“Get up!” Brother Larry jabbed him in the back several times.
The man was overconfident. Perhaps he planned to kill them, so feared no reprisals. In fact, Cody wondered why he was still alive. Neither Alexander nor his ex-buddy, ex-agent Brother Chet could afford to let him live. That meant this was a temporary reprieve only, so he’d better think of a way to escape and fast. But handcuffed and gagged, he was impotent. If he were truly being taken to the wedding, they’d have to free him for at least a few minutes.
“You Feds think you’re so smart. You think you have it all figured out, don’t you?” Brother Larry’s voice was raspy and gruff.
If Cody could talk, he’d point out he was no longer a cop, but it seemed to be a blessing he couldn’t answer and stop the flow of Brother Larry’s confessions. He listened intently, all the while highly aware of the frightened woman at his side, whom he willed not to faint or panic.
“You and your little red-headed friend landed in the middle of our sacred rituals. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the gods delivered the princess straight into our hands.”
“Princess?” Christina almost choked on the word, echoing Cody’s thoughts. “Are you talking about my sister?”
“Sacred ritual?” Cody’s gut almost erupted. Could these be the same monsters that ravaged and murdered his sister? Or any of the other children he’d found dead over the years? Fury unlike he’d ever known nearly ripped him apart. If he could free himself from his bounds, he’d rip this animal apart limb by limb here and now.
“Reverend Alexander promised us a high priestess with flaming, flowing red hair and jade eyes. We’ve been searching for her for four years. The Reverend near tore apart the whole country.”
God save them! Melissa! She was in more danger than he’d ever imagined. He’d rather see her dead than suffer that kind of torture and fear. No wonder he’d found some of those kids in such bad condition. His skin prickled with disgust. These religious fanatics that practiced human sacrifice were the worst scum of humanity.
“The Reverend was all set to meet us in Jersey, then you had to help her escape and make us follow you back here.”
“But the wedding was scheduled to take place on Daddy’s estate in L.A.” Christina’s brows drew together and her nose wrinkled.
“Plan B to smoke her out. And it worked brilliantly. We should’ve done that long ago. That was almost too easy to be fun.” Brother Larry punched the seat, making Christina flinch. “Little Miss High-and-Mighty insists you be at her wedding or she won’t play nice. I’ll teach her to mess with the Reverend’s plans.”
Not if he had his way! Cody glared at the psychotic monster. It was his fault Melissa was in danger, his fault Nathan had caught up with her. It was up to him to save the sisters and put these madmen away where they’d never hurt anyone again. He couldn’t forgive himself for not seeing before what a reptile Alexander was.
His stomach grumbled reminding him he’d gone without food for almost twenty-four hours. Nor had he had any water since early morning and his mouth was parched.
Impatience gnawed at his gut as he watched forest turn into desert and desert merge into city. Finally they’d reached the City of Angels--although it felt anything but angelic.
Seconds ticked into minutes as he willed the chopper to reach its destination. It seemed as if forever had passed before they hovered over a sprawling estate and mansion.
“We’re here,” Christina said, relief oozing from her.
Brother Larry drew a gun on them and cocked it. The sound reverberated in Cody’s ears. “We’re going to take the handcuffs and the gag off, but don’t think you’re free. My men will be watching your every move and we’ll shoot to kill if you try anything funny. One less Judas in the garden won’t be missed. Comprendez-vous?”
Cody nodded, biting on his tongue to keep from growling.
Nathan, Melissa, and Chet met them when they landed. He nodded to Brother Larry. “He give you any trouble?”
“Got him under my thumb.” Brother Larry kept his revolver aimed on them.
“Untie them and clean them up for the wedding.” Nathan pointed to Cody. “You’ll be the best man, so you can see what I’m taking from you first hand.” Leaning his head back, he laughed maniacally, all trace of sanity absent from his voice.
Brother Chet pulled the gag off him and un-cuffed Cody. His voice came out rusty his throat was so dry. “Reverend, Senator, or whoever you are, you’re nuts!”
Melissa’s eyes widened with trepidation and she stiffened, watching intently. God but she was beautiful, even scraped up and dusty, with her glorious hair mussed and billowed about her pixie face. The thought of this monster touching her, marrying her, enraged Cody.
Thunder flashed in Nathan’s dark eyes as he walked up to Cody and struck him hard. “No one calls me crazy!”
Cody’s jaw stung where the man’s hand connected. He bit his tongue and swallowed bitter blood. Wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, he squared his shoulders, wincing when pain radiated from his wound. “What’s in this for you, Brother Chet? You into his demonic religious rituals and human sacrifice, too?”
Nathan’s gaze turned murderously on Brother Larry. “You’ve been running off at the mouth? You’ve been talking to cops?”
“Ex-cop.” Cody enjoyed watching Brother Larry squirm. It was almost worth being dragged here against his will.
“Witnesses!” Nathan’s eyes narrowed at Chet. “Hose him off and stick him in a tux.” To Brother Larry he said, “Keep your gun on him. He tries anything, shoot out his knee caps.” Grabbing Christina’s elbow, Nathan propelled her before him. “You come with us, Little Sis.”
Chapter Nine
“Who’s going to guard us while we dress?”
Melissa wrenched her arm out of Nathan’s clutches and marched regally to the house she’d sworn never to enter again. Little things she’d forgotten about threatened to choke her up. Her mother’s flower garden. The height marks on the wall depicting her and Christina’s growth since they were toddlers. Her grandmother’s oil portrait. All things she’d pushed out of her mind since she’d left.
The house and grounds were decorated for the wedding of the century. An artist carved an ice statue of a leaping dolphin. Rose petals littered the ground. White gardenias adorned rows of seats in the garden by the gazebo, where a pulpit had been erected.
She wondered where her father and the servants were and what time the guests and press would arrive?
Nathan guided them upstairs to her old room where her mother’s wedding gown laid majestically on her bed. White satin slippers and a long gauzy veil lay next to the dress. Otherwise, her room was just as she’d left it.
“Brother Larry has instructions to meet us at the ceremony in half an hour. Our esteemed guests are arriving now.”
“Where’s my father?” She stood fast, her arms crossed over her chest, refusing to budge another inch. “What have you done with him? Brainwashed him, too? Or did you make him disappear?”
Nathan leaned over so that he was nose to nose with her, his beady eyes glaring into hers. “What’s this brainwash talk? We’re just bringing people closer to God and saving their souls.”
“Corrupting their souls is more like it.” She refused to back down, even when his nostrils flared and he practically breathed fire.
“I’ll forgive you this time for you know not what you say. But you’ll be instructed in our ways just as soon as you’re Mrs. Alexander.”
“Where’s Daddy? Why are you sidestepping my question?”
“Why, he’s getting ready to give the beautiful bride away as we speak.”
Before she realized his intent, he pressed his lips to hers hungrily, groping at her. She jerked away from him, wiping his slime from her mouth with her arm, coming up against the wall. Squirming, she finally broke loose.
Nathan’s eyes were inscrutable as he stared at her. “You’ll be begging for my kisses sooner than you k
now. You won’t even remember lover boy’s name.”
“You may claim my body, but never my heart. Is that what you want? To be shackled to a woman who detests you?” Melissa lifted her chin regally, her hands balled on her hips. “I could never love you. The more I get to know you, the more I loathe you. You’re a pathetic excuse for a human being. God would never choose you as His prophet.”
Lunging at her, he grabbed a handful of hair at the base of her neck, twined his fingers in it, and yanked with all his might, nearly breaking her neck.
“From this moment forward, you are to honor and respect me, to think of no other man, no other husband, no other leader, but me. When I kiss you, you will kiss me back.” Nathan twisted and pulled harder. “Understand?”
Bent nearly double, every muscle, every sinew in her neck and back screaming for mercy, she grated through her teeth, “Understood.” At this rate, her teeth would be turned to mortar within the week. She eyed her mother’s gown and then the monster; she was sick to death she was being forced to desecrate it in a ceremony by his side. Her mother’s memory deserved better. “Aren’t you going to let us get dressed? Unless you want to marry me in my ratty blue jeans?”
Nathan shook his head. “What do you take me for? You’d climb out that window the moment I turned my back. We’ll be married in less than an hour; a little preview won’t make much difference. Besides, it’s not like I never saw it before.”
“That’s before I knew what a fiend you are.” She glanced at her gritty, grimy self. “Can’t we at least shower and clean up? Or do you want to look like a fool to all your society and political friends? If I’m to be a trophy wife, shouldn’t I look like a million bucks? You are marrying me for my money, after all, aren’t you?”
An enigmatic smile curved his lips, but he didn’t reply. “Leave the bathroom door open while you shower. Hurry it up. I have to get into my tuxedo as well.”
Melissa didn’t wait for a second invitation, but scurried into the bathroom and slipped behind the shower curtain to undress. He could see her silhouette through the translucent curtain, so she did her best to keep her backside to him. It was still better than stripping in front of him without any barrier. She showered in record time, washing the dust and leaves from her hair as well. She had to suffer parading in front of him in her underwear to reach the gown, but she told herself it covered more than her bikini. Still his burning gaze devoured her, giving her the creeps, and she did her best not to let him see her tremble.
When Melissa and her sister were dressed, he nodded. “Very lovely, ladies. You’ll do us proud. My turn.”
They met Brother Chet and a few of Brother Larry’s men in the hall and he escorted them downstairs. She had no doubt that at least one of them carried a loaded gun. They had the strangest brand of religion she’d ever come across.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, she spied her father, decked out in his tux, his hair several shades grayer than she’d last seen it. His shoulders were hunched, too, and his face was lined with wrinkles that she didn’t recall. Sudden, unexpected tears blocked her throat and her heart flipped over.
“Daddy!” Melissa broke loose of Brother Chet’s hold on her and flew to her father’s waiting arms, hugging him fiercely. When she finally broke loose enough to gaze into his eyes, a flicker of alarm jolted her. His eyes were hazy, as if he were drugged. A hoarse moan ripped from her throat. “What are they doing to you?”
Chapter Ten
Cody kept his mouth shut and his eyes and ears wide open. He watched for any opening he could get to escape, but thus far, one hadn’t presented itself.
Hushed male voices drifted to Cody from the corridor, just outside the room where one of Alexander’s men guarded him as he dressed. He inched closer to the door, trying not to make it obvious that he was eavesdropping nor to make it look like he was trying to escape. He valued his knees. Thus far, he only caught snatches of words and thought he heard Chet’s voice.
The word president sent dread spiraling through him and he knew he had to hear the rest. There was no telling what Alexander and his Lions were capable of. No limit to their evil.
Chet’s voice became clear. “We’ve recruited one of the President’s Secret Service agents who have planted a bomb in his car. We’ll wait till he’s safely off the estate, too far away to pin the blame on any of us, and detonate it by remote control.”
“What about your friend in there? We can’t have a loose thread hanging around.” Brother Larry must mean him. Who else would he mean?
“I have the perfect plan. We’ll let him go with the President--let him think we’re letting him go. He’ll be so glad to spill his guts to the old man that he’ll get cocky and we can blow them up together.” Hands clapped together.
“I like the way your mind thinks, Brother Chet.” Brother Larry sounded happy to be maiming and torturing again.
“That’s why I’m in the Bureau.”
My God! They planned to kill the President! But Nathan wasn’t next in line to succeed. The Vice President and Speaker of the House would have to die, too. Then there’d have to be an election. There must be more to their plan. Cody shuddered to think what it might be. He’d underestimated them already. It seemed their evil--like their delusions--knew no bounds.
“Hey you! Get back here!” The man’s greasy blonde hair fell across his eyes when he jumped to his feet. His pistol automatically jerked up, too.
Cody lifted his hands over his head. “I’m not trying to escape, man. I was just startled by a noise out there. Sounds like someone fell. Maybe you should check.”
“Brother Larry, is everyone okay out there?”
Brother Larry and Chet blocked the doorway. “All’s fine, Brother Daniel.”
“No one fell? Nothing dropped?” Brother Daniel favored Cody with a suspicious glare as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
Cody spread his hands, palms up. “Guess I’m hearing things.”
Chet walked over to him and straightened the corsage in his buttonhole, releasing the sickening sweet scent Cody found almost overpowering.
“You know, when I recommended you for the job to the Reverend, I never figured you’d be stupid enough to fall in love with the girl. You knew she belonged to the Reverend, did you not?” Chet shook his head, clucking his tongue. “Since when did you get stupid? You were the best.”
Cody reeled. He couldn’t have heard what he’d just thought he’d heard. “You recommended me?” He had to laugh but it was humorless. “Excuse me if I don’t thank you and shake your hand.”
“Shacking up with the girl wasn’t part of your assignment.” Chet checked his watch. “It’s time. Serves you right for meddling where you don’t belong.”
Cody didn’t think a reply would earn him any brownie points so he followed in silence, flanked by Brother Larry and Brother Daniel.
“Since when did you grow a conscience, Richards?” Chet whispered in his ear.
He must be referring to that incident back in New York when Cody had overlooked a certain offense by the mayor. But that had been a minor infraction and nothing like this. Still, it had led to him getting kicked off the force when the scandal broke wide open, the real reason he’d left, not the reason he’d told Melissa. Chet had been part of the NYPD but moved up to the FBI shortly thereafter. Still, they’d remained friends. At the time, Cody had been grateful that Chet kept up the friendship after what had happened.
Now he knew why. Either larceny didn’t bother Chet or he was just stringing Cody along until he needed his services. The funny thing was, that was the only time in his life Cody had veered from the right side of the law and he’d been caught. Chet, it seemed, had gone way overboard, and he was still one of the exalted G-men.
This would be hilarious … if it weren’t for the fact that the president’s life, and perhaps the entire country was in danger.
“When did you start following Charles Manson? Is this another retaliatory statement supporting Waco?”
Chet didn’t answer, just tossed his head and moved away. So did that mean yes? God, he was sick of these religious fanatics who thought an eye for an eye meant it was okay to murder innocent people just because the government screwed up. It wasn’t okay that innocent people had died at Waco and it wasn’t okay that innocent people died later in retaliation for Waco or any other tragedy, government made or not.
The irony of the situation struck Cody full force. He, the exiled cop, was the only one in a position to save the President of the United States, and the FBI agent was trying to bring down the country. Well, at least he had the knowledge. He wasn’t quite in position yet and was still clueless how he’d get into such a position.
His mind on the President, Cody wasn’t looking for Melissa, but when he caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eye, the vision of her took his breath away. He stopped dead; so enchanted was he that Brother Daniel ran into his back, almost knocking him over.
Chet turned and whistled under his breath. “A real beauty, she is.” He clapped Cody on the back. “Eat your heart out. Maybe next time you won’t mess with the boss man’s woman. If you’re still around....”
Cody drank his fill of the glorious vision, ignoring his ex-buddy. Melissa’s hair was loosely twisted into a French knot at the nape of her neck and was softened by wisps of hair allowed to hang down at her ears and around the elegant column of her long throat. The gentle ocean breeze caught the wisps, lifting them so that they framed her angelic, heart-shaped face. The dress she wore had probably been stark white at one time but was faded with age. The style suggested the dress was made in the 1960s. Opalescent seed pearls glinting in the afternoon sunlight adorned the complete bodice in intricate designs. The long skirt hung in folds, swirling around Melissa’s ankles, and then trailed her gracefully. Puffed sleeves showcased her slim shoulders, then slimmed to hug her arms with more of the intricate beadwork. She wore make-up for the first time in their acquaintance and she looked like a porcelain doll, with foundation hiding the natural highlights of her face. Her eyes were rimmed with dark blue eyeliner, making her eyes look too large in her face. Or maybe her face was pinched because deep down she wasn’t the happy bride outward appearances would shout.
Deadly Love Page 13