Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

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Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) Page 23

by Ivan Kal

  The CC was silent. Johanna watched at the Earth in front of her. This was her fault, all those people will die because of her. They didn’t free Earth, they doomed it. But she was the Fleet Commander, she would be able to grieve later, now she needed to save as many people as possible.

  “Contact the Resistance, get the locations of the people on the ground that are in most danger.” She said to the Comm Handler. Then she turned to Andros.

  “Get the army dropships and our shuttles ready, they will be going down to earth to evacuate the people to the Monarch. We have room for thousands here.” Johanna said, and Andros started issuing orders. But she knew that it wouldn’t be enough. She went to her ready room, she needed to record a message for Sanctuary.


  Jacob couldn’t believe what was happening, even dead the Ra’a’zani managed to deny them Earth. He was trying to contact his people on the ground but they had lost contact with most of them. But he had been sending the locations of those that they did manage to contact to the Olympus ships. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to save even a fraction of the people on the ground. It was his fault, he was the one that started all of this. If he hadn’t started this rebellion, the Earth would have still been safe. Now they will pay the price for their freedom.


  Aileen was scared. She was told that it was nothing to be scared about, that it was just a volcano that erupted. And that they were far enough from it to get to safety in time. The Father had made her stay with him, and the armored people. Most of the others ran away when they saw the explosion, not knowing what it was. Aileen herself was tempted to run, until the Father explained what it was. Now she stood and watched the people around her. She knew that something was wrong. Their happiness at being free was gone, replaced with an impending sense of doom. Then the Father motioned her to come to him. When she approached he grabbed her by her shoulders.

  “You will be safe child.” He said softly.

  “I know that something is wrong.” She said.

  He nodded, “Yes. The last act of the Ra’a’zani it seems. Even dead, they managed to take us down with them.” He said sadly. Then he looked above her head, and Aileen turned to look in the same direction. A black flying object came into view, and then lowered itself to the ground close to them.

  “Go with them, you will be safe. Live your life.” He said, and pushed her in the arms of a man in the suit.

  “I don’t understand!” She said. But the Father only smiled sadly with tears in his eyes as the man pulled her away.

  Chapter Thirty One

  January 2172 – Sanctuary

  Tomas Klein sat amongst his four closest friends in their usual conference room in the Olympus city palace. Two hours ago they had received the message from Fleet Commander Johanna Stern. No one spoke, everyone was stunned by what happened. They were completely unprepared for the strength of the Ra’a’zani ship, and not even in their worst case scenarios did they imagine what the Ra’a’zani would do. Whatever they did, destroyed the Earth, annihilated her ability to sustain life for hundreds, if not thousands of years. But the worst part, is what the Ra’a’zani forced his people to do. They couldn’t save everybody. The two surviving ships could take aboard them maybe two thousand. With the Monarch taking most of that number. And the three ships in the belt, maybe another four hundred. Two and a half thousand people, could be saved. The others would die. The ones on Earth would die from the constant earthquakes, ash and smog in the air, or swallowed by the rising oceans. And the ten thousand people living in the belt would die a harder death. They were dependent on Earth for food and water. And now without it they would starve. His people had already done the calculations, there was no way for them to stretch their supplies, even if his ships helped, no way to survive until the help from Sanctuary arrived. Within the half year, they would all die. And his people will have to leave them there to die a horrible, horrible death.

  “We were so stupid.” Laura said, “From everything the Resistance told us, it seemed like our technology was on par with the Ra’a’zani. And only one ship did that to us. And the Earth…”

  Tomas manipulated his imp, and brought the holograms of three Ra’a’zani ships above the desk. The leaders of the Resistance had told the Fleet Commander Stern everything that they held back.

  “It was my fault, I forgot why we left the Earth, and what people there were like. I trusted them because they were humans in need.” Tomas said, and then gestured to the holograms. “Before our ships arrived in Sol, these three ships visited the system with a convoy. When they left they took all of the Ra’a’zani warships with them, save for one that fought with our fleet.” Then he brought the hologram of the Ra’a’zani warship that had almost destroyed their fleet. He looked around the room, “These are to scale.” He said.

  Everyone realized the size of the three ships, they dwarfed the one ship their fleet fought.

  “If they had told us about them, we might have been more cautious. We would have certainly known that the Ra’a’zani were much more advanced.” Tomas said.

  “What are we going to do? When are we sending ships back to Sol?” Nadia asked.

  Tomas turned to her, “We are not sending ships back.” He said. He felt the rest of the room look at him.

  “What? Why? We need to help them!” Nadia said.

  “Help them how?” Tomas asked. “You looked at the calculations, there is no chance of any one of them surviving until we get there. All our ships would find is death.” Tomas said.

  “But…” Nadia started and then fell silent.

  “I will be sending a message to the Fleet Commander Stern. I will instruct her to save as much as she can without compromising their survival, and then start exploring trans-lanes back to Sanctuary.” Tomas said calmly.

  The rest didn’t agree, but they didn’t object either.

  “If there is nothing else, then I need to think about what we are going to do next.” Tomas said. No one said anything. Tomas nodded to them and left the room. Quickly behind him, followed Seo-yun.


  Seo-yun found Tomas in his library, standing by the bookshelf looking out of the window. She approached him slowly and put her hand on his shoulder, she worried that he would again blame himself and retreat back into his shell. Like he did when they came to Sanctuary.

  “Tomas,” She said softly, “It isn’t your fault.” Tomas turned sharply, and Seo-yun saw his expression. Frightened she took a step back. Tomas’ face was contorted into a savage, angry expression.

  “Oh yes, I know that this wasn’t my fault.” He said harshly. “It was not I, that chose to go to war and weaken Earth enough that it was so easily conquered. It was not I, that withheld information. And it was not me who fired that weapon at Earth.” He looked at Seo-yun, “No, it was not my fault, nor the fault of anyone in Olympus. The only fault I bear is that I wasn’t prepared to do what I needed to. Once, I held the entire Earth in the palm of my hand, and I did nothing with that power. Letting petty men rule. I chose to turn from them rather than crush them and take power for myself. I didn’t want to become like them, I wanted to lead the people that wanted to be led by me.” He turned from her then and looked out the window, at the Olympus city. The sun was slowly creeping over the horizon. “The people here want me to rule, and I have shied away. Spreading that responsibility with Laura, Elias, Nadia and you. But they trust me, and want me to rule. They call me emperor in jest and in truth, but never to my face because it made me uncomfortable. Very well then, I will become what they want me to be.” He looked back at Seo-yun, and she saw in his eyes determination as vast as the sky. His face lost its angry expression, but steel and determination remained. “This will not happen again Seo-yun. Do you hear me! Never again will this happen to the human race. Never again will we be weak! I will not allow us to disappear from this universe. We will grow, and spread, and we will crush anyone that threatens us! I will forge an Empire that will be equal to anyone!
And one day, we will meet the Ra’a’zani again. And we will have our revenge. I will make sure that they know why it is coming. I will lay waste to their worlds and teach them the true meaning of fear. And in the last moments of their existence, they will regret the moment that they encountered the human race.” He turned back to the window. Seo-yun watched the side of his face as he gazed out at the city. She was conflicted, she trusted Tomas with her life, she loved him. But she was also afraid. Because she knew him so well. She understood what he was truly capable of. And she was afraid, not because he spoke like a mad man. But because she believed that he could do everything that he had said. Hesitating just a moment, she came to stand at his side, leaning her head on his shoulder. Tomas put his hand around her shoulders, and together they watched the sun rise on their city.


  Five days later Tomas sat in his office, his holodesk was filled with holographic displays. He was trying to figure out how best to accomplish his goal. Birthrates, expansion projections, mining operations, threat assessments, Tomas’s mind was filled with numbers. He had an outline of a plan, but it would mean doing something drastic. But the more he tried to find another way, the more convinced he became that his plan was the best possible option. His people had been told about what had happened. Their response was as could be expected, they were stunned. No matter their reason for leaving Earth, it was still humanities home world. They wanted to strike out against the ones that did this. And Tomas had to calm them down, to reassure them that it will happen.

  The tragedy had united his people even more than before, and it strengthened their trust in him. They knew that he would always do what was best for them. He would need that trust, if he was to do what he planned to do. It would change their culture. A drastic change, one whose effects he wouldn’t be able to predict. But a necessary change.

  The expansion projects were his priority, they needed colonies, and needed them fast. But he understood the difficulties that would pose. He needed a way to keep all of humanity united, even if they were separated by hundreds of light years. A solution was slowly forming in his mind. But it would require something… An insurance to make sure that it stays in place. Tomas looked at the schematics for the building that was supposed to serve as the police force. An idea forming in his mind.

  Chapter Thirty Two

  February 2172 – Nuva

  Fleet Commander Adrian Farkas watched as Sahib, took his opponent down. The First Fleet had returned to the Nuva system, just on the heels of the news from Earth. It had hit them hard. Adrian had reviewed the battle against the Ra’a’zani ship. And he knew that the Fleet Commander Stern wasn’t at fault for the way the battle went. A great many commanders would have lost that battle. The Ra’a’zani ship was vastly superior. If she hadn’t drawn it into a trap and disabled its drives, the Ra’a’zani ship would have destroyed the entire fleet. He told her the same in a message that he sent to her in Sol. He knew very well how it felt to lose people under your command, and felt that she needed to know that it wasn’t her fault. Her people were doing their jobs, and gave their lives to defeat the enemy. She should grieve, yes. But not blame herself.

  Out on the tatami Sahib helped his opponent to her feet, they bowed to each other, and Sahib came to stand close to Adrian.

  “She is good. You should take her to Master Hayashi when you go back to Sanctuary.” Sahib said. Adrian nodded.

  “I will, but it will be at least two years until we get back to Sanctuary.” Adrian said. Their orders were to stay in Nuva system until the Fourth Fleet finishes its construction, two years from now. Then they would rotate, with Adrian’s fleet going back for retrofits, they would get their own drone squadrons.

  “The Home Fleet is leaving soon?” Sahib asked.

  “Yes. In a few days.” Adrian said. The Home Fleet reinforcements will return to Sanctuary, now that their mission in Sowir space had ended.

  “Hm…” Sahib let out the noise.

  Adrian waited, and when Sahib didn’t continue he turned to him, “Say it.”

  “You should talk to her again.” Sahib said.

  Adrian grimaced. “It is done, she is already married.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time people divorced.” Sahib said.

  “I couldn’t do something like that.” Adrian said. “I had my chance, and I blew it.”

  Sahib remained silent. Finally, after a while, Sahib moved back on the tatami. He looked at Adrian and motioned with his hand in a challenge. Adrian smiled and stepped on the tatami.


  Bethany sat in the CC of the Prideful as it reached the hyperspace barrier of the Nuva system. There was still no discovered trans-lane route from Nuva to Sanctuary, so they were forced to use hyperspace. She prepared herself for a nine month trip. As her ships prepared to enter hyperspace, Bethany glanced at her comms. A part of her had hoped that Adrian would send a message. After their talk, their interactions were professional, and less tense. But they didn’t really speak outside of the official channels. And even though a part of her was hopeful, another was relieved that he didn’t call. She shook her head.

  “The fleet is ready to enter hyperspace, Fleet Commander.” The Navigation Handler said.

  Bethany turned to him, “The fleet is free to enter hyperspace.”

  Then her fleet left Nuva system behind. She knew that it would be at least two years until she saw Adrian again.



  Lanai Sumia sat on the specially made chair that accommodated her tail, in the Tomas Klein’s office. She had heard about what had happened to the human home world, and had already expressed her sorrow, at such death. Nel had experienced the same at the hands of the Sowir Dominion. As Sumia sat and watched Tomas Klein study her, she wondered why she was there. After Seo-yun gave her the gift of a house, Sumia decided to stay on Sanctuary for a while more. She could be appraised of the situation on Nuva with the FTL comms easy enough. And there wasn’t really that much to do there. Finally the human decided to speak.

  “Lanai Sumia, you are the representative of your people on Nuva.” He said, and Sumia got the impression that it was more of a question, than a statement.

  “Yes, I am their voice.” She said not sure where he was going with this.

  Tomas nodded, “You have made a two requests of me some time ago. The first was for an alliance with Sanctuary, the second was for something more. I chose not to respond, because I wanted the chance to convince the people of Nelus to make an alliance with us.” Tomas said, and Sumia felt hope rising in her chest. Tomas continued, “Today, I have an offer for you.”

  Confused, Sumia looked at him, “An offer for me?”

  “Yes. I want your people to join with mine. But not in the same way that you requested.” Tomas said.

  Sumia narrowed her eyes inquiringly, “What do you have in mind?”

  Tomas simply pushed a human datapad across the desk. Sumia took it in her hands, and saw that it was written in Nel. She read a little and her eyes widened. She looked back at Tomas and was about to speak when he raised his arms.

  “No, don’t say anything. Speak with your people, decide with them, and then give me your answer.” Tomas said.

  “But this… This is so much more than what I hoped for.” Sumia said stunned.

  “Yes, but it also carries with it a great responsibility. If you accept this, your world will change. Everything will change.” Tomas said.

  Sumia looked back down at the datapad, “Yes. It will.”

  Chapter Thirty Three

  March 2172 – Sanctuary

  Tomas sat in the same conference room from which he and his four friends and advisors led Olympus. Laura, Elias, Seo-yun and Nadia sat in the room just like they did so many times before. But today there were two more people present. One was Lanai Sumia that sat on Tomas’ right besides Seo-yun. And the other was the person that was sitting on the other side of the table besides Nadia, Doctor Asis Singh.

; No one knew what Tomas wanted to say. They knew parts, and could guess something from the presence of Lanai Sumia, but no one knew the full picture.

  “Thank you all for coming.” Tomas started, “The last month or so, has been one of the hardest periods in the human history. And I have thought long and hard about what we need to do.” He paused and looked around the room. “As all of you know, this last month I had our people vote on whether or not they still wish for me to lead them. The response has been almost unanimous yes. The people of Olympus had always trusted me, and I feel like I had not lived up to that trust.” He took a deep breath. “So from this moment on, I proclaim Olympus no more.” Tomas said. Elias, Laura, and Nadia started to speak, but he cut them off. “Olympus has served its purpose. Olympus was a company that became something more. Its structure cannot sustain us for much longer. In its stead, I create the Empire.”Stunned silence met his words. After a moment, he continued, “I proclaim the Sanctuary system as the heart and the capital of the Empire. And as my first act as the Emperor, I accept the Nuva system and all of its people into the Empire. The people of Nuva had chosen Lanai Sumia as their leader. If she accepts the Empire’s offer, then Nuva will no longer be just a colony. I will rename it to the Nuvan Clan, the first Clan of the Empire. Sumia will no longer be Lanai, but Clan Leader Sumia. The leader of the Nuvan Clan. From that point on, they will be free to expand and colonize the new system in the name of their Clan and the Empire. And to govern themselves in whatever manner they wish. As long as they follow the Codes of the Empire.”


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