Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 225

by Mina Carter

  As Peri felt the orgasm start, she screamed and Josef continued to use his tongue until it was completely over. Her breathing fast, her body on fire.

  Gabe moved onto his back, pulled her on top and her legs fell on either side of his thighs. Her eyes were glazed, but she stared into his. “My Wolf,” she murmured, and those words struck him deep. His Wolf wanted to mark her, but he knew he couldn’t, they had to talk about that.

  His hardness was near her entrance, and her eyes went wide, as she felt it.

  “I’ll be gentle, Peri. I’ve put you on top so you can have control. It’s up to you, I’ll lie still until you’re comfortable, until you let me know it’s okay to move.” Gabe was fighting to hold himself in check, but he didn’t have an alternative. He would not hurt her.

  Peri nodded and felt hands on her back, Josef running his up and down her, then round to cup her small breasts. She inhaled sharply at the new feelings and wondered how folks survived this amount of sensation running through their bodies.

  Josef moved her hips slightly, so the head of Gabe’s cock was right at her entrance. “Press down a little...just a little...let him inside, Peri.” Josef’s tone was soft and caring, his hands once more caressing her skin.

  Peri felt the tip of Gabe’s cock and moved downwards slightly, feeling the head pop in. The feeling was surprising, not like the previous night, but she guessed that was because of the position.

  It didn’t hurt, so she moved some more and felt more slide in. There was still no pain, only a sense of being full, so she continued small bits at a time, and then she realized he was in her fully. Her eyes wide in surprise, how could that huge cock she saw last night be inside her?

  Gabe’s jaw was clenched tight, he desperately wanted to thrust inside her. The feeling of her around him was so exquisite it was almost painful.

  “That’s it, Peri. It doesn’t hurt, does it?” Josef asked, knowing the answer.

  Peri shook her head, her eyes never leaving Gabe’s. “It feels good. I think you can move now, Gabe.”

  The Wolf nodded slowly and took hold of her hips, pushing her up and pulling her down, as he started to move. Nothing dramatic, he didn’t want to hurt or scare her with a full-on fuck.

  Slowly Peri got used to his size, the feel of him inside, and she started getting aroused again, or maybe she had never lost the arousal? She had no idea, only that she now wanted him to move quicker, faster, feel him thrusting deep inside her.

  “Tell him,” Josef said, and Gabe’s eyes went to the Vampires in query.

  Peri blushed. “Quicker...more,” she managed to get out, and as soon as she did, Gabe started to move. His thrusts commanding, demanding, taking her body as his and Peri’s head fell back, her long hair dropping down her bare skin, as she moaned loudly.

  Josef was at her back, kneeling between Gabe’s thighs with one hand cupping her mound at the front and the other played with her ass cheeks. One of his fingers dipped down her ass and to her core, letting her juices flow over his digit.

  He moved slowly and placed his finger at her tight ass and pressed slightly. Peri jerked and in her mind he heard her: ‘What’s he doing?’

  “It’s okay, Peri, just relax, trust us.” Josef started to move his fingers on his other hand, playing and circling around her clit, she bucked hard and Gabe was thrusting hard now. His body and hers both slick with sweat.

  Josef pressed his finger at her ass again and it slipped in. As it did so, Peri groaned loudly at the double intrusion of her body.

  The Vampire stilled his finger, letting her get used to it, working her up with the hand that was on her nub. Peri could feel the finger in her, but the other sensations running through her had her dismissing it entirely.

  That was until Josef started to move it. “Oh dear God!” Peri shouted and Josef smiled. The feelings she was getting now had her all but orgasming.

  Josef stopped moving on her clit, wanting to be sure of exactly what pushed her over. Gabe thrust with abandon now and Josef moved his finger quicker, harder. He felt it inside her head, the feelings, knew she liked it. Christ, she was loving every sensation they were giving her.

  Peri screamed and her body shuddered, explosions going off in front of her eyes, her heart stopped. She knew it had stopped dead with the feelings.

  Josef moved his hand away, as Peri fell on top of Gabe, his own roar of release ringing in her ears.

  Josef was near his own release, taking part in the other two’s lovemaking affecting him greatly. He lay down next to them. Peri’s eyes opened but weren’t focused. He would ask no more of her right now. His own hand circled his hardness and started moving, as his eyes stared into her glassy ones.

  Peri’s hand moved towards Josef’s face and she licked her lips, dear lord, he wanted those lips. Peri looked down and saw what he was doing. Her eyes showed a little shock, she had never expected anything like this. She lying atop a man with his cock still in her, as another lay next to her pleasuring himself.

  She moved slightly and Gabe and her became detached. She just swirled around, laying over Gabe’s body and placed her mouth on the top of Josef’s hardness.

  It had been totally unexpected, but Josef groaned in bliss, as her mouth circled him. He had been near before, now he almost came at her first touch.

  His hand was rough, as he grabbed her hair and thrust upwards, her mouth taking far more of him than he thought she could. “Peri, I’m about to come!” Josef moaned a warning, if she wanted to pull back, then now was the second to do it.

  She didn’t move, apart from her eyes. They looked up and into his, and he was sure he saw a smile in them.

  Her thoughts rammed into his brain. ‘Come, Josef, in my mouth.’ As soon as he heard it, he did just that. Snarling and grunting like a wild animal, his seed entered her mouth and she swallowed as if hungry.

  Josef moved, as soon as he had finished, picking Peri up and pulling her close. Showering little kisses across her entire face while she lay languidly in his arms. Gabe looked on and smiled. This scene was just perfect.

  As they all came down from their various highs, Peri sighed contentedly. “Guys, can I ask some questions?” Peri had several she wanted the answers to!

  “Of course, what’s on your mind?” Josef said with a smile. He usually knew before she did what was in her brain.

  “Firstly, are there any rules to this...this...relationship? I mean, is it okay for it to be just two sometimes?” Peri realized that there might be occasions when one was available and the other wasn’t. If she wanted to, well, you know, she had to know if that was okay or not?

  Gabe chuckled. “Yes, that’s okay. If you are in the mood for just one of us, all you have to do is say. If one of us wants you all to ourselves, we’ll ask if that’s okay with you. The absolutely main thing you have to understand, Peri, this will mostly be on your terms. We would not force anything on you. We may try different things, but if you don’t want to, you say no – simple word – no.”

  Peri thought that was fine, so she went on to a harder one. “Uhm, so what am I? Exactly? Am I your girlfriend or what?”

  Josef lifted her chin, so she could see his eyes. “Or what. You are far more than a girlfriend, Peri. We may as well discuss this now, as you brought it up. Both of us would like you to mate with us, both of us. We both have slightly differing ways of that happening, but we both want it, badly.”

  Peri was a little taken aback. Mated? Wasn’t that like...permanent?

  Josef laughed. “Indeed it is, Peri, very permanent.”

  “So, I’d be mated to you both? At the same time? Forever?” Peri at first didn’t know what to think, she tried to slow her breathing. Calmly, she needed to think calmly about this.

  “Yes, baby, both of us means double the sex, but double the love, protection, caring...all the good things a mating means.” Gabe was smiling, that cheeky one he did, it gave her butterflies.

  “So, I wouldn’t need to move out or anything, if either of you
got bored with me?” Peri so didn’t want to leave, not just the room but either of them.

  “No, and no, wouldn’t happen. We’re crazy about you, baby, you’ll be stuck with us for a very long time.” Gabe was still smiling, he looked really happy!

  “Oh, but what about me? I mean, I’m only a Witch, I age like normal humans, neither of you do!” Peri felt her heart ache. The thought of growing old and dying and leaving these two made her feel sick.

  “No, Peri, that wouldn’t happen either. There are several ways and reasons. Do you want to know them?” Josef asked quietly.

  Peri nodded, so he went on. “Firstly, when a Wolf mates they are joined, his mate takes part of his power for healing, aging, stuff like that. For a Vampire, once bonded...oh, first you need to know what happens don’t you? So with Gabe he will mark you – bite you – you are supposed to return this. I’m sure in the throngs of passion it won’t be a problem for you. So that’s the Wolf part covered. Now, Peri, you know what I am? I am a Vampire. Do I eat food?” Josef waited, watching her eyes, the knowledge dawning in them.

  “Oh, no. So, blood, you want mine?” Peri had known he was a Vampire, but had never seen him have anything other than alcohol or coffee.

  “Yes, blood. At the bond I would feed from you, our bond would then start to grow, cement itself, we would be very close, Peri. You would then be able to feel me. Not actually hear thoughts, as such, but definitely feel my moods, my feelings, my arousal! Then I would take some of your blood every day or two at the most. I would also give you a small amount of mine, just every so often, too few to even mention. As you are not a Wolf, and probably wouldn’t relish drinking even a little of my blood, it is easy enough to add to food, a steak, for instance. My blood is very powerful. You won’t age, you would stay young, youthful, and healthy.” Josef finished and watched for any sign that he had scared her or that she didn’t want this, any of this.

  “Well, that sounds okay, but how do you both know I’m your mate? I’m just worried that in a month or a year, one or both of you will realize that you don’t want me.” Peri’s voice broke at the end, her feelings running wild.

  “Peri baby, a Wolf only ever meets one proper mate, and it’s the Wolf part that knows first. My Wolf knew that first night, from the second my senses smelled your scent. You are definitely my mate.” Gabe’s voice was thick, as he spoke, the emotion clear for Peri to hear.

  Josef nodded. “It is even rarer for a Vampire, we don’t tend to find a mate. However, when we do, we know it. Our powers tell us it is so and mine has also told me. You are mine, Peri, my mate. Don’t ever think we won’t want you, we will always want you. For this – the three of us – it is so rare, I have never heard about it before. Mainly because if it did happen, the Wolf and Vampire would fight to the death for the right to their mate. As it happens, Gabe and I have been together a long time and are used to sharing a woman. It will be no hardship for us. Trust me, if there are any hiccups, we’ll sort them out. All you need to know is we both want you as our mate, and all you have to do is decide if that’s what you want.”

  Peri looked from one to the other. She had no knowledge of all this mating stuff. She could only go on what she knew, and what she knew was that she wanted both of these men.

  Josef grabbed her and kissed her deeply. His powers telling him what she had decided.

  “I take that as a yes?” Gabe snorted.

  Chapter 10

  After the decision was made, Peri felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. A very heavy weight.

  She felt light, giddy, and as happy as she had ever felt in her miserable life. She was safe and secure, loved, and happy, nothing could spoil it. Nothing.

  A long shower followed, in which both men showed her it was for more than getting clean.

  Now she was wrapped up in a warm robe, sitting on a sofa, as Josef worked in his office and Gabe was playing some game or other on his iPad.

  She was desperate for a look. She had seen people with them before, but had never used one. Not the internet or anything like it. Her eyes were following him, as he fiddled about and finally cursed.

  “That’s me killed again. I just can’t get past that level!” Gabe looked angry, but Peri thought it was just frustration. She laughed at his face and he blushed.

  “Sorry, I get carried away, when I’m playing my games. Just shout at me, if I play them too often. Would you like to do something or talk?” Gabe’s cheeky smile was back, and she realized what he meant by ‘do something.’

  “Talk. Tell me some stories about you and Josef. You’ve been together a long time, haven’t you?” Peri wanted to know all she could about these two amazing males.

  “Yes. You know how we met. Well, he took me in and got a doctor in, one that specialized in Supernaturals, kept me in his own place. I was young and angry and, hell, just a bit wild! Josef tempered that in me, showed me how not to fly off the handle at the least thing. He changed my life, Peri, I’m sure I’d be dead if it weren’t for him. He’s a good man, and the way he’s changed since you...it’s fucking amazing. I feel so good that you make him happy. My Wolf wouldn’t have been happy, but, Peri, if you had indicated you liked just him, I would’ve bowed out. Maybe not gracefully, but I would’ve done it – for him. The fact that he is disgustingly rich only enhances his appeal.” Gabe had added that last sentence as he became aware that Josef was standing listening.

  Peri shrieked “Gabe!” Then she heard the laughter from behind her. Josef had heard. She was sure Gabe had done that just to annoy him.

  “Yes, Peri, as Gabe so politely put it, I have plenty of money. After living for a few centuries, you realize the changes in society, in technology, so any smart Vamp gets in on the ground. On anything new, I would invest, sometimes huge sums of money. It paid off, technology is the biggest earner by far for me. I have shares in just about everything from the internet, computers, banking, weapons, power supplies, and I have a large portfolio of businesses, including several hotels here in Vegas. This one was one of my first investments and since it’s been remodeled and upgraded, I decided to move in. I had this place specially commissioned. I have more properties all over the globe, and Peri, we’re going to have fun visiting every single one.”

  Peri’s eyes were wide with wonder. What a life these two had led, so far removed from her own it was astounding. She worried about embarrassing herself or Josef. God, she would die if she embarrassed him.

  “Don’t worry, Peri, with the kind of money I have, I could walk around naked and snorting coke and everyone would pretend they hadn’t seen it. Do not have any worries, my little Witch. The only one that embarrasses me is that crazy Wolf over there!” Josef had felt her fear and although he understood it, he could not let it fester. She could do as she damn well pleased, and he would rip anyone’s throat out that made her feel anything but the princess she was.

  Josef walked away towards his own room, and as he entered, he realized he wouldn’t be spending a lot of time here. His clothes and things were all meticulously arranged and he would now look on this as merely his room with his possessions in it. This was no longer his bedroom. The thought had a profound effect on him and for the first time in centuries, he felt at peace.

  Peri was nothing short of a miracle. She came into his life and changed his very soul. A soul that up until a few days ago was black. Now, well, he knew he still had a ways to go, but he was feeling more and more of his humanity seeping back into his being. Yes, Peri was his miracle.

  Josef moved towards his huge dressing area, almost as large as his bedroom itself, and walked in and to the back. He had a collection of luggage there. He picked up a case and a small carry on and took them back through to the living area. Peri was laughing at something Gabe had said and the sound had his lips moving into a smile.

  “Peri, here’s some luggage, you can pack for our trip. Don’t pack too much, as we’ll go shopping, when we get there. You don’t have nearly enough clothes and you
definitely need some new workout items.” Josef placed the cases near her, no, their bedroom door and watched her face light up.

  “Oh my God, is that Louis Vuitton? Josef, you have Vuitton luggage!” Peri jumped up and ran over, feeling the expensive case with her hands.

  Gabe groaned. “Peri, you know that even looks erotic to me. Shit, I’m going to have to keep a tight rein on myself.”

  Josef snorted, although he had thought the same thing, he had managed to control himself.

  Peri looked around with a shocked expression. “Erotic? Are you mad? I’m just feeling this designer case.”

  The look on Gabe’s face told Peri he hadn’t been joking or mad, and his eyes were hooded again. Dear lord, he looked so hot when he did that.

  “Peri, if you don’t stop those thoughts, we will never get ready.” Josef had a stern look on his face, trying hard not to pull her to his body and kiss her.

  “Oh, sorry, I’ll go and pack.” Peri grabbed the luggage and flew into the bedroom, a slight flush on her face.

  “Josef, what am I gonna do? Every little thing she does has me wanting to throw her down on a bed!” Gabe was squirming in his seat and Josef knew he was trying to get rid of the erection in his jeans.

  “I know, Gabe, I feel the same, however, I seem to have more control than you, Wolf.” Josef’s tone was slightly admonishing. They couldn’t just take her whenever they pleased.

  “Okay, old man, I’ll try harder, but shit, she is so gorgeous and adorable. I’m going for a shower – a cold one!” The Wolf got up and moved quickly to his own room.

  Peri was so excited, she could hardly contain herself. A trip to San Fran to see Daiki, she couldn’t believe it. She had missed her old tutor and dearly wanted to see him and let him know she was safe. She knew he worried about her.

  God, what would he say when she appeared with a Vampire and a Wolf in tow.

  Peri packed lightly, she was an expert at that. She wanted to go shopping in a normal store, not designer. She wasn’t very comfortable with the price of designer clothes. Folk were on the street starving and one t-shirt could feed a family for a month.


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