James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing [1]

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James Potter and the Hall of Elders' Crossing [1] Page 15

by G. Norman Lippert

  McGonagall turned and opened a door without breaking stride. James found himself entering a large room full of couches and chairs, small tables and bookshelves, all arranged haphazardly around an enormous marble fireplace. And there, standing to greet him with a crooked smile was his dad. James grinned and ran past McGonagall.

  “James,” Harry Potter said delightedly, pulling the boy into a rough hug and ruffling his hair. “My boy. I’m so glad to see you, son. How’s school?”

  James shrugged, smiling happily but feeling suddenly shy. There were several other people present he didn’t recognize, all of them looking at him as he stood with his father. “You all know my boy, James,” Harry said, squeezing James’ shoulder. “James, these are some representatives from the Ministry who’ve come along with me. You remember Titus Hardcastle, don’t you? And this is Mr. Recreant and Miss Sacarhina. They both work for the Department of Ambassadorial Relations.”

  James shook hands dutifully. He did remember Titus Hardcastle when he looked at him, although he hadn’t seen him for a long time. Hardcastle, one of his dad’s head Aurors, was squat and thick, with a square head and very tough, weathered features. Mr. Recreant was tall and thin, dressed rather fussily in pinstriped robes and a black derby. His handshake was quick and loose, rather like holding a dead starfish. Miss Sacarhina, however, didn’t shake hands. She smiled hugely at James and squatted down to his level, examining him up and down.

  “I see so much of your parents in you, young man,” she said, tilting her head and affecting a conspiratorial manner. “Such promise and potential. I do hope you’ll be joining us for the evening.” In answer, James looked up at his dad. Harry smiled and put both hands on James’ shoulders. “We’re having dinner tonight with the Alma Alerons. Do you want to come along? Apparently, we’re having true American food, which could mean anything from hamburgers to, well, cheeseburgers, as far as I can guess.”

  “Sure!” James said, smiling. Harry Potter smiled back and winked. “But first,” he said, addressing the rest of the group, “we’ll be joining our friends from Alma Aleron for a look at some of their proprietary magic. We’re due to meet them in the next ten minutes, and I’ve asked a few others to join us as well. Shall we?”

  “I’ll not be joining you, I’m afraid,” McGonagall said briskly. “It appears that I will need to be keeping a close tab on certain elements of the student populace during your tour, Mr. Potter. I apologize.” “Understood, Minerva,” Harry said. It always sounded strange to James that his dad called the Headmistress by her first name, but she seemed to expect it from him. “Do what you have must, but don’t worry about squashing every little outburst. It’s hardly worth the effort.”

  “I’m not sure I agree with you about that, Harry, but I expect I’d not be able to maintain perfect order regardless. I shall see you this evening, then.” With that, the Headmistress turned and left the room brusquely, still fuming.

  “Shall we, then?” Miss Sacarhina inquired. The group began to move toward a door on the opposite side of the room. As they walked, Harry bent toward his son and whispered. “I’m glad you’ll be coming along tonight. Sacarhina and Recreant aren’t exactly the most pleasant travelling companions, but Percy insisted I bring them. I’m afraid this whole affair’s gone all political.”

  James nodded wisely, not knowing what that meant, but happy to be invited into his dad’s confidence, as always. “So how’d you travel?”

  “Floo Network,” Harry answered. “Didn’t want to make any more visible entry than necessary. Minerva warned us about the demonstration the P.E. types were planning.”

  It took James a moment to realize his dad was talking about the Progressive Element. “She knows about those guys?” he asked, surprised.

  His dad put a finger to his lips, nodding slightly toward Sacarhina and Recreant, who were ahead of them, talking in low voices as they walked. “Later,” Harry mouthed. After a few turns, Mr. Recreant opened a large door and stepped out into sunlight, the rest following. They descended a broad stone stairway which led down to a grassy area bordered by the Forbidden Forest on one side and a low stone wall on the other. Neville Longbottom and Professor Slughorn were standing near the wall, talking. They both looked up as the group approached.

  “Hi, Harry!” Neville said, grinning and coming forward to meet him. “Thanks for inviting me and Horace along for this. I’ve been curious about it ever since the Americans got here.” “Harry Potter, as I live and breathe,” Slughorn said warmly, taking Harry’s hand in both of his. “Very good of you indeed to ask us to come. You know I’m always interested in new developments in the international magical community.”

  Harry led the group to a gate in the stone wall. It opened onto a neat flagstone path that meandered toward the lake. “Don’t thank me, either of you. I only brought the both of you along so that you could ask all the smart questions and make sense of what they show us.”

  Slughorn laughed indulgently, but Neville only smiled. James figured that his dad was probably telling at least part of the truth, and only Neville knew it. The group approached a large canvas tent that was pitched on a low rise overlooking the water. An American flag hung limp on one of the tent’s poles, over a flag emblazoned with the Alma Aleron crest. A pair of American students stood talking nearby. One of the students saw the group and acknowledged them with a slight nod. He called toward the tent. “Professor Franklyn?”

  After a moment, Franklyn emerged from the side of the tent, wiping his hands on a large cloth. “Ah! Greetings, visitors,” he said graciously. “Thank you so much for coming.”

  Harry shook Franklyn’s outstretched hand. It was apparent that they had already met earlier and arranged this gathering. Harry turned and made introductions all around, finishing with James.

  “Of course, of course,” Franklyn said, beaming at James. “Young Mr. Potter is in my class. How are you today, James?”

  “Good, sir,” James answered, smiling. “As you should be, on such a fine day,” Franklyn said seriously, nodding approvingly. “And now that the pleasantries have been seen to, do follow me, my friends. Harry, you were interested in seeing the means by which we care for our vehicles, is that right?”

  “Very much so,” Harry said. “I wasn’t here to see your arrival, of course, but I heard all about your interesting flying vehicles. I am very eager to see them, as well as your storage facility. I have heard quite a lot of speculation about it, although I admit I understand very little of it.”

  “Our Trans-Dimensional Garage, yes. Virtually none of us understands very much about it, I am afraid,” Franklyn said dubiously. “In fact, if it were not for our technomancy expert, Theodore Jackson, none of us would have the slightest idea how to maintain it. Speaking of whom, he sends his apologies for not being able to be here for the tour. He will be joining us this evening and will be happy to discuss it with you then, should you have any questions for him.”

  “As I’m sure we will,” Titus Hardcastle said in his low, gravelly voice. James followed his dad around to the open side of the tent and nearly tripped over his own feet when he looked inside. The tent was quite large, with complicated wooden struts and frameworks supporting it. All three of the Alma Aleron flying vehicles were parked inside it, leaving enough room for neat arrangements of tool chests, maintenance equipment, extra parts, and several men in work clothes who moved among the vehicles busily. The strangest thing about the tent, however, was that the back was missing. Where James was sure he should have seen the hanging canvas wall he had seen from the outside, there was simply open air, looking out onto a view that was definitely not any view of the Hogwarts grounds. Neat, red brick buildings and huge, horny trees could be seen in the distance beyond the tent’s missing back wall. Even stranger, the lighting of the scene was completely different than the bright noon sunlight of the Hogwarts grounds. On the other side of the tent, the scene was lit with a pale pink light, the huge, fluffy clouds in the distance tinged with gold. The tree
s and grass seemed to sparkle, as if covered in morning dew. One of the workmen nodded at Franklyn, then turned and walked out into the strange scene, brushing his hands on his overalls.

  “Welcome to one of the worlds few trans-dimensional structures,” Franklyn said, gesturing proudly. “Our Garage, which simultaneously stands both here, in temporary residence on the grounds of Hogwarts castle, and in its permanent location in the east quadrangle of Alma Aleron University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.”

  “Great Ghost of Golgamethe,” Slughorn said, stepping forward slowly. “I’ve read of such things, but never thought I’d live to see one. Is this a naturally occurring temporal anomaly? Or is this orchestrated via Quantum Transference Charms?”

  “That’s why I invited you, Professor,” Harry said, smiling and examining the interior of the tent. “The former,” Franklyn said, stepping between the Dodge Hornet and the Volkswagen Beetle to make room for the group. “This is one of only three known dimensional plurality bubbles. What that means, I am told, is that this tent exists within a dimensional bridge, allowing it to span two places simultaneously. Thus, we can see on one side the noontime grounds of Hogwarts,” he gestured out the open side of the tent through which they had entered, “what you might think of as our side of the transdimensional bubble. And on the other side,” he spread a hand toward the dim landscape seen magically through the rear of the tent, “the dawn-time quadrangle of Alma Aleron University, the other side of the bubble. Meet Mr. Peter Graham, our head mechanic.”

  A man straightened up from the open hood of the Stutz Dragonfly. He smiled and waved. “Good to meet you lady and gentlemen. So to speak.”

  “Likewise,” Neville, who was closest, said a bit faintly. “Mr. Graham and his men are all in the American half of the bubble,” Franklyn explained. “Seeing as they are specifically trained to work on our fleet, we find it best to let them handle the care and maintenance even while we travel. As you may guess, however, they are not, technically, here.” To illustrate, Franklyn reached toward one of the workmen who was squatted near the Hornet. Franklyn’s hand swept through the man as if he were smoke. The man seemed not to have noticed.

  “So,” Harry said, frowning slightly, “they can hear us, and see us, and we can see and hear them as well, but they are still there, in America, and we are still here, at Hogwarts. Therefore, we cannot touch them?”

  “Precisely,” Franklyn said.

  James spoke up. “Then how is it we can touch the cars and so can your mechanics in the States?”

  “Excellent question, my boy,” Slughorn said, patting James on the back. “It is indeed,” Franklyn agreed. “And that is where things get a bit, er, quantum. The simple answer is that these cars, unlike us, are multi-dimensional. You’ve all heard, I expect, the theory that there are more dimensions beyond the four we are familiar with, yes?”

  There were nods. James hadn’t heard of any such theory, but he thought he understood the idea nonetheless. Franklyn went on. “The theory states that there are extra dimensions, unknowable by any of our senses, but just as real. Effectively, Professor Jackson has created a spell that enables these vehicles to tap into those dimensions, allowing them to exist simultaneously in two places anytime they are inside the walls of this Garage. While they are parked here, they cross the dimensional bubble and exist in both places at once.”

  “Remarkable,” Slughorn said, running his hand along the fender of the Hornet. “So, effectively, your crew can service the vehicles regardless of where they travel, and you are afforded a view of home, even if you cannot access it.”

  “Very true,” agreed Franklyn. “It is indeed both a great convenience and a touch of comfort.”

  Neville was interested in the cars themselves. “Are they actual mechanized creatures or are they charmed machines?” James lost interest as Franklyn launched into a detailed explanation of the winged cars. Walking over to the other side of the tent, he looked out into the grounds of the American school. The sun had just peeked over the roof of the red brick building nearby, casting its rose-colored light onto a clock tower. It was just after six in the morning there. How utterly strange and wonderful, James thought. Tentatively, he reached out his hand, curious to see if he could feel the coolness of the morning air in that other place. He felt a strange, numbing feeling in his fingertips, and then they brushed unseen canvas. Sure enough, he couldn’t pass through or even feel the air of the place.

  “Too bad you can’t come on over, friend,” a voice said. James looked up. The head mechanic was leaning against the fender of the Beetle, smiling. “It’s almost breakfast and today’s mushroom omelet day.” James grinned. “Sounds good. It’s lunchtime, here.” “Professor Franklyn,” James heard Mr. Recreant’s voice say rather loudly, “how does this, er, structure comply with the International Magical Coalition’s ban on unproven or dark magic? Being virtually

  one of a kind, it would seem difficult to establish much of a safety record.” “Ah, too true,” Franklyn agreed, looking steadily at Mr. Recreant. “We have been fortunate enough not to have experienced any problems so far, thus we have gone more or less unnoticed by the Coalition. In any case, it would be difficult to prove the threat of any danger. Even a total failure of Professor Jackson’s trans-dimensional spellwork would mean, at worst, that we’d have to take a taxi home instead of our beloved cars.”

  “Excuse me,” Miss Sacarhina interjected, affecting a rather plastic smile. “A what?”

  “I’m sorry, Miss,” Franklyn said. “A cab. A rented Muggle vehicle. I was being somewhat ridiculous, of course.”

  Sacarhina cinched her smile a notch tighter. “Ah. Yes, of course. I tend to forget the American wizard’s fascination with Muggle machinery. I cannot imagine how it slipped my notice.” Franklyn seemed oblivious to her sarcasm. “Well, I won’t speak for my compatriots, but I admit I do enjoy tinkering. Part of my appreciation for the Garage is that it allows me to oversee the maintenance of my fleet. I never get tired of figuring out how things work, and trying to make them work just a little bit better.”

  “Mm-hmm,” Sacarhina nodded primly, glancing around at the cars. One of the mechanics touched a wire under the hood of the Stutz Dragonfly and there was a spurt of blue sparks. With a squeak and a jerk, the long wings of the car unfolded, beating the air several times before screeching to a halt again. Neville had had to duck backward to avoid being pummeled by them.

  “Good reflexes, Neville,” Harry said. “That was almost a case of ‘fly swats man’.”

  Neville glanced at Harry and saw the suppressed smile. Hardcastle cleared his throat. “We should be moving along, ma’am, gentlemen.”

  “Of course,” Harry agreed. “Mr. Franklyn.”

  Franklyn raised a hand. “I insist you call me Ben. I’m three hundred years old, give or take, and being called ‘mister’ just reminds me of that. Will you indulge me?”

  Harry grinned. “Of course, Ben. I look forward to seeing you at dinner tonight. Thank you very much for showing us your remarkable Garage.” “A pleasure,” Franklyn said, beaming proudly. “I’ve got a very interesting thought-powered printing press back home I’d love to show you when you come to visit us in the States. I’d even show you the bell I helped cast back during the birth of our country, but the blasted thing’s broken and they won’t let me fix it.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Graham, the mechanic, called after them. “Or he’ll have you believing he forged the copper for the Statue of Liberty.” There was laughter from the rest of the crew. Franklyn grimaced, and then waved Harry and the group on. “Tonight, my friends. Bring your appetite. And perhaps a competent Freezing Charm. I understand that Madame Delacroix is overseeing the gumbo.”

  6.Harry’s MidnightMeeting

  James hurried back to the Gryffindor common room after classes, shrugging out of his school robes as he ran up the steps. He changed into a jacket and an evening cloak, matted his hair down with water from the basin, frowned criticall
y at himself in the mirror, and then ran back down the steps two at a time to meet his dad.

  Harry was waiting with Neville by the portrait of Sir Cadogan. “A spirited tussle it was,” Cadogan was saying, leaning nonchalantly against the frame of his painting and waving his sword illustratively. He was talking to Neville, who looked extremely uncomfortable. “I saw the whole thing of course. Took place right there. Bollox Humphreys was his name, and he fought like a man possessed. Lost, of course, but noble as a thousand kings. Spilt most of his innards right where you’re standing and still swung his sword with more strength than a mountain troll. Gallant man. Gallant!”

  “Ah, James, here we are,” Neville said loudly as James approached. Harry and Sir Cadogan looked up. Harry smiled, looking his son up and down.

  “Your mum will be glad to know you’re putting that cloak to use.”

  “To be honest, this is the first I’ve had it out of the trunk,” James admitted, grinning sheepishly. Harry nodded, “And it’ll go right back into the trunk after tonight, won’t it?”


  “Good man,” Harry acknowledged. James fell into step next to his dad as they headed toward a staircase. “Wait!” Cadogan cried, sheathing his sword and jumping into the center of his frame. “Have I ever told you about the Battle of the Red Mages? Bloodiest massacre these walls have ever seen! Happened just at the foot of those stairs! Next time, then. Courage!”

  “Who’s that?” James asked, looking back over his shoulder.

  “You’ll get to know him,” Neville said. “Enjoy your ignorance while you can.” As they walked, James listened as his dad told Neville about the current happenings at the Ministry. There had been an arrest of several individuals involved in a counterfeit Portkey operation. More trolls were being seen in the foothills, and the Ministry was stepping up patrols to keep the troublesome idiots from venturing into Muggle territories. The new Minister, Loquatious Knapp, was preparing to give a speech on expanded trade with Asian wizarding communities, including lifting the ban on flying carpets and something called ‘shades’.


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