The Vegas Random

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The Vegas Random Page 8

by Ellie Gerrard

  I started to weigh up how bored I really was because this could be a lot of fun, I could end up hurt emotionally…. Was it worth the pain? Could I do it again? Are you drunk and seriously considering it? Shorty? What the fuck are you doing? “You have someone in mind for 14 through to 20?”

  “Yeah, she is kicking my ass in a game of cards,” he replied casually with a cheeky grin.

  Oh, you are a smooth fucker. “Are you always this random?” I laughed and looked at him. He was handsome, his eyes had a touch of yellow in the whites but otherwise, he looked ok.

  “No. Never. If you will notice, you are number one on the list. Pick a random hottie.” He pointed at his list.

  I smiled and put the list down then handed it back to him. “You may want to consider someone else for 14 – 20 but the rest of it, I would be happy to do.”

  We played cards in silence and then he looked at me. “How long since a man touched you as in 19… Make love?”

  Too long. Only because I want Chris back. Not that abstaining would bring him back. “Five years,” I said not looking at him.

  Every man including the dealer made a sound of surprise and disapproval before the dealer composed himself. “You all right there?” I watched him. “Don’t repeat it,” I warned him.

  He nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “No. I don’t understand!” Mr. Beard beside me exclaimed softly, turning to look me over. “I don’t get it. How can you not do that in five years?”

  I smirked. “It’s your bucket list. How can you have not done that in a lifetime?”

  “Touché,” he muttered to himself. “Yeah, ok. I will give you that one cause the only answer is I have never been in love. To me it was an inconvenience and having one woman in bed sounded like a nightmare. I only had to look at the level of crazy my brother’s wives brought out from time to time to not feel it was worth it.”

  It was an honest answer. I pondered it and decided that he must never have found the girl to have him drop his guard enough to fall. I won another hand.

  His friend, Mr. TDH, hotter than a solar flare, just seemed to think this was funny.

  I looked at him and smiled and when his eyes met mine, I saw that they were so full of life and so blue, sparkling like the ocean at midday. Oh, and his smile that could turn your panties to ash, spread your legs and hope he pulled down his zipper…

  How many drinks have I had? Am I doing this? Yes, all right. But make him work for the sex. What the fuck was in that drink?

  I got up and collected the chips.

  Mr. Beard stared at me, mouth open, almost panicked. He stood up and he was well and truly taller than my 5’2 frame. “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I’m going to go and cash in these chips. That is what you do in a casino.” I smiled walking towards the cashier.

  “Are you going to help me with my bucket list?” he asked as he followed me. It was the way he said it that had me turn to look up at him. He was sexy as all hell, tall and his body still strong enough for shenanigans but he was now really worried that he’d just spent the last hour laying the ground work for someone to play with, only to be turned down.

  I doubted he rarely got turned down and didn’t like the feeling. “What made you pick me?” I asked, needing to know this.

  “You were on your own, looking bored,” he replied looking me over, studying my face and not my chest. Good Move. “Will you help me with my bucket list? You don’t have to do it all if you don’t want to. I won’t push you into it. I’m not going to promise not to try and seduce you though. Till I do, you can just be one of the boys.”

  He gazed into my eyes as I nodded. “Alright. One of the boys it is. As to everything else, we will see.”


  My eyes went wide as I looked at this beautiful little pocket rocket after she said she would help me. Couldn’t help being extremely happy she would. I thought for sure that she would turn me down. After all, my list was ludicrous. I mean the things that were on my bucket list weren’t for pretty, petite little women. They were rough and scary.

  But I had to ask myself why would she go five years without sex? She was beautiful. I looked at Ian who would be there for the threesome, if she went through with it. Even he looked pleased. Very pleased.

  Ian smirked at me then he looked down at her. I saw his eyes flash. I realized, he was very attracted to this little number. He hadn’t looked twice at a woman since his wife died, well at least not like he was looking at our new friend. Maybe I would sneak another thing on to the bucket list. I wanted to see him remarry. He’d been alone too long. It was time for him to move on.

  We took her to cash in her chips. She’d managed a three hundred-thousand-dollar win. I was impressed but watching her play, I figured she was counting cards. Not that I would say anything though. Her clothes and shoes were nice but they weren’t expensive. My guess was she was here just for a holiday and to get away from things.

  I owned The Diamond and didn’t mind that she could potentially take me to the cleaners.

  “That is a nice little win,” I commented. “Got plans for it?”

  She nodded and smiled up at me. “Yep, that just about paid off my house. Just a car and a couple of student loans to go.”

  She wasn’t being greedy, she was just paying off her debts. I hated being stolen from but she was doing it to ease financial burden. I took her hand as we went upstairs.

  “So, what’s the first thing we are going to do?” she asked.

  “We’re going to a private party.” I smiled at her, looking her over.

  We got to a room where one of the gamblers was partying. He was a douche who loved high end hookers and escorts. And he paid for the best. He also wanted a contract with me and this was his version of smoothing the path to getting it. He was smart, good at his job and he kept his parties like this discrete. Which was the only reason I was turning up.

  I glanced at Ben who was watching her with a shitty look on his face. I had to wonder what his problem was. He’d tried to talk me out of picking her. I looked back at my pocket rocket and wondered how she would react to what was behind the door ahead. There was no end, like the deep end. She would either throw a tantrum and run or just walk away.

  This would be a bit full on even for me. I peeked over at Ian who was chatting with her, he looked happy and relaxed. And if I wasn’t mistaken, he was pulling some subtle moves on her. I glanced at Richard and Ben who indicated that she would walk out, disgusted. I bet him she wouldn’t just to be a challenge.

  Game on.

  We arrived at the room only to be greeted by two bouncers. We were frisked.

  The petite rocket cocked an eyebrow and gave me a questioning look.

  I just shrugged before we were let in.

  Inside there was so much naked flesh walking around it was insane. Even at the club, clothing was optional but this was some of the most beautiful women I’d seen naked and all in one suite. The women seemed not to care, for them it was work. And work it they did. The men openly looked and touched as they pleased. The women smiled and flirted.

  The host, had a woman in his lap riding him, she had the best set of fake tits I’d ever seen. He looked up at her with his lips parted, his hand on her hip, the other on her tit squeezing her nipple with no skill at all.

  He smiled at us and waved us over. He shook our hands as the woman worked on his lap. She was just going through the motions but he was getting off. I felt sorry for her, he was high and she wasn’t having fun. Our host looked at my little Pocket Rocket then at me as I bent down and kissed the hooker’s ear and neck before I nipped at it. She sighed and moaned.

  I reached around and ran my hands lightly over her nipples and they responded going hard.

  “Fuck, she just got so wet.” The host groaned, holding her hips as she moaned softly to my kisses and nips. He held her hips as he pumped into her. I reached for her clit and although he was useless, I wasn’t. She came before he did. She
collapsed on his chest panting hard as he finished.

  He looked up at me touching her ass. “You brought a woman to the party? You know this is a full participation or get out.”


  I have never seen so many naked women in my life. All were damn near perfect with asses and tits that could make almost any man weep with joy. Now, I was informed of participation. Considering I just watched him fuck a woman who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there before Mr. Beard worked his magic, it didn’t take a genius to work out what was going on.

  Hmm, this would have to be a test.

  “She’s one of the boys tonight,” Mr. Beard told useless with his hands, while wearing a grin.

  The host shrugged and told us to enjoy ourselves.

  We got drinks and sat down.

  “Charlie,” Mr. Beard introduced himself, holding out his hand with a smile that was also panty melting.

  “Kate.” I shook his hand; his handshake was firm but gentle. There was a little bit of buzz with the contact too. Okay, this is a good sign.

  Then I thought, was that the hand he touched the hooker with?

  “This is Ian,” he said introducing the man beside me who was Mr. TDH. “That is Richard and that there is Ben.” He finished introductions and looked around.

  The one that reminded me of my brother Ben was called Ben! WTF? My half-brother never wanted to know me, so I guess this doesn’t really matter. Can’t be him. “Hey boys. Soo... What is the point of all the naked women?” Please don’t say I have to fuck one.

  “We’re going to get blowjobs,” Charlie replied matter-of-factly. “The girls here are clean, well paid for their efforts and their discretion. After this, we;re going to go and drink, watch a show and dance.”

  Blowjobs? Seriously? Oh, I was the one about to get fucked. What the hell did I agree to? Bored now Shorty? “Why blowjobs?” Ok that isn’t too bad… How many fucking drinks did I have? I did complain of being bored… Well, I’m not fucking bored now! Get up and walk out, you can’t do this.

  “Well, why not? I am dying and I want one. I have paid for them and that is what we are going to do,” Charlie stated.

  I know he thought I was going to run. Fat chance buddy, I’ve walked into war zones, I can do this. You wanted a playmate, you got four. Have I gone insane? Looks like it.

  “Are these guys helping you with the bucket list?” I asked as I pointed at the men on either side of us. I was sandwiched between Ian and Charlie and not feeling at all uncomfortable.

  “They made the mistake of saying whatever you want to do, we will do. Minus me having sex with them.” Charlie smiled.

  “Yeah, you can keep your cock away from us,” Ben stated. “I want none of that action.

  Charlie laughed. “You’re safe.”

  “I haven’t agreed to that either,” I stated firmly. “There is no guarantee I will.”

  “No, but I think you will.” He smiled confidently giving me a wink as a woman approached him with a wicked grin. “Oh, hello trouble,” he said smoothly patting his leg. “Take a seat for a moment.”

  She straddled his lap and kissed him. She had the upper hand for all of a second before his hands went in her hair and he took control.

  The man must have had some talent as she melted with a moan of surrender. He was a seducer. A very good one. He broke the kiss “Blow me, beautiful,” he instructed.

  This was really fucking awkward.

  She smiled wickedly and got on her knees on the floor. All eye contact as she undid his pants releasing his big cock in her little hands.

  I intended to look away but she effectively swallowed his entire cock.

  My jaw dropped. “Well, that was fucking impressive,” I said in awe. “I didn’t know anyone could swallow that much cock so easily. Well done, love. You put the rest of us to shame.”

  She pulled her head off his cock and laughed as she looked at me. She was really quite pretty. “Thanks.” She peered up at Charlie “You have a very handsome cock, Sir,” and swallowed his cock again.

  He growled and his head went back as his eyes rolled before looking at her again.

  Must have felt good cause it was fucking impressive to watch. Soon, all four men were being blown. I tried not to look at Ben, he wasn’t my brother but yeah, nah… not watching him.

  I just sat there feeling awkward, completely captivated by the woman who could swallow a cock that well. Seriously, it was cool. I never got past the gag factor. He did have a handsome cock. As did Ian. His was slightly bigger and circumcised. Hmm very nice cocks. I absently wondered what Ian’s tasted like.

  I came out of my thoughts for a moment to again, check the exits and who was here when a soft body moved onto my lap. I stared at the beautiful seductive woman with hazel eyes and an amazing body in my lap.

  She took my hands and ran them over her tits and belly.

  She was seducing me—well, this was different. Never been seduced by a woman before.

  “Before you decline, you are one of the boys remember?” Charlie smirked at me with lusty eyes.

  “I can’t do that here,” I whispered to him in protest as the woman got off my lap and knelt on the ground in front of me. She parted my legs and I put my skirt down to cover.

  “You are one of the boys,” Ian said as he and Charlie took a hand each, linked their fingers with mine as the woman smiled and parted my knees.

  “Trust me,” she said reaching up my skirt and felt my panties. “Hmm lace, very nice.” The panties moved to the side, she winked at me and pulled my butt forward so I was slouched on the couch.

  Ian and Charlie hooked one of my legs each and held them open.

  My heart at this point was hammering, I’d never had a woman touch me like this, and I hadn’t been pinned by two men while she did it.

  She gave me a wink and her head was under my skirt, her mouth was where no one had touched in over five years. It was hot, wet and skilled.

  It made my eyes roll just a little. “Fuck,” I swore softly, my head going back.

  She giggled under my skirt before licking up my inner flesh.

  Charlie and Ian were still holding my hands and they chuckled. I glanced at Charlie who grinned at me. His eyes heavy with lust before going back to concentrate on the woman that was getting him close to climax.

  Ian stroked the woman’s head that was bobbing on the end of his cock. He was tender and gave her his attention looking her in the eye as she worked. But he held my hand firmly, as did Charlie.

  She was down there working her magic, it felt absolutely incredible. It wasn’t long before I was panting and swearing, not really giving a shit about who watched. When the orgasm rolled over me like a wave in the ocean, I moaned and tried to arch my back and found I couldn’t because of the way I was situated on the couch. I panted looking at her as I came down.

  She put my panties back into place then moved out from between my legs and closed them. She grinned at me and I gave her a sated smile. “You are yum.”

  “How yum?” Ian asked as he looked like he was about to come.

  She smiled, leaned over me and kissed him as he sucked on her top lip and groaned. Charlie reached across me, took her hand and she went to him as he kissed her too sucking on her bottom lip.

  They were tasting ME and using her to do it!

  I looked at Ian as he came and it really was sexy. His cheeks flushed and those beautiful lips of his were parted for a moment before he threw his head back and growled with his teeth and jaw clenched. But not once did he stop stroking the woman’s hair. He looked at her again a moment later, taking a few deep breaths.

  She gazed up at him with a satisfied grin.

  Charlie came on the other side of me and I looked, he was sexy too, only he didn’t break eye contact. There was something satisfying about both men getting off. I looked back at the woman who’d moved back into my lap and she grinned.

  “Come here, you girls did so well, I am going to give you both an
orgasm,” Charlie said with a wicked smile. Then he helped the girl that just helped sate him up onto his lap. He looked at the girl that had got me off. “You wait right there.”

  She grinned and straddled my lap. “Waiting patiently.” She smiled and grabbed my hair before putting her mouth over mine and delivering my first female kiss.

  I couldn’t stop her, Charlie and Ian, still had my hands, mind you though, they had let go of my legs. I kissed her back, she really did have a wicked tongue. She broke the kiss. And smiled at me. “You haven’t been touched for a long time have you?” She stroked her fingers down my face watching me.

  I smiled and shook my head. “Shit happens and you don’t want to anymore.”

  She nodded. “You did enjoy it though, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I did.” I smiled and she grinned. “I think you might have just gotten me back in the game.”

  She caressed my face as she spoke, “I hope so, you taste too good to be out of it.” The look in her eyes was sincere.

  I had to ask the question so I whispered, “Why are you doing this?”

  She grinned. “Because it pays well. I will have my debt paid off, my children’s education paid for and be able to buy a house at the end of the year. Then I can retire into a normal boring job that will just pay the bills. That and I’m a nympho, so it scratches the itch.”

  I laughed, as the girls next to us were getting ready to come.

  “You get a little of that next. You excited?” I asked her.

  “Hell yes.” She grinned. “Can I kiss you while he does?”

  Well shit, I had gone this far, why not? “I want to watch you come.” I had wonder if I had my drink spiked?

  She nodded as the woman on Charlie’s lap came like she was hit by a freight train, crying out her ecstasy before collapsing against his chest. He chuckled and held her stroking her back as she regained normal breathing. She opened her eyes after a minute and then sat up and stared at Charlie. He smiled and she blushed.


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