Un-Hitched: A Camden Ranch Novel

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Un-Hitched: A Camden Ranch Novel Page 23

by Jillian Neal


  “Something my daddy always says. It means who gives a flying shit what anyone else thinks. This is our life. Fast. Slow. Somewhere in between. Shouldn’t matter to anyone but us.”

  “Yeah, but I do have some kind of a life two hours from here that I have to deal with, and there are several people there that are going to care because they think they know what’s best for me about everything. I tried to pretend they weren’t there and look where that got us. Your mom was right. I can’t wish that life away.”

  “Mama’s pretty much always right, but what’d she tell you exactly?”

  “Basically, that it was okay for me to take a break on the ranch and just pretend nothing existed outside of these gates,” she gestured to the Camden Ranch sign as they made their approach, “but that if I let life go on too long without me it can spin out of control.”

  “She hit the nail on the head with that one, didn’t she?”

  “I’ll figure out a way to get Dad to back off and to get rid of Seth. If it weren’t for his stupid car, I bet he wouldn’t even care.”

  “I got a feeling this ain’t gonna go down easy on any front.”

  “Yeah, I have that feeling, too.”

  As soon as they were in the vicinity of Grant’s front door, Kaitlyn scooted out of the truck and headed inside. Determination armored itself in her march, quelling just a little of her fear. Digging through her suitcases she located her phone. Her heart hammered in her chest. She had no idea what to say or what Seth would say. Somehow he always managed to make her think every issue they ever attempted to deal with was her fault. Not this time. She would get this formality over with so she could really make a commitment to Grant.

  Before she could make the call, he stood in front her commanding her attention. “You don’t have to call him, sugar. I’m pretty sure leaving him at the altar and writing your breakup note in the paint of his car let him know what you think of him.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to leave any room for error. He’s a dirty lawyer, Grant. I won’t give him any ammo to go after either of us with. I have to do this right. It’s the only way to convince my family that I know what I’m doing.”

  “Makes me fucking crazy to think about you talking to him. If he’s a douche, Katy Belle, I swear I’ll feed him his own sac for breakfast.”

  “He’s always a douche, but I still have to call him.”

  An annoyed grunt preceded Grant’s hand tangling in her hair and his tongue diving past her lips. This kiss was somehow more than all of the others had been. It was a claim of ownership. If he’d tattooed his cattle brand on her backside it couldn’t have been any clearer. She was his. It was a demonstration of how he always made love to her: hot, dominating, and all consuming.

  Being consumed was all she really wanted. Her body longed to melt into his and forget everything else she needed to do. His right hand cupped her breast through her shirt. His thumb centered over her nipple. A shiver shot through her, one of the things he’d said he loved.

  True to his word as always, a frustrated growl sounded from him when she eased out of his hands. “Don’t.”

  “I have to do this.”

  “Fine, but will you do something for me?”


  “Don’t fucking apologize for anything. He don’t deserve it.”

  “Sit down, cowboy, and let me do this my way, okay?”

  He obeyed with a huffy grunt this time. When she climbed in his lap with her phone, his scowl softened however.

  “When I’m on the phone, I have to use my one good ear so I may not be able to hear you if you talk to me,” she warned him.

  “Not making me hate this less, darlin’. If you’re hellbent on calling his sorry ass just get it over with.”

  “Impatient much?”

  “For you? Always.” He leaned forward and grabbed the notepad he’d written the coffee note on that morning.

  Willing a dose of courage to somehow be in the breath she inhaled, she turned the phone back on and cringed at the fifty-seven missed calls. There were sixteen texts from Seth. Every one of them was basically the same, all demands that she give him the engagement ring back. She touched Seth’s name on her contact list.

  “Six-hundred and fifty dollars to replace the hood of my car and that doesn’t include a new paint job,” was Seth’s greeting. “And what the hell is Josh talking about you being with some other guy? That’s low, Kaitlyn. I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

  Righteous indignation ignited in her blood. “Actually, I’m pretty sure you never had any idea who I was. And are you seriously not intelligent enough to see how insanely hypocritical you’re being right now? Just how long have you and Kelsey been in love, Seth?”

  Grant wrote ‘That’s my girl’ on the notepad and she couldn’t help but grin.

  “Kelsey has nothing to do with this.”

  “Actually, Kelsey has everything to do with this. I’m pretty sure she saved my life. I should really get her a gift.”

  “You are going to come home and explain your behavior to everyone. I was standing up at that ridiculous altar, Kaitlyn! Waiting on you. Looking like a complete fool. You ruined everything. If I lose my job over this, I’ll make you sorry.”

  “Of course, your car and your job. Nothing else matters. I never want to see you again. You will never order me around again. I’ll pay for your stupid car, and I hope you and Kelsey are very happy together. Other than that, you can go straight to hell.”

  Grant beamed.

  “When are you coming home?” Seth demanded.

  “We are done. You don’t get to ask me that. It’s none of your business anymore.”

  “Who are you with?”

  Kaitlyn ground her teeth. Grant gently ran his fingers through her hair, giving her some semblance of peace.

  “I asked you who you were with. Did you hear me? I want an answer.”

  “You don’t have to keep repeating yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time.”

  Grant’s low bass chuckle surrounded Kaitlyn. For a quick half-second, it soothed her.

  “Oh, so he’s there with you now. I somehow don’t think I was the only one who had someone on the side. I had to stand there in front of the mayor, in front of my boss, in front of the entire police force, in front of Mr. Holsten, the commissioners and council members, and in front of my father, Kaitlyn, when you decided to walk out on me and forget the life we were supposed to create. You’re the one who chose your side job over me. I won’t be the one going down for this disaster you created. Even your daddy won’t be able to save you this time.”

  “But I didn’t …”

  He ended the call. Something inside of her snapped. She was certain the sound had to have been audible. The force of it vibrated through her. The last tie to her life in Lincoln didn’t fray and unwind slowly. No. Seth’s threat severed it completely with a sharpened blade. No amount of mending would ever resurrect her the way she was. All she could do in that moment of realization was smile.

  “What didn’t you do, honey?” Grant’s soothing tenor brought oxygen back to her lungs.


  “You were about to tell him you didn’t do something.”

  “I didn’t cheat on him with you. He has to know that. He’s just being a jerk. He’s embarrassed. Seth is never more of an asshole than when someone has embarrassed him.” She shook her head. “Last year, we were at a party at the club. It was this thing for my dad’s thirty years of police service or whatever. My mom had been getting ready all day and then at the last minute refused to go. Dad was furious. I was a mess. But anyway, towards the end of the reception I noticed that Seth’s fly was down. I pointed it out discreetly, and he yelled at me for not noticing it earlier. He’d rather keel over than have the D.A. or the mayor think he’s less than perfect. He’s a ridiculous excuse for a man, and I don’t want to think about him anymore.”

  “Seems the fuck-whistle
is always struggling to keep his pants zipped. Suits me just fine for you not to think about him ever again. What would my girl like to think about instead?”

  Feeling the heady surge of new life course through her, she slid off of Grant’s lap to her knees on the floor.

  “I want to think about you.” Her voice trembled, but she set to work sliding her hands up his powerful thighs, feeling every rippled muscle tense as he realized what she was after. She traced an outline around his denim covered cock. “I want to think about doing something dirty … with you.”

  “I’m betting your definition of something dirty and mine are two very different things.”

  “Then tell me yours. Show me.”

  “That really what you want?”

  “More than anything.”

  A hungry growl rumbled from him. She swore the sound took up residence in the marrow of her bones. His gaze raked over her. Her pulse flew frantically. She licked her lips, keeping her gaze transfixed on his. She had no idea what would happen tomorrow, but right then she wanted to feel alive.

  “Fucking hell, you’re just too damn much,” he grunted. His right hand cupped her cheek, stroking her skin with his callused thumb. The friction set her on fire. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hungrily. His eyes were full of dark need and white hot fire.

  “Tell me what to do,” she begged.

  “Unbutton that shirt you got on. Nice and slow for me. Make me burn for you. Leave it hangin’ open.”

  Fumbling with the first button, she drew a steadying breath and tried to concentrate. Somehow she wanted more and less, faster and slower, to be fully at his mercy and to have him at hers. Her brain scrambled as he watched her attempt to sort through the onslaught of desires. “Take it easy, baby. I ain’t gonna do anything you don’t want. We’re gonna go nice and slow, but tonight, I’m making you all mine, my perfect little sweet, dirty girl.”

  His voice became her foundation. Grant Camden was the first person in her entire life that understood what she needed, what she wanted, every dirty thing she craved, every experience she longed to have. Somehow he understood every side of her and knew how to cater to each and every one of them.

  She was gonna kill him. Sweet innocence melting away before his very eyes, on her knees before him. He was a rat bastard for giving her orders and taking advantage, but she robbed him of any control he ever prayed to have. The words crawled up his throat and damming them back was as pointless as it was fruitless.

  “Nice and slow. That’s it. Show me,” he commanded as she revealed her body inch by agonizing inch. He burned with every button she loosed. Her plump cleavage peeked out of the lacey silk cups of the bra she was wearing. His eyes zeroed in on the front clasp with scope-honed precision.

  As she reached the last button on the shirt, he unhooked the closure. The weight of her heavy breasts eased the fabric aside, revealing the tender valley between her luscious tits.

  A possessive grunt she had to have heard flew from his lips. The silky lace hung on the tightened beads of her nipples, and he throbbed. Running his fingers under the fabric, he freed her flesh, forcing the garment to release her.

  That delicious little shiver she always gave him worked through her. It robbed him of breath momentarily. “Christ, you’re so fucking beautiful. Take them jeans off for me.”

  Her breasts hypnotized him with their rhythmic sway as she stood. His swore his cock burned so fierce for her it was going to set fire to his Wranglers, a fire his naughty little vixen was going to put out with her mouth.

  She shimmied out of the jeans and the black flats she’d worn to the bar. “Now turn around for me nice and slow. Let me look at you in them naughty little panties.” His eyes roved over the blue satin and lace thong that revealed far more than it covered. Her plump ass cheeks jiggled, begging to be gripped and spanked. He longed to turn them as pink as her pussy.

  “Fucking gorgeous. Them panties oughta be illegal.” She still didn’t believe him, but he was determined to prove it to her. Completing her turn, she gnawed on her lip. His eyes tracked from her face over the lush hills of her breasts, down the slope of her abdomen and landed on the wet patch of satin in her panties.

  Another growl thundered from his lungs. “Already wet for me. Such a good girl. You look like a walkin’ wet dream, peaches. Get back on your knees and undo my belt.” The flash of her eyes revealed a flicker of nerves, but she complied.

  The heat of her hands through the denim taunted his already aching cock. He gritted his teeth, ordering himself to take this slowly and enjoy it. Her palm covered his cock as she worked the buckle. He thrust against her touch.

  Unable to keep his hands off of her, he traced her face and neck as she worked. He longed to erase the fading bruise from her seatbelt, to replace it with a claim of ownership from his mouth.

  When the metal buckle sprung free, he arched his back. “Now take it off and hand it to me.”

  A quick gasping moan sprang from her lips. The leather strap slipped audibly from the fabric. He wondered if she could hear it.

  She folded the belt over and placed it in his hands. “Good girl. Now, undo my jeans.”

  She made quick work of the snap and then lowered the zipper slowly, like she was opening a Christmas package she wanted to relish. Perfection. Damned fucking perfection. “You see what you do to me? You see how fucking hard you make me?”

  A puddle of pre-cum from watching her undress darkened the cotton. Keeping her timid gaze locked on him, she licked her lips again. He gripped the leather in his hand, attempting to cling to his own sanity.

  “Pull them down and clean that up for me.”

  Tugging at the elastic band, she worked the briefs and his jeans down his legs. His cock sprang free, strung harder than a railroad spike. She spun that sweet little tongue on his abdomen, cleaning him while those red curls caressed his strain and her tits played at his inner thighs.

  “I love the way you taste. Salty and manly. Perfect.”

  Certain he was going to lose his mind, he growled out his next command. “Put your hands on me. Really touch me. You look at me like you ain’t ever seen a man before. Take what you want, then you’re gonna give me mine.”

  His eyes closed in ecstasy. His body shuddered as she set to work. Her fingertips traced the thick veins running the length of him. “Jesus, that feels so damn good.”

  “When I do this?” This time she spun her index finger around his thickness, working her way to his crown.

  He roared. His body demanded more.

  “Tell me what feels the best.”

  “You. Any damned thing you do feels like heaven, sugar. Good God. Put your hands around me. You’re killing me.”

  Letting her curiosity drive her, she did as she was told, placing one hand around him and then used the other to cup his sac.

  Her fingers teased at the thatch of hair at his base. Fire shot through his groin. And then she leaned down, her breath whispered over him, her tongue traced from his crown to his base, and then her lips connected with his sac with a suckling kiss.

  Rocketing up off of the couch, all sanity gone, the long fuse of patience he’d been trying to extend for her exploratory session scorched in a blaze. He tried not to frighten her, but he was too far gone to stop himself. Stepping around her, he panted for breath but only managed to bring the heat of her arousal to his lungs. “Put your hands behind your back, now.”

  “What are you doing?” She followed orders but stared up at him cautiously.

  “I don’t want nothing but your mouth on me. Hands just get in the way.” Making quick work of the belt, he looped it twice through the buckle, effectively snaring her arms behind her.

  “OhmyGodyes.” Her breaths dissolved into a string of indecipherable approval. Returning to his seated position, he tangled his fingers in her hair until he had a firm grip, then he guided her head to his strain.

  “Lick my head, get me nice and wet.”

  She spun her tongue ar
ound his engorged tip. The makeshift tie-up pushed her breasts forward. The soft flesh cradled his sac and her nipples scraped against his inner thighs, making him shudder in need. “I’m gonna fuck that sweet mouth, baby. You like how I taste? I’m gonna make you swallow it all.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered as she went back for more, leaving a wet sheen at his tip from her mouth.

  “Lick me up and down like you were doing with your fingers a minute ago.”

  His blood ran hot and thick with greed as she complied. Kissing and licking up and down his shaft, then spinning her tongue around his crown. “Jesus, that’s good. Take more. Take me deep.” He had no idea how long she might be able to hear his instructions. Her moans slipped through his veins, rendering him weak.

  “Suck me,” he growled. Her lips latched tight around his shaft drawing him in. He guided her head in rhythm, trying not to thrust and choke her.

  “Can you hear me, baby?” he managed through a desperate groan.

  She pulled her mouth away with a wet pop. He grunted his frustration. “I can hear you.” With a wicked smirk, she returned to her work.

  “Relax your throat muscles and milk me. Let me feel ‘em around my head. Take it all.”

  Again she complied immediately. His mind spun. His vision blurred. She was too much, too good. She sucked like a dream. He lost himself in the heat and soft suckles of her mouth. Gritting his teeth, he walked a knife’s edge of arousal. There was still so much he longed to do with her.

  She pulled away, needing a break. He watched her lick the pre-cum from her lips. Gasping for breath, he tightened his grip on her hair, keeping her from returning to his cock. “Let me fuck them titties, baby. Lean forward. Present them to me.”

  Her deep blue eyes burned indigo with lust, a lightning strike over a warm summer lake. Her belted hands lifted her breasts upward, she added to the effect by arching her back in a stunning presentation. Gently, he drew them together and slid his cock, wet from her mouth, up and down between their soft supple weight. “Jesus Christ,” he cursed. “So fucking good.”


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