

  The shifters sitting next to me could probably sense my emotions, my desire, my anger, my disgust, but I didn’t give a shit. They, too, wouldn’t dare cause a scene, but I knew once we were back on pack territory, one or all of the Council members would be on my doorstep to remind me of what I was and wasn’t allowed to do.

  Chapter 7 ~ Girls’ Night


  “So what’s going on with you and Ryan?” my sister asked, settling into the small sofa in my hotel room with her glass of wine two hours after the rehearsal dinner.

  “What do you mean, ‘what is going on with Ryan and me?’ To my knowledge, nothing is going on between the two of us,” I said, giving her a questioning look. I didn’t have to feign ignorance of anything since I was telling the truth.

  She looked at me for a long time before saying, “There isn’t, is there? I could have sworn that there was something.”

  “Why would you think there was something between us? We barely know each other, and everyone from Pine Hollow hates me. I’m sure he’s no exception.”

  “Oh, he’s definitely an exception, and not everyone from there hates you.”

  “Yeah they do.”

  “Dave doesn’t hate you.”

  “Only because he loves you too much to hate me.”

  “That isn’t true. I mean, yes, he loves me, but his feelings for me don’t sway him when it comes to other people. I love Maddie, but he finds her annoying.”

  “You may love her, but she annoys you. She annoys most people.”

  “True. Still, I’m not the reason Dave doesn’t hate you. He doesn’t have any feelings toward you one way or the other. He doesn’t know you; therefore, he has no reason to love or hate you. He isn’t like the rest of them who hate because people tell them to hate. Neither, apparently, is Ryan. As a matter of fact, he seems to find you quite attractive.”

  “He does not. None of those people do.”

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice how he couldn’t keep his eyes off you during dinner.”

  “The way that Martin had me escorted away from the table made me look like a freak. He was probably waiting to see what else I would do to humiliate myself.”

  “I don’t think so. When we walked in the room and saw the host seating you at a different table, Ryan was pissed. Before he and I went to the bathroom, I asked him to sit with you, and he was more than happy to do so. I think he has a thing for you.”

  “He doesn’t know me enough to like me.”

  “I heard about what happened this afternoon in the lobby. He wouldn’t have defied those people that way if he didn’t feel something for you.”

  I laid my head on the back of the sofa and sighed. “I wish he hadn’t done that. I’m sure he made more than a few enemies.”

  “I don’t think he cared,” Danielle said, looking deeply into her glass of wine.

  “What do you know that I don’t?” I asked, shifting positions to face her and taking a swig of my beer.

  “I don’t know much, but he said something tonight that…”

  “What did he say?”

  “Nothing horrible or anything that showed his undying devotion to you, but I think he’s attracted to you, truly attracted. I don’t know, but if he asks you out, I think you should say yes, if you’re attracted to him, that is.”

  “You know I am. I have been since the first time I saw him, but you said he was an asshole and that I should stay far away from him.”

  “I was just pissed off at the time. Someone at that party said something heinous, and I took it out on everyone. Ryan didn’t say it. Didn’t agree with it. Dave even said Ryan snubbed the girl who said it and later on asked about you. I think he even sought me out in the hopes of meeting you, but you had already left.”

  “You never told me any of this.”

  “I didn’t because I didn’t know what his intentions were. At the time, I didn’t know him well. Yeah, he spent a lot of time with Dave, but not with Dave and me together. Everything Dave said about him was good. He didn’t sleep around. Didn’t party too much. But he’s from Pine Hollow, and everyone there seems to have a grudge against you.”

  “Which is so fucked up. I mean, I’ve never stepped a toe into Pine Hollow. How can an entire town hate me so much?”

  “I don’t know. Everyone there’s wound up tight. I don’t know why Mom and Dad care about that place so much. Those people have disliked Mom’s family long before you came along.”

  “None of it matters,” I said with a sigh before downing the rest of my beer and rising to get another one.

  “So you haven’t changed your mind?” she asked, refilling her glass.

  “Why would I? Your wedding has proven that things aren’t changing, only getting worse.”

  “But Ryan…”

  “But Ryan nothing. A long distance relationship would never work. I’m not staying here long enough to get to know him to see if I would even want to have a relationship with him. We’ve barely said a handful of words to each other in all the years you and Dave have been together. His being nice to me during a wedding when most people feel compelled to be nice to others while in public doesn’t change my opinion about him, Mom and Dad, our family, or the nasty-ass people from Pine Hollow.”

  “I think the two of you could have something if you gave him a chance,” she said dejectedly.

  “How could we have a chance? I have a life and a job in Washington. Better than anything I had here, especially with what Mrs. Weston is paying me. I need that job to help start my writing career. Besides, you told me Mom and Dad are moving back to Pine Hollow. Where would I live while I got back on my feet if I decided to come home?”

  “If you and Ryan could somehow spend some time together and found that you got along well, would you consider coming home? Because if you did, I could help you find a place to stay. Mom and Dad might even let you stay in the house.”

  I should have kept my mouth shut. I knew she would jump on anything I said that remotely suggested that I would come home. I loved my sister, but damn she could be relentless.

  “No, Danielle, I told you. I don’t ever plan on coming back. I’m not welcome here anymore.”

  “I want you here.”

  “And you are in that boat all by yourself.”

  “I’m not. I think Ryan would want you to stay as well.”

  “What’s with you and Dave’
s best friend tonight? Are you hiding something from me or trying to force us on each other in the hopes of convincing me to move back?”


  “Yeah right. You know me better than that. I would never make a decision based on a guy. Not even one with an ass like Ryan’s,” I said dreamily, finally feeling the beers I’d been drinking.

  “I knew it. You’ve been checking him out.”

  “Of course, you knew it. I’ve told you for years I thought he was hot.”

  “Yeah, but that’s the first time you’ve said anything about his ass. Have you touched it? Did you cop a feel in the elevator?”

  I laughed at her eagerness and the flush creeping up her neck that said she was as tipsy as I was.

  “No, but I wanted to so badly. All of those men from Pine Hollow are hot. I can’t believe you were able to choose just one,” I said, trying to steer the conversation away from me.

  “I know, right? Don’t get me wrong, I sampled one or two before settling.”

  “You did not,” I said, wondering if she really had. She hadn’t said anything about any of the guys from Pine Hollow except Dave. She dated a few in high school, but no one else that I knew of. Had Ryan been one of the guys she sampled? The anger that bubbled in me at the thought had me turning toward my sister and, for the first time in my life, wanting to slug her. The new emotion scared me. I had no reason to be that possessive over a man that wasn’t even mine.

  Before I could ask my question, she said, “I didn’t sample, sample them. I did taste a few, and you can stop giving me the death glare. Ryan wasn’t one of them. I was tempted, but I met Dave the same night I met Ryan. The instant I saw Dave, I knew he was the one for me.”

  “Really, the instant?” I asked, settling into the sofa with her leaning against me.

  “Yep. Don’t you believe in love at first sight?”

  Ryan’s image flashed in my mind, but I shooed it away. “No. I don’t think women like me ever experience that.”

  “What do you mean, ‘women like you?’ What kind of woman are you?”

  “Curvy, plus size, fat, and not the cute size fourteen curvy either. I only fit into a size eighteen on extremely good days. Men don’t fall for women my size.”

  “Yes, they do, and all of the time. You simply haven’t met the right man yet. Well, I think you have, you just aren’t willing to give him a chance.”

  I didn’t reply to this. I couldn’t argue with her. She was my sister. She was born to love me, to think I’m beautiful, to want to stick up for me. We sat like that for a long time—her imagining what the following day would be like, I assume, and me trying to picture what a relationship with a man like Ryan might be like.

  At some point, I fell asleep. I woke to the alarm on my phone blaring the next morning, and my sister was gone. I was not happy about missing out on seeing her get ready, but I wouldn’t be welcome, so I got up and got myself ready to face the day.

  Chapter 8 ~ Say Cheese


  The joyous thunder of clapping coming from the congregation jolted me back to the present and reminded me of where I stood. Dave and Danielle were having their first kiss as a married couple, and the room was ecstatic. I looked to Leigh with longing in my heart and saw her watching the two embrace with an expression in her eyes that said she desperately wanted a love like theirs.

  “She deserves to be loved that way,” a voice in the back of my head said, “and if she will have you, you could give it to her.” I balked at the voice. I wanted her, yes, but I didn’t love her. At least, I didn’t think I did. I didn’t know her enough to love her.

  Reluctantly the couple separated, and the officiator announced the two as Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carmichael. Danielle snarled her nose playfully at Dave, pretending to be annoyed that the man had introduced them that way. She had argued to have that part and the word “obey” taken out of their vows or at least have them reworded, and she had won, but to annoy her, Dave had requested they put that last bit back in without her knowing it.

  I laughed slightly, and she glared at me. I threw my hands up in defense. Before she could say or do anything more, it was time for them to leave the chapel. Dave led her away, whispering something in her ear that made her giggle as he did so.

  Once they were gone, the officiator stepped forward and announced, “At this time the bride and groom ask that their immediate family and wedding party stay in the chapel, as they will return shortly for photographs. All other guests, they ask that you make your way to the gardens. They will be there shortly to meet and greet all of you. The photographer will follow to take further photos.”

  I stepped off the stage the moment the guests started to leave out with the intent of catching Leigh before she could leave. To my surprise, she didn’t immediately flee the room. She had remained seated with her eyes downcast to allow everyone else to file past her out the door. Her cowering demeanor told me that she was trying desperately to hide from the other guests.

  I reached her as the last few people on her side of the chapel left and she stood. She didn’t see me and was shocked when I blocked her path. She nearly ran into me, then almost fell over a pew when she backed up too far to avoid me.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, grabbing her arm to steady her and ignoring the energy passing between us where our bodies touched.

  “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you,” she said, righting herself without touching me. When she looked up to truly see me, she sucked in a breath. I had to stop startling her.

  We stared at each other for a long moment before she asked, “Did you need something?”

  “I was coming to escort you to the stage for pictures.”

  “Oh…I… I’m not… They don’t…” Her stammering for words was both heartbreaking and adorable.

  “You’re Danielle’s sister, are you not?” Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Danielle and Dave entering the silent room and looking around for the source of everyone’s discomfort. The second Danielle saw me with her sister a light filled her eyes. She gripped Dave’s hand tightly and pulled him toward us. They only made it a few steps before her father cleared his throat. Danielle glared at him and continued walking.

  Not noticing or pretending not to notice any of this, Leigh nodded her head slightly, and said, “But I’m not part of the wedding party, and I don’t think I’m wanted.”

  “I wa…” I started to say, but Danielle interrupted me.

  “I want you,” she said. “I did ask for all immediate family, and you’re my sister.” She said the last bit loud enough that it reverberated in the small room. “Ryan, please bring my sister with you. I’m getting hungry and would like to get these pictures out of the way.”

  Mr. Alexander along with Mr. Carmichael, Martin, and a few others walked toward Dave and Danielle. Dave wrapped his arms around his wife in protection, but the stance she took said that she didn’t need it.

  “I should leave,” Leigh said to me in a low voice, watching the coming confrontation.

  “No,” I said and wrapped my arm around her just as Dave had done Danielle and started toward the stage. Subconsciously, she leaned into me, and I could feel her heart beating too fast. She was seconds away from a panic attack. “I’ve got you,” I said into her ear. The wolf inside me demanded I kiss behind that ear, to nibble the bare neck below it, to swoop her up and carry her away from the people who had the potential to harm her.

  “Mrs. Carmichael…” Martin started to say, though his eyes followed Leigh and me.

  “My name is Danielle, and before you say a word, Martin, I have a question for you.”

  “And that is?” He bristled at her informal use of his name.

  “Are you immediate family?”

  “No. I…”

  “Are you part of the wedding party?”

  “No. I…”

  “Then I will have to ask you to leave. I will see you and the rest of our guests in a few minutes out in the gardens.”
  When he didn’t make a move to leave, she leaned close to him and said so low that I know Leigh couldn’t hear, “I’ve given into all of your demands, but I’m getting sick of you. If you would like for my husband and I to stay with the pack, you had better back off. Everyone else here can deny her all they want. I will not. She’s my sister, and she’ll be in my wedding photos. She has told me that after this weekend, she is done with our family for good, so you will let me have this or we will find another pack.”

  Martin jerked as if she had smacked him, but he nodded. I could tell the news about Leigh not returning pleased him.

  Leigh’s parents tried to look stoic at Danielle’s revelation about Leigh’s decision, but I could feel the sorrow and regret rolling off them. Leigh continued to look at her hands, at the stage, and not at the drama playing out behind us. I could feel the fear and defeat emanating from her. I couldn’t comfort her the way she needed, the way I yearned to do. My touching her the way I was had garnered some curious and unhappy stares from the rest of the pack still in the room who weren’t watching Danielle and Martin. I didn’t care what they thought, but I needed to make a better effort of controlling my emotions until I was away from the pack. They needed to think I was simply trying to be a good friend to Danielle and Dave. My attraction to Leigh, desire for her, could put her in danger.

  “Fine, Mrs. Carmichael, but this ends after this weekend, do you understand?”

  “Perfectly.” She spat the words at him.

  “I think you need to watch your tone from now on, Martin. Danielle is my wife, and I will ask that you be respectful,” Dave said.


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