Sneaking Around (Sneaky Love Book 2)

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Sneaking Around (Sneaky Love Book 2) Page 15

by Chelle Pimblott

  “Are you jealous sweetcheeks?” He growls in to my ear, all at once I decide, fuck it and answer him with every ounce of honesty I have.

  I look in to his beautiful stormy blue eyes and say, “Yes Robson, I am. You flashed her your sexy and charming smile and she flirted, even with me standing there. Despite what you think, you flirted right on back, that’s what she saw and it’s what I saw. I have a very strong feeling that most of your clients are female and very rarely do they ever bring their husbands or partners along for a ‘client meeting’ to discuss wood with you!”

  I can't believe just how aggravated this one woman has made me but its Dan’s attitude that gets to me the most. He may not think he's flirting but I know women and they think he's flirting!


  I can't believe how wound up Mia is over Raina. She's a client and yeah I guess I've let her get away with a little bit of flirting but it’s not hurting anyone. I get a job and she gets some beautiful furniture! I've always passed it off as just being cordial to a client but Mia has given me something to think about.

  I haven’t taken my arm from around her waist and she hasn’t really tried to pull away, so I turn her to face me and that’s when I see the hurt in her eyes. Fuck! “Come with me sweetcheeks. Come to my impromptu meeting with Raina, please?” I want to show her that it really is about the work I get out of it.

  “No thanks Dan, I’ll leave you to your client and get back to my work.”

  “Mia, I might need your help in the workshop, please?” She looks at me like I've grown a second head and I know what she's thinking, that I’m more comfortable in my workshop than anywhere else but I raise my hand to remind her I'm one hand down today.

  “You can't pull the injured card when it suits you Dan, I'm here to help you so you don’t injure yourself further, not to help you flirt with a client.”

  “I’m asking for your help, please Mia. I know it’s not my dominant hand but I still might need you to take some notes or something for me. Please.” I know she's not my secretary but I just want her to be beside me.

  “Fine Dan, but, I'm telling you, if it turns in to a flirtfest I'm leaving, ok?”

  I smile, grab her hand and lead her in to the workshop before she can have a chance to change her mind. When we get there Raina has removed her jacket and now that I'm looking for it, I can see what Mia means. When I look at Mia, she's rolling her eyes and lets out a low growl. It’s the cutest damn thing I've ever heard!

  “Hey Raina, I hope you don’t mind but Mia here is going to sit in on our meeting.” I hold up my hand and keep speaking before she can answer, “As you can see, I did some damage to myself earlier today and I'm going to need Mia’s help for a few days. Anything you were going to say to me, you can say in front of Mia.” I haven’t let go of Mia’s hand and I see Raina has noticed too.

  “It’s ok Raina, I'm just here to make sure Dan here doesn’t cause himself any more injuries and to take a few notes if he needs them. I’m not here to judge what you want or need from him.”

  Mia drops my hand and pulls out a chair and sits down. I pull out the chair next to her and gesture for Raina to take the seat opposite us. Now that Mia has pointed out to me my behaviour and Raina’s, I can't help but see everything that was wrong with it. Raina doesn’t look happy about being relegated to sitting opposite me and I'm racking my brain trying to remember how these meetings went before Mia sat in today. DID I give her the wrong impression? I have never and I mean NEVER slept with a client. Either one of my own from the workshop or one connected to any of the buildings I worked on with Alex. Maybe I did without even thinking (not sleep with any of them I think I’d remember that), but the flirting thing. I just see it as being easy-going and likeable but Raina isn’t the first client to hope for more. Not that women throw themselves at me and my ego isn’t the size of the pacific ocean or anything, but now I'm seeing it from Mia’s point of view and I think she might be right! I don’t feel so good about it right now, either.

  “So Raina, what is it you want from me this time?” I feel Mia move next to me and look over at her and she shakes her head, she's got this cute little smirk on her face too! “What would you like me to make for you?” Mia coughs and I'm trying to think whether that was code for anything sexy!?

  “Oh Dan there are so many answers for that but I imagine your girlfriend here won't like any of my answers.” I don’t correct the girlfriend remark. “What I'm after this time is a desk to match the beautiful coffee table you made for me a few months back. Can you remember?” I remember it well because it’s one of my favourite pieces.

  “Of course I remember it was for your husband’s home office wasn’t it?” She nods in agreement and I get up and go to my filing cabinet and pull out the design. I bring it over to the desk and we go over all the details that Raina wants and when she wants to have the desk by. It all seems reasonable to me, so I walk her to the door when we’re done and thank her for coming back.

  “No problem Dan, I really love your work.” She looks behind me to where Mia is still sitting at the table and says, “She’s a keeper Dan, she loves you like nothing else. Next time, I promise to call before showing up.”

  With that, she walks to her car and drives away. I'm still standing at the door when I say, “You know Mia I think you were right. I think that I've been sending out the wrong signals but I want you to know that I have never, would never, sleep with a client.”

  “I know that Dan but that doesn’t stop them from being hopeful. Trust me, I've been in their shoes and having actually slept with you for a few months there, I know what they’re missing and if Raina was aware of what she was missing, she would have been gouging my eyes out!” She laughs and walks back up to the house.

  Is Mia missing what we had? Because right now, I miss everything about her!


  I swear if that man follows me to the house I'm not responsible for my actions. I’m still a little wound up from our little ‘moment’ earlier and now, after he invited me to his meeting so that I could see for myself how he behaves and that he wasn’t flirting, I have this overwhelming need to jump his bones, to feel his cock inside me, rubbing me in all the right places!

  Shit! Now I'm hot and horny again. What’s stopping me from jumping him, is his hand. That and the fact that even though we enjoyed a very intense sexual encounter almost an hour ago, we haven’t actually moved forward in any way.

  I walk in to the kitchen and grab myself a cold drink. With any luck that will quench more than just my thirst! When I turn around from the closed fridge, Dan is right there and he raises his hands and plants them on the door of the fridge on either side of my head. I crack open my drink, take a gulp and ask, “Can I do something for you Mr Robson?”

  I don't even remember him taking my drink from my hand but I know it’s no longer there. Both of my arms are wrapped around his neck and his lips are on mine. His kiss is scorching hot and demanding. I feel it in my toes and my pussy is pulsing and ready for him, again!

  He breaks our kiss and rests his forehead on mine. “What the hell are we doing Mia?”

  “Well I was just getting a drink and then …” His lips are on mine again and my body takes over. My crotch presses itself in to his and I feel his hardening cock on my stomach, so I wrap a leg around his hip to get closer to him. I rub myself shamelessly over him and I can feel him get harder and harder. God, I want him! “Dan.”

  “I know Mia.” His good hand moves off the fridge and finds its way to the nape of neck and twists in to the hair there and he pulls me in even closer to him. He moves over to the kitchen chair and sits down with me straddling him. I can't get enough of him, now that he’s touching me and I can touch him, I want him. All of him!

  I pull his t-shirt off, careful not to bump his hand and then pull mine off, my bra follows closely behind it. I stand up and start on the button of my jeans, I reach in to my back pocket and grab a condom. Dan looks at me like he wants to kill someone, �
��I learned a very valuable lesson from my ex, always be prepared because you never know when the mood will strike.” He growls as I throw the foil package on to the table and drop not just my jeans but my lacy knickers too. I'm now standing before Dan, the man of my dreams and the only one I’ll ever love, naked, my only accessory is my smile!

  I reach down and undo the button and fly on Dan’s jean, I look in to his eyes and give the side of his leg/arse cheek a slap to encourage his to lift it up off the chair for a few seconds. I raise an eyebrow and he lifts up and I drag his jeans down his hips and oh god! “You’re fucking commando, again!” is all I can groan out! I should have known from earlier I guess. I dump his clothes with mine on the floor in a messy, tangled pile. As my hand lands on the condom, Dan’s hand holds it there, when I look at him he says, “Are you sure about this Mia?”

  I move his hand and place it on my chest so that he can feel my heart beating and say, “Trust me Dan, I want nothing more than your hard cock sliding in and out of my wet, hot pussy. In fact, I need it. Please?” He nods and leaves his hand on my chest as I roll the condom down his hard, dripping cock. The only thing I can hear is the heavy breathing from both of us, there is nothing else in the world right now, as I straddle his hips again and lower myself on to just the head of his cock. He groans, it’s almost a growl and his cock throbs, trying to get further in to my waiting pussy. It’s what I want but “Dan, do you want me to stop?”

  “Oh fuck no sweetcheeks. If you stop now, I swear …..” That’s all I needed to hear and I lower myself so that I’m completely sitting in his lap and he can't get any further in to my body. I wrap my hands in to his hair and pull his mouth to my breasts. He starts licking, nibbling and biting them and it’s been so long since I've had him inside me that I don’t want to move and yet I want to move all at the same time! “Mia, babe, you have to start moving or I'm going to explode right now and there's nothing either of us can do about it.”

  With that invitation, I drag myself up his cock and then slam back down on him, again, again and again. Thoughts of everyone and everything else have vanished. He's all mine for now and I'm taking all I can get! I plant my feet on the floor and ride him, up, down, up, down, up and down. I can feel my arousal dripping down between us and on to his thighs. We’re a sweaty, sticky mess and I love it! “Oh Fuck! Dan! It’s been so long and I'm gonna come please tell me you're close?” I can feel his cock pulsing and his balls tensing under my arse cheeks. His bandaged hand is resting on my hip and his other hands travels down my stomach until he finds my swollen clit and one press from his thumb and I explode! I can feel Dan’s body go tense and he growls out my name!

  I collapse in to his arms and rest my head on his shoulder, I'm kissing his neck and just below his ear the whole time and I can't stop. He's it for me and if he can't take me back, I don’t know what the hell I'm going to do!

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Mia, Fuck!” I hold her tight because I don’t want to let her go but, we have to talk. This was us out of control, nothing is resolved, it was just sex. I don’t mean that the way it sounds but it was physical, we still need to sort all the other crap out!

  “I know.” That’s all she says before she draws herself up and off my body, pulls on her knickers and t-shirt and before I've realised what she's doing, she's removed the condom from my cock and he's starting to come back to attention because she touched him!

  “Ummm wow Mia, I was going to do that but you’ve just, wow!”

  “Do you need some help pulling your jeans back up or do you want to have this conversation while you're on display?”

  “Ahh I think I'm good thanks sweetcheeks.” I say as I grab my jeans and pull them up and over my not so soft cock. I can't do up the fly or the button with my one hand so I leave them open and pull my t-shirt over my head to cover myself up.

  While I was pulling myself together, Mia made us coffees and I think I might want to spike mine with some bourbon or vodka. Maybe both?

  I sit back in my chair and Mia folds herself in to the one opposite me, her chin resting on her knees and her arms hugging her legs tight to her chest. Leaving me wishing there wasn’t a fucking table in between us so that I could see the pretty picture between her legs!

  “Mia …..”

  “Dan…” We speak at the same time, so I stop and let Mia go ahead. “ Dan, I swear if you say what we’ve done today, both earlier and now is a mistake I am going to murder you and I will happily go to jail for the crime!”

  “Mia. What we did, what we share, could ever be a mistake. It wasn’t before and it isn’t today.”

  “So what’s the problem then Dan? Cause you have this painful, constipated look on your face and I don’t know if I hurt your hand or if you don’t know how to say we’re nothing.”

  “We’re not nothing Mia, YOU are never nothing.” I don’t know where to start and I'm frustrated as fuck! “I don’t know where to begin sweetcheeks.”

  “Why don’t you try the beginning Dan? Why did you run away? Why did you leave me, us, when things got tough?” She asks. Then in almost a whisper she asks, “Did I mean that little to you that you could just walk away from what we had so easily?”

  “Damn it Mia!” I stand and pace the length of the kitchen. “It was you who didn’t want to tell anyone, you who wanted the whole thing..”

  “By whole thing do you mean the relationship? Because that’s what I thought we were in, together.”

  “Yes Mia. We were, fuck you are my everything but you didn’t want to tell Alex ….”

  “Not because I was ashamed or embarrassed Dan, never ever that. It was because I wanted to enjoy us for a while. I was always going to tell him about us. I wanted, I still want us to be forever. What I was trying to do by not telling Alex right away, was give us time. Without the pressure from him and he’s protective tendencies! I knew he would butt in and I didn’t want his opinion.”

  “Why Mia?” I ask quietly. “Why didn’t you want his opinion? Did you think it would be bad and he could persuade you to end what we had? Is that what you're saying?”


  “Oh for fucks sake Dan! That’s not what I’m saying, I'm saying …. Ohhhh god damn it! Fuck it here goes nothing, ok.” I take a deep breath and just jump all in, there's nothing left to lose. “I'm saying I love you. I'm IN love with you and I can't remember when it all began. I've loved you forever, I had a crush on you when we were teenagers and at some point, when we grew up, I fell in love with you. I kept my feelings to myself because, well you're Dan. You're family and my brothers, brother and best mate. You meant everything to me and I've known you slept with other women and I've even seen the aftermath a few times. I've had relationships because I've wanted them, I wanted to not be in love with you because well, wouldn’t that have just all been so fucking easy!? Then we started spending more and more time together and I couldn’t separate wanting you from loving you as a friend. I didn’t really want to if I'm honest. I tried Dan, I tried to forget, I really did but then that night. That night I gave in, I gave in to what I wanted and I thought. Shit Dan, I thought that if I could have one night with you, then perhaps I could forget and move on but I just fell deeper in love with you. The sex, the sex was fucking amazing, incredible! The connection I felt with you, I've never felt anything like it before. The next morning, when I tried to escape, that was me falling head over heels in love with you and I knew I couldn’t, wouldn’t return from that! I was scared. I was scared by the intensity of my feelings, scared of your feelings and yes I was scared about Alex’s reaction. I knew he wouldn’t like it, us being together, I knew he would flip out and I didn’t want that. I didn’t want anyone to have to make a choice but in the end by not telling him straight out, he made me choose.” I take another deep breath and close my eyes to continue, ”I made a mistake. Multiple mistakes, the first one was not telling Alex and just telling him to accept it or shut up. The second one was making a choice for all of us
without discussing it and without letting the dust settle first. The third mistake was letting you go, telling you to leave and letting you walk away. I thought I was making the right decision, the tough choices so that no one else had to, but in the end all I did was ruin everything.”

  I stop to take another deep breath because, I've just laid everything on line for Dan and I hope like hell I got through to him. If I didn’t, I'm going to go pack my bag and leave tonight, because I can't do this anymore. When I open my eyes Dan is standing right in front of me and his fingers are wiping away tears I didn’t even know I was crying. “Dan, if you don’t love me, if we can't work this out, please tell me now. I can't do this anymore, I can't want what I can't have. I lived that for years and I can't do it anymore. It will break my heart but I need to hear you say it.”

  “Mia baby, please stop crying. I can't bear to see you like this, it’s ok sweetcheeks I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.” He pulls me in to his chest and holds me tight while I sob my heart out and get myself ready for the fall. He says he's not going anywhere but he hasn’t answered me, did I actually ask him a question? I try to move, to look up at him but he just holds me closer and lets me cry.

  When I've stopped crying I push away from his chest and force him to let me go. I can't stay, I won't stay where I'm not wanted. That was goodbye sex, obviously and I can’t stay now. As I turn to collect the rest of my clothes, his hand slides down my arm and takes hold of my hand. He's gentle, I could pull away if I wanted to but in truth, I don’t want to. I want to hold on to his touch for as long as I can.

  “Mia.” He says softly but I don’t turn around. I can't, I don’t want to see the regret in his eyes. “Mia, please, baby look at me. I need to see your beautiful face.” Even as I shake my head no, he tugs gently on my hand and turns me towards him, to face him. He puts an finger under my chin and raises my face so that I have to look at him and I see tenderness in his eyes but I'm searching for more. “Mia, don’t leave me. Please, stay here with me, in my home, in my bed and in my heart. Forever?” “What? What are you saying Dan?”


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