Sassy Ever After_Classy Yet Sassy

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Sassy Ever After_Classy Yet Sassy Page 1

by Elaine Marie

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Sassy Ever After remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC., or their affiliates or licensors.

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  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen







  About Elaine


  THE MIDNIGHT SKY and crisp air surrounded the heavily wooded area as I walked on the dirt path along the riverbank. The moon peered through the clouds, and the fluffy snowflakes caught in its light glistened as they fell to the ground. Some unforeseen force tugged at me, and I turned my head to the cliff on my left. A large gray wolf with piercing blue eyes stood on the edge and stared at me.

  Startled, I retreated a step but stopped when I realized I wasn’t afraid. Instead, the same force that urged me to look at this beautiful creature was now drawing me to him. As I examined him, I didn’t see a creature to fear. He had the eyes of an angel. A protector.

  I stepped closer and waited as he climbed down the side of the mountain. As he approached me, I kept my eyes on this muscular animal. Not from fear, but from curiosity. At last, when he reached me, he circled me a few times. With each step he took, his eyes caressed each inch of my body. Goose bumps covered my skin, and my head spun. I swayed in the moonlight as the snow billowed around us. Without warning, my legs weakened, and I fell to my knees. Within seconds, his soft fur surrounded me and warmed my cold body. Despite my weakness, I realized I was home. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I felt safe and whole again before my world went black.

  The next thing I remembered was waking in the bed my cousin graciously allowed me to use when I visit. Was the wolf a dream? As if on cue, a howl echoed from the mountain, drawing my attention to the open window. I tossed the blanket aside and rushed to the window and grab hold of the sill. In the distance, under the full moon and surrounded by snow, I saw the wolf’s glowing blue eyes that had become part of me somehow.

  This is a dream I have often since my winter break visit with my cousin, Lucienne, last year. A part of me knows the first time wasn’t a dream. However, I can’t be one-hundred percent sure. Whether it is real or a fantasy, the dream settles the uneasiness, stress, and fear. And as of late, those feelings have come more often as each day passes.

  Chapter One

  I ROLL MY LUGGAGE through the front door moments before the screen slams shut behind me. It’s four in the morning, and I savored two cups of coffee. But I can’t wait to get on the road and away from this town and the creepy people who live here. In fact, they can kiss my ass. Since I’ve graduated college, there are new and better things on the horizon, and I won’t look back.

  Let me explain a little about my not-so-loving stepmother and the whacked-out family I live with. My stepmother’s name is Julia, and to get right to the point, she is as cold-hearted as the rest of the people here. She’s a stuck-up bitch with nothing but power and money in her sights. It’s one reason she married the creepy Jeremy Stone.

  Jeremy’s son, Joshua, was part of the package deal like I was when she married my father. The only difference is Joshua is older and is as heartless as she is. He and his beady eyes make my stomach churn.

  The last name Stone fits each of them so well. They have no heart and are as cold as ice. I’ve had to put up with them for years. Well, if I’m being honest, it wasn’t all bad. I mean, I received a great education and my bank account always has money in it for shopping. So, who am I to complain? I’ll tell you.

  Over the years things changed. I never felt as if I belonged. Being the outcast and feeling unwanted turned me into a bitch and a stubborn one at that. However, I soon realized I changed, and I decided there’s no way in hell I want to associate with these people or this place anymore. The longer I stay here, the more like them I become. And I know, as long as I have warm blood flowing through my veins, they’ll look down upon me. I’ve decided I’m taking the bull by its horns so to speak and am returning to where my father and mother come from.

  My mother, Catalina, died during childbirth and my father raised me in his family home outside of Blue Creek. It’s where he’d show me pictures and tell me stories of their life together. It’s the only place I can recall where I was happy.

  After my father’s passing, I learned he willed the land and house to me. However, since his death, I haven’t been able to take one step onto the property, much less enter the house. For whatever reason, I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve driven by the property on the way to Luci’s, but I can’t find the strength to stop and walk inside. It’s almost as if something is stopping me.

  Blue Creek and the surrounding towns differ from this crazy city. I feel at ease when I’m visiting. The people are friendly, and I feel at home there. However, the people here are cold and make my skin crawl. They stay up all hours of the night and creep around these huge houses.

  Take Joshua, for instance. There are times I stay awake to make sure he hasn’t entered my room again. I’ve caught him a few times as I woke from a deep sleep and it disgusted me. He’d stand in the corner watching me as I slept. Who does that? Freaks, that’s who.

  Throughout the years, Jeremy and Joshua tried to control me. When they demanded things, I would put my foot down. I wasn’t having it. My smart-ass mouth has gotten me hit and punished on more than one occasion, but I stood strong like my father taught me. I wiped the blood from my mouth and walked away. However, this time it’s for good.

  I’m twenty-four years old. It’s time to find out what this world has in store for me. I may not have a planned path, but I know it requires going back to my roots. I’m ready to find myself and learn more about where I come from. I owe it to my father and mother. Besides, the only one here who pays any attention to me is Joshua, and he is not someone I want interested in me.

  “Nevaeh, you’re leaving now?” My stepmother’s stuck-up voice travels across the front yard and down my back. It’s like nails scratching on a chalkboard. I shove my suitcase in the trunk of my Mercedes and think you’re damn right I am.

  “Yes, mother-dearest. I told you I’m leaving and not to expect me to be back anytime soon.” I slam the trunk and walk over to the front door of her five-bedroom house. God forbid she walks out in her robe and someone sees her without makeup and the high-class labels she power trips over.

  Notice, I didn’t call it home. A home has loving parents. It’s filled with laughter and sometimes tears. This place has neither. It’s a cold, heartless place, and the warm blood running through my veins is proof I don’t belong here.

  As I approach the door, I look up to the windows above the entrance and see my stepfather’s pale face and beady eyes beaming down. He appears agitated. Wh
atever, it isn’t like I’ll see him anytime soon. Instead of being nice, I flash my middle finger at him in a fuck you salute. He’s nothing but a cruel, rich, and powerful womanizer. He gets off on seeing people incoherent. I can’t be around it because I know if I stay much longer, I may unintentionally walk that same path.

  I pull open the screen door and the woman I loathe and call mother-dearest motions me into the living room. Once I’m standing before her, she air-kisses my cheeks, first the left and then the right. The gleam in her eye is a sign of discomfort.

  “I’m leaving. You should be grateful I won’t be a burden on you any longer. It’s what you’ve always wanted.” I fold my arms in front of me and glare in her direction.

  She rolls her eyes. “You don’t always get what you want, dear. Remember, the truth shall set you free. I hope you don’t punish the wrong person.” She turns her back on me and walks toward the kitchen.

  What the fuck does that mean? This chick is off her medication or something. It’s too early for this shit.

  With one last glance, I walk back toward the door. As I pass the banister of the stairs, I hear a creak from the top landing. I turn my head and Joshua is leaning over the edge. My skin crawls.

  “Bye, Sis. See you soon.” He smirks.

  The blood thunders through my veins. “Not if I can help it.” I push the screen door open, hold my head high and stride out to the car without looking back. I climb inside and nausea tugs at my throat as I slam the car door and start the engine. Without even a glance in the rearview mirror, I drive down the driveway and away from the house I could never call home.


  As I drive, I think back to how this all started.

  It was a few years ago when mother-dearest came home to our small apartment downtown. She was angry she couldn’t change the legal documents my father had drawn up leaving me the home and property. But lucky for her, she met Mr. Stone (hearted). He’s rich and powerful in his own way. A way I wanted nothing to do with. He gets off on scaring and tormenting women of all ages.

  However, I refused to be his victim, and he gave me to his son to play with. Joshua started mentally abusing me the moment we met. He was always putting me down and calling me names. His looks of disgust made me ill. It didn’t take long before he became physical. A smack here. A punch there. When I wouldn’t back down from them, he turned to sexual advances. That’s when I really fought for myself. I fought him off every time. I wore him down until he would give up and say I wasn’t worth it. But those nights of him trying will be with me forever.

  Eventually, it all slowed, but he was always there, waiting, lurking, and telling me I was his. Sometimes I could see him coming before he’d even open the door. I’d stand ready to protect myself. It was like Déjà vu most times. I couldn’t explain it, but I was glad I was ready.

  One night, when I returned home for the holidays, we were sitting around the table eating the cake mother-dearest provided with coffee as they asked about my classes. They seemed to be interested yet distant at the same time if it’s possible. My head spun, and I was dizzy. But they laughed.

  I knew something was wrong. I suspected they’d added a drug or poison in my cake. So, I ran, bumping into walls until I reached the kitchen sink and made myself throw up. I was in and out of it for days. When I finally came to, my mother-dearest said I must have come down with something, but I swear they drugged me. But I have no proof. From that day forward, I ate nothing they provided again.

  I know Jeremy keeps mother on a tight leash, but he also buys her anything she wants. It’s the perfect business agreement. She’ll do whatever he wants for a price, of course. Their business deal allowed me to attend one of the best colleges in the world. So, I was fine with their deal. However, it was also one reason I spent half my time during breaks at my cousin’s home.

  Lucienne is my cousin from my father’s side. I’ve spent the last few summers and part of winter breaks with her. She’s a year younger and the total opposite of me. But we get along great. We’re more like sisters than cousins. When we were little, we spent a lot of time together because we lived in neighboring towns.

  My father was a great man. He always said family is important and whatever our differences may be, we should love and cherish each moment we have together.

  Lucienne works harder than anyone I know. She has an excellent job at the hospital, and she loves her books and keeps to herself. She likes little boutiques and vintage clothing. I, on the other hand, am outgoing and always ready for a good time. My taste for high heels and expensive labels is a side effect of my mother-dearest. Because of my expensive tastes and my inability to hold a job longer than a few months, I was happy there was always money in my account. That’s one perk of being the stepdaughter of mother-dearest.

  After my father passed away, Luci came to visit and check on me as often as her parents allowed. They weren’t all that comfortable with Julia, and to be honest, I wasn’t either. However, she was my stepmother and the only person I had to rely on. What was I to do?

  Chapter Two

  AS I APPROACH THE FREEWAY, I look to the left and press down on the accelerator to merge onto the empty road before I turn on the radio and think about my last few visits with Luci.

  Each of those times something strange happened, but I can’t explain anything. During winter break, I was on the side of the mountain, staring into beautiful blue eyes. I was out on my usual run, admiring my surroundings and ended up farther and higher on the mountain than usual.

  The snow-covered peak captivated me. I followed the path and wandered aimlessly until I noticed the snow falling and my body became cold. Before I could change course, my knees buckled, and I fell to the ground. I think, but I’m not sure. I woke up under my blankets in my bed. It was odd. All I remember is warmth surrounded me and those beautiful blue eyes. They’re the same ones in all my dreams. I wish I knew who he was.

  Then there was the summer party the year before where some guy left me hot and horny. I’ve never in my entire existence been attracted to someone by his presence before I even got a look at him.

  He overwhelmed me, yet left me whole and safe at the same time. Sure, we were drinking heavily but there was something about him. I felt protected and cared for.

  I was only with him long enough for a dance. His hands slipped up my thighs and his cock ground against my ass. My head fell back against his chest and my libido was on fire. He smelled divine. To my surprise, he licked my shoulder and a low growl vibrated against my flesh.

  I wanted him, right then and right there. In that moment, he became my forever. I visualized a white dress and purple and white Catalina flowers.

  As I tried to turn into him to see who he was, his hands left my heated skin before he shoved from behind. Hard. Thoughts of Joshua’s shoves came to mind, and it pissed me off. The anger boiled within. I tried to turn to face this person, but Luci pulled me forward.

  My heels clicked against the tiled floor as the door came into view. Then the cool night air hit my face and Luci yanked me towards the car. Not being able to keep my mouth shut, I cursed and screamed at the top of my lungs. “The motherfucker threw me out of the club! What an asshole.”

  Who gets a girl all hot and bothered just to throw her out on her ass? If it weren’t for Luci, I would have stormed inside and kicked him right in the balls. Instead, she held me close to her and ushered us into the car.

  I fucking hated him for a moment and I didn’t even know who he was.

  But by God, I dream of his touch and the way he makes my body come alive. I squeeze my thighs together and try to push the memory from my thoughts. If I only knew who he was?

  With the volume of the radio up, I glance at the clock. In about two hours I should arrive. Luci invited me to stay with her until I either find my own place or fix up my father’s. She bought her own colonial, three-bedroom home. It’s beautiful and I can tell she loves it by the pictures she sends me. I’m happy for her. Now, if I co
uld figure out what I want to do with my life, maybe I could be as happy as she is.

  The darkness of the night fades as I turn off the freeway heading north onto the last road before reaching the outskirts of Blue Creek. I open the window and let my hand float through the crisp air. There is nothing like the feel of freedom.

  On the next turn, there should be a light and on the left, should be a small mini-mart and gas station called Dameer’s. It’s where I’ll make a right. My father’s family home will be down about two miles. A small hill hides the home from the road. It goes back up against the woods. I think in total it’s four acres along the river bank.

  The red light appears and I slow down. The closed sign still hangs from the glass window in Dameer’s. Damn, I’ve got about another twenty minutes before I reach Luci’s, on the other side of Blue Creek and my legs are bouncing off the leather seat cushion. I need to pee so damn bad. I make the right turn and continue.

  Woods. Nothing but towering trees and bushes line the road into town. The sun is creeping through the leaves of the trees and I need to take advantage, so I pull over. The early morning birds chirp and the moisture in the air lightens as I run around to my trunk and pull out my roadside assistant bag. I’m grateful for a roll of toilet paper. I kick off my heels and jump down the small hill.

  “Shit, damn. Fuck.” I slide down and regain my balance. I’m lucky I didn’t break my ankle. I round the big oak tree and glance around. Nothing out of the ordinary, I should be okay. Besides, I can’t hold it any longer. I squat between the trees and a blueberry bush. Oh, if mother-dearest could see me now. I laugh to myself.

  Once I finish, I climb back up and dust my black jeans off and slide into my shoes. I stop beside the car and appreciate the kiss from the sun on my face. Moments like these are precious. With a loud rustling, my attention focuses to the right where a pack of wolves run.


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