Ballers 2: His Final Play

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Ballers 2: His Final Play Page 3

by Blue Saffire


  Second Chance


  I must be a glutton for punishment. I should have let her walk out of my apartment and out of my life yesterday. If I were a smart man that is exactly what I would have done, but lately I have been proving not to be the brightest tool in the shed.

  After Valentina made me feel guilty for the way I treated her friend, she left Reese’s contact information for me. I had Tony reschedule my appointment for today. I offered double the pay if she could fit me in. Tony said she was reluctant at first, but agreed to see me later this afternoon as her last appointment.

  I did some research of my own. I sent texts around to some teammates and my coach to see if they had recommendations and casually mentioned Reese as someone I am considering. A few of my teammates knew of her from experience. My coach actually called me back, instead of replying by text, sounding the most hopeful I have heard since it was announced that I was involved in a career ending assault.

  Reese has some unique methods that the coach raved about. He started to talk enthusiastically about me actually playing again. I don’t think she is that damn good, but I wouldn’t mind being able to use my left side again. The physical therapists I have had before were all assholes that my team arranged for me, with hopes of creating some miracle to get me back on the pitch despite the doctors saying that it is highly unlikely that will ever happen, at least not professionally.

  I am growing tired of people promising me things I know will never be, so I have fired each one of those assholes. Coach has been the only one that has been real with me, he knows I’m not making it back on the field, so to hear him so excited about Reese has me somewhat hopeful. When I asked him why he didn’t send her to me in the first place, he told me that she is unconventional and the team wouldn’t cover half of her treatments. They don’t want to take the risk with her. Most players that have used her, did so on their own.

  All of this just intrigues me more when it comes to Reese, which it shouldn’t. She is married and from what I overheard she is trying to start a family. I know all of this, yet, I can’t get it out of my head that I want her.

  I have told myself that I want her anyway I can get her, but that is a lie. I want all of her. From that cute button nose to those lush bow shaped full lips, I want it all. So yes, I am a glutton for punishment because I will never have her. Not the way I truly want her.

  “Boss, she’s here,” Tony rumbles into my bedroom.

  I look up and frown at him. I’m no one’s boss. Tony is older than I am. I just turned thirty-six, Tony has to have me by about four years like Uri. Time seems to be flying. I was just thirty-four, signing to a new American team and moving in with my older brother and his wife.

  I didn’t have a care in the world. My biggest worries were knowing what city I was in, which one I needed to go to next, and winning the next game. There were always women to go around and I kept the laughs coming. I didn’t want to be anyone’s boss then and certainly don’t want that now.

  Some would say I should have been on my way to retirement anyway, but I was in the best shape of my life. I was ready to lead my team to a cup. Before the shooting, I knew I had at least ten more years in me.

  It’s not unheard of, Neill McBain played well into his fifties. Kazuyoshi Miura was forty-seven, scoring fifty-five goals in eighty-nine appearances. My dream was to beat out Andrea Pierobon, who I watched play until forty-five back home. All just a dream now.

  “You alright, Boss,” Tony’s asks as I drift into my thoughts once again.

  “Yeah, and I told you to stop calling me that, Tony,” I grumble.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Tony waves me off and leaves the room. I snort at the big bear of a man. One thing I have learned is that Tony is set in his ways.

  I struggle to my feet, grunting out my pain. Some days are worse than others. Grabbing my crutch, I make my way out to the living room, not moving half as fast as I would like. I want to get out there to lay eyes on the gorgeous little physical therapist.

  If only she knew the reason I refused her care yesterday was because I know she will need to put her hands on my body. If just looking at her can make me hard enough to drill nails, I can only imagine what will happen once she touches me. Yes, I do believe I have gone crazy. Only a crazy man would subject himself to this.

  “Thank you for making time for me,” I say to the chocolate faced beauty, sitting in my living room.

  She looks just as beautiful as I remember, so much for hoping I imagined it all. I think she is more gorgeous today than she was yesterday. I have always been attracted to all types of women, but I love chocolate. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envy my big brother just a little.

  Valentina is stunning, but right now this brown eyed, chocolate vixen is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I want to know everything there is to know about her. When I look in her eyes, I am sure she is more complex than the naked eye can see.

  Everything about her screams sexy. Her lips have a natural color gloss on them that draws the eye to her lush lips. She is wearing that same bun from yesterday, but it is not as slick back. It looks softer, which makes me want to release it from its confines even more.

  Her bow shaped lips turn up into a forced smile that doesn’t meet her sad brown eyes. My chest tightens, because I only want to make her smile with every part of her body. The type of smile that only the man that knows her best can bring to her face.

  “It is not a problem. I am happy you reached out. I really do think I can help you,” she says her voice sounding warmer than the look on her face.

  I can’t keep myself from snorting. She is not the first to make such a claim, but something in me shifts as I look at the conviction that comes over her face. For the first time, I believe that someone may be able to help me. Even if she just gets me back into working order.

  “I hope you can,” I sigh and the weight of my words seems to hang in the air.

  “Valentina was telling me that you have a pool and gym on the rooftop here. We will use that to our advantage, but first I would like to evaluate you and then stretch your muscles a bit,” Reese nods and stands.

  “I’m all yours, just tell me where you want me,” I reply with more husk to my voice than I intend.

  I don’t miss the sigh that crosses her full lips or the quick roll of her eyes over my body. She tries to cover up her reaction by biting her lip and looking away to dig in her bag. Reese pulls out a clipboard and a pen jotting something down.

  When she turns to me, I don’t expect the next words that come out of her mouth. “Before we begin, Mr. Donati,” she looks up into my eyes. “May I ask why you were so against me being your PT yesterday? And what brought about the change of heart?”



  I watch all the blood rush from his handsome face. Before he blushes and looks down like a little boy. It’s so adorable, my knees almost buckle. I never thought it would be possible to see this man look anything but rough and rugged.

  I told myself that I would not ask about his change of heart when his assistant called, -at least that is how Tony introduced himself, but I get the idea that is not the case. I should have been livid that Ty took off for Miami without a word. Instead, I spent the night wondering about the wounded soccer player, which is why I am now here.

  It was eating at me all night that he was adamant that I not treat him. He only looked at me and decided he didn’t want me to work with him. I’m good at what I do. It hadn’t bothered me so much at first because I was so stunned by the gorgeous man himself, but as it sunk in, I had time to be a little pissed off about it.

  No, very pissed off. I almost didn’t accept this appointment. So before we go any further, I need to know. I keep my eyes on him as he reaches up with his left arm to rub the back of his neck, grimacing with the motion.

  “You can call me Nico,” he grumbles first. Then he looks me right in my eyes and it is like he is lookin
g through me. Once again, my breath hitches for the second time in about the same amount of minutes. This man, those eyes and his voice, they are all going to be the death of me. “I will not lie to you; it is not something I ever do. I am very attracted to you, Mrs. Roman. With you being a married woman, I am not able to pursue you as I wish to, so I didn’t think it wise to allow you in my personal space. I still don’t think it is wise, but I have heard great things about you and I am coming to believe that I am a glutton for punishment.”

  He watches me closely for my reaction and I swear if I were a few shades lighter he would see me blushing to my roots. It isn’t just his words; it is the way they fall from his lips. Nico has this rough and sexy voice that has a hint of an accent he seems to try to hide. I’ve noticed it before, but when his Italian accent peaks through it is hot as hell. Actually, either or is hot coming from his mouth.

  His words sink in and I realize he is right. I am married and I have no business lusting after the man standing before me. It is my job to get him healthy. And I won’t tell him this, but it is also my job to do what no one else can. I will get Nico Donati back on the soccer field. This will be huge for my career. All the teams that are reluctant to use me because of my alternative methods, will be busting my door down once I get the man they said would never play again out on that field. The enormity of this for the pro-for-profit and expansion, I have planned for my clinic, is out of this world.

  I may not be able to fix me, but I have never failed at healing others. My best friend Tam asked me to work with her brother Ellerie after his PT failed to get him back in shape to get back on the field. I’ll have Ellerie back in the NFL in a year, two tops. I swear it. It is only going to take that long because he should have come to me sooner.

  My eyebrows draw down as I wonder what Nico could possibly find attractive about me. I am in my standard work uniform of a polo shirt, khaki slacks and sneakers. It doesn’t get any less unflattering than the outfit I have on. It does nothing for my five-five curvy frame, nor does it hide the weight I have gained lately.

  I clear my throat. “Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Donati. Although, I’m not so sure that is really true. You are a very attractive man and can have any woman you want, which I have firsthand knowledge of,” I say looking at him pointedly as I remember the woman from yesterday. “I doubt you were willing to pass up your health for an attraction to me.”

  He snorts in disgust and moves forward on his crutch to stand in front of me. He tosses the crutch toward the seat I had been sitting in. With his fingertips he lifts my face so that I am looking up at him.

  “Like I said, I don’t lie. What do you call it here? Home wrecker,” he lifts a brow at me. “I’m not one of those, but your husband should be ashamed for not letting you know how beautiful and desirable you are. If you were mine, you would never close your eyes without knowing I adore you. You would never take a breath, without knowing how breathtaking you are. It would be so that you understand without question, that even the Gods are in awe of you.”

  I feel the shiver that runs through me at his words, causing me to take a step back, away from him. I am so out of my comfort zone. Ty has never been this bold. Nico’s presence alone sends the hair on my body standing at attention. Having his hand on my skin almost scorches right through me.

  I am starting to think maybe he has a point. We shouldn’t be in each other’s space, which will be near impossible if I plan to work with him. And I have no doubts that I plan to work with him, this is too important to my career for me not to. I try telling myself that repeatedly. If I don’t, I know I will run right out of the door and never look back.

  Nico hobbles back a few steps as well. “We have work to do. You say you can help me. Show me,” Nico says, all the emotion and heat that were once in his eyes just moments ago, now gone.

  I take a deep, calming breath. I can do this. You get him back on the field Reese and you’ll be set. The sky will be the limit.


  It’s a Process


  “Nico, I know this is frustrating, but you have to be patient. It’s a process, just give me a little trust and I’ll help you get there,” I reassure a sweaty, pissed off Nico.

  We have been at it for about a week now. I have no doubts now that I can help him, but he has to be willing to work with me. He gets so frustrated so fast.

  I am grateful to Valentina for bringing Vita by each day. The little girl seems to relax him. However, they haven’t arrived yet today, and Nico is at the height of his frustration as I stretch him and push him to his limits, with the treatment I have set for him. I want to have sympathy for him, but I know he doesn’t want it. I also know it is not going to help him.

  “This is the same bullshit the others have taken me through. Where is all the different shit you were supposed to offer me,” Nico growls.

  I glare at him pointedly. I understand he is frustrated, but I don’t have to take him talking to me like this. His blue eyes lock with mine, blazing with defiance. I just want to wrap my fingers around his thick neck and squeeze. If he would just do what I say, we could move on. I can’t help him if he doesn’t open his mind to it. I am becoming just as frustrated as he is and that is not helping either of us.

  “You don’t trust me. Until you do, this is what we are working with, Mr. Donati,” I hiss at him.

  “How can I trust you when you insist on calling me, Mr. Donati,” he growls. He pauses in thought and something cross his face before his lips take on a sexy pout that I don’t even think he intends. “How can I trust you when I don’t know you?”

  His eyes rake over my face. Oh God, this man will be the death of me. I fold my arms over my chest so he doesn’t see the effect he has on my body. I chide myself for the millionth time for my body’s unprofessional behavior. I have never reacted to another man like this, not even my own husband.

  I sigh heavily. “I don’t know what to tell you, Nico. I can get you where you want to go, but you have to work with me,” I say more softly this time.

  Nico looks away from me as his jaw flexes beneath the skin. My shoulders sag as I get ready to call it quits for the day. I’ll just massage his muscles and be on my way. My pulse races with the thought of those muscles under my fingertips.

  For a week now, I have left this apartment with my body humming after working his muscles and having to have my hands on him. I have never had this problem before. I try to meditate on anything but my hands on his body, but it just doesn’t work. It is like my body has been tethered to his and comes alive with the simplest of touches.

  “Tell me why you decided to be a physical therapist,” Nico suddenly says bringing me out of my thoughts.

  I look up at him with furrowed brows. “What,” I ask confused.

  “What made you become a PT. Your hands are so little, but you touch like you have all the strength in the world. You have a passion for what you do that shows. It is like you have been through something that drives you. So tell me little one. Why be a physical therapist?” Nico says with a teasing smile I have never seen before.

  The smile makes me soften a bit more. I don’t know why I do it, but I open up to him like I have never opened to anyone. It all just pours out of my mouth. I can’t stop the words once they start.

  “My dad used to play for the NFL. He was so great. I used to seat glued to the TV with my uncles watching his games,” I swallow thickly and lick my lips. “One game, Daddy got hit, the guy hit him so hard. I was used to seeing him get tackled, but this time was different.

  “All the air left the room around my family as we all watched the screen in stunned silence. I remember hearing my own breathing as we waited for him to move and get up off the ground. He never did though.

  “His career was over with that one hit. Daddy struggled to learn to walk again, he couldn’t do simple things with me anymore. Things like pushing me on the swing in our backyard, or giving me his infamous bear hugs. I watched him be
come so sad and distant.

  “My mom refused to give up. She knew he would be able to walk again someday. I remember the day Dr. Hashem showed up. I could tell he was different from everyone else. He had this peace about him. I watched him bring my dad back to life in more ways than one.

  “I was only about ten or so, but I knew he did what no one else could do for Daddy. Dr. Hashem became a great friend of the family,” I smile fondly. “He taught me to meditate and started me out in my curiosity about herbs.”

  “Then one day, I twisted my ankle while riding my horse. When I got home, Dr. Hashem moved everyone out of the way and took over. I watched in awe as he worked over my ankle. I knew right then I wanted to help heal people and I wanted to be like the man that brought my dad back.

  “Believe it or not my Dad didn’t think I should bank on unconventional medicines. I compromised and decided to study Physical Therapy, but the end goal has always been to start my own practice to blend the two methods. So far, I do okay. My dad has helped a lot with getting me the clientele I do have. He knows a lot of people around all the leagues,” I finish as I look down at my fingers that I have been playing with.

  “I used to dance naked in the locker room before a game. I would get there before my team and let loose. I love to dance and it relaxes me. I love music. All kinds of music. My mother actually thought I would be a musician before I found my love of football,” Nico says causing me to look up at him.

  He is smiling, a real smile. It is breathtaking, so breathtaking his actual words take a moment to sink in. I burst into laughter when I really hear his words. He gives me a mock look of horror.

  “I tell you my secret and you laugh at me,” he rumbles, that smile taking over his face.

  “I’m sorry,” I giggle. “I just can’t imagine you dancing around the locker room.”

  “Is it you can’t imagine me dancing or the naked part,” he teases.


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