Second Chance At the Ranch

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Second Chance At the Ranch Page 21

by Maxine Morrey

  Nick watched, pleased to hear Hero laughing, even if it had been instigated by another man.

  ‘I hear you met Paul Sullivan,’ Juliet mentioned, her tone just that little bit too casual.

  The two women were hanging out washing on the line that ran around two large shady trees.


  Juliet pegged up a pair of child’s jeans. ‘Did he have much to say?’

  ‘Not especially. We were all just chatting.’

  Juliet nodded and picked up a T-shirt from the basket as Hero fastened a tiny pair of silk Agent Provocateur knickers to the line. She felt her sister’s eyes on her.



  ‘You’re angling at something.’

  ‘No, I’m not.’

  ‘Yes, you are. Spit it out.’

  ‘Paul’s a nice chap,’ she said, concentrating on pegging out the T-shirt, a studied casualness to her tone. ‘That’s all I was saying. I just thought it might be nice if you two were friends.’



  ‘Right.’ Hero smiled, shaking her head as she picked up a peg for the matching silk bra. Her sister was a terrible liar.

  ‘Morning.’ Nick touched his hat as he walked by.

  Turning in surprise, Hero blushed, snatching the bra back down before shoving it behind her back. Nick’s gaze took in the matching thong on the line and she didn’t miss that hint of smile as he walked on.

  ‘I can’t remember the last time we did this,’ Juliet laughed.

  Sarah had offered to babysit for the evening whilst the Websters, together with Joe and Paul went out for a meal in town. They had booked rooms at the pub so that everyone could have a drink and not worry about the time. It was a surprise for Joe’s birthday and he had been so pleased, joy written all over his beaming face. He even beat Nick at pool.

  ‘I obviously taught you too well,’ Nick conceded as he handed Joe the pint they had put up as a stake.

  ‘Well done!’ Juliet and Hero each hugged Joe and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He giggled, blushing furiously.

  ‘Hey! If you had told me that was part of the prize, I’d have tried harder,’ Nick teased.

  ‘I’d still have beaten you,’ Joe declared confidently.

  Hero laughed, hugging him again. Then she reached up and gave Nick a kiss on the cheek too.

  ‘Consolation prize.’ She grinned.

  Nick felt the embers burst into flame at her touch. Her cheeks were pink from the wine and Nick guessed it was probably that that had led her to kiss him, but he didn’t care. Not right now anyway.

  After closing, the group made their way to the second floor of the pub, and their accommodation for the night. They had economised on rooms. Juliet and Hero shared one, Joe and Pete another and Nick and Paul the third. The two old friends chatted briefly through their beer haze before sliding happily into oblivion. Both had studiously avoided the subject of Hero.

  The next morning, earlier than any of them would have preferred, the group were getting ready to head home. Paul sat astride the motorbike he had driven into town, chatting with Juliet and Hero. Joe was already in the truck’s back seat catching up on some more sleep whilst Pete and Nick settled the bill inside.

  ‘You’ll be riding one of these by yourself soon. I’ve seen you out with Joe and Nick checking the fences on the property lines.’

  Hero pulled a face. ‘My sister has finally calmed down enough to let me ride pillion without a fight, but I think we might be a little way off me controlling one myself.’

  Paul glanced at her leg then back up. ‘How is it now?’

  Hero smiled. His question was honest and to the point. He hadn’t skirted around like some people did. Paul reminded her of Nick in that way.

  She shrugged it off. ‘I make sure I exercise it and stuff. It all helps.’

  Back at the reception desk, Nick put the money Paul had given him for the room in his wallet and tucked it back in his pocket.

  ‘What are you grinning at?’ Pete asked as he caught a look at his younger brother’s face. His own head felt like it had a hammer drill bouncing around inside it and his brother was grinning. It just wasn’t right. Nick didn’t answer, but carried on grinning. Pete gave him a look, guessing what, or more accurately who, had instigated that smile.

  ‘Yeah, yeah. Right-oh,’ he said walking out, the sunlight making a further attack on his fragile state.

  Nick followed. He was looking forward to the ride home. It was cosy in the truck with three in the back, especially when two of those three were him and Hero. His face fell as he stepped out into the sunshine just in time to see Hero climbing onto the back of Paul’s bike, her dark glossy hair spilling out from beneath the crash helmet.

  ‘Paul’s going to take Hero home as it’s a bit of a squash,’ Juliet explained as the brothers approached them. She kissed two fingers then transferred the kiss to her sister’s nose through the open visor. ‘Drive carefully,’ she said, giving Paul’s arm a squeeze.

  He nodded and revved the bike as Hero placed her arms around his waist. Nick watched as they drove off, dust blowing out behind them.

  ‘You getting in, mate?’ Pete nudged.

  Nick stepped up into the back silently, hefting Joe’s sleeping form up enough to sit down and close the door. Joe slid gradually down in his slumber until his head was resting on Nick’s upper arm. Nick left him there. He looked peaceful. Wasted, but peaceful.

  They passed Paul on the driveway, him coming out as they drove in. He slowed the bike next to Pete’s open window.

  ‘One sister-in-law delivered safe and sound.’

  ‘Thanks, mate.’

  Paul shook his head and, through the visor, his eyes glinted in a smile as he placed one foot back on the bike.

  ‘My pleasure entirely. See you later.’

  Hero had just made tea as the others entered the house.

  ‘Oh! Good girl,’ Pete laughed. ‘We’ll make a station hand out of you yet.’

  She poured the tea into mugs and passed them across the table. Nick gave Joe a nudge with his elbow as his head nodded and his arms slid slowly down the table. Joe sat up with a start.

  ‘What? I’m awake.’

  Hero pushed his tea towards him, as Juliet nodded at her sister.

  ‘We’re going over to the Sullivans’ to pick up the kids after this. Do you think you can manage without us for a while?’

  Pete rubbed his chin in mock thought. ‘And just how long is a while?’ He raised an eyebrow at the two women. The ball was coming up and he knew Juliet was absolutely dying to talk about it with Sarah.

  ‘Well, I suppose that depends if we get chatting.’

  ‘Ha! “If”, she says, “if”!’ Juliet flung a tea towel across the kitchen and hit Nick instead.

  ‘Oi! What did I do?’

  Pete stood and slapped his brother on the back. ‘You’re related, mate. That’s enough.’


  ‘We’d better be getting back.’ Hero checked her watch.

  ‘OK,’ Joe agreed happily, immediately making more of an impression on the soft drink in front of him.

  They were sitting in the shade of a large tree in the pub’s beer garden snatching a cool refresher after picking up some groceries for the station. They’d beaten the lunchtime rush and had the garden to themselves.

  ‘You ready for a game of Scrabble after dinner tonight?’


  Hero and Joe’s tradition of Scrabble had been established from the first visit she paid to the station. As a consequence, his reading had also vastly improved, especially lately with the time that Hero was able to spend with him on it. Joe took another gulp then thought of something.

  ‘Could we—’ He broke off and his face darkened as a shadow fell across the picnic table.

  ‘G’day Joe.’

  Joe mumbled a reply and concentrated on finishing his drink. Hero’s defences flew up as she felt
Joe’s leg start to jitter under the table, a nervous habit. He was normally such a peaceful soul, the nervous tick only showing when he was stressed. Whoever these men were, they clearly unnerved him. It was definitely time to go.

  ‘Not with Nick and Pete today then?’

  Don’t answer, thought Hero as she finished her own drink, but Joe automatically shook his head. His leg jittered even more. Hero saw the two men exchange a glance.

  ‘Come on, Joe.’ Hero rose from the table.

  ‘Hope you’re not going on our account.’ One of them stepped close to her, his face in a smile that showed no warmth, but something far more disturbing.

  Hero’s blood chilled. He was so close. Too close. It had been years since she’d had to deal with unwanted attention like this. She, like every woman, adapted her routines, her way of life, in an effort to keep herself as safe as she could. Back home, she never left anywhere alone in the evening, and if she did have to, always arranged a car through a trusted limo service. Occasionally, if there had been any hint of extra unwanted attention, the agency had employed a security team to keep an eye on their most precious investments. Hero focused and tried to remain calm, concentrating instead on getting Joe away from a situation that was clearly upsetting him.

  Chapter 15

  ‘Aren’t you going to introduce us to your lovely friend, Joe?’

  ‘No.’ Joe still didn’t meet their eyes.

  ‘Come on, Joe. We really have to go. Excuse me.’

  The man didn’t move. Hero tried to retain her dignity as she struggled to get her bad leg out from under the picnic table, cursing inwardly at its inflexibility.

  ‘Want me to give you a hand there?’ The man’s hand slid around her waist and down her thigh.

  ‘Don’t touch me!’ Hero yelled, jabbing him hard with her elbow at the same time as Joe made a lunge for him.

  ‘Leave her alone!’

  She heard the sudden intake of air as her elbow connected with the man’s throat, but Joe hadn’t seen the second man’s foot as he stuck it out, tripping him. He went down heavily, his shoulder hitting the table and his head hitting the bench before landing sprawled on the grass.

  ‘Joe!’ Hero called, yanking her leg free, glaring at the men as she bent down to check on him. They stood back from her now, one of them rubbing his throat.

  ‘Oh, Joe.’ She laid her hand on his face gently as several people, hearing a commotion, emerged from the inside of the pub.

  ‘What’s going on? Oh my God! You all right, mate?’ Doug, the bar owner caught sight of the blood now flowing from a deep cut on Joe’s forehead. ‘Come on. Let’s get you to the doc’s.’

  Doug and a regular eased Joe to his feet and gently led him inside. Hero glanced behind her. The two men were lingering back in the shadows of the tree, swigging at their bottles, the one who’d touched her openly glowering.

  ‘You all right, love?’ Doug’s wife touched Hero’s arm. She jumped.

  ‘Yes. Sorry. Thank you. I’m just a bit worried about Joe.’

  ‘He’ll be all right. Don’t you worry.’

  They were sitting in the corridor of the town hospital. It wasn’t huge but, thanks to a large donation by a grateful, and wealthy, ex-patient, it was well equipped. Hero sat in the hushed quiet, her fingers nervously twiddling the pendant on her necklace. She breathed in the hospital smell, struck that even on the other side of the world, the buildings all had that same smell.

  ‘I hate hospitals,’ she said quietly.

  Doug and his wife looked across, but Hero didn’t look back. It was as if she had uttered the thought unconsciously. The two exchanged a glance, as if to say, ‘I’m not surprised’.

  Hero was sitting at Joe’s bedside when Nick and Jacob entered the room. Joe’s right arm was in a sling and butterfly stitches held closed the cut on his forehead.

  ‘Dad! Nick!’ He smiled sleepily.

  A purple bruise was blooming around the cut and the dose of painkillers administered earlier had begun to work their magic. Jacob leant over the bed and kissed the unbruised side of his son’s forehead.

  ‘What happened, son?’

  Joe met his eyes for a moment, then looked behind him at Nick. ‘Roy and Ethan Burrows.’

  Nick’s jaw set, his whole body tensing at the answer. ‘They started on you again?’

  ‘They asked if I was with you and Pete.’

  ‘Yeah, because they know they’d get their arses kicked again if you were.’ Nick’s voice was low but loaded with anger.

  ‘Again?’ Hero looked from Joe to Nick.

  ‘Then what?’ Nick carried on, ignoring the question.

  ‘We were leaving but Roy stood in Hero’s way, so she couldn’t get out from the bench properly.’

  Something twisted inside Nick and his eyes darted across to Hero. Her gaze was down, concentrating on Joe’s hand as she held it within her own.

  ‘She asked him to move but he didn’t ,and he put his great paws on her. She told him to get off but he just laughed so I went for him. To get him away from Hero. That’s when I fell.’

  ‘He didn’t fall. The other one tripped him,’ Hero pointed out. She tilted her head and caught Jacob’s eye. ‘I’m so sorry about all of this.’

  Jacob smiled and reached over, patting the hand that held his son’s.

  ‘Don’t be daft, love. It’s not your fault. Those two idiots never pick on anyone their own size. They’ve been trying to bully Joe for years, but they only ever try it when he’s on his own. Last time they didn’t see Pete and Nick until it was too late. Guess that’s why they checked this time.’

  ‘Well, he got an elbow in his throat for his trouble this time.’

  ‘Atta girl.’ Jacob winked.

  Hero looked back at Joe who was now quietly dozing off. He gave her a sleepy smile which she returned, before gently brushing the hair away from his eyes.

  ‘My hero,’ she whispered, smiling.

  Jacob watched the woman’s tender touch. They had a special bond, those two. Had done from the first day Hero had walked in. Cool and elegant, she’d taken to his son immediately and he to her. Jacob had to admit he’d been surprised. When Juliet’s sister had arrived, looking exactly like something out of a fancy magazine, he was sure that Joe would have been the last person she’d befriend. But it had turned out quite the opposite. They’d go on walks, and sit for ages after dinner playing Scrabble as she helped him with words. Joe had always had a gentle, happy nature but since Hero had been here full-time, his smile seemed brighter and his education had certainly improved.

  Jacob knew that he and Joe were lucky to live at Hill Station. Jack and Gill had kept him going when he thought his heart would break after Maria’s death. They’d helped him bring up his child, loving Joe as if he were their own, and giving him two surrogate brothers who would defend him with their last breath. Juliet had slipped easily into Gill’s role, feeding them often and checking after them like a mother hen. And now there was Hero.

  Hero had a role all of her own. A sister and a friend, spending time when the others had chores to do, or were too tired after the day. Joe had always loved books and reading. He was still a slow reader, but Hero would sit with him patiently, often for hours, as he read to her. If he got stuck on a word, she’d tell him what it was, get him to repeat it checking that he understood the meaning. Once he was happy, off he would go until he got stuck, and the process then repeated.

  Joe’s eyes opened again and looked directly into Hero’s. ‘You all right?’

  ‘I’m fine. Stop worrying and get some rest.’ She fussed with the sheet but they all saw the fleeting shadow across her face.

  Hero smoothed the bedlinen unnecessarily, trying to shake off the feel of the man’s slow, threatening touch, the alcohol-fumed breath on her cheek as he had leaned against her. Nick watched her. She was definitely more shaken up than she would admit to. It was time to go home.

  ‘You’re going to stay tonight then?’

cob looked up at Nick. ‘Yeah, if that’s all right with you and Pete. They want to keep Joe in for observation because of the bump on his head. I can drive back as soon as they release him. The other ute’s still in the pub car park. I’ll go and get it later.’

  ‘OK. We’ll see you when we see you. No rush. Just make sure he’s OK. If you need anything, you know where we are.’

  Joe’s eyes had now been closed for a while, and Nick’s voice was low in deference. He leant across, pushing the rebellious bit of hair away from the younger man’s eyes again, as Hero had done. As tough as Nick liked to appear, Joe was still the equivalent of his baby brother. The fact that idiots like the Burrows took advantage of his gentle nature made him even more protective. Not to mention furious.

  ‘Do you want me to stay?’ Hero asked Jacob.

  ‘No, love. It’s all right. You go home with Nick and get some rest. We’ll see you tomorrow.’

  Hero nodded and got to her feet. As she moved, Joe stirred and opened his eyes.

  ‘We were supposed to play Scrabble.’

  Hero leant and kissed his forehead. ‘We’ll play tomorrow.’

  Nick stood back and let Hero exit first. He made to follow but Joe called his name.

  ‘Go on,’ he told Hero. ‘I’ll catch you up.’ Nick re-entered the room, stepping up to the bed. ‘What is it, mate?’

  ‘Is Hero OK?’

  ‘’Course. You just get some sleep.’

  Joe blinked, forcing his eyes to stay open against the drugs. ‘She was frightened, Nick. Roy wouldn’t rack off, and he was …’ He paused and looked at his father. ‘I didn’t like him treating her like that. It wasn’t right.’ Jacob nodded at his son, a silent acknowledgement that he had done the right thing.

  ‘I know, mate. It’s all right. She’s fine now. Now don’t go trying to be a hero for any of these pretty nurses in here. That’s enough for one day.’ Nick winked, briefly laying his hand on the young man’s shoulder.

  Joe smiled with sleepy eyes. He saw Hero through the glass, waiting at the corner. As his friend, his brother, caught up and spoke to her, she turned and waved, before they both disappeared from view. Joe closed his eyes completely and drifted off into peaceful sleep. Hero was safe now. She was with Nick. And Nick loved her. He could tell.


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