Love's Vengeance

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Love's Vengeance Page 28

by Dana Roquet

  “I have a feeling the wild days have come to an end for you Captain.” Ham interrupted his thoughts, “I think you are in love with the lady even if you are trying valiantly to deny it. Your behavior shouts it loud and clear.” He stated confidently.

  “Well old friend, “Stephen said pushing away from the rail and coming to his full height, “I have spent too many years at one extreme to simply leap to the other. I shall have to take it one step at a time.” He patted Ham’s shoulder as he passed, “Good night.”

  “Night Cap.”


  Stephen made his way below to his cabin and quietly undressed, slipping into the berth beside Desiree. She snuggled up next to him in her sleep and a trim leg settled across his own, while her arm came across his waist holding him tight. Her breath was warm against his neck where her slightly parted lips touched there. He turned toward her and draped an arm across her waist, running his hand against the silky flesh of her back. The hauntingly sweet fragrance of her hair, so much a part of her, filled his senses and he felt the torment of the change this woman had brought about in him.

  He actually needed her—her company, her thoughts; her wit as much as he needed to satisfy himself within her body. It had become more than simply possessing a woman. It was Desiree he wanted and no other. So why did he find it so difficult to simply succumb? Why not admit to himself—to her—to the world, this discovery? He could have blurted it out to her this night and had been on the brink of doing so; what had held him back; his old ideas? Yes, a change in oneself—finding that you are capable of more than you ever suspected, is hard to accept. Then too, there was Desiree herself—just being Desiree held him back from expressing himself.

  She was accustomed to love—all men loved her; her fire, her intelligence, her trusting and innocent nature. She had, no doubt, been told those words countless times in her life and would not be surprised to hear them from his lips. It was commonplace to her. It was expected. How could he bare his soul completely, admit this revelation he had never experienced before in his life to someone who found love in the world—as easily as breathing? Would she take it lightly? Simply add him to an already long list? Did she love him? He had asked this night in a light manner and she had answered in French. Had it been a denial—an admission? He hadn’t understood a word and his pride had prevented him from pursuing it further.

  But she gave herself to him freely and had never given herself to another before him. Her passion left him gasping and she brought him to heights he had never attained, returning every kiss, every caress. Her stance in society placed her above a tryst for pleasure’s sake. She was meant to marry well and be a devoted wife and mother. She would not submit so ardently unless she cared for him, or was he making more of it than it was? She was a passionate woman experiencing fulfillment for the first time with a comfortable partner. As she once put it, he had stolen her innocence, so perhaps she had merely decided the damage had been done and was enjoying him and the pleasure he brought to her.

  That thought hurt—like a closed fist in his gut knocking the wind from him. Interesting, because he had never held himself for only one, never considered sex a means by which to express emotion. It was a base pleasure, an animal urge. Now he found, all at once, he was expressing emotion, his desire was directed toward only one and for the first time in his self indulgent existence it did matter.

  Yes love her he surely did but he would not state it openly—not yet. If she loved him it would grow and become evident and then he could lay his heart in her hands and feel secure in the care of that love.

  He touched a flowing lock of dark hair tossed over her shoulder and kissed her brow lightly. She stirred, cuddling closer to him and a satiny breast touched his chest. He smiled, wrapping her in his arms and drifted to sleep contented.


  The last leg of their voyage went rapidly for Desiree—the remainders of her days on the ship were spent with Bridgett but the nights, belonged to Stephen. Although Bridgett objected, no mention was made of it and by the time they were in the last days, approaching Somerset Bermuda, Bridgett and she were back on good terms.

  Bridgett had to admit to herself that when she would watch the captain’s face as he and Desiree talked quietly at the helm, he obviously cared for Desiree very much. They would talk for hours and he seemed completely taken with Desiree, transcending only a physical attraction. He would smile at a jest or tease her good-naturedly and Bridgett swore she heard love in his voice and saw it in his eyes. Perhaps she had been wrong about this man. Perhaps he did have honorable intentions where Desiree was concerned.

  Chapter Thirty

  The Windward was to make port late in the day in mid October. Bridgett took special care with everything about Desiree’s appearance. Desiree wanted to look her very best this day to meet Stephen’s family. She wanted so to make a good first impression. Stephen had told her that she could be clothed in one of her dresses from Nevis and still be the most beautiful woman on the island but Desiree took this as a well meant compliment and not literally. Bridgett arranged Desiree’s hair in bouncy curls, pulled well away from her face and she wore one of her sapphire gowns that Bridgett felt best set off her eyes and hair.

  It was still early in the day when they had packed up all their belongings and with one last look about the cabin for any missed possessions; they made their way up on deck to watch Somerset Bermuda come into view.

  At first Desiree noticed there was the usual dark hue on the horizon which was always sighted first and as the day drew on they could see the amazing and colorful coral reefs that Stephen had said formed a fence or wall of sorts around the entire chain of islands but for small entrances. They could see low hills covered with palm trees and white sand beaches, as they moved closer, not unlike the West Indies, Desiree thought happily.

  “Oh Captain it looks lovely.” Bridgett exclaimed from her vantage point at the helm near Desiree’s side. Bridgett had never seen a tropical isle before and was as in awe of it as Desiree had been of Nevis.

  As the island came into full view, Desiree noticed it was not one island but actually several. The smaller islands formed a finger, which they rounded and these were dotted with homes and huge palms. There were children and women along the shore waving as the Windward passed by.

  The ship, maneuvered expertly by Stephen rounded them and slipped back behind to a wide lagoon before Somerset, where four other ships were anchored out in the protected harbor. A pier protruded out into the deep water and at that Stephen turned the vessel. The sails were dropped, the anchor lowered and the ship came to a grinding halt against the pier.

  Looking over the rail from the main deck, Desiree was a little disappointed that she could only see dark water below, where at Nevis it had been shallow and clear.

  Stephen came down the steps from the quarterdeck and looked over the rail at her side; “This is deep, possibly twelve meters or more. The Northern side of the isle has a more gradual decline, much like the Indies.” He offered as if reading her thoughts, “You look beautiful, did I happen to mention that?”

  “Not until now. Do you really think so?”

  “Gorgeous! They will adore you.” He assured, “Don’t worry.”

  He excused himself to see about the ship and Desiree, along with Bridgett watched from the main deck as a throng of men came briskly down the dock to see to the unloading of the Windward. Women sat along the shoreline while children played in the sand, watching the activity with casual interest.

  Desiree watched as an older man with a sparse thatch of gray hair and a hulking frame made his way up the plank with a rolling gait and crossed to the helm, climbing the steps to where Stephen waited on him with a wide grin spreading across his face. They clasped hands in a sound shake and Stephen clapped the newcomer on the back soundly.

  “Stephen you are a sight for sore eyes. We were looking for you weeks ago. What happened?”

  “Well Tad,” Stephen began, “I made an unschedu
led stop or two.”

  Desiree could not hear what was being said but both men looked in her direction with grins upon their faces. She returned a coy smile and turned away.

  “I see.” Tad nodded knowingly, “Well I was afraid something had gone amiss.”

  “What could have gone amiss?” Stephen inquired innocently.

  “How did the Windward run? Pretty fair time?”

  “Just fine.” Stephen offered.

  “Well, I guess I get a bit worried when one of the fleet isn’t, where it’s suppose to be, when it’s suppose to be.” Tad said with a baiting tone.

  “Like hell you do! You want to hear me boast on your abilities—is that it you old scalawag? All right then, we made France a week ahead of the Mary Louise from Hamilton. The Windward moves like the wind and you are worth your weight…” he eyed the older man’s wide girth, “At least half your weight in gold. Happy now?” Stephen laughed.

  “You have me pegged for sure Stephen. I knew we could outflank the Mary Louise! I just knew it!” Tad laughed heartily.

  “I believe your place as master craftsman is safe for some time to come Taddy, now if you would excuse me for a minute I must speak with the lady. But stay around; I may have something for you to do.”

  “Sure Stephen.”

  Stephen bounded down the steps to the main deck and Desiree turned to face him with a bright smile.

  “Desiree it will be some time before I will be able to go to the house, I think that if you don’t mind, I will have Taddy up there escort you ladies to…”

  “My God what a beauty!”

  Stephen frowned at the rude interruption and Desiree turned to see a young man standing behind them. He had the same light blond hair, the same deep brown eyes. His build was slightly smaller and he did not possess Stephen’s height.

  “Brother I hope this is your gift for me from your trip!” He said as he took Desiree’s hand in his and lifted it to his lips for a kiss.

  “Dream on Timothy.” Stephen drawled, “May I introduce Miss Desiree Chandelle and Bridgett Spencer, they shall be staying on with us. Bridgett—Desiree, my brother Timothy.”

  “How do you do.” Tim smiled warmly at Bridgett before his attention moved back to Desiree, “I was afraid he was going to introduce you as his wife but since he did not, may I ask you to marry me now or shall I wait until after dinner?” Tim sighed dreamily.

  Stephen disengaged Desiree’s hand from Tim’s with an exaggerated effort and then requested good-naturedly, “Tim be a good lad and stop ogling our guest.”

  “Stephen what harm is there in a little ogling?” Desiree teased with a giggle.

  “May I show you ladies to our home?” Tim offered with a disarming smile.

  “Stephen?” Desiree questioned, looking up to his smiling face.

  “I suppose I had better let him or he will have a fit.” He grinned at his younger brother. “Tim straight to the house and Bridgett you keep an eye on this cad.”

  “Yes Captain.” Bridgett assured taking the arm offered to her by her newly acquired escort. Desiree took his other arm and the three started toward the gangplank.

  “Oh Stephen,” Tim called over his shoulder, “Be a good chap and get back to work. Do stop mooning over our guest.”

  “On your best behavior Tim.” Stephen stressed as they turned and stepped onto the plank and he went back to work.


  The three walked off the wooden dock and up a hill onto a cobblestone path, when a large bay horse skidded to a stop before them. The woman astride, wore her hair in a wispy mass of ringlets and it was honey blonde. Her face was lovely, with delicate features and emerald green eyes that bore into Desiree menacingly. She wore a riding habit of bright yellow muslin with a daring décolletage. Her figure was trim and her skin dewy white. She was beautiful Desiree thought to herself and wondered if she might be Tim’s woman, although she considered she must be well into her twenties and Desiree knew Tim’s age. He was much her minor. Her horse snorted and pranced, trembling as if ridden some distance at a brisk pace and Tim reached out a hand, taking the bridle to calm the animal.

  “Timothy,” She snapped. “Help me down please.”

  “Of course Vanessa.” Tim smiled brightly, then turned to Desiree with a roll of his eyes and a look of distaste toward the task, “Pardon me Desiree—Bridgett.” He turned back to the woman with the sweet smile in place upon his lips.

  She slipped her leg off the horn and Tim took her by the waist, setting her lightly to the ground.

  “Tether my horse would you?” she asked as if commanding and brushed past the three, heading toward the ship.

  Tim shook his head, “Excuse me once more.” He apologized, following in the woman’s wake back down the way they had just come and tying the animal to a hitching post near the dock.

  Desiree’s eyes were poised just above Tim’s head as he returned, watching the woman as she made her way to the Windward. She could barely discern Stephen standing with his back to them at his helm but she could not mistake the bright yellow of the woman’s sleeves as she wrapped her arms about Stephen’s neck in a very familiar embrace.

  It happened suddenly, unexpectedly like a lightening strike. The woman lingered and obviously gave Stephen an ardent kiss and Desiree felt almost physically ill. She turned away from the scene to look up the path toward town as Tim joined them. Bridgett had missed the entire occurrence, as she too was looking ahead at what await them. Desiree tried to listen intently as Tim began a brief narrative about Somerset as they started off trying for the moment to put what she had just witnessed out of her mind.


  Stephen untangled himself from Vanessa’s embrace, setting her from him firmly, “Well Miss Haines let me guess—you and your latest what’s his name have parted company?” He scowled darkly, then turned quickly with concern and was relieved to see Desiree disappearing up into town on Tim’s arm.

  Vanessa stared into his eyes in disbelief. “That is very rude Stephen! What kind of a remark is that? And regardless,” she smiled coyly, “I don’t believe you have ever drawn back from me.”

  “Vanessa come below to my cabin for a moment. I must have a word with you.” He requested, speaking stiltedly.

  Vanessa smiled at him with seductive charm, “Oh I don’t know that I dare.”

  Stephen ignored the remark and headed down the steps, preceding her down the short flight to the passageway and stood aside for her to enter his cabin, where she immediately took a seat upon his bed, fully expecting him to join her. Stephen looked to the bed and then turned to sit at his desk facing her.

  “Vanessa did you happen to notice a woman on your way here? She would have been walking with Tim. Dark hair, very beautiful.” He questioned, knowing full well that she must have certainly passed them on her way.

  Vanessa thought for a moment, patting her hair as if it were out of place, “Let me see—I saw a child, very tiny and plain.” She suggested with wide-eyed innocence.

  Stephen chuckled at her feeble attempt to slander Desiree, “Hardly! But I think I can take that as an affirmative answer! That woman,” he accentuated, “accompanied me on the Windward and she will be staying in my home. She is very important to me. You may be on the prowl again but I want it understood that I am not on the market.”

  Vanessa’s mouth dropped open in a most unladylike fashion before she remembered herself and clamped it shut. Then Stephen could see the sparks begin to fly from those emerald depths, “You can not be serious! What of me Stephen! Am I to be cast to the wayside then like all your others? After all we have shared!” she snapped in outrage, standing from the bed.

  “Vanessa, please! I can think of only one thing that we have shared and it was so long ago my dear. In fact, I know for certain you wouldn’t be here this minute if you hadn’t found yourself without a current suitor—isn’t that so?”

  “You are vile Stephen. You made me believe we would someday…” Her tears flowed freely now and
she paused for effect.

  “I never gave you any such hope my dear and I cannot believe that it means as much to you as you profess at this late date.” He knew well that the tears were a calculated ploy. They could be turned on and off at will.

  “But it was always so good with us Stephen! Don’t you remember?” she asked coming to stand before him and leaning over his desk to give him a display of creamy white flesh over the daring cut of her gown.

  Stephen avoided the bait and looked pointedly into her eyes, “Vanessa dear, you are but one of many and you are well aware of that. I have no more held it in account as you have. I am sorry if this upsets you but I am sure your next conquest will be just around the corner.” He rose from his desk. “Shall we go?”

  “So I shall no longer be welcome in your home, in your company?” She pouted.

  “When has our status ever had any effect on your welcome to my parent’s home? I just want it clear that since you appear to be again making the rounds—that I am not. I want you to respect boundaries.” He opened the door for her, ushering her out.

  Vanessa stormed out before him but stopped and whirled around, “Just remember—don’t come begging for my favors in the future because you shall never sample them again!” She vowed. Although she knew in her own mind that were he to but ask, she would allow him whatever he wished and Stephen smiled softly, knowing the same full well.


  “I hope you don’t mind if we walk ladies but I brought only my horse and neither of you look as though you are dressed to ride.”

  Desiree hurried to assure him, “No Tim it feels wonderful to have solid ground beneath my feet!”


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