A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel

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A Tale of the Other Kind: A Therian Novel Page 13

by Leandi Cameron

  Kai felt unnerved by her quick judgement. He couldn’t fathom how she could know who it was. Nobody knew. The police had questioned everyone, and they’d put him through a tough grilling.

  ‘I know this might sound a little crazy, but it makes so much sense. I was sitting here, thinking about it, and I couldn’t place my finger on who might have something against Allison. She was such a sweet person and I couldn’t think of anybody who could have this kind of hatred for her. Then, suddenly, I thought of one person.’

  ‘Okay, so who do you think it was?’

  ‘I think it was Astrid,’ Sienna said simply.

  ‘What?’ Kai asked, shocked.

  He tried to compose himself as a deep line furrowed his forehead. ‘No Sienna, it can’t be. She would never...’

  ‘Who else, Kai? She wanted me out of your life after all. It all makes sense now. She wanted to frame me. The way the cops were questioning me, it felt like they thought I had done it,’ she said, shaking her head.

  ‘Come on Sienna, they did that to all of us. It doesn’t mean that Astrid had anything to do with it.’

  ‘You know, they thought that I wanted to get Allison out of the way. They thought there was more between the two of you. But then, I thought about it, and it hit me – what if Astrid got rid of her as an added bonus?’ She said as she took his hand. ‘Kai, she is evil. She has powers that aren’t even human!’

  ‘Sienna, it wasn’t her. She wouldn’t do something like that,’ he said in her defence. ‘Besides, anything that might have been between me and Allison was years ago. She was just a good friend. I never felt the way she did and she accepted it.’

  ‘Why are you defending Astrid? She tried to kill me,’ she said, a shocked expression crossing her face. ‘She tried to kill me,’ she repeated slowly, ‘So why are you defending her?’

  ‘Because you don’t know her, Sienna, she isn’t who you think she is. She isn’t a bad person. Perhaps misguided in her ways, but she’s no human killer.’

  ‘Human killer? What? Does she kill animals then? You are not even making sense! How do you even claim to know this girl so well?’ she asked as panic set in.

  ‘I know her better than you do,’ he said, resigning to the fact that this conversation was heading into a direction that he feared wouldn’t end well.

  ‘Just get out. You’ve obviously made your choice,’ Sienna said, anger riddling her face.

  Kai shook his head, ‘It’s not like you think. Don’t do this Sienna.’

  ‘I trusted you and thought that you were being honest with me, but you obviously have some hang-ups with this girl and I do not want to be a part of it. So get ... the hell ... out of my house,’ she said, unable to meet his eyes.

  Reluctantly, Kai walked to the front door and gave Sienna one last glance, hoping that she would change her mind.

  But she didn’t.


  Kai could feel his soul screaming from the inside. Anger pounded at his chest as he raced down the road towards the forest. He parked his motorbike outside the cabin and marched straight into the dense greenery. His pain and anguish all came out at once as his clothes tore off his back and he changed shape.

  His nails violently clawed at the ground, but he couldn’t run fast enough to get away from this new demon that was hunting him. He knew that it was for the best, and perhaps now, Quinn would leave her alone. Maybe Sienna would be safe now that he wasn’t in her life anymore. He hated himself for being what he was.

  The harder he tried to run from his feelings, the worse the torment became. He didn’t know how to get away from who he was – who he had become. Breathless, he came to a halt next to the riverbank and stood up on his hind legs. A pain-ridden growl escaped him as he grabbed at a large tree and pulled it out right at its roots.

  He threw the tree across the river and it landed with a crashing thud. His heart was torn apart and he knew that he would never get over it. He would always carry this pain with him. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and he swiped at the intruder, causing her to fall face down on the ground.

  ‘Oh, Astrid, I’m so sorry,’ he said when he turned around and saw who he’d knocked down.

  ‘Hell kitty cat, you’re getting stronger. That was one mean smack you gave me there,’ she said as she wiped the ground off her face and clothes. Kai helped her up and sighed.

  ‘She left me you know,’ he muttered.

  ‘She what?’ Astrid asked.

  ‘She thinks you are a cold-blooded murderer and that I’m covering up for you.’

  ‘Why would she think that?’ she asked.

  ‘Because a friend of mine was murdered yesterday. She was ripped to pieces. It’s awful. Nobody knows how she was murdered,’ he added.

  ‘I didn’t do it. You know I...’

  ‘I know you didn’t, Astrid. I tried to explain that to her, but she thinks that because of what had happened between the two of you, that you’re capable of much worse.’

  ‘And you haven’t told her what was actually going on?’

  Kai shook his head, silently staring at the ground.

  ‘Yeah, well, that was a dumb move.’

  He abruptly looked over his shoulder when he heard something move deep in the forest, his ears prickling. ‘Did you hear that?’ he asked tensely.

  ‘No, what?’

  ‘There’s something in the forest. I can smell it. I’ve never smelt an odour so strong.’

  Before Astrid could say a word, he was off, running towards where the sound had come from. Trees flew past him and he hardly even tried to avoid the overhanging branches, breaking them down as he ran towards the odd smell.

  ‘Kai, wait!’ Astrid screamed after him, following hot on his heels. ‘Oh hell,’ she muttered.

  The smell was now unbearable. Its poignant stench felt like it could penetrate his skin. Soon enough, he came upon one of the most horrendous looking beast he had ever seen. ‘What the hell is that?’

  Astrid sighed and walked over to him. ‘That is Ogel. He’s friendly. Don’t hurt him,’ she said by way of explanation.

  ‘How could something so horrific be friendly?’ Kai asked, amazed as he stared at the humongous beast standing in front of him.

  ‘Hey, no fair. I ain’t horrific,’ Ogel said taken aback, grabbing his chest to emphasise how much Kai’s words offended him.

  ‘What are you?’ Kai asked, trying not to breathe through his nose because of the stench.

  ‘He’s a giant troll,’ Astrid explained.

  ‘A troll?’ Kai looked at Astrid.

  ‘No, a giant troll, not just a troll. He’s one of only a few still left in this world. Umm, for example, his mommy was a troll and his daddy a giant. Make any sense?’

  ‘Oh, wow,’ he said shaking his head as the words sunk in, ‘I can’t believe this. One day my life is dead normal and the next I’m in wonderland. This is all just too much.’

  Astrid touched his arm. ‘I know that all of this came very quickly and must be taking its toll on you, but Ogel here is a friend. He’s the only one who can help us.’

  Kai looked up at Ogel and sighed. ‘We don’t need your help anymore Ogel, but thanks for coming.’ He started walking away.

  ‘Kai wait, it isn’t over yet.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘She isn’t safe yet. And neither are you,’ Astrid whispered, distressed.

  ‘We broke up Astrid! They have no reason left to hurt her. They can do with me whatever they want. It’s over.’

  ‘Do you really think that your friend was murdered by a human, Kai?’

  ‘What? What do you mean?’

  ‘She was murdered as a message to you. They’re here. And they’ve arrived much quicker than I had expected. I’m sorry about your friend, but we need to continue with our efforts, or they’ll destroy you and everyone you care about.’

  ‘That’s why I’m here,’ Ogel said in a deep hungry voice.

  ‘How, Ogel? How are you goin
g to help, huh? Whatever is after us are killers. They are after me and Sienna and there is nothing we can do to stop them!’ Kai replied angrily.

  Ogel looked down at the ground and a tear dropped from one of his large eyes, rolling down the ground and starting a flowing river. He slowly wiped at his wrinkled face with his three-fingered hand.

  ‘Kai, please listen. Ogel isn’t just a large oaf like you make him out to be. He is exceptionally powerful. His kind are the only ones with the power to call the Umbrae Damnati,’ Astrid pleaded.

  ‘The what? What on earth are you talking about, Astrid?’

  Closing her eyes, she sighed and began: ‘Ogel’s kind has been around for much longer than any human or god has. Ogel is one of only a few giants left, or, rather, half-giant. His father was Ymir, the primordial giant who gave up his limbs to create the world that you and I now live on. He bore many children, created from his sweat. But then the gods were born, and Ymir’s children were all hunted down and killed.

  ‘After they were killed, Ymir gave his body to form the world. His blood is now the ocean, his tears are the rivers, his flesh the earth, his bones the mountains, his teeth became the rocks, his skull the sky and his hair and brain was used to create trees and the clouds. But before he did this, he gave life to one last child whom he ordered to strengthen its kind by mating with the trolls. Ogel is one of only a few still left. Because of their age, they carry many ancient secrets from the underworld and the realm of lost souls.

  ‘Ogel can conjure the Umbrae Damnati – these are the lost souls of all supernatural beings that have been slaughtered by Quinn for falling in love with humans. The Umbrae Damnati are powerful and they will mean much more for our side than just the three of us. They can help us.’

  ‘Okay, so, how do we reach them? Do we just say a spell or whatever and then they appear?’ Kai asked.

  ‘No, it’s much more than that. I don’t just look this ugly and smell this disgusting for no reason at all. To conjure the Umbrae Damnati I use my own energy, which depletes fast. As you can see, I look horrendously old even though I’m immortal.

  ‘Conjuring the Umbrae Damnati sucks the life-force out of me, depleting my energy. I have never tried to conjure so many Umbrae Damnati souls as we’ll need, but I’ll try my best,’ Ogel replied. His tears dried up and the river they created disappeared.

  ‘We can only do it once, though,’ Astrid warned.

  ‘We need to time the raising of the Umbrae Damnati perfectly because Ogel doesn’t have enough power to sustain them for too long or for more than once.

  ‘Every time he brings their life into being, he is their being and he dies a little bit every time they are called, which causes the smell.’

  ‘Ogel, are you sure you want to do this?’ Kai asked, worried about the implications their intentions might have for the large oaf.

  Ogel gave a happy grunt, ‘Oh yeah, I definitely do.’ He started dancing on one spot and clapping his hands, much to Kai’s curiosity. The big troll had a kind of magical, uplifting spirit despite his unusual looks and smell.

  His delight was a relief to Kai’s sombre mood and his strained expression dropped into a lopsided smile. ‘Well then, team, let’s get planning.’


  Soon enough, posters with a drawing of Astrid’s face were distributed all over town. On the other side of town, Kai got a glimpse of the pictures and was shocked at what had happened.

  How could they know about Astrid and why are they looking for her? He placed his hands on his heads as he thought of what this might mean. If they got caught, then there would be nobody to protect Sienna. She would be more exposed to Quinn than ever before.

  Kai knew they had to hide. It was the only way they could ensure that they’d be around to protect her from the evil that was coming. He took a deep breath and changed form as he entered the forest shortcut towards his house. Outside were five police cars, which prompted him to hide. He focussed his hearing and tried to listen to what was going on.

  He could see his mother standing on the porch of their house reeling with anxiety that her son had been dragged into all of this. He couldn’t even enter the deeper edges of the forest as it was crawling with uniformed police, armed with weapons, searching for Astrid. He knew he had to warn Astrid and Ogel, but he was reluctant to enter the forest in shape form – he knew the police would gun him down the moment they saw him. But before he could decide on his next move, he saw Astrid and Ogel approach him from the east. He could sense their panic.

  ‘We have to get out of here,’ Astrid said breathlessly.

  ‘They’re searching for me, and most probably you too.’

  ‘I know, your picture is plastered all over town offering a reward for any leads towards your arrests,’ he replied, unpleased by the turn of events.

  Astrid stomped her foot hard against the ground irritated by this news. ‘It’s that stupid girlfriend of yours,’ she said, pacing up and down.

  ‘What? Why would you think she had anything to do with this?’

  She shot him an exhausted look, too agitated to even try and explain why she was certain that Sienna had gone to the police.

  ‘Okay, well, let’s say you’re right. How do you suppose we get around them, then? They will only be an unnecessary distraction while we try and fend off the real enemy.’

  Astrid scratched at her head, deep in thought. ‘I don’t know,’ she finally replied.

  Suddenly, Kai saw Sienna arrive. His mother was standing on the front porch, looking shaken by the news that Kai might know something about Allison’s murder.

  ‘Kai doesn’t know anything about this,’ she shook her head.

  Kai felt helpless at that moment, knowing what this was doing to her. Kai stooped low behind a bush, trying to stay out of sight, but close enough so he could hear.

  ‘Mrs Emery!’ Sienna called, running quickly towards Kai’s mother.

  ‘Oh Sienna dear, what are you doing here?’

  ‘I, I’ve come to see Kai. I guess he isn’t here?’ she pried.

  ‘No dear, he isn’t. I haven’t seen him since yesterday. Do you have any idea why these men would think that my boy is involved in this murder?’ she asked, sounding distraught.

  Sienna looked at the ground. ‘It’s entirely my fault. I told them that his friend Astrid could be a suspect. I didn’t mean to...’ she stammered as tears fell from her eyes.

  ‘Wait? What do you mean? So, they don’t think he’s the murderer?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so, but they might be thinking that he knows something about it,’ she said as she grabbed Bethany’s hands.

  ‘You have to believe that I didn’t know that they were going to involve him in all of this. I’m so sorry,’ she said sobbing.

  ‘Oh dear Sienna, I know you didn’t,’ Bethany looked at her with pity and invited her into the house. Kai couldn’t stand there, knowing their anguish.

  ‘Come on, let’s go. No one will go after her while this place is crawling with cops. We need to hide, right now,’ Astrid said, softly touching Kai’s arm.

  He turned around with a defeated look on his face and nodded.

  They quickly ran as deep as they could into the woods, knowing well that the sun was to set soon and the forest would be too dark for them to catch them.


  ‘Damn it!’ a voice yelled. ‘Kai, where are you?’ Kai heard. ‘Sienna?’ he mumbled to himself, uncertain.

  ‘How could I have been so dumb,’ she said out loud.

  ‘Easy,’ came Astrid’s voice.

  Kai looked up from where he’d been hiding, stalking a small buck that he was preparing to catch for the three of them. He heard Sienna’s panicked voice and Astrid taunting her. Moving through the trees he could see Sienna jump a little and almost lost her balance on the rock, but quickly found her feet.

  ‘What? Why? What are you doing here?’ Sienna stuttered. ‘I’m not scared of you,’ she said, trying to steady her voice to sound a
s confident as possible.

  ‘Oh come on, Sienna, we both know you are pissing your pants,’ Astrid teased as she took a step closer. ‘I still can’t fathom why he is so besotted with you,’ she said snarling, revealing her fangs. Astrid let out an amused laugh, turned around and sat down on a large rock. ‘Don’t worry dear, your betrothed will be here soon,’ Astrid teased.

  ‘What have you done with him?’ Sienna yelled.

  ‘Oh, shut it. I haven’t done anything to him. You know, you are so annoying,’ Astrid replied, rolling her eyes.

  ‘And you are a despicable human-being and you deserve to be locked up!’ Sienna yelled with rage.

  ‘Human-being?’ Astrid laughed loudly, ‘I’m not a human little girl. Are you blind?’ Astrid flashed her teeth. ‘I’m a vampire dear girl. I drink blood for a living,’ she teased in a darkening voice. ‘Would you care to be my meal for the evening?’

  ‘Astrid, stop it!’ came Kai’s stern voice from the edge of the forest.

  Sienna looked relieved that he was there but her eyes grew wide when she saw Ogel approaching behind him.

  Kai swiftly moved across the ground to where she was standing. ‘Don’t be scared. Look at me,’ he said, taking her face into his hands. ‘They’re not going to hurt you. I promise you,’ he said softly, trying to convince her to remain calm. He motioned towards Ogel and introduced him. 'This is my friend Ogel,' he pointed at the beast.

  ‘Ma’am,’ Ogel said, bowing respectfully.

  ‘And Astrid here is just trying to upset you, because she is mean,’ Kai said, staring at Astrid, displeased with her behaviour.

  She rolled her eyes, ‘I’m sorry,’ she replied sarcastically.

  ‘Kai, why are you friends with her? She is dangerous! And what is that … that thing,’ she said, lifting a finger towards Ogel.

  Kai breathed in deeply and, before he knew it, he was telling her the entire story from beginning to end, including the horror that the master of the underworld was looking to kill them both for being in love.

  ‘So, you are trying to protect me?’ she asked Kai.

  ‘Yes, I am, and I always will. I told you before that I will not let anything happen to you,’ he said, stroking her face.


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