Ballers 2: His Final Play

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Ballers 2: His Final Play Page 10

by Blue Saffire

  “Are you delusional?” I ask cocking my head to the side.

  Uri’s eyes flicker over Ty, as if he is thinking the words I have just spoken. “I am rethinking killing you,” Uri mutters.

  Ty’s face turns pale at Uri’s words. He sits in silence for a few moments. “She can’t really want a divorce,” Ty says lamely looking down at his hand in his lap, the other is still holding his nose. “Is she sleeping with you?”

  Ty looks at me with his question and I swear I black out. I am standing over him in a blinding rage within seconds. My leg and shoulder are forgotten as I grab hold of the front of his t-shirt, pulling him to his feet. There is so much adrenaline running through me, I can hardly feel my limbs protest against my actions.

  “You know shit about Reese. If you knew anything about her, you would know that she would never sleep with anyone else while still married to your sorry ass, no matter what. Sign the damn papers now, before I break every bone in your fucking body. I’m already going to beat the shit out of you, the faster you sign the papers the more mercy I will have,” I bellow in his face.

  Ty is not a small guy, but neither am I. Right now my rage is making him feel like he is a gnat compared to me. Ty must find his balls because he starts to shove back at me. Michael returns right at that moment, placing his gun to the back of Ty’s head.

  “I’ve had enough,” Uri says dryly. “Sign, so my brother can whip your ass and I can go home to my wife.”

  The look in Ty’s eyes tells me that his fight is over. He was never man enough for Reese. I would have fought for her until the trigger was pulled.

  I back off and unzip my hoody. I roll my shoulders as Michael hands Ty the papers and a pen. I’m going to make this hurt, but it will be quick. I have my woman to go claim.

  “I’m going to make you hurt as much as you have hurt her,” I growl as Ty hands the papers over to Michael. As soon as Michael has them in hand, I throw my first punch to his already broken nose. I smirk in satisfaction at the crunch.

  “Motherfucker,” Ty howls out.

  “Man up, you whiny bitch,” I snarl. I shake my head. Yes, I will be making this quick. He is not worth my time.

  Earlier when Reese walked away from me, I decided it would be for the last time. We are like magnets to each other. Time is up. I need my woman and I want her now.


  All of Me


  When Nico and I almost kissed earlier, I had to get away. I am so drawn to him it is almost impossible to stay away. I finally sucked it up and called Tam to tell her that I am getting a divorce. Just like I knew she would, she called in the troops.

  I spent a few hours on the phone with Tam, Stacey, and Alee trying to get me to go out with them for drinks so we could celebrate. Any other time I would have been all for it, not tonight. I heard when Nico left hours ago.

  He hardly ever leaves the apartment, so when I heard the door slam, I rushed out only to find Tony on the couch. I have been in my head ever since. I hope he is not pissed because I said I need space.

  I want nothing more than to spend as much time as I can with Nico, but my heart just can’t take it. I want him too much to keep fighting it. I just don’t trust myself and I won’t go back on my word.

  However, knowing that he left angry, I have been waiting all night for him to return. That is why I promised the girls we would hang out in a few days. I have been lying here in bed thinking of Nico, since I hung up the phone.

  I can’t get his intense blue eyes out of my head. For months, I have wanted to run my fingers through his dark hair. I want to kiss that scar over his brow and lick my way up that light trail of hair that disappears into his gym shorts.

  I let my hand travel down the front of my body as I get all hot and bothered. I have to laugh at myself when my fingertips reach my panties. I have never touched myself on my own. I mean, I have while Ty watched a few times.

  I need to pull myself together. I’m not even sure I am ready for what Nico is packing. I giggle to myself and squeeze my thighs together. I sure do plan to try. I lift my hands and cover my face. Oh God, I am losing my mind. Where is all this coming from.

  My phone ringing breaks me out of my silly musing. I take a deep breath. It is the middle of the night, so most likely it is Ty calling again. I ignore his calls every time he calls. I have continued to do so since that one time I answered by mistake.

  I reach for the phone to silence it, but my heart speeds up when I see that it is Paige. It is the middle of the night. My mind immediately goes to something being wrong. So many thoughts fly through my mind as I swipe my finger across the phone and answer.

  “Hey Paige, is everything okay,” I rush into the phone.

  “Actually, everything is amazing. It’s been so long, I didn’t think you would want to wait,” Paige says with a smile in her voice.

  “What’s going on,” I ask curious now about what couldn’t wait until the morning.

  “Your divorce is final,” Paige gushes through the phone, sounding more like a girlfriend than my lawyer.

  I gasp and close my eyes. I just take a moment for the words to sink in. I don’t even realize that I am shaking at first. “Are you serious, how, when? I mean is that it? I’m really divorced.”

  “Reese, you are officially divorced. Ty signed the papers tonight and Bobby woke up Judge Carson to call in a favor. It is all official. And honey, you are walking away with more than you asked for.

  “Ty is selling the apartment here in New York and you will receive a hundred percent of the proceeds. He is also going to auction off all five of the cars he had in your name and a hundred percent of those funds will go to you as well. The student loans that he didn’t know you took out, he has written a check to pay those off in full. You will also be receiving a lump sum of alimony in the amount of ten million dollars,” Paige calls off with a smug sound in her voice.

  “What,” I whisper. “But I didn’t ask for any of that.”

  “Reese, I am assuming that you plan to move forward with your feeling for Nico now. As a friend, I’m going to tell you that you might want to learn the friends and family you have. You have powerful connections whether you want them or not. Not one of the men that consider you their family right now, were going to let you walk any with nothing. I say Ty got off easy,” Paige reveals.

  “I…wow. Thank you, Paige. You and Bobby have been so great. I… don’t know how to thank you enough,” I stutter not know what to say and shaking my head as if she can see me.

  “No thanks needed. You just make sure you don’t waste any more time dancing around a good man. Nico is something special. We’ll have to get together to celebrate soon. I’ll talk to you later. My children are acting like they shouldn’t be in bed sleeping at this time of night,” Paige sighs.

  I laugh. Her two sets of twins are adorable. They are getting big so fast like all of the other children. I smile at the thought. My children could be there playmates someday. Suddenly, all I want is to see Nico.

  I say goodnight ending the call. I get up from the bed and spin in a circle. I don’t know what to do first. I still haven’t heard Nico come in. Maybe I missed him somehow. I bite my lip, trying to decide what to do next.

  I turn and look in the mirror. Oh God, it has been so long since I shaved and all that. I twist my hands in my tank top and think over what I am about to do. With my mind made up I rush into the bathroom and jump in the shower.

  I wash my body down and shave everything. I haven’t gone bare down there in so long, but I want to feel sexy and somehow in my brain the hair needs to go. I have never worn my hair down around Nico. Even after living with him for a month. I reach for my bun and debate taking it down, but that would be too much work, so I shake my head at the thought and rinse off to step out of the shower.

  When I step out of the bathroom and into the bedroom I smile. I can hear music playing through the apartment. Nico has a sound system that links to every room. He
can pick which rooms it plays through from the remote. It is clear that he wants me to hear the music as John Legend’s All of Me, plays through the speakers into my room.

  My smile broadens, he knows. I play Paige’s words over and something tells me that Nico is behind Ty finally signing the divorce papers. I need to ask him.

  I rush to rub oil into my skin, before debating on what to wear. I look over to the chest of drawers some of Nico’s t-shirts are still in them. I rush over to on the drawer I know I will find his shirts in. I pull out a white t-shirt and pull it over my head. It smells just like Nico. I inhale and close my eyes.

  The song is playing on repeat. I know that is his way of calling me to him. I run to the door, but calm my ass down and run my hand down the front of the shirt. Shaking my hands out, I pull the door fully open to walk out.

  I gasp when I find the hallway lit by tea light candles. In the center, sprinkles of pink rose petals make a trail for me to follow. I pad over the soft petal following them to the stairs that lead up to the rooftop. More candles and petals flow up the stairs and I follow them.

  My body is vibrating with nerves, excitement, and hope. When I reach the rooftop, larger candles are everywhere, but that is not what catches my attention. What has my attention is the infinite pool filled with pink rose petals and the large figure slicing through them as he swims laps back and forth.

  The waterfall is on and back lit by blue light. I have never been up here at night, but it is just as beautiful as I imagined it would be. My attention is brought back to the figure in the pool as Nico lifts to his full height in the water.

  I absently lick my lips as the water drips down his face, off his jaw and rolls down his chest. A few rose petals stick to his tanned skin. I squish my thighs together as he moves towards me. I stand frozen at the edge of the pool.

  Nico doesn’t say a word as he locks eyes with me. He pushes his wet hair from his forehead and then he starts for me. His moves are slow and deliberate as he moves through the water. I bite my lip as the roses part and I can get a better look into the lit pool. Nico is completely naked under the water.

  I think I might faint. I am mesmerized by the flex of his muscles and every chiseled inch of his body. In the back of my head there is a nagging voice trying to tell me this is wrong but I silence it.

  I loved Ty for so long. I lived in a sham of a marriage for over four years. I did everything right. I now know why Ty really hired an assistant to take care of everything I had been taking care of. I would have found out about his little family. I handled everything while I went to school. It was how I was able to hide that I didn’t use Ty’s money for school.

  I was the wife I was supposed to be, when he allowed me to be. Nope, this is for me. I am finally doing things for me. My clinic will be open next month and now I am going to let someone love me. Someone I care for and I know cares for me.

  When Nico gets to the foot of the stairs in the pool my eyes land on the slight bruise on his jaw. I suck in a breath and move to him. I cup his face, searching it before looking him in the eyes. “What have you done,” I whisper.

  “What needed to be done,” Nico breathes.

  “Nico, what does that mean,” I mutter.

  Nico reaches for my thighs and runs his hands up the backs of them, and under my t-shirt. A shiver runs through me. His hands stop to rest on the swell of my ass. “It means that you are mine. You are no longer married. We no longer have to fight this. It means, I am going to make love to you,” Nico breathes just before he pulls me to him and crushes his lips to mine.

  I moan into his mouth. I have waited so long for this, but I didn’t think it would be like this. I feel like my body has just come to life. My heart feels like it has been pumped with electricity, every cell in my body is humming and tingling.

  I reach for his hair and lock my fingers into it. His kiss is so powerful, I need to be anchored to something, and I haven’t even opened my mouth to him yet. Nico’s tongue flicks at the seam of my lips and I gasp open to allow him access.

  Nico sweeps in so swiftly, it is like the kiss has been coordinated. His hands grasp my globes and my legs wrap around him of their own accord. I come to my senses and pull away from the kiss. I try to remove my legs, but Nico slides his hands to my thighs, holding me to him with a tight grip.

  “Nico no, I could hurt you,” I protest.

  Nico nips at my chin, still holding onto me. He is guiding us further into the water and my t-shirt is now getting soaked. I try not to squirm, not wanting to make a wrong move and hurt him. He continues his nipping and kissing down my neck and then back up to my ear.

  “Shh, I’m fine. I have you,” he breathes in my ear. “I will always have you, Reese.”

  “Nico,” I whimper when he pulls my ear into his mouth.

  He walks us over to the waterfall edge of the pool and sets me on the pool edge. Nico moves his body snuggly between my legs and just stares into my eyes. So much is said without words. I am so overwhelmed I have to fight back the tears.

  This…this is what a man is supposed to look like when he has love for you, when he really cares. This is how my father has always looked at my mother. This is how I see my friends’ husbands look at them.

  Nico reaches for my hair to unravel my bun. I reach for the pins and pull them out. I set them behind me and untwist the bun. I reach for the band to release the ponytail. I can feel the bottom half of my hair separate from the ponytail and fall to rest against my shoulders as if sighing in relief to be released. I go to comb my fingers through the rest to get it to lay flat.

  “No,” Nico’s voice halts me. “I have dreamed of getting to do this for more nights than I care to think of.”

  Nico reaches to grasp a hand full of my tresses. He holds it out to the side looking at its length. He then combs his fingers through my scalp until he has all of my hair combed back and flow down my back.

  I open my eyes and find him staring at me in awe. “What, is something wrong,” I ask nervously.

  “Why do you hide this,” he asks pointing to my hair. “It’s natural isn’t it. I thought it would be long. I just wasn’t expecting it to be so soft and thick.”

  I laugh and lift a brow, I look down between us and then back into his eyes. “I could say the same thing,” I tease.

  “Bella, I am never soft around you,” Nico growls and pulls me forward, closer to the edge.

  He captures my lips again, this time reaching to pull the shirt over my head. He breaks the kiss only long enough to get the shirt off and then devours my mouth once again. I have no time to be self-conscious of my body.

  Nico’s hands are all over me. He reaches between my legs and strokes my slit. I almost convulse right off of the edge of the pool. His touch is like fire. My core floods with the simple touch.

  I gasp for air when Nico breaks the kiss and lowers into the water before me. He tugs my legs over his shoulders and his face disappears between my thighs. Nico locks his hands over my quivering belly to hold me in place as he eats the shit out of my pussy.

  I throw my head back and let my soul flow out of my mouth and into this man before me. The words to the song playing around me breaks into my head. It is like I can feel what Nico has been trying to tell me for months.

  He has just been waiting to love me. To give me his all. Right now, I don’t want to compare him to the man I just divorced, the only man I have ever known. I just want to be. I just want to give him all of me. So I do. I let go and gush into his mouth.

  Nico licks me right through my climax. I happily give him an encore. I have to fight myself not to wrap my legs around his neck and shoulders. I am trying my best not to hurt him. I have a firm grip on the edge of the pool to ground myself.

  Nico pulls away licking his lips and pushes his way back between my legs until we are face to face. “You taste amazing, Cara,” he groans against my lips.

  “That was amazing,” I whimper as my core pulsates begging for something more.
/>   “I’ll take it easy,” Nico says as he looks me in the eyes.

  I nod my head and lick my suddenly dry lips. I blink a few times as I feel the large head of his dick rub my folds. I ache for him, but I will not lie. I am nervous as heck that I am not going to be able to handle him.

  My grip tightens on the edge of the pool to the point that my fingers hurt, as he pushes just the tip in. My mouth falls open and my breath whooshes out. Nico keeps his eyes on me the whole time.

  He doesn’t push all the way in like I expect him to. He works just the tip in and out of me slowly and it alone feels incredible. Nico reaches for my hands and locks our fingers together. I can see the restraint Nico is placing on himself.

  “God, angelo mio prezioso,” Nico breathes. He leans in until his nose is pressed to mine. “I’ll never let you go. I’ve waited all my life for you.”

  “Nico,” I whimper. I cling to his fingers as he pushes deeper. My core is so slick it is receiving his thick girth and allowing me to enjoy the pressure he is placing on my body.

  “I will give you the world, Reese. Just trust me,” Nico groans as he pushes all the way in on this pass.

  I cry out and throw my head back. I look up into the clouds, in the distance, I can see lightning begin to flash in the night darkened sky. It is the most beautiful sight as Nico’s body totally over takes mine. I feel like I am going to float up to meet the clouds.

  I can’t even fight the words that float from my lips. “I love you, Nico.”

  A growl fills the air. “Ti amo, Reese,” he groans as he makes love to me, in time to the music playing around us. “Dal momento in cui che posato gli occhi su di te, io ho amato voi. Dovevi essere il mio. Fattagli significato essere mio.”

  I forget myself and tighten my legs around his waist. Nico releases one of my hands and places his hand on my side. His large hand splays under my breast, over my rib, and the side of my back. His touch sends a shot of heat through my body. When his thumb brushes my nipple I almost lose my mind.

  I am still looking up at the night sky that is flashing back at me. I am too afraid to see Nico’s words in his eyes. This feels so good; it has to be a dream. I am so afraid that if I look I will see a lie.


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