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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 243

by Mina Carter

  Her hands explored his back, her nails scraping down his skin as she grew closer and closer to the edge. Her body was shaking again, but it wasn't from nerves this time.

  His fingers interlocked with hers. "Yes," he hissed at her ear. His tongue darted out of his mouth, circled her ear and ended with him biting her earlobe.

  He slammed into her deeper and deeper until the feeling was so overwhelming she thought she would pass out. "Sebastian," she whispered, her voice quivering.

  "Let go, Jane," he whispered back.

  And she did. Her back arched as a violent pleasure tore through her. She could feel his full girth as her body pulsed around him. His fingers dug into her hips as he too let himself go inside of her. His groans filled the room, and she clung onto him, afraid to let him go. She didn't want to let him go.

  At last, their bliss subsided, and she lay under him, spent. He watched her carefully with a content expression on his face. He kissed her once more before slowly easing out of her. He relaxed back on the bed and pulled her into his arms. She laid her head on his chest, still trying to catch her breath.

  She had never experienced an orgasm like that, and the memory of it sent a shudder through her. In the moments they had been together, she felt closer to Sebastian than she had felt with anyone since Jack. The thought terrified her. She barely knew this man. And now that they had slept together, he might not want to have anything to do with her. She had heard enough horror stories from Ashley about how men behave. She closed her eyes and felt the tears pooling in them.

  * * *

  Sebastian stared up at the ceiling. Having Jane in his arms was the best feeling in the world. It was as if the past few years had disappeared, and they had picked up right where they had left off. He furrowed his brows. He had almost told her he loved her. Like that wouldn't have freaked her out, he thought.

  Then he felt her tears trickling onto his chest. "Hey now," he whispered. Leaning up on his elbow, he looked down at her. She was covering her face with her hands as she cried, and he quickly pulled her hands away. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

  "No. It's just that I've never felt like that before, and I'm scared…" her voice trailed off.

  "Scared of what, Jane?"

  She shook her head.

  "Tell me," he demanded.

  "I'm scared that I'm going to be a one-night stand," she blurted out.

  He put his finger under her chin and lifted her gaze to meet his eyes. "You would never be that to me." He kissed her tenderly. He loved her so much it hurt. He just wished he could tell her how he really felt to comfort her. "I'm not going anywhere…unless you want me to."

  "I don't want you to go anywhere."

  "Good," he said simply, pulling her onto his chest once more. He kissed the top of her head. If she only knew how much she meant to him. Give it time, he thought to himself.


  JANE AWOKE THE next morning in Sebastian's arms. She hadn't slept so soundly in a long time. She raised her head and looked at him. He was staring back at her. "How long have you been awake?" she asked.

  "A while," he confessed. "I didn't want to wake you."

  Jane smiled. She could get used to waking up beside Sebastian Alexander. She sat up, shyly hugging the sheet around her body even though he had seen everything just hours prior. "Would you like some breakfast?" she offered.

  He hesitated. "Liquid diet, remember?"

  "Oh. Yeah. I forgot." She frowned. She would have to get used to his food restrictions. Glancing at the clock, she realized she only had a half an hour to get ready and go open the store.

  "If you have to go to work, don't worry about kicking me out."

  Jane stared at him. He had an eerie way of always seeming to be able to read her mind. "I have to be there in a half an hour."

  He leaned down and kissed her softly. "I'll get out of your hair." He stood and gathered his clothes from the floor.

  Catching a few peeks here and there, Jane watched him get dressed as she wrapped a robe around herself. Her teeth sunk into her pink lip as she thought about their lovemaking. She wished the morning didn't have to end.

  Sebastian looked up at her and grinned. He walked over and pulled her into his arms. "I'll see you later," he promised. "Have a good day at work." He kissed her one last time and then walked out of the room.

  Jane sat down on the edge of the bed. Sebastian had an overwhelming power over her, and she was unable to resist it. He had only been gone a few seconds, and she already missed him terribly.

  She glanced at the clock again and cursed. She was going to be late. She hurried to the bathroom to get ready. When she glanced in the bathroom mirror, she saw something she rarely saw on her face especially in the mornings --- a smile. And it seemed as if she just couldn't stop smiling.

  * * *

  As Sebastian left Jane's house, he realized he was happier than he had been in years. And he also realized he had made the right decision coming back into Jane's life.

  As he crossed the yard, his pace slowed and his mood instantly changed. He halted just before the porch steps. Someone was in his house. He stood stock-still as the blood in his veins ran ice cold. Elizabeth, he thought.

  He burst through the front door and stood in the foyer. His acute hearing picked up nothing, but he knew she was there. He could sense her presence.

  "So Romeo finally found his Juliet," Elizabeth said, appearing in the kitchen.

  Her looks hadn't changed over the centuries she had been a vampire --- long blonde hair, blue-green eyes and a voluptuous figure that most girls would be envious over. "What are you doing here?" he growled.

  "Oh, Sebastian. You knew I would find you eventually. Makers have the uncanny ability to always know where their children are."

  He closed his eyes. Elizabeth was his maker, but certainly not by choice. The night Elizabeth had found and turned him into a vampire was a dreadful reoccurring nightmare and a painful memory he would endure for the rest of eternity. She had been so brutal and overpowering, ripping through his throat like it was putty as he cried out for mercy.

  Elizabeth had confessed afterwards that she had been stalking him for weeks. An obsession had grown deep within her, and over the past few decades, Sebastian attempted to disappear from her just to detach himself from her erratic, compulsive behavior and need to hurt everyone around her.

  On one of those rare excursions, he had met her, who he now had to think of as Jane. It wasn't long before Elizabeth found out about them, however. She ultimately found out everything when it concerned him. And as his relationship grew with Jane, Elizabeth grew to loathe her and tried everything to break them up.

  Elizabeth tapped her long, manicured nails against the wood in the doorway, bringing him back to reality. "How long have you been living here?" she asked, looking around the room.

  Sebastian stared at her. At one time, he thought he loved Elizabeth more than anything in the world, but he realized now that it was just the maker bond that a vampire feels that had made him love her. Once he had escaped her clutches, he realized his true hatred for her. "Not long," he answered.

  In a split second, she crossed the room and stood before him. "I've missed you," she said, raking her fingernails down his cheek.

  He recoiled from her touch.

  She inched closer to him and inhaled. "I can smell her on you. She always did fancy strawberry shampoo." She licked her lips and flicked her tongue over her fangs. "Is she as good in bed as you remember?"

  Sebastian stepped back from her. "Please, Elizabeth. I just found her. I don't want to lose her again. If she sees you here ---."

  She put up her index finger to silence him. "Oh, don't worry, my dear Sebastian. I won't shatter your precious plans." She turned and sashayed back to the kitchen. "I'll keep on the down low until you are done with your play thing and want to come back to me."

  He slumped against the wall. Now that Elizabeth knew where he wa
s, she would be relentless in trying to make his life miserable. The only time Elizabeth had ever been happy was when he was under her power and at her beck and call.

  He walked to the window and drew back the curtains. Jane's house was in full view across the yard. He still didn't know who had tried to kill Jane. And now that Elizabeth had found him, he had another reason to keep Jane safe, and it wasn't going to be easy.

  * * *

  It was around noon when a teenage boy entered the bookstore carrying a large bouquet of red roses in a decorative vase. Jane raised a brow, wondering if the boy was lost.

  "Jane Walker?" the boy asked, setting the vase down on the front counter.

  "Yes," she confirmed.

  "Delivery for you, ma'am." Then the boy turned and left the store.

  Jane stared at the beautiful flowers. It was one of the largest bouquets she had ever seen in her life. A small white card was sticking out amongst the roses, and she plucked it from the holder. She unfolded the card and read the words silently.

  Thinking of you.


  A wide smile crept across her face. She leaned over the counter and inhaled the lovely scent.

  The bell rang above the door, and she glanced past the vase to see Ashley enter the store with their lunch in tow. "Hey, Jane." Her eyes instantly went to the roses. "Who are the flowers from?" she asked.

  Jane hesitated. "Uh…they're from…Sebastian," she said, drawing the answer out. She knew an out-of-the-blue bouquet would raise questions with Ashley.

  Setting the food down behind the counter, Ashley stared at her. "Did you guys…do it?" she asked.

  "Shh!" Jane hushed her. There were a few people in the café side of the store, and Jane hoped they weren't within earshot of the conversation.

  "Well, did you?" Ashley asked in a low whisper.

  "Maybe," Jane said. Then she confessed, "Yes."

  Ashley gasped and smiled a goofy grin. "I knew you two had chemistry the first day he walked in here. It was only a matter of time until you fell under his spell."

  Jane chuckled. She did feel like she fell under some sort of spell with Sebastian. She was completely smitten.

  "You have been so happy since he came into town. I was really starting to worry about you." She stared at the flowers. "They are gorgeous."

  Jane beamed. "I know."

  A service bell on the café side rang, and Ashley said, "I'll get it."

  Jane smiled and stared at the card. Sebastian was thinking of her. Well, she could not stop thinking about him.

  * * *

  Jane stepped on Sebastian's porch and knocked on the door. She couldn't wait to see him and thank him for the beautiful flowers, which were now on her dining room table.

  A few moments later, he opened the door. "Hey," he said, casually.


  "Something up?" he asked.

  Jane cocked a brow. He appeared nervous and standoffish --- the complete opposite of how he had been just hours prior. "I got the roses." When he didn't say anything, she said, "Thank you."

  "You're welcome," he muttered.

  She could see his entire body tense as a female voice yelled, "Who is it?"

  "My neighbor," he called back quickly.

  Jane's eyes darted up to meet his as her heart sank. Just his neighbor, she thought. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company." She felt sick in her stomach. They had just slept together the night before and already he had another girl in his house.

  "That's my sister Elizabeth. She's visiting me for a few days."

  Jane felt herself instantly relax. "Oh. Okay." She caught a glimpse of a tall, leggy blonde walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. Jane glanced up at Sebastian's dark hair. They certainly didn't look like brother and sister, and she couldn't understand why he wouldn't introduce her to Elizabeth.

  "Is there anything else you need?" Sebastian asked, anxiously.

  Jane sensed that he was trying to get rid of her. "No. I'll see you around," she said before turning on her heel and leaving.

  She heard the door close as she descended the porch steps. Tears pooled in her eyes and blurred her vision. Sebastian was exactly the kind of guy she feared he was. She felt completely used.

  Jane ran to her house and closed the door. The girl could have been his sister, she thought. But that didn't excuse the manner in which he talked to her and dismissed her as if he didn't want to be bothered especially after they had slept together. Jane shook her head to clear her thoughts. She refused to spend one more second worrying about Sebastian or his so-called sister. Ashley was right --- men are pigs.

  A few seconds later, Matt's car pulled into the driveway. She quickly dashed the tears away from her eyes before she opened the door. Matt stepped out of his vehicle. "Jane, are you busy?" he asked.

  She shook her head. Matt looked like he had a lot on his mind.

  "Good," he said. He retrieved a stack of papers from the passenger's seat and walked onto the porch. "I have something I want to show you."

  Jane stepped aside and followed him into the kitchen. Matt splayed out papers on the counter. "What is all of this?" she asked.

  "When I was talking to your neighbor the other day, he acted really strange when I tried to get information out of him. So I did a little digging."

  Jane sighed. "Matt, you didn't have to do that."

  He looked at her with a serious look. "Yes. I did. I worry about who you are living next to." He pointed to the papers. "He paid cash for the house next door. I called the moving company, and they said they picked his stuff up from a storage unit. So who knows where he lived before then." He looked up at her. "He pays for everything he owns in cash so that he doesn't leave a paper trail."

  Jane leafed through the pages. "It's as if he doesn't exist," she said aloud.


  "But that doesn't mean he's a criminal or anything."

  "No," Matt said, "but it doesn't mean he's not either." He ran a hand through his hair. "I couldn't find a single record in the database of a Sebastian Alexander matching his description. He's good at laying low. I know that for a fact."

  Jane frowned. Maybe Matt was right. Maybe Sebastian was hiding something.


  AFTER WORK, JANE walked home. It was a hot day and unseasonably warm for April. She was starting to sweat by the time she reached the mailbox, and she vowed to dress cooler for the rest of the week.

  As she opened the mailbox, she glanced over at Sebastian's house. She hadn't seen or talked to him for a few days, and her anger toward him had been slowly bubbling to the surface. She grabbed the mail from the box and clenched it in her hands. He had used her, and she was dead set on giving him a piece of her mind. With all of the courage she could muster, she started across the yard.

  Jane heard voices coming from his back patio, so she ventured towards them. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. The tall blonde that Sebastian had claimed was his sister climbed out of the swimming pool. The water glistened off of her perfect pale skin that was only covered by a tiny black bikini. Elizabeth smiled and walked over to Sebastian, who was watching her. She wrapped her wet arms around him and brought his face to hers for a long and passionate kiss.

  Jane felt like her heart was breaking into a million pieces. Quickly and quietly, she made her way back to her house. Once inside, she huddled over the sink as the tears slowly trickled down her face. Sebastian had lied to her. Elizabeth wasn't his sister. And if he lied about that, then what else was he lying about?

  * * *

  Sebastian watched Elizabeth swimming in the pool. His blood boiled at the thought that she had found him again. He glanced at his watch. Jane was due home any minute. Then he glared at Elizabeth. "I don't want Jane seeing you here. If you're here all the time, she will start to get suspicious," he hissed.

  Elizabeth continued her swim, ignoring him. After a few more laps, she swam to the recessed stairs and slowly climbed out of the water. The b
ikini barely held her breasts, and Sebastian quickly looked away.

  "What's wrong, brother?" she asked sarcastically with a laugh. "I can't believe you told her I was your sister," she said with a wicked grin.

  Sebastian glared at her. "What was I supposed to tell her?"

  "The truth," she whispered as she walked over to him. She locked her arms around his back and drew him in for a deep kiss.

  Elizabeth was older and stronger, and it took a while before Sebastian could finally struggle out of her grasp and push her away.

  He heard the door to Jane's house shut. A panicked feeling crept over him. Did Jane see us? he thought, panicked.

  Reading his mind, Elizabeth said, "Who cares if she did?"

  He threw his hands up in the air, completely infuriated. "I care!" he yelled.

  Elizabeth put her finger to his lips. "Hush! You don't want to draw more attention to us, do you?"

  Sebastian turned away from her and walked into the house. "Don't you have any of your other vampires to torture?" he asked when Elizabeth entered the kitchen. She was a maker to numerous immortal beings.

  "I do," she said, slowly undoing the tie of her bikini top. "But none of them are as fun to torture as you, Sebastian." She let the top fall to the floor and then slid out of the wet bottoms. "And none of them try to resist me like you do." Naked, she crossed the room and faced Sebastian. His eyes swept down her form, and then he screwed his eyes tight. Elizabeth laughed at his discomfort. "I remember a time when you couldn’t get enough of me, when you would do anything for me." She sighed loudly. "I miss the good old days, Sebastian."

  He slowly opened his eyes. His gaze bore into her as he said, "You know how much I love her."

  "I do," she said slowly. "But I don't care," she added. She leaned up on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, “I want you, Sebastian. Make love to me.”

  He pushed away from her. "No."

  She pouted. "I could make you, you know."

  A maker had a lot of control over his or her children, and he feared what she was capable of forcing him to do. Sebastian clenched his jaw and moved to the front door in a split second. He slammed the door shut behind him and jogged to his car. He hopped in behind the steering wheel and revved the engine. The car's tires squealed as he pulled away from the curb and sped off down the road. He needed to get as far away from Elizabeth as possible. His stomach sank at the realization that it also meant he had to be far away from Jane as well.


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