Dirty Neighbor

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Dirty Neighbor Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “What question do you want me to answer?” she asked.

  “Have you had a lot of cock?”


  “How long has it been since you were last with a man?” He was curious and jealous all at the same time. It had been a week since he’d been with a woman, but Kasey no longer counted.

  “A year, maybe a little more.”

  “One night stand or boyfriend?”

  “I don’t do one night stands. Never have.”

  Brant wondered why any man would leave this woman. Sure, her need to clean was fucking scary, but she was so sexy and hot. Right now she was on the coffee table taking his fingers inside her, waiting for his cock. He’d gladly take her cleaning if she gave him this any day of the week.

  “Please, stop torturing me.”

  “I’ve only just started.”

  Chapter Six

  Elisha gasped as he twisted his fingers inside her. She’d never felt pleasure like it. Any ideas or moral objections to screwing her neighbor evaporated with each touch he made on her body. There was no need for cleaning, or to find an excuse not to be with Brant. Her body had been alone, and he was awakening her need that she’d kept long buried. She hadn’t had many boyfriends over the years, and the ones she did have never made her feel like this.

  Sex had always been in the bed, underneath blankets, and maybe with their clothes off. Fuck, it felt good to be naked, and in the light. It felt even better to be across her coffee table as Brant finger-fucked her, and—holy shit! His mouth covered her clit, sucking the bud deep into his mouth. The pleasure was out of this world, and unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

  Biting her lip, she tried to hold off her orgasm that was just so close. If she let go now, he’d laugh at her, and she couldn’t deal with that kind of embarrassment. No man had ever brought her off with his hand or mouth. None of her previous boyfriends liked doing it, even though she enjoyed sucking their dick.

  She’d seen Brant’s dick, and he was huge. Elisha wanted to take him in her mouth and suck him hard. He pumped his fingers in and out of her, pressing harder with each thrust.

  “Come for me,” he said, muttering the words against her clit.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to fight her orgasm, to be proper, but nothing could hold off the pleasure his hands were creating. He flicked her clit with his tongue, and she erupted, coming all over his fingers as he worked her body.

  “Brant!” She screamed his name at the top of her voice as he thrust her over the peak, and held her there. His touches were soft, yet they kept her riding her orgasm, making it last as long as possible.

  Elisha loved every second of it, and as she was coming down, he helped her slowly until he stopped touching her pussy. He pressed a kiss to her clit, causing her to gasp once again.

  “Wow,” she said, breathless.

  “You’re really something, Elisha.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “You’re the first man to do that.”

  “What? Suck your pretty pussy?”

  “Besides that. You’re the first man to make me come, who has ever cared enough to make me come.” Her cheeks had to be on fire. She was so embarrassed.

  “Not even your boyfriends?”

  “No. They didn’t like it.”

  Brant chuckled. “Don’t you worry about a thing, baby. I’m going to be making up for all the time you missed out on. I love sucking your pussy, and you’re tasty.” He licked his lips, and she covered her face.

  “Don’t,” she said.

  He took hold of her hands and pulled them away. “Look at me,” he said.

  She opened her eyes and stared up at him.

  “When we’re together, alone, like this, you don’t have to be embarrassed. There’s no room for it here.”

  “I’ve never been like this.”

  “We’re about to fuck, Elisha. I don’t want a prim and proper woman beneath me. I want to hear you scream my name and beg me to fuck you. I don’t do nice sex. I do everything dirty, hard, and rough.” He ran his hands up her body, and cupped her breasts. “To me, these are tits, and your pussy, cunt, it’s going to take my cock. Don’t be prim with me. Be the Elisha no one else gets to see.”

  “What if she’s not there?”

  “I saw part of her Saturday night, babe. Then I saw her at my studio today, and I felt her beneath me. You want this, and you want me. Give me what no one else ever got. Give me your need, and I will make sure you want for nothing.”

  It would be so good to just let go, to have a guy she could be herself with.

  “Okay.” Just once she’d love to do that, to let go, and be herself with someone.

  He reached behind him, and grabbed his wallet out of his jeans.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m clean, but I didn’t want to assume that you were protected by the pill. Are you protected?”


  He showed her a foil packet. “I’ve got two with me, baby.”

  “I’ve got condoms in my room.” She didn’t like being on the pill as it never really settled with her. Elisha used condoms all the way. Her doctor had offered to try her with the implant, and even the injection. She hated needles, and there was no way she was going to give to have a plastic tube in her arm. The very thought gave her the creeps. She wasn’t having anything in her body, or out of it.


  Be yourself.

  Sitting up, she took the condom from him. “May I?”

  “If you think you can handle me.” He held his hands up, and gave her the space she needed. Elisha couldn’t help herself. She looked her fill of his rock hard cock, and he was huge. He had to be the biggest man she’d ever been with. Wrapping her fingers around the length, she moved her hand up and down, watching as the tip leaked pre-cum. “Fuck, baby, you’re trying to make me blow already.”

  “You’re so big.”

  “It’s what all the girls say.”

  She chuckled. “I’ve seen some of the girls you’ve been with.” She slid her thumb across the slit at the top. “Do any of them satisfy you?” Staring into his eyes, she took her thumb into her mouth, and swallowed his cream down.


  “That’s not an answer.” Feeling empowered, she pushed him back a little, and climbed off the table, going to her knees before him. He gave her enough room so that as she leaned forward, she captured his cock between her lips and sucked him.

  “Fucking, sweet heaven,” he said.

  She smiled around his cock, flicking her tongue against the slit at the tip. He tasted musky and a little salty to her. Looking up his body, she saw he was staring right down at her. “You’re teasing me on purpose.”

  “Maybe just a little,” she said, releasing his dick long enough to talk.

  “You’re a little minx.”

  “You told me to be myself.” She slid her tongue down the thick vein at the side, pressing a kiss against his thigh. “This is who I am.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair, gripping a large chunk in his fist. The slight pain made her moan, and she took his cock back into her mouth once again, taking him to the back of her throat. The moment he hit her throat, she pulled away, sucking hard at the tip.

  “That’s enough, I don’t want to come in your mouth, and with the way you suck dick, it wouldn’t be long before I actually did.”

  He pulled her away, and Elisha tore into the condom, sliding it over his length.

  “Get back on the coffee table,” he said.

  Easing herself onto the table, she spread her thighs wide, and went to her elbows, watching him.

  “I love your eyes on me, baby.”

  He crawled between her thighs, and she looked down, watching as he slid his cock between the folds of her pussy. The condom covered tip bumped her clit, and she gasped as the pleasure rushed through her entire body.

  It wasn’t enough. She wanted to feel his cock press inside her. It had been too long since
she’d had sex, and she was desperate for it, for him.

  “Please, Brant, put us both out of this misery,” she said.

  “You’re in misery for needing my cock?”

  “Fuck me.”

  She watched as he moved down and aligned the tip to her pussy. Elisha couldn’t look away. She had to watch what he was doing. He pressed the head inside her, and already he was stretching her unused muscles. Tomorrow she wouldn’t have any doubt about what they’d done together.

  “Let me know if I hurt you,” he said.

  “You’re not going to hurt me.”

  Elisha truly believed he wasn’t going to hurt her. She doubted if he was even capable of hurting her.

  “You’re so tight, baby, so tight.” He inched forward, sliding his cock inside her slowly. It was too slow, and Elisha wanted him to slam every inch inside her.

  “Fuck me, please, Brant. Just fuck me.” She reached behind him, grabbing his ass, and urging him to just take her. For once in her life, she wanted to be taken, to be fucked, to be controlled.


  Her begging was driving Brant crazy. He didn’t want to hurt her, yet he was desperate to just drive his dick so deep inside her pretty little pussy. The temptation was there, and it was like a fire burning brightly within him. He needed it.

  Tensing up, he slammed every single one of his ten, thick inches inside her creamy pussy.

  She screamed out his name, and he paused inside her after hitting the hilt. There was nowhere else for him to go. Brant saw the slight pain on her face, and he regretted just slamming inside her.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he said.

  “Don’t be. It’s my fault.”

  Gritting his teeth, he shook his head. “Don’t make excuses.”

  “You were trying to be careful, to let me grow accustomed to you inside me. I stopped you doing that.”

  “I’m going to stay still, and just let you get accustomed to my size.” This had to be the most awkward moment of his entire life. He’d fucked a lot of women, had a lot of one night stands, but he’d never done this. Brant took his time, or he tested to see how tight a woman was. Elisha was the tightest woman he’d been with, and he even felt bad about thinking it.

  “You’re big.”

  “I know.”

  “Your ego is getting in the way.” Her hands went from his ass to hold onto his arms. “I’ve never been with a guy as big as you.”

  “Again, this is a compliment.” He ran his hands up and down her body, cupping her tits as he did. Teasing her nipples, he watched them grow even harder, and his dick had a mind of its own as it pulsed deep inside her. “I did warn you, baby.”

  “I know.”

  He gazed down at where they were joined. The lips of her pussy were spread around his cock, and he found the sight even more arousing than before. She’d taken his cock so deep inside her, and he felt each twitch of her cunt. Unable to resist, he moved down, and spread open the lips of her pussy seeing the base of his dick. He pulled out of her pussy, and she hissed, making him pause.

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m okay.”

  “Tell me if you’re not. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m fine. It’s just muscles that are not used to being used.” She gave her hips a little wriggle, and he groaned.

  “I’m not going to be able to keep control.”

  “You wouldn’t hurt me.”

  He wouldn’t, but a man only had so much restraint, and she didn’t have a clue how damn hot she was. Brant had been fantasizing about his very prim and proper neighbor for some time. It was hard for him not to blow inside her, or at least in the condom that kept them protected.

  “You’re right, babe, I wouldn’t hurt you, but I’ve only got so much control.” He started to rock into her, taking his time. All he wanted to do was stare down at where they were joined, but instead, he watched her reaction. “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “I feel good. That feels really good.” She started lifting up to meet him, taking him a little deeper.

  Brant pulled out then slid back inside. He kept his gaze on her throughout, waiting for her to tell him to stop. He loved sex, enjoyed it more than anything, but he had no wish to hurt anyone, and he really didn’t want to hurt his woman.

  “Harder,” she said.

  Withdrawing from her heat, he stilled with just the tip of his cock inside her. She bit her lip, and cried out for him to fuck her.

  Brant didn’t listen to her, and took his time, pressing inside her, and pulling out. He built up a slow and steady rhythm.

  “You’re not the one in control here, baby. I am. I’m the one with my dick inside you. You’re the one begging for me.” He placed his hand on her stomach, and glided down so that his thumb pressed on her clit. She was dripping wet, and with each word he spoke, she seemed to be getting more aroused. “You love being controlled, don’t you?”

  She shook her head, but didn’t say anything.

  “You can hide all you want, but we both know the truth, and the truth is, you want to be mine, don’t you? You want to have my dick inside you, fucking you.” He slowed down his thrusts, and worked her clit, driving her crazy with the lightest of touches. Glancing down, he saw that his cock was already covered with her cream and getting even wetter for him.

  “Yes, I want it.”

  Pulling out of her completely, he gripped her hips, and tugged her to the floor. He didn’t give her the chance to argue, or fight him. Taking hold of his cock, he slammed inside her, fucking her. He grabbed her hands, lifting them above her head, and, locking them in place with one of his, he started to pound inside her. Capturing her lips, he fucked her hard against the floor, driving his cock into her welcoming pussy. Elisha screamed and cried out for him to keep going, to keep fucking her.

  He levered off her, and brought her to orgasm by stroking her clit as he screwed her at the same time. Her tightening pussy was what set him off, and Brant didn’t hold back, thrusting inside her and finding his orgasm. Every part of his body tingled from being inside her. Closing his eyes, he collapsed in such a way that he turned Elisha onto her side, facing him so he didn’t crush her.

  His blood pumped around his body, and he took deep breaths as he did, coming down from the best orgasm of his life. Brant couldn’t recall a time when he’d been so lost in pleasure.

  “That was amazing,” Elisha said, drawing his attention back to her.

  Her eyes twinkled, and she looked relaxed and happy. He’d never seen her looking so happy before. Brant had watched her, like some kind of addict. Elisha was his addiction. He loved observing her, the way she moved, the tenseness of her shoulders. There was an entire story about her, and yet he never got to see any of it. Unlike all of the other women in his life, whom he’d been able to understand within moments, with Elisha, she was a question mark to him.

  She was a brilliant neighbor, and never had complained, until recently, obviously. Her yard was always clean, free of trash. She put her trash bins out on time, and her house always looked immaculate. When he watched her, he saw this prim and proper woman who was also fighting to get free, to pull out of the trap that had bound her. In his arms, the real Elisha had come free, and at his party, she’d forced aside the woman keeping her trapped, and allowed herself to have fun. This woman in his arms didn’t care about being clean. She was alive, full of life, and ready to live it to the fullest.

  “You’re staring at me,” she said.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, and I like looking at beautiful women.”

  Her cheeks blushed, and he cupped her face. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m touching you. You’re blushing, and I’m curious about why?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Brant smiled. “I’ve just licked your pussy, fucked you on the coffee table, and you’re blushing over me calling you a beautiful woman.”

  “I guess I’m not used to it. I’m not used t
o being complimented.”

  “Ah, your boyfriends were lacking?”

  “Should we really be having this conversation with…”

  “My dick inside you?”

  “I was trying to be discreet.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about that. Discreet has nothing to do with sex. Tell me about your boyfriends.”

  “You’re going to tell me about your girlfriends?” she asked.


  “Then I’m not going to talk about my boyfriends.”

  “The reason I’m not going to talk about my girlfriends is because I’ve never had one,” he said, admitting the truth to her.

  “What? You’ve never had a girlfriend? Not one?”

  “Nope, I’ve never had a girlfriend, not even one. Sad, isn’t it?” he asked, not feeling sad at all.

  “Do you feel sad? You don’t really sound it.”

  “Never cared for a girlfriend. I’ve seen my friends with them, and yeah, they get nagged at, and have no choice in the women they’re dating. See, I can be open and honest. Now, your turn.”

  She breathed out a sigh and collapsed to the floor. She stroked his chest, and Brant was shocked by the fact he wasn’t trying to get rid of her. Most of the time, the women he was with, he was trying to get rid of them. Once he got what he wanted, it was over, and they had to leave, or he had to leave as fast as possible. With Elisha, he wanted to talk, to hear more about her, to find out what made her tick.

  “My boyfriends had more bad things to say than good.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They didn’t like how clean I was. Now that I think about it, the only complaint they had was how much I cleaned. I got bored during sex, and would find myself thinking about my next cleaning job. God, this is so embarrassing.”

  “You’ve never achieved orgasm with any of them, you told me.”

  “No. They just didn’t thrill me. I don’t know if that’s the right word or not.” She shrugged. “I guess I’m a little defective.”

  “You’re not defective.”

  “Really? Have you ever heard of a woman who thinks about cleaning and mess while a guy is screwing her?”


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