Promises, Promises

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Promises, Promises Page 6

by Baker, Janice

  “I know, I know.” I exhaled.

  “No, we’re not done! I want to hear this shit! Like what kind of punishment? Was he like spanking and whipping you and shit?” Clark was animated as he said that and smiling huge.

  I swallowed and whispered, “I need to use the bathroom.” I got up and practically ran to the bathroom.

  I spent about five minutes in there before Melanie came in. She knocked on the stall and called out “Iz?”

  “Yeah,” I reluctantly responded.

  I peeked my head out. Melanie looked at me with such compassion in her eyes. I didn’t know what to say.

  So she began, “What kind of punishments are we talking here?”

  I swallowed, eyeing her to gauge her expression, when I blurted, “Sexual.”

  Melanie gasped. “Like rape?” She asked me furiously with tears in her eyes.

  “No, not like that.” I corrected her. I looked her in the eyes and blanched, “BDSM type of stuff.”

  “Holy mother fucking of all shit!” Melanie screamed out blinking several times. Then she glanced away. “Why…would you stay that long with him?” After a long pause it suddenly dawned on her, “Oh my God! You were hoping he’d fall in love with you, weren’t you?”

  I swallowed hard and my tears started to fall. “HE made sure to get his point across that HE would never love me. That’s why I left.” It felt good to finally tell her something. At some point I would tell her the whole story. But for now, this would have to do. “Can we not do this right now? I...I really don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  Melanie blinked. “Okay, but eventually we’re going to talk about this.” I nodded in agreement. I wiped my eyes and we went back out to Clark who was hitting on a girl at the bar.

  We ordered another round and watched the game for a while. Before we knew it, Clark stood up, and winked at us. “I’ll see you guys later.” He followed the girl with his hand on the small of her back, as he walked her through the door. I was amazed at how quickly he was able to pick up a girl, on a Sunday, no less. That boy has game! Melanie started giggling about it.

  “I can’t believe he was that quick getting her!” I was still laughing and in shock.

  Melanie laughed, “Must be that Clark Kent thing he’s got going on!”

  “I wonder if he’s really ‘Faster than a speeding bullet’!” I said, laughing hysterically.

  Melanie was about to cry, laughing so hard. “He leaps tall blondes in a single bound!”

  We were laughing pretty hard when two guys, pretty good looking actually, came up in between us. “What are you two ladies laughing about?” One asked as he gave a sly smile. He was really cute. Tall, dark and handsome type.

  Melanie eyed me with that question in her eyes, like we used to do in college, trying to signal each other if guys were cute enough to talk to. I smirked and nodded my head yes. They were definitely adorable. Melanie turned back to the guy closest to her and brushed her hair off her shoulder, smiling her best smile. “We were just laughing about our friend who can get a chick in the sack faster than Superman.”

  Both guys blinked for a second, shocked by what she said, then one near me put his arm behind me onto the bar and said, “Well, he must not respect a woman very much if he does that. Most women, women like you two, probably require a bit more finesse.” Oh God. That was his line? Couldn’t he do any better? I just giggled and looked at Melanie.

  “I’d like to see what your version of finesse is.” Melanie said tugging on “her” guy’s shirt. They turned to each other and started talking.

  “My” guy looked at me with a shy smile and asked what I was drinking. I told him and we started to have a nice chat while he ordered another beer for me. I wasn’t really feeling like flirting at first, but we were really having a nice conversation and I felt my fun side coming back.

  After chatting for a little while, I glanced over his shoulder and something caught my eye. “Oh shit,” I whispered.

  I must have looked like I saw a ghost because Melanie immediately noticed my look and asked, “What’s wrong Izzy?”

  I leaned over and whispered to Melanie, “That guy, the one in the corner over there, I swear I saw him earlier on my walk today.”

  Melanie inconspicuously glanced over her shoulder and asked, “Do you think he’s following you?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I responded, feeling a little worried.

  “We better get out of here. We’ll see if he follows us.” She stood up and turned back towards the guys. “I’m sorry guys, we have to get going, but it was great chatting with you.” “Her” guy whipped out his business card and handed it to her. She reached into her purse and handed one of her business cards to him.

  Mine handed me his, but of course I didn’t have a card, nor was I really in the mood for trying to remember my new number. “Thanks. I’ll call you soon.” I said, but wasn’t sure if I really was going to. I was too flustered to care.

  We practically ran out of the bar and headed toward home. We kept glancing back, but no one was following us. I must have just imagined it…again. “I’m sorry,” I said to Melanie feeling silly. “I must have just been freaking out or something.”

  “It’s all right. I get it. He messed with your head for too long,” Melanie said. “So, besides feeling like someone’s following you, how are you doing?”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m fine, I guess. I think I just needed to get back into something normal. Bartending is really helping. I missed that atmosphere of being around tons of people and watching them interact with each other.

  When I was with HIM, I mostly worked out or was in different social situation with boring snobs. The only normal thing I really did was play pool daily at HIS penthouse.” I didn’t feel like adding in what my nights consisted of.

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Melanie said as she hugged me. “Because I really love having you back in my life.”

  “Me, too.” I smiled, hugging her back thinking to myself how much I’ve missed her and especially our ‘girl’ time. For two years I basically didn’t have anyone to talk to, except HIM.

  We continued walking towards the townhouse and I decided to ask about her relationship with Flynn. “So, what’s really going on with you and Flynn?”

  “What do you mean?” Melanie scrunched up her eyebrows but a smirk crept over her mouth.

  “Oh, come on! You can’t hide that from me! You are so into him!” I raised my voice while giggling.

  She groaned and threw her head back dramatically. “Alright. So, uh, we’ve always had this crazy flirtation thing going on. Well, a couple weeks ago, we were at the bar and he was sitting and I was in between his legs and we were, well, getting pretty close to kissing. We were doing that whole teasing thing and touching each other. Then I ran to the bathroom. I didn’t think I was gone too long, but when I came back there were two girls hanging all over him.” She paused and shook her head. “So, I didn’t get mad, or tried not to appear mad, I mean we weren’t together or anything. Sandy gave me a drink and then I felt this guy’s arm across my shoulder. I looked up and it was Bill, my boss.” She paused, giving a small eye roll and a small smile. “We, ugh, we had slept together after the holiday party; it was months ago. We never talked about it and at work we’re always professional.” Then she took a deep breath. “Well, at the bar he started whispering in my ear sweet things and we were joking around about things at work, but he always had his hand on me somehow, like, either around my shoulders or on the small of my back.”

  “Wow!” I exclaimed, slightly shocked about her boss. “But what about Flynn? Or were you trying to make him jealous?”

  “No! I really wasn’t trying to do that. But I did glance over and the girls were all over him and he gave me a couple of looks like he was pissed, but he didn’t do anything to come over or get rid of the girls. So I just figured that’s what he wants and he doesn’t want me.” She took a deep sad breath. “Anyway, it was
getting late and Bill asked if he could walk me home…and…I let him.”

  “Ohhhh, so, Flynn saw you leaving the bar with him and now thinks you guys are together?”

  “Probably, I mean, I tried to make sure he knew nothing happened that night. Bill walked me to the door and leaned in for a kiss, but I turned my head and let him kiss my cheek. That’s about all that happened. I went in and fixed a drink for myself waiting for Flynn. I was in the kitchen…by myself,” she stressed, “and…he and Clark came home. He kept glancing around, so I told him Bill went home. He shook his head, but gave me this weird pissed off look. My phone chimed a text. He glanced over at it, made some weird grunting noise, and then went up to bed. He seemed pretty ticked off.”

  “What did the text say?” I asked slowly.

  “Umm. It said ‘I can’t stop thinking about the Christmas party and you.’”

  “Does Flynn know you slept with him?”

  She took a deep breath and cringed. “Yeah…we were drunk one night and we were talking about one night stands. It was a huge mistake telling him. We had a nice flirtation going on, but ever since then it’s like every time something happens to remind him of Bill, he becomes an ass. I don’t know how to change it or if I even can.”

  “You should just throw yourself at him one night!” I was teasing her – but kind of serious when I said that.

  “Oh, I can’t do that! What if he pushes me away like Brad did to you?” She asked, her eyes as wide as saucers.

  Shocked that she could possibly know about that, I tried to keep my face calm. “What are you talking about?”

  Melanie smirked and waved her arm at me dismissively. “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about! I know all about you making a pass at Brad and he turned you down.”

  “How did you know about that?” I asked her worriedly.

  I had never told her about that night after I had hustled a guy playing pool. Most guys took a look at Brad standing in the corner and would leave the table and deal with their loss. Some weren’t so willing to walk away from their money or being beaten by a girl.

  One night in particular, I hustled a considerably large sized guy. Brad watched from the corner drinking his beer like he usually did. The guy began to yell at me when I tried to shrug off his accusations. He grabbed me by my neck and bent me backwards onto the table, saying he would like to take his payment another way. Then he reached his hand down my thigh, squeezing hard while kissing me roughly.

  Brad had come to my rescue, as always, and grabbed the guy. This started a huge big brawl that had to be broken up by the police. Brad wasn’t arrested and I didn’t press charges on the guy. Later, walking home that night, I thanked him with several hugs and then attempted to kiss him. He had pulled back and told me that he’s always thought of me as a sister, nothing more. Our relationship was pretty strained after that. Not too long after making a pass at him, he met Missy and we grew further apart.

  Melanie watched me with a sad expression, knowing she interrupted the replay of that in my head. “Brad told me one drunken night.” She paused for a second looking up to the sky trying to remember. “I think it was that night you were puking your guts out and we were worried we’d have to take you to the hospital. You know, the night we decided it would be fun to see how many Alabama Slammers we could do? Nasty sticky crap. Mack was taking his turn holding your hair and Brad and I were talking outside the door. He was pretty worried about you. Hmm, I really have no idea how you kissing him came up.” She was thinking pretty hard to recall it.

  “You guys were talking about me kissing him and him turning me down when I was puking my guts out?” I asked incredulously, just as we started up the stairs to the townhouse.

  “Yeah,” She stated plainly, as we walked in the door.

  “How embarrassing that he would even talk about it to…anyone!” I heaved a heavy sigh.

  “Well, now you can understand why I wouldn’t try the same thing.” She glared at me, whispering as she said it, because now we were inside and Flynn was nearby in the kitchen.

  “Fine. I get it. Point made.” I huffed and walked into the kitchen.

  Flynn was in the kitchen making a sandwich when we walked in. He smiled at both of us and asked, “How was Spike’s?”

  We both replied at the same time. “Fine.” Flynn eyed us both as if we were fighting and said, “That good, huh? Where’s Clark?”

  Melanie rolled her eyes. “What do you think? He picked up a blonde within the first five minutes of walking in there!”

  “Wow, he is getting faster…faster than a speeding bullet!” He laughed at his own joke. We rolled our eyes at the fact we already made that same joke.

  “I’m gonna head up to bed, guys. Have a good night.” I turned and went up the stairs. They both replied “Night.”

  I overheard them chat about Z and about the “situation” and I was sure they didn’t know I could hear them. They talked about some block party in two weeks and that Clark wasn’t going. They joked about Clark not wanting to be around babies or holding them or something along those lines. Oddly enough, I fell asleep thinking about Superman and how he would rescue a baby if he were afraid of one.


  The next day was Monday and everyone went to work, except me since the bar was closed Sundays and Mondays. I went for another long run and then decided I would cook dinner for everyone.

  I picked out a nice roast and a few other things. I thought maybe a nice home cooked meal was something everyone might enjoy. I turned on some great music, grabbed a beer and began to cook, peel potatoes, steam veggies and make a yummy torte for dessert.

  One by one they came home from work, enjoying the smell from my cooking. Clark added that it was going to be great having a woman in the kitchen and joked, “just make sure you don’t get pregnant!” Great. Thanks.

  Melanie tried to call Z to see if he wanted to join us for a home cooked meal, but he said he’d rather stay home and hang out. I guess he wanted to wallow some more. Poor guy. I couldn’t blame him – knowing it had to feel horrible to walk in on Sheila with some guy.

  We sat down and enjoyed dinner. It really did taste pretty good, if I may say so myself. We had great conversation talking about Flynn, Z and Clark’s college days. It turns out that’s where Flynn and Z met Clark.

  Everyone thanked me and complimented my cooking. We all cleaned up together, laughing and joking. I was glad I decided to cook. I think they were too. I really think I’m going to enjoy living here in my new life.

  Chapter 6


  It was already Tuesday. I had spent most of Sunday and yesterday at home wallowing in self-pity. Melanie had called telling me Izzy cooked some gourmet meal and invited me over. I didn’t feel like listening to everyone chatting like everything was fine and happy. I felt like Jack Daniels knew how to make me feel better. He did. Well sort of. Except for another hangover I was feeling. I figured being in the office going over books and orders might snap me out of feeling so crappy.

  My phone chimed a text from Mel.

  Hangin’ in there? You missed a great dinner. Iz is a great cook. We missed you.

  I responded: All well. Jack helped me get some much needed sleep.

  She knew what I meant. No response returned. I heard the staff start coming in, joking around with each other and setting up. Glad they were a good group that could handle opening without me watching over them.

  A couple hours passed and it was getting busier out there. Busy for a Tuesday night, at least. I stayed in my office. I didn’t feel like going out and talking to anyone.

  My phone rang again. Fuck. It’s the whore. Why is she calling me? I let it go to voicemail. Then it rang again and I glanced at the gorgeous picture I had added to her contact when we first started dating. I picked up the horrible phone, pissed off that it was letting HER call me. “FUCKING WHORE!” I screamed and threw the phone, which hit the side of the door frame and shattered. At the same time,
Izzy stepped into the doorway, ducking as she heard it hit the frame. “Whew! Some arm you’ve got there! Glad I’m not a fucking whore,” she smirked.

  “Uhhh, I’m sorry. I …” didn’t know what else to say.

  “No worries. I was just coming to see if you were alright. We haven’t seen you out there all night and usually you’re micromanaging,” Izzy teased with a sweet smile. As hot as she was, I just didn’t feel like dealing with another female.

  “Yeah, no, I just have a ton of work to do.” I scowled back at the computer trying to ignore her.

  “Melanie told me what happened. I’m really sorry. If you need a shoulder, I’ve got one too, ya know?” I glanced back at her and noticed again she had that sweet smile and her eyes sparked this time.

  “No, thank you…I don’t want to talk about anything, especially with another chick!” I huffed when I said that, pissed off at all women for being fucking whores.

  She nodded her head and smiled. “I get it.” Great, now I felt shitty. Fuck it. I didn’t really care anymore. I picked up my keys and headed out of my office, brushing past her. I nodded at Mark and yelled, “You’re in charge. Lock up at closing,” and walked out. I had no idea where I was going, but I had my bike and I needed to clear my head.

  The next day, I pretty much did the same exact thing, minus the phone throwing and screaming about “fucking whores.” I didn’t have a phone now and didn’t care. I stayed in my office the entire night. Izzy came by again to check on me and I pretty much said the same thing to her. I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want to deal with anything. I left around the same time as I did yesterday. Again, I was glad Mark could handle things.

  Finally by Thursday, I felt like I could talk to people, or rather women, without cursing them and calling them “fucking whores.” It also seemed like all the women for “Ladies Night” knew I was single, because they kept gathering around me, telling me how they could take care of me and would treat me better. I was pretty sure a one night stand would at least help part of my mood – until I looked up and saw two guys practically hanging over the bar chatting up Izzy. Why did that bother me so badly? It felt like a knife in my heart twisting around. I tried to ignore it, but figured I’d step over and see just how bad they were trying to get in her panties. She usually kept her hair back in a sweet pony tail, but today she had it down. It was gorgeous hanging down, dangling in her cleavage, making sure to bring your eyes down there. Fuck.


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