Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 158

by Mina Carter

  She decided to allow him to stare by reaching her arms up and turning her face toward the ceiling. Lexi closed her eyes and pretended to enjoy a much needed stretch. Then she felt it, a hot breath on her thighs coming closer.

  That’s it big boy, you know you want some of that. I just want you to do everything to me.

  Lexi started to smile, amazed at how quickly she had been able to have such an effect on Ryan. The warm breath quickly changed to deep sniffs.

  Great! The hottest guy in the world has his face in between my legs, and it turns out he is nothing but a weird freak.

  Her upper thighs were suddenly soaked. She opened her eyes expecting to see Ryan’s face and she shrieked. Ryan wasn’t the only one interested in Lexi. Buddy had come over and couldn’t resist sniffing the guest. Long gobs of slobber landed on her thighs. Ryan was still seated in his chair and he was completely amused by the entertainment that Buddy had provided.

  Ryan jumped up and scooted Buddy away with only a small reprimand. “Hold on, Lexi! Stay right there. I’ll get you something to clean that off.”

  Lexi cupped her face in her hands, both amused and embarrassed by what had happened. Ryan returned with a warm wet towel and knelt down on one knee next to her. Without saying a word, he wiped off her thighs and then switched the towel around to the clean side, putting the towel on her thigh again. He slowly ran the warm towel over her leg and then up the inside of her thigh. Most of his large strong hand was on her skin and she gasped softly at his touch. He stopped his hand just barely short of going all the way up to where she wanted him to be.

  “I think you missed a spot.” Her voice was soft just above a whisper, yet she sounded sexy and confident.

  He dropped the towel and left his hand in place as he leaned toward her. Before he lifted his hand away, his fingertips lightly skimmed over her center so close that she could only slightly feel the heat from his fingers.

  Both of his hands gently slid around the back of her neck. One hand raked through her hair and held her head, while his other hand brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. His lips were so close to her mouth that she trembled with anticipation.

  He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to taste her, to kiss her. His lips brushed lightly and gently against hers. She gasped in surprise at the softness and warmth his mouth offered.

  He slid his tongue in to meet hers, swiftly seeking it out before retreating again in a rhythmic dance. His fingertips danced across her neck over the soft skin of her shoulder, before sliding to the back of her neck, cupping it, pulling her closer to him.

  They could feel the heat building as the sparks flew between them. They were dizzy with anticipation. He wanted her more than anything. Any way that he could have her, he would gladly take her.

  Their kiss intensified and brought Lexi to a whole new level of want. She moaned in his mouth as his kiss became almost frantic, demanding, and nearly devouring her very soul.

  Ryan’s hands slid away from her neck, slowly down the front of her borrowed shirt. With a sudden flash of power, he ripped the shirt open. The two buttons that had been fastened spun across the floor into the unknown.

  Lexi gasped in surprise as she felt the cool breeze against her already hard buds. Ryan wasted no time kissing a path from her neck to her pert breasts, sucking each tiny pink bud into his mouth.

  Lexi couldn’t believe what was happening, but she knew it was the heat of their first kiss that melted away the wall of reservation. She had always kept the wall firmly in place to keep any emotion away, any feeling that would cause her to relinquish control and leave her completely vulnerable. Ryan’s touch made her inhibition drip away like the wax from a hot candle.

  She looked down at him and slowly parted her legs, allowing him access to her most secret area. She ran her hands over his strong arms, feeling their thickness. She wanted those arms wrapped tight around her.

  As Ryan moved closer and her fingers found purchase in his thick mass of hair, she silently urged him forward. His mouth lightly teased her at her core before quickly retreating. She gasped in pleasure with each tiny swipe of his tongue. He took his time to dwell on the area that seemed to bring her the most pleasure.

  Ryan gently urged her legs further apart. His tongue plunged deep inside of her and she writhed in ecstasy. Her back arched as the pleasure crested, her climax cascading over her. She called out for him in a throaty, lust filled voice that she didn’t recognize as her own. She needed to feel him deep inside of her.

  Her eyes hungrily devoured the site of him, every thick hard inch as he stood undressed before her. She had no experience with men, but she couldn’t imagine any male ever looking as good as Ryan did. She reached out to run her fingers over him. She wanted to touch him...needed to touch him.

  He easily lifted her from the chair. She wrapped her legs around his waist as her arms twisted around his neck. She moaned when his length pressed against her as he carried her to the bed.

  Though she already climaxed once the need inside of her swelled to a new level, making her think she would soon implode. She loved how he teased her with his tongue, but she didn’t have the patience for more teasing.

  He placed her atop of the light bedspread that covered his bed, and crawled up to hover above her. When it looked to her as if he were going to tease more, she took matters into her own hands. Lexi quickly and efficiently pushed Ryan off of her and on to his back. She smiled wickedly at his shocked expression.

  She quickly climbed on top of him. She wanted to be the one to explore for a bit. Her moist feminine core rested against his throbbing length. She slowly rocked back and forth, groaning each time it slid against her hardened nub.

  She licked and kissed every inch of his neck and chest as she worked her way slowly down. Lexi had never done anything like this before, but what she lacked in experience, she easily made up for with enthusiasm and need.

  The tip of her tongue bolted out to quickly taste the drop of excitement that leaked from his member. He moaned, as he watched her experiment with his cock. In no time she mastered her moves, sucking him deep in her mouth while her hand squeezed and massaged his sac. She had him on the verge of release.

  “God Lexi, that feels incredible, but I need you, I need to be in you.” With shaky hands, he reached down to pull her on top of him.

  She moaned at the loss. She never thought she would like doing something like that, but doing that to Ryan—watching him writhe in pleasure was the ultimate turn on.

  She took his thick hard cock into her and started to lower herself down on to it. She felt him stretching her core. The quick sting of pain that jolted through her sent a lone tear to her eye. She watched his expression as he realized that he was her first.


  She quickly cut him off, “Shhh...I want this, I want you more than anything right now.” She took a deep steadying breath and quickly took the rest of him deep inside of her. Her long auburn locks made a curtain around them as he reached up, pulling her tightly against him. He kissed her softly, giving her the time she needed to get used to the feeling and for the pain to subside.

  As the kiss deepened, her hips seemed to move of their own volition. The pain was gone, replaced by a sensation of fullness that was completely new to her. Feeling his thickness was more pleasurable than she could have imagined. She carefully, slowly moved up and down a few times to make sure the pain didn’t return. Each movement made her cry out with a new found ecstasy.

  Ryan held on to her hips and helped guide her movements. She arched her back and took him even deeper. Her heart pounded, her blood seemed to boil in her veins. She felt like her skin was too tight. Her body started to shake as it seemed to be racing toward something that she couldn’t identify. “That’s it Lex, let go baby,” Ryan said as he started to massage her swollen nub.

  “Oh, God Ryan, I—I—,” She cried as another orgasm tore through her. Her body shivered with pleasure. Her breaths were shallow as the waves o
f ecstasy continued to wash over her. Ryan quickly rolled her over, their bodies never losing the intimate connection. He wasn’t about to give her time to recover before her next orgasm hit.

  Just when she thought life couldn’t get any better, Ryan’s expert skills sent her flying to another high. She couldn’t comprehend how this much pleasure could be possible. Her mind struggled to form a single coherent thought. She gave up trying as her moans became louder. Lexi felt wicked beneath him. Her body was truly alive for the first time, ever.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her heels. Her fingers dug deep into his back, as she bit and nipped at his shoulder, neck, and lips. Lexi felt like an untamed beast and she loved every second of it. She would probably be embarrassed by her behavior later, but for now, all she wanted to do was enjoy the ride.

  Their fire burnt late into the night, until they slowed and then finally ended in an intimate embrace. Lexi laid her head on Ryan’s chest and listened to the beats of his heart. Ryan ran his hand across Lexi’s back and up the nape of her neck. As he ran his fingers through her hair, he broke the comfortable silence.

  “This is going to sound kind of crazy for me to say but, we’ve really only known each other a short while—and I didn’t have any intention of this happening. I know that I’ve never enjoyed being around anyone so much or wanted someone so much, until I met you, Lex. It’s like we’re two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that just happened to come together, and we fit perfectly.”

  Lexi looked up at him and her eyes began to water. “I feel the same way, Ryan. I’ve never felt any of this, emotionally or physically. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I never let myself. I guess in most stories, this is the time when we are supposed to make some sort of promise or vow. We’ve only just met. Maybe it’s because we’ve spent so much time together sharing everything, or maybe there is some magic out there. All I know is that when I’m with you, I feel truly alive. I’m not going to ask you to make any promises, just kiss me again like you did before.”

  Ryan leaned down and cradled her head with his hands as their lips met. “I think I like this kind of magic.”

  Buddy lumbered through the door and climbed onto the bed amid protests from both Lexi and Ryan. “I am pretty sure you actually urged Buddy to come over and slobber on me earlier.”

  “He came up with that idea all on his own! Pretty smart dog, isn’t he?”

  “Well, that certainly is a novel move, but I can’t say the end result was guaranteed! Just so you know, you didn’t need Buddy to seduce me...not at all.”

  Lexi and Ryan had finally succumbed to a deep slumber. It seemed like only minutes had passed before Ryan was jolted from his sleep by a rapid series of snapping noises. The sounds were accompanied by bright flashes that came from the jungle behind the house. Ryan put an arm around Lexi and forcefully dragged her off of the mattress. He was alert and grabbed an AK-47 that he kept strapped to the sideboard of his bed frame. Lexi was bewildered and her head was still clouded from sleep. “What? What is it?”

  “The perimeter trip wires are going off.” More snaps and light switches tripped at random places around the jungle. “Stay down!” He grabbed a laptop from a table near the bed. They watched the screen display half a dozen cameras Ryan had set up in the surrounding forest. Nothing moved. Ryan skipped back through the recorded video and looked for anything that could have set off the alarm.

  “What do you see?”

  “Nothing. Wait. Something is there and there! No way in hell! It was here and almost simultaneously way over on the other side!” Ryan pointed to the blurry image of what appeared to be a human shape that was nearly twenty feet off the ground. It appeared on two separate camera images that were about four hundred yards apart, but somehow each camera recorded the same creature within only seconds of each other. He switched the video feed to the cameras located on the exterior of the house. They waited quietly on the floor next the bed. Buddy had jumped off the foot of the bed and covered Lexi in a protective blanket.

  They could hear the loud snaps and crashes of large tree branches being broken. “Something is coming, hear that? It’s getting closer.”

  Ryan pulled the bolt back on his rifle and let it slam forward to load a round in the chamber. The usual background noise of the nighttime jungle had ceased and all that could be heard was the relentless cracking. “What the hell is that?” Ryan couldn’t fathom how any human or animal could cause such damage.

  They heard a loud scream. A terrible scream that was part howl, but with the deep and incredible roar of a lion. Lexi began to shake as fear penetrated her pounding heart. There was a crash against the house and it vibrated with the concussion. The video feed from the cameras had gone dead. Ryan crawled to the bedroom door and looked for any sign of movement.

  After an hour had gone by and everything quieted down, Ryan convinced Lexi it was probably just a gale force wind that blew in from the sea. He told her that one must have accompanied the stormy weather and had knocked down some trees as it had done before. Once he was able to calm her, they climbed back in bed. Lexi fell asleep with Buddy tight against her. Ryan, however, stayed wide awake.

  Shortly after Lexi fell asleep, there was a loud knock at the front door. It was still dark when Ryan looked at the clock and saw that is was nearly four in the morning. He grabbed his rifle and held a finger to his mouth, telling Buddy “Shush, quiet. Stay.” He carefully walked out to the living room, closing the bedroom door behind him. Before answering the knock he strategically walked to the other side of the living room, so that if it was an intruder, any attack would be in the opposite direction of where Lexi peacefully slept.

  “Who is it?” He asked the unknown presence.

  A voice he recognized answered. It was an elderly man from the native tribe, who lived several miles inland from the little fishing village nearby. He was once the shaman of his people, and he could sometimes be found out on a spiritual journey as he followed his hallucinations through the jungle. He begged to be let in.

  Ryan had heard the rumors from the locals, but he figured the old man was harmless. The villagers had shunned the old shaman and forced him to live alone in the forest. They said that he had been possessed by an evil spirit. Ryan thought that if he had exhibiting some sort of bizarre behavior, it was more likely the repeated doses of psychedelic concoctions had taken their toll on the shaman’s sanity.

  Ryan opened the door and the old man walked in. He was small and dark skinned. He wore only the traditional loincloth that had once been typical of the natives of the region. His head, arms, and chest were smeared with something red. Ryan looked back to be sure that the bedroom door was still closed with Buddy behind it, protecting Lexi. Ryan slowly stepped backward to let the strange man walk in. “Stop right there. What’s wrong? Do you need help?” The man didn’t answer. He stood, slouched in silence. “Hey! You! What’s wrong?” The man took a step closer, but never looked up. Suddenly, with the quickness of a pouncing jaguar the man raised his head and jumped into the air toward Ryan. He opened his mouth and Ryan realized instantly that each one of the man’s teeth had been filed down into pointed fangs.

  His insanely vicious attack was thwarted when Ryan quickly swung the butt of his rifle upwards with all of his strength. The stock connected under the attacker’s jaw with a sickening smack that knocked the airborne madman to the ground. The blow had forced the intruder to crawl away back to the door.

  A group of a dozen men from the tribe had been tracking the crazed shaman. They had just started to gather at Ryan’s door when their wounded prey crawled through the door. Lexi was woken by the commotion and now peered out of the bedroom door as Buddy blocked her from stepping out into the living room.

  “Ryan, what happened?” She looked around and nervously asked.

  “Looks like we found out who was tripping those wires earlier. Some crazy man from the tribe. Let me find out what the story is.”

  Ryan stepped out onto the deck,
where the posse had tied up the shaman and were preparing to carry him away. Their Spanish was often mixed with their native language and Ryan struggled to comprehend what they told him. In the last month, three people had gone missing from the village. Each had been dragged out into the jungle during the night. They feared it was a jaguar that had found a taste for human flesh, but they couldn’t find any tracks or sign.

  They posted guards every night after the disappearances and on this night, they were alerted by the screams of a woman. Somehow, the attacker had slipped into the village and stolen her away. They spotted her corpse in a tree, with the blood soaked shaman ripping her flesh away with his monstrous teeth. He was quickly lost in the jungle. Once he was spotted and after a long search, they tracked him to Ryan’s house.

  The story they told Ryan ran through his mind.

  What the hell do they mean? He’s not crazy or possessed? I think they were trying to say he was a slave or a captive of an evil spirit. What was the word they used...servant. A servant for the demon...and under its spell. The look on those guys faces, they were terrified, absolutely terrified of the shaman. I still don’t know why they kept pointing around in the sky and talking about the demon. At least they got that nutcase. I have a feeling that whatever they do to him is going to be pretty bad, and I don’t even want to know about it.

  He watched the party walk away down the beach with the shaman tied to a pole that hung between the shoulders of two men as if they had just bagged a wild boar. He went back in and smiled at Lexi. “Well that worked out pretty well. I guess some crazy man was on the loose and there was a posse looking for him. He came here and I booted him out the door right into their laps. That solves the mystery of our scare earlier.” Ryan looked around the room so he didn’t have to face Lexi because he knew he was a terrible liar.

  “What about that creepy thing on the video? What was that?”


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