Love's Vengeance

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Love's Vengeance Page 25

by Dana Roquet

  “Just a moment.” he called to whoever might be on the other side of the door, while his eyes continued to regard Desiree warmly.

  She scampered on tiptoes across to him and whispered harshly, “You can’t let anyone know I am here. Stephen you can not—please!” she pleaded.

  He placed his index finger across her lips, hushing her and looked about for his breeches, donning them. He strode to the door, opening it only enough to allow his exit and walked out into the hall. Desiree could hear Ham’s voice but was unable to make out the words and Stephen opened the door a moment later, entering with a tray in his hands. He kicked the door closed behind him and set the tray upon the table.

  Desiree had slipped her shift on and now stepped into her dress, buttoning it while she approached the table. Stephen grinned, set a plate before her and then sat down to his breakfast. He watched her face as it slowly sank in that two servings had been prepared, including fresh brewed tea for her.

  It dawned on her then—Ham had known; he had known full well that she was within the cabin! Her mouth fell open and she sank into the chair, covering her face with her hands, “Mon Dieu.” she whispered and then looked up into his eyes, “He knew I was here didn’t he?”

  Nodding, Stephen sipped at his coffee.

  “What must he think?” Desiree groaned, rolling her eyes in total mortification.

  “He is probably thinking he will no longer have to put up with my foul moods.” he chuckled, “He is a gentleman as well as one of my most trusted friends—and I might add, a great admirer of yours. He is aware of what transpired before…” he saw her eyes widen, then narrow accusingly and he rushed on, “I assure you it was purely by accident that he discovered that occurrence! He came to my cabin that night before I had a chance to tidy up after you had tried to take my head off with most of the contents of my desk. He kept that secret as well, so have no fear sweet—he is most discreet.” He grasped her hand and kissed it tenderly, “Now can we please eat? I must take the helm soon and I would enjoy your company.” he said with a wink.


  “Stephen?” Desiree called softly.

  “Yes!” he growled from his desk, where he attempted to add the same column of figures for the tenth time and for the tenth time had been interrupted.

  He looked across to the berth and smiled warmly. Desiree lay upon her stomach, in one of his shirts that seemed to swallow her up and one trim leg was flexing at the knee. Her chin rested against her palm, and she was leafing through the heavy bound book that she had once used as a weapon against him.

  They painted a very domestic scene and after only days in her good graces, he had to admit he had never known such ease with a woman or such a sense of belonging. She would putter about the cabin, or come up behind him and drape her arms about his shoulders while he worked at this desk and kiss his neck, or tumble into the tub with him and he knew she was what he had been searching for in his life. It would be some time before he could allow himself to express to her all the emotions she was stirring in him—but one day…

  “How can you stand to be at sea so much of your life?” she asked, returning his warm smile.

  “I don’t see it as a drudgery—if that’s what you mean.” Stephen offered, as he closed the ledger, blew out the candle and rose from the desk, deciding to give up trying to work for the night. He pulled his shirt off over his head throwing it into a chair, closed her book, tossing it onto the floor and slipped into bed beside her while continuing in answer to her question, “My problem has always been to understand how anyone could stay on dry land their entire lives.”

  Desiree crawled into his arms, draping her body over his and resting her cheek against his chest. His hand ran through her hair which was fanned out across her back, “Lonely though.” she decided.

  “I never thought so, until now.” He confessed lightly, “You make it much more interesting.”

  “How long can I expect your company before you leave me on the island and set off again?” she asked, kissing his lips and nuzzling against his neck.

  “We shall see, but count on my company for some time to come.” He assured.

  “Do you have your own home on the island?”

  “No—no need for one. I am never there for long. I stay in the family home with my parents and Tim when I am there.”

  Desiree moved to the crook of his arm and sighed drowsily. She moved her hand over his furry chest and the trickle of hair leading downward, then her fingers plucked at the fastener of his breeches, “Are you ready to retire or are you going to go back over there and ignore me?” she asked with a laugh.

  Stephen rose, removing his breeches and tossing them across the room then he slipped back into bed. With a growl, he pinned Desiree beneath his frame as he began to unbutton her oversized shirt, one button at a time while placing a kiss on each inch of soft flesh exposed as he descended.

  “Stephen?” she whispered hesitantly.

  He groaned, resting his head against her stomach, “Woman!” he hissed, “I swear if we ever get through this once without a discussion in the midst it shall be a miracle!” he lifted his head, his eyes menacing, “I fear I shall have to gag you to accomplish it.”

  “I’m sorry.” Desiree pouted, “I wanted to ask you something.”

  He gave her a bored perusal, “Of course, don’t you always?” he chuckled, kissing her now bare belly lightly.

  She had to admit to herself that she interrupted him every time he began to make love to her but it was not intentional. She would think of something and couldn’t let it go until it was voiced, “This pertains to the subject at hand.” She assured, flashing an enchanting smile.

  “What is it?” he sighed wearily, reluctantly moving beside her to give her his full attention and leaning upon one elbow he gazed down into her eyes, then his eyes narrowed threateningly, “If you dare ask one more question on the function of the male…”

  “No—no more questions on that.” Desiree laughed.

  “Good because I was going to toss you right out of this bed onto your lovely backside. We discussed that subject more than thoroughly…”

  “Stephen,” she interrupted his ranting, “Am I what you would consider wanton?”

  “Oh dear Lord—help me!” he said, looking to the heavens briefly with a shake of his head, then back into her eyes and growled with false annoyance “No! I shall tell you what I consider you my sweet.” he lifted her hand, entwining her fingers with his own, and then brought the back of her hand to his mouth for a gentle kiss as he continued, “You are the most open, honest, quizzical, uninhibited—passionate, spontaneous and infuriating woman I have ever known!” he laughed warmly, then sobered and his voice was gentle as he released her hand and lightly traced her lips with his fingers, “Even if I had never known the heaven of you within my arms, even before that fateful night—you were my conjuring of the ideal woman. You are everything a man could ever ask for and then some. I adore everything about you and could not bear to have you change the smallest detail.”

  Desiree touched a stray lock of blond hair tucking it behind his ear, surprised by his words. He kissed her and she molded to his body ardently, looping her arms about his neck, feeling very secure and close to him.

  Stephen drew back with a look of uncertainty, “Anything else on your mind my sweet?”

  Desiree lifted her eyes upward as if in thought and smiled brightly “Oui—about sailing, now when you…”

  “Be quiet!” he chuckled, stopping her words with his lips and Desiree giggled lightly against his mouth.

  Within moments, all play was forgotten and the only words spoken were inaudible whispers spoken in the roaring fire of passion.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  From her seat on the steps of the companionway, Desiree’s view of the deck was very limited. Only the blue sky and the white billowing sails of the Windward. Occasionally a crew member would pass above and hold up a hand to her, signaling stay put.

The sails were brought down, one by one and she could then see the tall masts of other ships as they moved into Portsmouth and docked. Stephen appeared above her, grinning down into her upturned face.

  “Disobeying Captain’s orders?” he accused threateningly, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Desiree pouted as if injured but her eyes moved over his frame with possessive familiarity, causing Stephen to chuckle. She could not help but note the fine fit of his fawn knee breeches above his tall boots, nor the lean thighs flexing with muscle beneath the clinging material. She stood and Stephen bounded down the short flight, taking her hand and heading down the passageway to her door and entering with her in tow.

  “I want you to stay in here. Do you understand? You can’t risk being seen Desiree.” he said solemnly, pulling her into an embrace. Her arms came about his neck and his mouth devoured hers in a passionate kiss. He pulled back and looked down into her eyes.

  “Stephen I just wanted to be close for the landing, no one could see me.”

  “Aye no one could see you but we are docked now and there may be people aboard discussing business with the crew. You really must stay in here—please?” he touched her chin and frowned sternly.

  “I agree. But how long before you return with Bridgett? I am so anxious to see her!” Desiree hugged him excitedly.

  “Just as soon as I can collect her and your belongings—I’ll be as quick as possible.”

  “And don’t forget to take some time to speak with my Aunt and Uncle. And tell them I am fine and that I love them very much…”

  “My sweet I shall take care of everything. Don’t worry. Just stay here and wait.” He ordered and kissed her once more, “I best be off before I am delayed even longer. I have a terrible urge to…”

  “I can imagine!” Desiree interrupted, “Stephen stop that!” she demanded around his insistent lips.

  She moved to the door and opened it, “You act as though you have been celibate for months instead of but a few hours. At times I fear my physical well-being is more in jeopardy at your hands than this unknown tormentor!” she giggled, “I believe you have inexhaustible stamina.”

  Stephen laughed softly, striding to the open door and started out but turned back, peeking around the door into her twinkling eyes, “Perhaps I but fear one day I will awake to find you have flown from me and am simply trying to form a memory to last me the remainder of my lonely existence.” he cajoled, pressing a tender kiss to her cheek, “Have pity upon me Angel for I am in total adoration of you and must give proof of that daily.” He kissed the tempting corner of her mouth.

  “If not more often.” Desiree added incredulously.

  “Do you doubt my affection?” he raised his brows, his expression one of surprise.

  “Let me remind you that you have a mission to perform. You may tell me of this adoration later Captain. Now please go and fetch my nursemaid before I go myself!” she kissed him lightly, waving him away and closed the door behind him.

  Desiree sat down upon her bed which she had left unoccupied for many, many nights and smiled contentedly. She felt at peace with herself for the first time since she had set herself against Stephen so long ago on this very ship. No more nightmares endlessly searching for him in the sea or in crowds. No more blue sapphire dagger, no waking with the emptiness beside her. Now she awoke in his embrace and it felt like the most natural place on earth to be.

  True it was against her upbringing but it did not haunt her. She wanted him and he wanted her and she was fulfilled. She trusted him and his intent. Although he had not come right out and said that he loved her, he showed it in many ways and she had no doubt that she, indeed, had his heart.

  He had tried to convey to her for so long, during those many terrible arguments, that what they had shared could be a completing factor instead of an end to their caring. Now she had realized it was true. He was once more all that she had believed him to be and then some. She felt the comfort she had before, the same comfort she had always shared with Rene’ or her other friends but the passion she felt for Stephen made it all the more fulfilling. It was what her friends had told her to wait for in a man. She had found it with Stephen Colter and she could feel no shame for her actions.


  Stephen swung wide the portal, grinning broadly as Bridgett rushed in and stood gaping at her young mistress. Desiree rose from the bunk with a giggle, turning about once, seeing Bridgett take in her unusual attire, then curtsied grandly.

  Seeing her mistress in a white servant’s dress with suntanned skin and loose flowing locks, Bridgett could not suppress her thoughts, “Missy you look absolutely beautiful!”

  Desiree rushed to her, embracing her excitedly, “Oh as do you Bridgett! I missed you so!”

  “How are you truly sweet? Are you as healthy and happy as you look?” Bridgett blubbered, unable to hold back tears of happiness.

  “I am fine—just fine!” Desiree assured, hugging her once again, “Did Aunt Colette and Uncle Maurice understand the meaning of the change in plans?” she asked, looking to Stephen as he leaned at the threshold.

  “Aye it is all understood Desiree.” He nodded with a smile, as he enjoyed watching the touching reunion. “They send you their love and will await word from you on your progress. Well—I shall leave you ladies to catch up on each other while I see about the launch. Excuse me.” With a wink in the stead of a kiss as he was accustomed, Stephen took his leave, closing the door behind him.

  “I want to hear it all…” Bridgett began, as the two took a seat upon the bunk, “were those outlaws civil?”

  “Bridgett I assure you I was treated with the utmost respect. Red, the leader, is a wonderful man. Wise and caring. He treated me as though his own daughter—all the men did for that matter. I can not tell you how much they came to mean to me. See this?” she held up the golden pendant hanging from her neck and Bridgett admired the pearls nestled in gold inlay, “It was a gift from Red and one of the men, O’Malley. He actually took the time and trouble to go pearl diving with me. Isn’t it lovely?” Desiree asked while caressing the pendant.

  “Beautiful my dear.” Bridgett agreed.

  “It was a wonderful adventure Bridgett. Of course at first, I was terrified but I soon found I had nothing to fear from any of them. Oh Bridgett! You should have seen all the children! Just adorable! I came to care for them very much.” she sighed, then frowned, “But I feel very guilty Bridgett. You not knowing what was happening to me when I was enjoying myself; having a glorious time.” She patted Bridgett’s hand.

  “That matters not. I am just thankful you are safe and unharmed.” Bridgett smile, wiping her eyes, “Your apparel—Captain Colter mentioned you would be glad to have your own things.” Bridgett sniffed, touching the shoulder of her plain white dress.

  “Yes I fear this leaves much to be desired doesn’t it?” Desiree agreed with a giggle, “But it has served me well.”


  By the midday meal, the ship was well on its way to sea and Desiree and Bridgett went above deck to enjoy the afternoon. Desiree climbed the steps to the helm and turned about before Stephen. She was dressed in a light yellow silk gown, with an attractive décolletage and layered skirt. Stephen smiled in appreciation and whispered just before Bridgett climbed to join them, “Still the others did have their advantages.”

  Desiree rolled her eyes at his remark in silent communication. He had told her on several occasions that he enjoyed the relative ease he had, getting her out of the simple clothing.

  “How many days until we arrive at your home Stephen?” she asked, diverting his more than casual regard from her figure.

  “Oh less than a fortnight if the winds are kind. Not terribly long but then I am sure you are most anxious to give up your sea legs. You have become quite a sailor the last few months.”

  “I feel as though I have spent my entire life at sea. I think I can say with certainty that I shall…” she lowered her voice to a whisper and cupped her hands
around her mouth as if not wanting to be overheard, “not miss the Windward for a moment once I feel solid ground beneath my feet.”

  Stephen chuckled, “Now I am certain you have been at sea too long Desiree—you are becoming addled.”

  Bridgett observed the two laughing warmly and wondered at the change in their behavior. Whatever had been amiss when last she had seen them in each other’s company had obviously been reconciled to a happy conclusion. She watched the two and thought what a handsome couple they made. Of course they were not a couple but at least they were once more comfortable with one another and it would make for a pleasant voyage, she mused.


  The evening meal was taken with the captain in his quarters and the three shared some of the pastimes they had enjoyed on their previous trip. It was well past nightfall when Bridgett came to her feet with a sigh and addressed Desiree.

  “Dear I feel a bit squeamish. My seasickness again I am afraid. I had hoped I would be able to forgo it this time but it appears to have caught up with me. Could we please retire?” she pleaded weakly.

  Desiree could see the gray tinge around Bridgett’s lips and that she was in desperate need of lying down. Her mind was in a flurry though, considering something altogether contrary to her nurse’s plight. She had not thought about the fact that she would be expected to reside with Bridgett in her cabin instead of here with Stephen as she had become accustomed. She could not very well ask to stay a bit longer, for she knew that she would not be coming to her quarters were she to do so. She would fall asleep in Stephen’s arms after making passionate love with him. Her eyes turned to Stephen and he smiled softly coming to his feet.

  “Well ladies, I hate to see you go but if you must, you must!” he said looking directly at Desiree and the meaning of his words was clear. He understood that she must go.


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