Love's Vengeance

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Love's Vengeance Page 37

by Dana Roquet

“Mind if I cut in?”

  Michael frowned at his son with feigned annoyance, “Of course I mind. I happen to be dancing with the most beautiful woman in the room and you expect me to give her up to you?” he quipped with a chuckle.

  “Well then I see a beautiful creature entering the room. Perhaps I shall claim her first dance.” Tim said starting off.

  Michael looked to the door and his wife and Desiree saw the sparkle of love in Michael’s eyes, “Timothy come back.” he beckoned, “Desiree my sweet I suppose I must send you among the wolves at some point this eve, sooner than I thought it seems.”

  “Thank you very much.” Tim interjected.

  “But I think I should go and see about a dance with that lovely lady at the door before she is stolen away from me.”

  “Fear not Michael I understand.” Desiree assured.

  “I will take over here—go ahead.” Tim urged, trying to hurry his father on his way with a wave of his hand.

  “Thank you for the dance my dear.” Michael bowed over Desiree’s hand with a kiss.

  “My pleasure.” Desiree barely was able to say before Tim scooped her into his arms, starting across the room, leaving his father behind.

  Tim grinned foolishly down into Desiree’s face and she bubbled happily, “What is on your mind? I can see something brewing behind that silly smile.”

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. My brother is a fool or perhaps insane would be more accurate.” Tim declared, pulling her close and swinging her about.

  “You should have seen the deadly glare I received from him on my entrance. I nearly burst into tears and would have, had your father not approached. I might have gone blubbering up to my room for the entire evening.”

  “I saw—I do not think that was a deadly glare. A painful longing would better describe his expression. Are you going to tell him tonight?” he whispered confidentially.

  “No! I told you that I am not going to tell him Timothy and I told you all my reasons earlier today. Please do not try to play matchmaker or pressure me into that. It would be disastrous! You simply do not understand. He hates me—he can’t stand the sight of me.” She assured softly with a tremble in her voice.

  Tim pulled back, looking down into her eyes, “Don’t you dare cry! I won’t speak of it again, just don’t start crying.” He winced as if pained. “Come along, let’s get a glass of champagne—that might cheer you up.” He took her hand and led her to the bar at the far side of the room.

  Tim placed the delicate crystal glass into Desiree’s hand and smiled softly, “Now this is your first.” he whispered, “One more—that is all. Understand?” He questioned as his eyes flitted downward briefly and Desiree nodded, touching his arm with affection.

  Desiree raised the drink to her lips and her eyes scanned the crowd and again Stephen’s gaze pierced her and the depths of his dark eyes were unreadable. He downed his drink and then raised the glass toward her in a silent salute. She was not sure what the gesture meant but before she had time to ponder it, Vanessa sauntered up to Stephen and he turned his attention to her. Vanessa was dressed in a soft teal gown, covered in delicate lace and a décolletage that at least matched her own for daring. Vanessa raised on her toes, whispering something in Stephen’s ear and Desiree turned away, giving her attention to Tim and the young man he was in conversation with and she listened to them intently, trying to occupy her mind.

  A moment later, she felt a light touch at her elbow and turned to look up at the tall, slim frame of Captain Anderson.

  “I thought that was you.” He said with a smile and questioning eye.

  “Why Captain Anderson, how are you sir?” Desiree exclaimed.

  “What on earth are you doing here Miss Chandelle? I thought your destination was the colonies.” He laughed. “Stephen neglected to mention you were here, although I cannot imagine how that could slip his mind.”

  “Captain I am afraid the story would take the majority of the evening to relate.”

  “Well then I suppose I must speak with Stephen on that then. Might I ask for a dance?”

  “It would be an honor.” Desiree agreed with a nod, taking Tim’s hand and pressing her empty glass into it. He turned from his conversation.

  “Leaving me?” he said with a pout.

  “Afraid I have had a better offer.” Desiree teased, with a giggle.

  Tim laughed and nodded at Anderson, “Take it easy with this lady, she is to be pampered.” He smiled sweetly in the face of Desiree’s black scowl. She turned back to Captain Anderson with a ready smile in place and took his offered arm.

  After leaving Timothy, it seemed that she went from one dance partner to another in rapid succession. Her only contact with Bridgett for the entire evening was a brief conversation as they filled their plates for dinner and an occasional word as they passed one another coming or going from the dance floor. Bridgett as well as she went from Ham, to Davison, to Harper, to a host of seaman they had become friendly with on the Windward and many that were new to them.

  Desiree noticed Stephen from time to time in the company of different women, whirling about the floor and appearing to have an enjoyable time at it. However, as the night wore on she saw him more often alone at the bar and he seemed to hold an empty glass more often than a full one.

  It was late in the evening when Desiree felt a need for a break from the dancing and moved to the veranda doors, looking out onto the lawn. The scene was awash in the soft light thrown by colored hanging lanterns. She was able to make out some of the guests clustered in groups chatting about the grounds, while others sat upon the benches placed about the clipped yard, sharing intimate conversations. Desiree moved out into the beckoning cool evening air and leaned against the railing, looking to the clear sky and the half moon that further lightened the night.

  Bridgett had said she would outshine Vanessa as the sun to the moon but she had not yet been able to emit even a candle's brilliance, she thought dejectedly. With a whispering sigh, she turned to take a seat upon a small settee against the manor and gasped audibly when she saw that Stephen already resided there. He was alone and by the three empty glasses beside him, she surmised that he had been there for some time and she had intruded upon his solitude without realizing. She started to walk past him and return to the ball room but he rose, grasping her hand as she passed and pulling her gently to a halt. He smiled warmly and she could tell that he was in high spirits, but then she had incorrectly thought the very same last night.

  “Miss Chandelle, I must tell you that you look ravishing.” He bowed deeply over her hand, placing a kiss there.

  “Merci and you look most dashing this evening.” She replied softly, unsure of what his mood might yet reveal.

  He touched his stock and chuckled, “Might I interest you in a walk about the grounds?” He gestured a wide sweep, taking in the yard and then his eyes met hers. “Please?”

  Desiree’s heart raced and she smiled with new hope mounting, “Yes I would love to.”

  Stephen walked with his hands loosely clasped behind his back and Desiree fell in step beside him, keeping a slight distance between them. They moved across the lawn and stopped near the pool. Stephen reached to touch the water, sending rings rippling across the smooth surface, then straightened up and turned to her.

  “I wish to apologize for my behavior last night Desiree. It was uncalled for and I deeply regret it.” He admitted without looking into her eyes, “I seem to be forever apologizing to you for one thing or another, from the first day we met as a matter of fact.” He gazed at her warmly then and gave a heavy sigh.

  “I also have much to apologize for. I wish we could find time to sit quietly and discuss matters without ending in a war of words.” Desiree answered honestly and clasped her hands together to halt the trembling which possessed them.

  “I looked for you this afternoon in hopes of just that, but was unable to find you.”

  “Oh…I—was out walking with Ti

  Stephen nodded, “I saw him upon your return. He was being very cryptic; grinning from ear to ear. No explanation except to say that you had made his day. What was he talking about?” He cocked his head with curiosity, waiting for an answer.

  Desiree had her last shred of composure take flight. She stood stock-still and he frowned in confusion, waiting patiently.

  “Well…” she shrugged her bare shoulders and reached out to touch the pool of water, stalling for a few more moments to think of a response, “I—I don’t know why he would say something like that.” She lied. Timothy was going to get a few choice words for that slip, she thought angrily.

  Stephen let her uneasiness go without comment; deciding instead to get on to more important matters, “Desiree I need to tell you something. And if you would please just allow me to get this out before you respond…”

  “There you are Stephen.” A honey sweet voice purred.

  Stephen turned to see Vanessa approaching.

  “I have been looking all over for you. You promised me a dance and then you disappeared.” She looked to Desiree coolly, “Good evening dear. How are you?” She asked and then turned her attention back to Stephen before Desiree could even open her mouth to reply. “Stephen would you please—come dance. The evening is nearly over and you did promise.” She reminded him hanging on his arm possessively.

  “I am afraid not Vanessa. I am very much occupied at the moment.” Stephen replied while looking to Desiree with a warm smile and disengaging himself from Vanessa’s grasp.

  Desiree saw this as an opportunity for a substantial step forward and she smiled at Vanessa and then turned her attention to Stephen. “Please go on Stephen. If you promised you must not break your word. We will have the entire night to continue our conversation after the guests have gone.” She smiled and saw his face light up as he appreciated the definite invitation.

  Desiree decided to set Miss Haines back a pace and she lifted on her toes, placing a gentle lingering kiss upon Stephen’s mouth. The contact set both she and Stephen aback more than either of them could have imagined. Desiree felt thankful for the dim light, which masked the obvious passion she knew was burning between them. She excused herself with a few soft words and hurried off across the lawn toward the manor.

  “Come along Vanessa. The music awaits.” Stephen said brightly, pulling her along by her elbow in Desiree’s wake.


  Stephen guided Vanessa about the dance floor but she felt as if—no she knew she did not have his full attention, in fact, she barely felt as if he were aware of her presence. His eyes averted toward Desiree constantly as she also took to the dance floor with Timothy. Vanessa noted Stephen was actually happy, when for most of the evening a dark mood had shadowed his features, and it infuriated her that he could be so completely taken with that French woman.

  “She is quite lovely Stephen.” she remarked, looking back over her shoulder to observe Desiree and Tim as they danced across the room opposite them. She was not really seeing them at all, for her mind was moving ahead now, laying out her next words. It was time for her assault and she had to be convincing, “I can see why you are so taken with her. She is charming I must admit.”

  Stephen looked slyly down into Vanessa’s eyes, “My dear I have never known you to be so gracious with compliments where other women are concerned. What has come over you?” He asked suspiciously with a raised eyebrow.

  “Why Stephen! That hurts me deeply. I know that we disagree upon your choice; I would much rather be in her shoes, I will not deny that. You know well enough my feelings for you by what occurred last night or I should say by what did not occur.” She sobered and paused intentionally.

  “Last night was a terrible mistake on my part Vanessa…”

  “I understand.” she interrupted, “Stephen I was there today.” A tear slipped from her eye on cue and she quickly wiped it away as if annoyed, “I saw the passion you feel for one another, even from the distance I could tell how very much you love her. I did not mean to watch, I left as soon as I realized you were—making love. Please forgive me.”

  She looked up sadly into his eyes to see the confusion and flames smoldering. She nearly lost her nerve to continue as his wrath for her lies might well be brutal but then she could always claim innocence, blaming the distance for the distorted scene.

  “And where was this, my dear?” he asked suspiciously, doubting her words totally.

  “Why on the bluffs of course, facing the ocean! Do you mean to tell me you flounced about in that state of undress at other locations about the island today?” She looked up at him coyly as if a bit embarrassed and shocked. She could see the rage beginning to take hold. The muscle twitched along his jaw and she could feel his arms tensing. She had to make sure he understood exactly and she fired her last volley. “I could not mistake the black hair of Miss Chandelle but you know…” she giggled as if nervous “I could have sworn, even from the distance, that you had perhaps lost weight. Your build looked a bit slimmer than what I recall of you in your unclothed splendor. Are you taking care of yourself Stephen?” She crooned, lightly rubbing the well defined muscle along his ribs and feeling the solid strength there, while concern for his well being showed upon her face. She could see it all clicking within his mind. It was all coming together now and his deadly gaze turned to Tim and Desiree as they glided about the dance floor.

  Tim was holding Desiree possessively and whispering softly in her ear. No wonder Tim had told him Desiree had made his day, he thought through a shroud of black rage and no wonder Desiree had been so uncomfortable with the questions earlier. With a stilted motion he came to a stop and without looking into Vanessa’s eyes, he spoke softly, “Please excuse me for a moment Vanessa. We will have to finish this dance a bit later.”

  Stephen released her and started away, while Vanessa smiled gleefully, turning with a light step and crossing the room to join the crowds along the border of the dance floor, where she would have a better view of what might transpire.


  Desiree giggled playfully hugging Tim, “Oh Tim you were so right. I honestly think this may work out after all.”

  Tim chuckled and hugged her close, “You just have to be patient and problems will usually work themselves out.”

  Tim swung her about and as she looked out over the room, she saw Stephen striding toward them with purpose. His eyes fastened on her and the smile slowly waned from her lips. She felt a cold chill up her spine. Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

  “Desiree I would like a word with you—outside.” He rasped quietly.

  “Stephen wait until the dance is over!” Tim scolded with a laugh, turning to take the first look at his brother and his face sobered as well. The glare of death Stephen shot him made him recoil.

  “Tim you had better stay the hell out of this and get the hell out of my way or by God I will lay you low right here and now.”

  Timothy knew he meant every word and even though he also knew Stephen could easily knock his head off without much effort, he would not back down to him in most cases. The thought of the room full of guests and the fact that his parents would not appreciate a brawl in the midst of their party though caused him to think better of it and relent. He released Desiree and Stephen took her by the arm, none too gently, and headed out the veranda doors.

  Once out on the back grounds, Stephen came to an abrupt halt and pulled Desiree around to face him. The light from the lanterns brought the evil glare upon his face into bold relief and tears sprang up in Desiree’s eyes although she knew nothing of what had brought him to this state.

  “I was dancing just now with Vanessa…” he began, releasing his hold on her arms for fear he might do her some bodily injury and he began to pace before her with hands held in restraint behind his back, “when she informed me of her happiness that I had found a woman I cared for so deeply. She told me she could tell how much I cared for you by what she had witnessed today from some vantage p
oint near the bluffs.”

  “No!” Desiree gasped as her hand flew up to her mouth and terror gripped her. Had Vanessa witnessed she and Tim’s innocent embrace and kiss and taken it for something more.

  Stephen caught her surprised motion and the gut retching thought that it was true hit him. He had hoped it had been a catty lie but Desiree’s reaction told him all he needed to know. Vanessa had spoken true.

  “It is true isn’t it?” He hissed, grasping her again and Desiree cried out from the bite of his hands upon her upper arms.

  “It is true Stephen. Tim and I were on the bluffs today.” Desiree whispered. She wanted to explain at least part of why they had shared that tender embrace and hurried on, “Stephen I was hurt by the argument we had shared last night. I…”

  “So Tim stepped in to give comfort.” He growled.

  “Yes but please let me tell you…”

  “Please…” he interrupted, “spare me the details! No wonder Tim said you had made his day. That treat often made my day as well—tell me Desiree what would possess the two of you to make love out in the open where any passerby might be a witness?” he roared.

  Desiree’s mouth fell open with his words. Vanessa had lied and she had just admitted to the falsehood unknowingly, “No!” she whispered in anguish.

  “It is too late to deny it my dear. You already admitted it. She was concerned that I might be losing a bit of weight due to the fact that my frame looked a bit thinner but we both know it was not my frame that rode atop you this day but Timothy’s—don’t we now?” Then over her head he saw Tim approaching through the dark and with a growl he released Desiree, launching himself against his brother as if a wild beast.

  “Stephen stop!” Desiree screamed.

  Stephen and Tim slammed to the ground in a string of curses and Desiree held her hands over her ears, looking wildly about the empty grounds for help. Then she turned, unthinking and ran on and on, into the dense foliage and the jungle beyond.



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