Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 220

by Mina Carter

  Makeup, as in she didn’t have any.

  The taller of the two girls bent down and brought a large box up from the bottom. When she opened it, there was an array of makeup and perfume. Peri looked perplexed, she didn’t know what to do with any of it.

  The girl saw her face. “If you’re not used to it, I could come back later and put it on for you? We can pick what you’ll need now, and just let me know when you need me, okay?”

  Peri nearly kissed her. “Oh, that would be wonderful, thank you. Now, Gabe, what about the perfume, which should I get?”

  Gabe came over and stood behind her looking into the box, his hand reached down and brought a bottle out. “Here. When in doubt go with classic, Chanel. Can’t go wrong with that, Peri. It also happens to be one of mine and Josef’s favorites.”

  Peri smiled back at him, he was standing awfully close.

  Gabe couldn’t help himself, he really couldn’t, he bent down and kissed Peri’s shoulder softly. A gentle whisper of a kiss and he could now clearly scent her arousal, even though she had a confused look on her face.

  Gabe pulled back. “Okay, my turn ladies, let’s see those suits you’ve got for me.”

  The moment passed and Peri sighed, but whether it was in relief or annoyance, she wasn’t sure. She knew she had liked it, though. The feel of his lips on her skin, what would it be like if he really kissed her? If Josef kissed her?

  Peri turned to help Gabe pick a suit and she made him try them on, as he had done to her. When he walked out with the third one on, her breath hitched, he was glorious. He looked so damn handsome and strong, but dangerous, too. Her heart started to flutter, and she had no control over it at all.

  Gabe stared at Peri’s face, her eyes wide, her pupils dilating. Shit, did she know what she was doing to him?

  “I take it you like?” He asked with more than a little lust in his voice. The two salesgirls looked between the two, the sexuality there for them to see.

  “Yes...I like it very much, Gabe, that’s the one.” Peri’s voice was a little breathless. Dear lord, what was he doing to her?

  “Okay, girls, that’s us done. You know who to bill. Josef! Come out here and sign for this, will you?” Gabe shouted, but when he looked, Josef was there. Watching. Gabe realized he had probably been there a while.

  Josef walked over and took the paperwork from the taller girl. “By the way, can you come at five thirty, help Peri get ready and do the makeup? I would also like to have your services tomorrow and the next, to show her how to use it herself, if that’s okay?”

  The salesgirl smiled broadly. “Yes, sir,” she said and tried a smile, but he didn’t smile back. He never did.

  Josef dismissed them with a wave of his hand and sat down on his chair. “So, Peri, want to show me what you got? You can put them on for me.”

  Peri was excited, she had never owned so much and such nice things, too. She picked most of the things up and moved to her room to change and started off with the casual clothes. The modeling went on for quite some time, but at the end, Peri felt on top of the world. Josef was making nice comments, and his eyes seemed darker somehow?

  She refused to put the gown on. “No, I want you to see it when I’m all ready. I want it to be a surprise,” Peri told both of the men.

  Josef eyed the little red satin nightie, looked at it and pointedly at Peri. “Josef, no. All I’ll say is if I ever do actually wear that, I think both of you will see it.”

  Peri gasped at her brazenness and turned and ran for the bedroom. Laughter followed her and she realized it was Josef.

  As she snuck a peek, she saw Gabe standing with his mouth open and a very hard bulge in his jeans. Oh dear God!

  Why did I just say that? Peri thought and thought hard, she realized it was probably because it was the truth.

  Peri put all her things away carefully and realized the wardrobe had quite a few things in it now. A pang of sadness struck her hard in the chest. She wished she could stay. She didn’t want to have to leave, either here or Gabe or Josef.

  A single tear escaped her eyes, and she jumped as a finger wiped it away. Josef stood beside her. “You don’t need to go anywhere, Peri, I told you that. I’m going to deal with your father and then you will live here, with us. On what terms is totally up to you, little Witch. Even if you never share our bed or beds, you will always have a place here.”

  Peri stared into those ice-blue eyes, and she wondered how she could ever have thought them cold. The blue was so rare and the color drew her in, she found herself moving slightly forward.

  Josef stayed perfectly still, he would not force this. If she came, she came willingly and of her own free will. Gabe was at the door, taking it all in.

  Peri moved her hand and placed her fingers on Josef’s lips. What would it be like to be kissed? She wanted to find out, but was terrified. What if she didn’t like it and wanted to stop? She knew men didn’t like that. They would think her a...what was it, oh yes, a tease.

  “I would never think that of you, Peri,” Josef said quietly and knew if she made the move, his lips would be on hers in a second.

  “I’m scared, Josef, and I like Gabe, too. I’m confused.” Peri had feelings running through her that she had no ideas about, and it scared her more than a little.

  “Don’t be scared, Peri, we won’t hurt you, and I like you, too, baby.” Gabe’s voice was husky, he was so turned on. Seeing her fingers on Josef’s lips, it was innocent and erotic at the same time.

  Peri turned her head, saw Gabe leaning against the doorway, a smile tugging at his lips. Lips that she would quite like to feel on her skin again.

  Josef nodded to Gabe, who moved from the door and walked over, slowly. As he got nearer, Peri’s heart rate jumped up. Adrenaline started to course through her body, and usually when this happened, she was in the middle of a fight or running for her life.

  Josef was whispering “It’s okay, Peri, you’re getting aroused, don’t fight it. I also want to say, we won’t take you to bed just now.”

  “We won’t?” Gabe all but whined.

  “No, Gabe, we won’t. We don’t want to scare Peri, now do we?” Josef knew they had to take this real slow.

  “Of course not, but Peri, can I ask for a kiss? A proper kiss?” Gabe’s eyes were hooded and Peri had never seen that in a face before. God she was beginning to feel something down below, and she had a moment of panic, as she thought she had wet herself.

  “It’s okay, Peri, that’s natural. Do you want to kiss Gabe?” Josef could feel everything she was, and it was the most arousing thing he had ever felt. A complete and utter novice, not even kissed, dear lord, she would be the death of them.

  Peri looked at Gabe and then Josef. She didn’t know what to do, she wanted to kiss them both. She didn’t want to upset Josef by kissing Gabe first or vice versa.

  Josef chuckled. “I won’t be upset, little Witch, but could I ask that I hold you while you kiss him?”

  Peri’s eyes were like saucers now, what did he mean hold her? She didn’t know what he meant, she was such a baby at all this.

  Josef turned Peri around, so her back was to his front and Gabe was in front of her. She stared into his face and did as she had with Josef, traced his lips with her fingers. They were moist lips and warm, would she like kissing him? She wanted to know, she wanted to feel his lips on hers.

  Josef nodded his head once and Gabe moved forward, his hands on either side of her face, as he lowered his lips. When they touched, he thought he was going to explode in his jeans. Her lips tasted sweet as honey, and he probed with his tongue, wanting entrance to her mouth.

  Peri gasped, as Gabe’s lips met hers. It felt good, his tongue was pressing on her lips and she opened slightly. His tongue pushed in and soon they were having a full-on kiss. One that left her knees weak.

  Josef placed his arms around Peri’s waist, holding her firmly to him. Every sensation she felt passed to him, and he knew his hardness was pressing into the small
of her back. He felt it as her knees grew weak and he whispered “Gabe.”

  Gabe heard it and didn’t want to obey. Knowing Josef was saying to pull back. God no, he wanted to take her mouth and drown inside her. He felt as if he had drunk a whole bottle of whisky. With great effort he pulled away slowly, a smile on his face, as her eyes popped open as if in despair at the loss of his lips.

  Josef turned her around, and she looked up at him with arousal now clear in her eyes. He bent down and pressed his own lips to hers, and dear fucking God, he knew he was lost.

  Her mouth opened to his and their tongues met in a dance, one which she had never done before. Her feelings and passions were ripe in her and passing straight to him. He felt another large chunk of ice fall from his heart.

  As her heart got more and more erratic, Josef pulled away and Peri fell against his chest. He encircled her body and held her tight, Gabe running a hand up and down her back softly.

  “Dear Jesus – that was – Jesus, I can’t talk!” Peri was still lost in a host of sensations that were running through her, and she wished they hadn’t stopped. She wanted more, a lot more.

  Josef chuckled. “Not now, later, once you’ve had time to think about it, Peri. You’ve kissed us both, felt both of our passions. Now the decision is yours, Gabe, me, or both. You can let us know what you decide. Now go and have a nice long bath, the girl will be here soon to help you get ready.”

  Josef pushed Peri in the direction of the bathroom and gave her backside a swat as she left. She whirled around at the sting on her behind, then smiled cheekily and ran for the bathroom. Once again, she locked the door.

  As she got inside, she ran the water and started to pull her clothes off. As she got to her underwear, she realized they were wet. Josef had said this was normal? She was a full-grown woman who had no idea what was going on with her own body. She wished she knew about these things. She thought, could she ask Josef? Maybe.

  Gabe let out a long breath. “I’m gone, my man, she’s inside me. I’ve never felt like this, Josef!”

  Josef looked at his friend and realized he had never seen him like this. “Gabe, my friend, I also am lost. The little Witch is chipping away at my armor and the ice around my heart.”

  Both men looked at each other, then the bathroom door. What they would do to be in there with her just now.

  Chapter 6

  Peri took her time in the bath, relaxing in the warm, bubbly water. It was a luxury she hadn’t had in a long time.

  She took the time to think. Gabe and Josef? A Wolf and a Vampire, jeez, she didn’t do anything by halves. Up ‘til now, she had never even spoken with a member of the opposite sex, other than to do a deal or finding one. Neither of those situations had her wanting to kiss anybody.

  She didn’t want just to kiss either. The thought flew into her head and she took a deep breath in. Oh my, she was feeling all hot and bothered again. But two? Really? Wasn’t that bad? Wouldn’t she be a – a – a slut?

  She had no idea, only knowing that the fire that those kisses had started was burning brightly in her nether regions right now. She had never even, well, done it to herself. Growing up as she had, all talk of sex and stuff was not on the menu. She had read magazines over the past few years, picking them out of bins, she couldn’t afford to buy one herself. She had read about pleasure, orgasms, stuff like that, but had no direct experience.

  She had no internet access, a laptop way out of her reach. She barely could eat, far less think on things like laptops, magazines, books. No, she hadn’t had any of those on any kind of regular basis. She only had a very old second-hand mobile phone, and she needed to keep in touch regarding bounties. Sometimes she didn’t eat, because she had to buy credit for her old phone.

  The internet was a complete mystery to her, and she thought she might like to find out a bit about it. She was sure Josef would teach her.

  Her mind kept going back to those kisses, both were breath-taking, both so different. She was sure she could not choose between the two.

  Her excitement started to rise, as she realized she was going to get all prettied up. She hoped the guys liked how she looked.

  Finally, she came out of the bath and wrapped a towel around her, padding back through to the bedroom, her gown hanging out. She couldn’t believe it was hers. A soft knock on the door brought her out of her reverie and she answered it with a quiet “Yes?”

  The door opened and the salesgirl walked in, a large smile on her face. Peri smiled back and wished she had a girlfriend she could confide in.

  Peri put a robe on before she sat at the dressing table and let the girl get to work. She chattered away and Peri had difficulty even understanding half the things she spoke of. The girl, Tania, even helped Peri with her hair. She dried it and used some clips to maneuver it into an unfussy up-do.

  When she was finished, Peri didn’t even recognize herself. The makeup was flawless and not too much. Tania confided that Josef had said not to use a lot, that Peri was beautiful without it.

  When Tania said that, Peri’s stomach filled with butterflies, and she hoped Josef liked the way she looked. Tania wanted to help her into her gown, but because of the scars, Peri moved into the walk-in wardrobe and pulled it on. Tania helped with the shoes and put a small compact with the lipstick they used into the matching purse.

  Tania went to the bedroom door and peeked out. “They’re both there, come on.” Tania motioned with her hand and Peri followed her.

  Tania walked out, shouted “Ta-da!” and moved her arm in a wide arc, coming to bear on the doorway. Peri was very nervous, hoping she looked okay.

  As the salesgirl shouted, both Josef and Gabe looked around, their eyes glued to Peri. Gabe couldn’t breathe, his lungs weren't working. She was a vision, like something out of a top class magazine. The dress was a better match to her eyes than they had thought and her hair, whatever she had done, she looked out of this world.

  Josef looked with a smile creeping onto his face. She was so beautiful and she had no idea. Her innocence and pure heart shined through brightly. He hoped to Christ she stayed, because he was looking forward to taking care of her, teaching her...so many, many things.

  Both got up quickly and moved over. “You look stunning, Peri, absolutely stunning.” Josef smiled down at her, as he took one of her hands in his.

  Gabe was trying to find the right words, but then gave up and just spoke from his heart. “You are a vision like none other I’ve ever seen. You are truly beautiful, baby. That dress fits you like a second skin, I wish it were me.”

  Peri laughed, this kind of attention was not like any she had ever had before, and she liked it. She had never, not once, thought she was even pretty. Then again, she didn’t look in a mirror much and had never worn makeup or a gown. Or high heels.

  “So let’s go, I’ve made dinner reservations – very private and exclusive little place. I hope you like it.” Josef started to lead them out the door, and they realized that Tania was still standing there.

  Peri smiled. “Thank you, Tania, very much.”

  Tania said, “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon for our makeup lesson, have a good time tonight, Peri.”

  Josef pulled his wallet out and handed a huge tip to Tania. She looked at the money in her hand, he knew it was more than a month’s wages for her. She thanked him and walked out, a smile still on her face.

  Peri pulled back a little. “Okay, let me see you two, oh, you both look so handsome. That suit really does suit you, Gabe, you look real good. Josef, immaculate, that suit is immaculate. How many of those fancy suits do you have?”

  Josef chuckled “Oh, I have many, Peri, very, very many.”

  The men took each arm and they left the penthouse, making their way to the private elevator. Peri was impressed, her eyes wide as she took everything in. As they came out of the lift into the parking area, she saw the most gorgeous car she had ever seen.

  “That’s so hot, whose is it?” Her voice had risen. She knew
nothing about guys, sex, internet, and a host of other things, but cars? She loved cars, she would spend hours staring at them, whether on a stakeout or just because she was sleeping in hers and they flew past. She loved her cars and dreamed of a day when she would have a great big, fast car.

  “That would be mine,” said Josef. “It’s a...”

  Peri interrupted, “Oh, I know what it is, it’s a Jaguar, import from UK, mint condition. The power that these things have, oh Josef, are we taking it tonight? Can I sit up front? Please!”

  Peri’s excitement and enthusiasm was like a breath of fresh air to the old Vampire, and he joined her in laughing. “Of course you can, little Witch, come on.”

  Josef took her to the car and helped her in. Gabe got in back and he was chuckling away, Peri’s excitement getting to him, too.

  Josef got in. “Okay, buckle up,” he said, as he smiled over at the most gorgeous female he had ever laid eyes on.

  Peri complied and had to contain herself. She felt like jumping up and down in her seat.

  Josef drove a little too fast, wanting Peri to feel the power in the vehicle. Peri felt very strange, it almost felt like when she had been kissed. What was that about?

  “Oh, so you like the power, Peri, I’ll keep that in mind for the journey home! I may just get a few speeding tickets, but it’ll be worth it, if it makes you feel like that!” Josef looked in his rear view mirror and saw Gabe’s shocked expression.

  Josef pulled up at a little building, nondescript on the outside. The valet took the keys and Gabe rushed to help Peri get out. She smiled shyly up at him and got that tingly feeling again as their hands touched.

  The smile almost made Gabe bend and kiss her lips. He couldn’t wait to taste her again.

  Josef could feel the younger male’s anticipation and eagerness, he hoped he kept it in check. Peri was still skittish about all of this, and he didn’t want Gabe to scare her.

  As they walked to the door, two very large doormen opened the doors and they went inside. The difference between out and in was phenomenal, inside was the most luxuriant Peri had ever seen. It was quite small and all the tables had plenty of room. There were several semi-circle booths and it was to one of those that they were ushered.


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