Ballers 2: His Final Play

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Ballers 2: His Final Play Page 12

by Blue Saffire

  “She had a baby in her arms,” I grumble. “Sometimes you just don’t want to show your ass. This was one of them.”

  “Whatever,” Tam and Alee giggle.

  “Girl, Ty used to have that nose open,” Alee chuckles drunkenly. “When Stacey said she caught him letting that chick suck him off at that frat house I wanted to tell you myself and almost did until you cursed me out over him.”

  “Well, that is my past now. I’m finally using my head and I am totally over him,” I shrug and lift my glass in the air. “Too moving on!”

  “Ha ha ha,” Tam laughs. “You’re so drunk.”

  “Not too drunk to shake ass,” I sing and turn the volume up on the music playing around the pool. It is the perfect night up here to party. I smile slyly as I think of what Nico and I did a week ago up here.

  I didn’t know how much I needed this. I feel so free. I am really happy for the first time in a long time. I let my hips sway to the music and enjoy myself.



  When I walk into the apartment, I can hear the music that Reese is pumping on the rooftop. I smile to myself. I hope she is having fun with her friends.

  I turn to head to our bedroom, but I take a detour as I think of how much I miss her. I just want to go up and say hello. Maybe I can steal a kiss. My mind goes to earlier and my cock grows hard as images of her ass bouncing around my cock fill my head. Her tits looked amazing in the mirror as well. I have to remember to fuck her like that again very soon.

  I jog up the stairs and a smile hits my lips. My limp is all but gone lately. I guess sex is a cure all. Or it could be happiness. I haven’t been this happy in a very long time.

  I stop just inside the sliding doors as Reese and her friends come into view. They are all beautiful women. There is one white girl in the group, she must be Stacey, if I remember right. She has blonde hair and she’s tall. The other two are smaller curvy women like my Reese. One is chocolate brown like Reese around five-six, I’d say since she is a little taller than Reese. I think I can safely say she is Tamara or Tam as Reese so affectionately calls her. That would leave Alee, she is a lighter brown. Maybe in the caramel hue. She is about Reese’s height, just not as thick.

  They are all oblivious to the fact that I am watching them. The song changes and Rihanna’s, Work, and I chuckle as they all holler and throw their hands in the air. Only it is the woman I love that captivates me with her moves.

  I watch her roll her body to the music and I have to shift on my feet. Reese closes her eyes and gives herself over to the music. It is a beautiful thing to see. She bends low, rocking her hips and working her legs and feet in fancy footwork. It is cute, the way she sings with the song and gets into the dance.

  I can no longer watch from a distance. I did promise her a dance and I never break my promises. I walk out onto the roof, the friend I believe to be Tam sees me first and her eyes grow wide. I place a finger over my lips and wink at her.

  Tam taps Alee, nodding in my direction and placing a finger over her own lips. They then do the same to Stacey. Stacey gives me a sly smirk. I just smile back, but turn my full attention to Reese, who is still in her own world.

  My eyes drop to her ass swaying. I chuckle to myself and shake my head. Reese really has no idea how sexy she is. I love the maxi dress she has on. The black fabric clings to her skin just right as she rolls her body like a little snake.

  She reaches for the skirt of her dress and pulls it up her legs exposing her smooth brown legs and her little feet in her gold sandals. Gold bracelet cling together on her wrists as she winds her body to music.

  “This is my life. Fuck Ty, I’m free. I’m happy,” Reese calls out drunkenly and shimmies her ass, little more.

  Not able to hold back anymore, I place a hand on her waist, pulling her back into me. I bend to lean into her ear. “Are you really happy, Cara,” I croon in her ear.

  I slowly roll my hips into her and Reese stiffens. Opening her eyes, she turns to me with a look of shock and embarrassment on her face. I don’t let it deter me. I bend my knees and reach for her hand. The pain is a low hum in the background, but I push through.

  I bob my head and roll my shoulders backward to the slow rhyme. Reese’s mouth drops open as I add the foot movements and mimic back the dance I watched her do. I have spent a lot of time in reggae clubs in my partying days. I know I shock Reese when I make myself eye level with her and start to swing my arms loosely to the beat as I drag my feet back and pop my body forward.

  “Oh shit,” Alee chirps drunkenly. “He is killing it!”

  When Reese stands too shocked to dance with me, Tam comes over and grabs my hand. I shrug and wink at Reese before turning to her friend and dancing with the one I assume to be Tam. She is not shy to dance with me at all.



  Holy shit! Who is this man? I know Nico said he loved to dance before games, but I imagine Tom Cruise in Risky Business, not this. He looks hot as hell.

  Tam steps into him with her right leg and rolls her body back and Nico follows the exact move, stepping in with his right leg and rolling his body. Then he throws me when he takes the lead, rocking his hips and moving them in a circle to the left with the same step and roll move. To be such a large man, Nico is moving his body so fluidly.

  “Oh my God, you better get it, boy,” Alee cheers.

  “Reese what is wrong with you,” Stacey squeals. “You better go get your man. I got next if you don’t.”

  I snap out of my shock and dance my way over to Nico. I wrap my arms around him and place my palms on his chest. I am utterly shocked when Nico reverses his moves to roll his body back into mine. I roll with it though, not to be out done.

  Tam throws her head back and laughs, stepping out of the way as I dance around to the front of Nico. Nico wraps an arm around my waist and place his forehead to mine. It is right then that I forget my girlfriends and the rest of the world.

  Nico’s large body wraps around mine as he moves our bodies together to the music. I don’t even care that he is sweating all over my makeup. I reach to wrap my arms around his neck and Nico drags a hand slowly down one of my arms.

  I am so turned on. I flick my tongue out against his lips, causing him to groan and hold onto me tighter. His hands slip down to my ass. I can feel him hardening as he grinds into me in time to the music. He is an amazing dancer. I can detect a slight hint of his limp, but not enough to interfere with his moves or rhythm.

  “Are you ready to stop doubting me,” Nico breathes against my lips.

  I laugh and cup his face. “Yeah, Baby, I really am,” I whisper with love.

  “Good,” Nico smirks, before grasping my hands from around his neck and spinning me around so that my back faces him. Nico bending me over. I rock and sway my hips and ass into him.

  Nico grasp my hips as he rocks, rolls, then pauses to the beat, and repeats. I can feel his erection pulsing into my backside. I reach for my skirt lifting it over my legs to my knees and I give as good as I’m getting.

  I thought I was a dancehall queen back in the day. So I lock my knees and pop my butt on his erection. I look behind me to see the lust in Nico’s eyes as his fingers bite into my hips. He leans back as he grinds into me, still on beat.

  “I love, him,” Alee slurs bringing me back to the rooftop with my friends. “Yes, Reese. Get that shit, Girl!”

  I burst out laughing and stand straight. Nico wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face into my neck. “I’m crazy about you,” he groans as he sways me in his arm. I reach up and lock my fingers in his damp hair. Nico just put in work. “Have fun, but come to me as soon your friends leave.”

  “I will,” I purr.

  Nico holds onto me a little longer as the song changes and my friends giggle to themselves. I don’t want him to let go. This is the best feeling in the world. I realize he is trying to let his erection die down.

  I giggle and turn around to face him. His blue eyes a
re filled with laughter, lust and something else. I ignore the last one for now. I have been embarrassed that I blurted out my feeling that first night in the pool and I haven’t said the words again since.

  “Thank you for the dance, Mr. Donati,” I say shyly.

  “Anytime,” Nico winks.

  He releases me and takes a step back. I suddenly feel that we are surrounded. I turn to see Stacey, Tam, and Alee are on either side of me looking up at Nico with dreamy eyes. I laugh at them and turn back to Nico. I can’t blame them.

  Nico looks so sexy in his blue jeans and red t-shirt. He has on red and grey racing shoes that give him a laid back sex appeal. Nico has been letting his hair grow out and it now kisses his collar and the front falls into his eyes in the sexiest way, when he doesn’t comb it out of his face. His blue eyes are filled with so much mischief these days that you can almost see his dirty thoughts.

  “Enjoy your evening ladies. Thank you for the dance,” Nico says to Tam.

  “Oh, you are more than welcome, but don’t think you are just going to run off,” Tam says with a smile as she folds her arms over her chest. I groan as I see her getting ready to interrogate Nico. “We want to get to know you. I’m Tam by the way.”

  Nico takes the hand Tam offers him, but instead of shaking it, he brings it to his lips and brushes a quick kiss to it. “The soon to be lawyer, Yes?” Nico asks.

  Tam lifts a brow and smirks. “That’s right. Nice to meet you,” Tam smiles.

  “The pleasure is mine,” Nico turns to Alee as he releases Tam’s hand.

  “You must me Alee. The hairstylist,” Nico says with a charming smile on his lips.

  “That would be me,” Alee slur-sings holding out her hand for Nico to give her the same treatment as Tam’s.

  Nico doesn’t disappoint as he takes her hand and kisses it as well. Alee giggles and her cheeks blush. I just shake my head at my friend. I know we have all had too much to drink. Alee is not one to blush for many.

  Stacey nearly shoves Alee out of the way as she sticks her hand in Nico’s face. Nico bites back a laugh, but takes Stacey hand and kiss it as well. “That would make you Stacey. It is nice to meet you all, Reese speaks so fondly of her girls,” Nico croons with a handsome smile on his face.

  “Wait, you skipped over what I do,” Stacey pouts. “What did she tell you about me.”

  “Girl please,” Alee waves Stacey off. “We all know you shop for a living. Nico don’t have time for that. Go have a seat with your attention seeking ass.”

  “I can’t with you two,” Tam giggles and shakes her head.

  “Still don’t know why we’re friends with her crazy ass,” Alee teases.

  “Because when I shop, I buy y’all stuff too,” Stacey says and lifts her chin.

  We all burst into laughter at that. Tam and Alee links arms through Nico’s as they move to each of his sides. “So Mr. Donati, we have to insist you hang with us. Reese has told us some interesting things,” Tam starts.

  “Yes, we have to check and make sure you are the right man for her,” Alee nods.

  “I am the only man for her,” Nico says confidently, but lets them lead him away.

  Alee and Tam look to me and lift their brows at me. Tam draws her lips downward as if to say, ‘um, you may have a keeper here.’ I laugh, knowing my girl well enough to know what she is thinking. She is right, Nico is a keeper and I plan to hold on tight.


  Proper Thank You


  My eyes flutter open and I inhale deeply. When I blink the sleep from my eyes I look up into Nico’s face from the spot where my face is pressed into the side of his chest. Nico looks down at me with a blinding smile, cupping my face and running his thumb over my cheek.

  “Welcome back,” he murmurs.

  I look down shyly and let out a soft sigh. Lifting one arm I stretch it over my head letting my sore muscles scream back at me in protest. I think I got a little carried away with the drunken sex. A smile tilts my lips as images rush back to me.

  I drop my hand back to Nico’s stomach, running my fingers from his belly button up to his pecs then back. He flexes his chest and I swear, I melt like a teenaged fan girl. I shift to kiss his right pec.

  “Nico, why don’t you have any tats,” I inquire out of the blue.

  He laughs at me and runs the arm he has had wrapped around me up and down my body, stopping at my hip. His fingers start to make circles against my hipbone. I can feel the small fire his simple touch is starting already.

  “I’ve gone a few times. It’s not that I chickened out. It is more that I have not held an interest once there,” he shrugs. “I haven’t thought of anything that I want with me forever. Why do you ask?”

  I nod and snuggle deeper into his side. I tilt my head up again to lock eyes with him. He is watching me intently. Despite being naked at his side, I feel as though I am totally exposed, in the barest form as his blue eyes pierce me.

  I reach for his face and run my thumb over the tiny scar over his right brow. It is the one blemish to true perfection. I love this scar; it reminds me that he is human.

  “I don’t know. I was just curious. Most of the athletes that I have worked on are riddled with them,” I reply absently.

  “I have considered going for ink to cover my wounds,” Nico pauses.

  I have come to understand the true reason his mood changes when he talks of his injuries and scars. Now that I know him, it is like I can see him reliving that moment. It pains me every time. Nico has a depth of compassion that is so profound, especially for those he feels he should protect and love.

  “But you won’t. You want to remember,” I whisper into the thoughts I see running through his mind.

  Nico’s eyes clear and he looks at me. He nods. “It is a reminder,” he says and lets his words trail off.

  I opt to change the subject. “I think my friends like you,” I laugh.

  “Ah, I like them as well. Something tells me they are Just as blunt when they are not drunk,” Nico chuckles.

  “You are right. I think they were actually holding back because they were drunk,” I giggle. “At least Tam was. Stacey and Alee don’t have a filter at all. Tam on the other hand, wouldn’t want to ask you anything she can’t remember and hold against you later.”

  Nico gives a full belly laugh this time. I love when he laughs. He looks so young and carefree. “I think they are great friends. I can tell how much they care for you,” Nico says warmly.

  “Yeah, well, Ty hated them,” I grumble and Nico stiffens.

  I watch as his face clouds over with a scowl. “In my family, we men have a rule. Never, ever mention another man while in our bed,” Nico says firmly.

  “Oh, I…I meant nothing by it,” I pause and think of how I would feel. “Sorry, I wouldn’t like it if it were the other way around.”

  Nico’s face softens. “It is nothing. We will not ruin our night,” he waves it off.

  “More like morning,” I give a short laugh.

  “Yes, well, you did pass out on me,” he grins wickedly at me.

  “I love this. Can we just stay in bed and do nothing today? Uri had to cancel our meeting at the clinic. Something about that new investor wanting to meet with me before we take things any further,” I frown to myself as I think of my last conversation with Uri. He called me to tell me that he had someone that was interested in the clinic. Someone he thinks will be an asset to me. He wouldn’t elaborate, which made me sort of nervous.

  “I am all yours,” Nico smirks and places his arms behind his head.


  “No, you don’t want the answer to that,” Nico chuckles.

  We have spent hours just laying here talking like old friends. This is why it was so easy for me to fall in love with him. He just makes me so comfortable, without even trying.

  Who else would I feel this comfortable with, to lie here with my head on his hip with my hair all over the place. I am stark naked with nothing bu
t nail polish on and I couldn’t be more at ease. It has never been like this for me in my past.

  Nico is lying with his head propped up on his pillows as we let the day float by around us. He is naked too, except for a sheet that is draped loosely over one leg and his amazing package, as the sheet bunches between his legs.

  “Yes, I do,” I snicker.

  “You know enough. This is not important. No,” Nico shakes his head.

  “Please,” I plea and give him puppy eyes.

  Nico sighs and rolls his eyes. “I had my first fight when I was about ten. Yes, I was the victor. I thought I was hot shit until I turned nineteen and found Uri. He whipped my ass that first night I showed up on his doorstep.

  “It was a few nights later that I shot my first gun. And before you ask, no I have never taken a life,” Nico frowns. “I think Uri knew from that first night I was not meant for the life.”

  “Why’d you guys fight that first night,” I ask curiously.

  Nico sighs. “Mama thought we were safer away from Uri. That’s what that bastard husband of hers filled her head with and that is what she fed us,” Nico reaches for my hand absently and starts to play with my fingers.

  “Uri wanted me to leave. He was protecting me. I stood up to him and told him, no. My brother hates being defied. When he got in my face about it, I shoved him and he proceeded to beat the shit out of me,” Nico chuckles. “The next night he came to the hotel Annabella, Michael, and I were staying in and took us home with him. That’s when he showed us how to really protect ourselves so that we could remain together. We never told anyone about it.”

  “No one looked for you?” I tilt my head to the side while still resting it on his hip.

  “No, Uri is the best at what he does. No one knew we lived on my grandfather’s old property, but the staff and not all of them had access to that knowledge or the knowledge of both properties on the land. It is a vast thirty acres you could easily never know one side from the other. Uri stayed on his side and we stayed on ours. It wasn’t hard, I was hardly home. Michael was the one that was able to spend more time with Uri.” I watch the way Nico’s eyes became distant.


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