10. Pedro de Castaneda, The Journey of Coronado, 1540–42, trs. George Parker Winship, Dover Publications, New York, 1933.
11. de Castaneda, op. cit.
12. M. De Guignes, Memoires, Paris, 1761, p. 31.
13. Jose de Acosta, Historia natural y moral de las Indias, Seville, 1590, p. 140.
14. João Barbosa Rodrigues, Estudo da origen Asiatica da civilizção Amazónica, Manaus, Brazil, 1889.
15. ‘Nouvelles Découvertes sur les Société Complexes d’Amazonie,’ Le Monde, Paris, 7 September 2002.
16. At the semiannual meeting of the American Antiquarian Society Proceedings, 28 April 1886, F.W. Putnam exhibited specimens of jade from old and new worlds and appended a letter from the chemical laboratory of Harvard University, stating that the three Central American specimens of jade it had tested were ‘unquestionably Chinese jade’.
17. Gaspar de Carvajal, The Discovery of the Amazon, 1542.
18. In about 16° 01′S, 52° 20′N.
19. Harold T. Wilkins, Secret Cities of Old South America, New York, 1952.
20. Blackmore’s Magazine, January 1933, quoted in Colonel Percy Fawcett, Lost Trails, Lost Cities, New York, 1953.
21. See Frank Joseph, The Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake: Wisconsin’s Sunken Civilization, Galde Press, Lakeville, Minn., 1992.
22. John Shulak of Lake Mill, quoted in Janesville, Wis. Gazette, 7 June 1989.
23. Newsletters of the Louisiana Mounds Society, January–March 1990.
24. Laurence I. Lambe, quoted in T. L. Tanton in Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 167, Ottawa, 1931.
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Adams, Mount, 160, 161
Africa: ambassadors, 118; animals and birds from, 58, 60, 122; Cantino chart, 367; colonies, 84; inhabitants, 190; maps of, 128–31, 375–7; mining, 218; plants from, 443; Zheng He’s expeditions, 100–1, 105
Aghulas current, 124–5
Alarcón, Hernando de, 238
Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 158
Alfonso, Diego, 134
alum, 220
Alvarez, Sebastian, 232
amaranth, 240
Amazon delta, 146, 158, 424
ambergris, 60, 63, 198
anchors, 227, 450
Andaman Islands, 375
Andes, 32, 34
Andros Island, 300, 303
animals indigenous in one continent found in another, 38, 543–4, see also chickens, dogs, giraffes, horses, kangaroos, ostriches, otters
Annam, 58, 59, 79, 189
Antarctic Circle, 176
Antarctica: Chinese exploration, 37; Hong Bao’s expedition, 176–9, 182–3, 318, 436; ice, 148; maps of, 32, 34, 155, 178, 182, 452; uninhabited, 190
Antilia, island of: on Benincasa map, 406, 407; on Canepa chart, 410; Columbus’s voyages, 397, 427; on Piri Reis chart, 285; on Pizzigano chart, 29–30, 284, 295, 298, 406, 408, 411, 413–15, 426; place names, 406–12; Portuguese expedition, 31, 285, 403–5, 414–15, 426; Puerto Rico identification, 30, 295–9, 403–12, 414–15, 426; on Rotz chart, 285; size, 413; on Toscanelli chart, 397, 426
Antonio of Fez, 134
Arab: astronomy, 392–3; dhows, 291–2; maps, 121, 377, 388–9; navigators, 128, 377, 392–3; ports, 101, 363; traders, 101, 121, 388–9
Arends, Tulio, 266
Arias, Don Luis, 199, 318
Aristotle, 91
armour, 242
Arnhem Land, 225–7, 318
Arnold, Benedict, 328
Arrorado Island, 210
arsenic, 220
Arughtai, 80–1
asbestos, 220
astronomy: Arab, 392–3; Chinese tradition, 54–5, 89–92; Newport Round Tower, 331–2; Western, 91; Zhu Di’s interest, 54–5, see also eclipses, latitude, longitude, observation platforms, observatories
Atahualpa, 157
Auckland Island, 206–8
Australia: animals, 202; Chinese presence, 37, 84, 188–91, 203–6, 272–3, 318, 450; Cook’s voyages, 32, 186, 229, 434–5, 436; on Dieppe School maps, 435; Hong Bao’s voyage, 185, 188–91, 202; maps of, 32, 186–8; on Piri Reis map, 206; on Rotz chart, 186–8, 190, 206, 435; wrecks, 188–9, 205–6, 450; Zhou Man’s voyage, 191, 202–8, 222–4
Aylmer, Charles, 270, 271
Azores: Chinese presence, 332, 337, 343–5, 421, 455; Gulf Stream, 325; Portuguese colony, 415–16, 421
Aztecs, 198, 250
Bache Peninsula, 352–3
Baillie, Mike, 355
Bajun Islands, 365–7
ballast, 315
bananas, 442, 445, 447
Banks, Joseph, 229, 435
banyan tree, 227–8
Barouwi, Al, 388
Barrier Reef, see Great Barrier Reef
Barros, João de, 423
Barsbey, Sultan, 139
Bastida, Rodrigo de, 282
Behain, Martin, 173, 397, 431
Beijing: defence of, 48–9; distances from, 162; envoys to, 62, 63–4, 98, 105, 114; fire damage, 75, 435, 454; Forbidden City, 53, 54, 57–9, 62–4, 75, 105, 114, 435, 454, 455; Grand Canal, 56–7, 58, 59; latitude, 162; name, 47; observatory, 54; Zhu Di’s capital, 53, 55–6, 59, 62
bells, 210, 212, 262
Bengal, 105
Benguela current, 125
Benincasa, Grazioso, 406, 407
Berry Islands, 303–4, 307
Best, Eldon, 212
Biafra, Bay of, 128, 130, 131
Bianco, Andrea, 403, 414, 423, 426
Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, 121
Bimini Islands, 307–17, 332
Bimini Road, 310–16
Bird Island, 183
birds, 60, 156–9, 184
Bisagudo, see da Cunha
Bittangabee Bay, 203
Bjornsdottir, Sigrid, 349, 351
Bonnisegni, 396
Borneo, 64, 190
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, 197, 318–19
Boyd, Benjamin, 203
Brazil, 145, 146, 148, 158, 423, 426
Brisbane, 217, 223
British Library, 121, 185–6, 231, 293, 295, 377, 406
Brunswick Peninsula, 170
Buddhism, 67, 95, 98, 133, 262, 271
Burma, 66, 228, 262, 265
Byron Bay, 203, 205
Byzantium, 368, 396, 397
Cà da Mosto, Alvise, 133, 134
Cabo Blanco, 148
Cabral, Gonzalo Velho, 403
Cabral, Pedro Álvares, 124, 376, 423, 425, 452
Cahill, Thomas, 347, 349
Calicut (Ku-Li): ambassadors, 64; Chinese base, 100, 113–14, 118, 375; Chinese inscriptions, 120, 133, 137; da Conti’s account, 115–17, 398; da Gama’s voyage, 376, 455; dyes, 260; gold cloth from, 60; Hong Bao’s expedition, 163; Kerala capital, 135; Ma Huan’s account, 114–15, 116–18, 137; trading port, 66, 102, 113–14; Zheng He’s expeditions, 105
California: agriculture, 245; Chinese colony, 245–7; Chinese roses, 240, 248, 443; current, 237; maps of, 238–9, 240; Ming ceramics, 241; Sacramento wreck, 241–4; Zhou Man’s voyage, 238, 245, 247
Cambodia, 105, 186
Camilo dos Santos, João, 31, 289
Campbell Island, 206–8, 217, 222
Canary Islands, 181, 285, 416, 421, 423
Canepa, Albino, 410, 411
cannibalism, 286–7
Canopus: navigation by, 36, 161–3, 190, 197, 202, 363; position of, 161–2, 170–1, 175, 222; visibility, 178, 181, 184
Cantino, Alberto, 299, 426
Cantino map: African coast, 375, 376; Bimini position, 309–10; Caribbean, 299, 300–3; Chinese voyages, 347, 363; date, 325; Florida coast, 323; genuine, 436, 449; longitudes, 367–8; origins, 239, 299
Cape Bojador, 416–7
Cape Canaveral, 323
Cape Hatteras, 325
Cape Horn, 125, 178
> Cape of Good Hope: author’s voyage, 113; Cabral’s voyage, 124; Chinese voyage, 37, 124–7, 130; da Gama’s voyage, 33; Dias’s voyage, 33, 122, 124, 428, 430; on Fra Mauro’s map, 122–3, 124, 174; Kangnido map, 128, 137; latitude, 428; Portuguese expeditions, 325, 424, 427; winds and currents, 124–7; World Map (1428), 139, 140, 363–4, 395, 421
Cape Town, 113
Cape Verde Islands: author’s voyage, 113; Chinese voyage, 131–6, 137, 145, 281–2, 345; Indian voyage, 135; landscape, 132–3, 343; Portuguese voyages, 423; Stone of Letters, 134–6, 334, 336–7, 450; winds and currents, 140, 281–2, 421
caravels, 391–2, 393
carbon-dating, 242–3, 290, 329
Caribbean: Chinese voyage, 282–3, 286, 333, 337; coconuts, 443–4; Columbus’s voyage, 30, 286; maps of, 30–2, 239, 299–303; winds and currents, 281–2
Caribs, 286–7, 293–4
Carlson, Suzanne O., 328–30
Carney, Judith A., 245
Caroline Islands, 200
Carpentaria, Gulf of, 224, 227
Carter, George F., 273
Carteret, Philip, 197
Castilian language, 407–9
Catalan: charts, 284, 429; language, 407–8
Cathay, 397
Catherine de Valois, 63
Caverio map, 239
Celestial Spouse, Palace of the, 111, 120
Ceuta, 386, 387–8, 394
Chêng Lei Pên Tshao, 68
Chevalier, M., 134
Chanca, Dr, 286
Chiang-su, inscription, 111–12
chickens: in America, 156–9, 199, 222, 248, 264, 265–6, 273, 424, 443, 450; Asiatic, 156–8, 199, 222, 240, 248, 264, 265, 266, 424, 443, 450; Chinese gifts of, 69; divination by, 97, 157, 248, 266
Chile, 158, 174, 197
Cholula ware, 198, 253, 268
Chu Ssu Pen, 281
circumnavigation, Magellan’s, 34, 172, 230, 325, 436
Clavius, Claudius, 348
Clutton-Brock, Juliet, 169
Cochin: ambassadors, 64; carved stone, 120, 133, 137, 210; Chinese base, 375; Chinese influence, 447
cochineal, 260
coconuts, 102, 240, 410, 442, 443–4, 447
coffee, 409–10
Coffman’s treasure atlas, 307
Colenso Bell, 210–12
Colombia, 199, 269
Columbus, Bartholomew, 427, 428–34
Columbus, Christopher: Azores evidence, 345; books, 430–1; on Brazil, 423; Caribbean voyages, 30, 33–4, 282, 285–8, 289, 292–4, 297, 403–5, 442; Cuba colony, 317–18; ‘discoveries’, 38, 425, 436, 442, 456; forgery, 428, 434; Iceland voyage, 355; maps, 139–40, 301, 426–8, 436; marriage, 426; ships, 70; on South America, 146–8; Toscanelli’s letters, 397–8, 426, 437; voyages, 427–8
compass, 92, 181, 392, 412
concubines, 63, 75, 97–9, 323, 327, 337, 339
Confucianism, 49–50, 64, 67, 82–3, 91
Confucius, 49–50, 58
Conti, Niccolò da: account of travels, 115–18, 228–9, 260, 268; career, 115, 396; connection with Chinese fleet, 116, 413, 435; connection with Fra Mauro chart, 123, 128, 132, 135–6, 146; connection with Portugal, 396–9, 413, 436; description of junks, 116, 334
Cook, James: Australian voyages, 32, 186, 229, 434–5, 436, 456; ‘discoveries’, 38, 186, 435, 436; maps, 223–4, 435–6; in New Zealand, 446; scientific expedition, 69
Cook Bay, 174, 176
copper: Australian mining, 221; Chinese coins, 82; Chinese mining, 218–19, 316, 354; Fiji mining, 200; in Greenland, 353, 354; Mexican, 261, 264; prospecting for, 218; uses, 220
Coral Island, 210
Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de, 238
Correa, Gaspar, 455
Cortreal, Miguel, 336
Corvo, 343–5, 455
Cosa, Juan de la, 282
cotton, 64, 445, 446–7
Cousteau, Jacques, 311
Covilha, Pêro da, 364, 421
Crab Nebula supernova (1054), 55, 266
crew, 95, 267, 323, 375–6
Cuba, 299–300, 317–18
Cunha, Pêro da (Bisagudo), 423
currents: Aghulas, 124–5; Atlantic, 125, 130–1, 140, 281–2, 345–6; Pacific, 197, 199, 237
da Conti, see Conti
da Gama, see Gama
Dalrymple, Alexander, 435
Danforth, Mr, 334–5
Daniken, Erik von, 452
Dar es Salaam, 113
Darwin, 227–8, 450
Darwin, Charles, 152, 169, 171
Dati, Giuliano, 404
Datini, Francesco, 62
Dauphin chart, 217, 229, 435
Davies, Arthur, 429, 432
de Sousa Tavares, Francis, 138
Deception Island, 179, 182, 183
Delabarre, Professor, 336
Desceliers chart, 217, 435
Desliens chart, 217, 435
d’Este, Duke Ercole, 299
dhows, 366, 389, 391
Dias, Bartolomeu: Cape of Good Hope voyage, 33, 122, 124, 364, 421–2, 427, 428, 452, 456; ‘discoveries’, 364, 425; map, 421, 435; Martellus map, 429–30, 433
Dias, Diego, 376
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, 248
Dieppe School of Cartography, 186, 217, 219, 224, 225, 435
Dighton Rock, 333–6, 337
Dimisqui, Al, 388
divination, 97, 157, 248, 266
dogs: Chinese ship dogs, 69, 97, 222; as food, 69, 97, 169, 356; in Mexico, 263; warrah ancestry, 169
Dominica, 282, 286, 288
Dondra Head, 133, 137, 210, 375
dress: Californian Indians, 246; concubines, 99, 327; legends, 199, 214, 220, 227, 318–19; Narragansett Indians, 327; pantaloons, 99, 227, 318; Rhode Island women, 333; robes, 95, 204, 227, 318, 367; silk, 441
Dusky Sound, 209
Duyvendak, J.J.L., 112
dyes, 259–61
Eannes, Gil, 393, 416–17
East London, 113
eclipses: lunar, 368, 370–5, 453; solar, 371
Ecuador, 199, 239
Egypt, 32
Elephant Island, 182
Ellesmere Island, 352–3
Endeavour, HMS, 224, 229, 436
Eskimos, 272
Eugenius IV, Pope, 115
eunuchs, 46–7, 49–51, 80, 83
Falchetta, Piero, 121–2
Falkland Islands: animals, 169; Chinese navigation, 161–2; food supply, 169, 170; maps of, 154, 160, 183; Mount Adams, 160
Fang Bin, 81
Fei Xin, 364
Ferdinand of Aragon, King of Spain, 404, 428
Fiji, 200
Florida, 239, 282, 299–300, 302, 323
Florida Keys, 323, 324
Florida Strait, 307
Fogg, M., 266
food supply, 96–7, 133, 169, 179, 185, 188, 316
Francis I, King of France, 325
Fryer, John, 246–7
Furry, John, 242, 244
Fujian Palace 264
Fusang, 145–6, 281, 455
Gallengo, M.L., 266
Galle, 120, 133
Galvão, Antonio, 138–40, 363, 405
Gama, Vasco da: brutality in India, 455; ‘discoveries’, 425, 436; journey time, 132; maps, 422, 436; voyages, 33, 38, 122, 132, 376, 422
Garbin, 123, 127, 128, 136–7
Genghis Khan, 45, 53
Genoese map (1457), 429
Geronimo, Canal, 170
Gilroy, Rex, 221
giraffes, 58, 153, 318, 366
Goa, 117
gold: in Africa, 218; in Australia, 219, 221; mining, 82; prospecting for, 218; trade, 386–7; Tuamotu ring, 199
Graham Land, 178
Grand Banks, 389
Great Bahama Bank, 300, 303, 312
Great Barrier Reef, 222–5, 450
Great Wall, 53–4, 312, 332, 442
Greater Java, 187–8, 202, 225, 228
Greenland, 32, 333, 345–56
Grey, George, 226–7
uadeloupe: Chinese landing, 288–92; Columbus’s landing, 286–8; passage, 282; population, 286–8, 403; Portuguese expedition, 412–13; Satanazes identification, 30, 31–2, 289–92, 295, 411–13; volcanoes, 31, 289–90, 343, 411; waterfalls, 289, 290, 411
guanaco, 150, 170
Guatemala, 199, 247
Gulf Stream, 282, 325, 345, 356
gunpowder, 70, 106, 220, 312
Gutenberg, Johannes, 62
Gympie, 221–2
Ha-bu-er, 185
Ha San, 67
Haji Maulana, 60
Han dynasty, 227
Hapgood, Charles, 452
Harrison, John, 92, 377
Hasseburg, Frederick, 208
Hau-Xian, 61
Hawaii, 442
Hawkesbury River, 204
Heard Island, 184
Hemingway, Ernest, 310
Henry V, King of England, 62–3, 386
Henry VIII, King of England, 186, 225
Henry the Navigator, Prince: achievements, 34, 421, 435, 437; Antilia expedition, 31, 285, 403, 404; Bojador expedition, 416; Cape Verde expedition, 133; Ceuta victory, 386–8, 394; education, 386, 388, 395; funds, 399, 400; knowledge of Chinese explorations, 123–4; Madeira colonization, 383–4, 399–400; navigation skills, 392–3, 399; Sagres establishment, 389–91; shipbuilding, 390–2, 394, 399; statue, 383
hens, see chickens
Hertz, Johannes, 328
Hezlet, Sir Arthur, 113
Hinduism, 67, 221, 271
Hipparchos, 368
Hispaniola, 299, 403, 414
Hoei-Shin, 145
honey, 250
Hong Bao: Antarctic journey, 176–7, 182–3, 190–1; Australian journey, 185, 188–90, 202, 213; Brazil discovery, 423; crew, 267; in Falkland Islands, 169–70; fleet command, 106, 436, 448, 456; in Kerguelen Islands, 184–5; losses, 453; navigating by Canopus, 170–1, 183–4, 190; passage of Strait of Magellan, 171, 173, 190; in Patagonia, 170; return to China, 162, 163, 190–1, 231, 363, 453; Southern Cross position, 180–1, 183, 190; voyage (1421–23), 111, 141, 145, 162, 163, 172, 174, 357
Hong Kong, stones, 210
Hong Wu (Zhu Yuanzhang), Emperor, 45–6, 47–8, 241
Hormuz, 64, 70, 102, 105
horses: in America, 337; in Australia, 189, 227; blood ponies, 219; Calicut presentation, 114; food and water for, 219, 239; in Mexico, 263; ships for, 69, 219; trade, 61, 219
Hsi-Yang-Chi, 197
huemil, 150, 170
Humboldt current, 197
hurricanes, 70, 297, 411–12
Huss, John, 396
I Yü Thu Chih (The Illustrated Record of Strange Countries), 153, 270–2, 356
Ibn Battuta, 94, 114
Ibn Khaldun, 345
ice, 148, 175–6, 206, 208, 350
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