Perfectly Star Crossed

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Perfectly Star Crossed Page 9

by Victoria Rose

  "Just one more phone call to make and things are cleared up on my end," the relief was evident in my voice. I excused myself and headed out to their deck. I dialed the number to Derek's old office. I didn't have France's number so it was my best bet really.

  "My love?" Came an amused voice at the other end of the line. I raised an eyebrow.

  "Um, hello?" I questioned. He laughed.

  "That's what the number came up as, I can only assume it's Delilah," yup it was definitely Frances.

  "You assume correctly. Donovan said I should call you," I told him.

  "Oh yes, I owe you my deepest gratitude, and that is general consensus around here. Everybody is glad to be relieved of Derek," I could hear the smile in his voice. "Is there anything I can do for you Delilah?"

  "Yes, actually there is. I want out. I want you to destroy all documentations on me, and I don't want to be a part of this life anymore. I swear to you on my life, that I will tell no one of what I've been a part of and I will reveal no secrets," I sounded so formal that it surprised me. "Not that I really know any secrets, Derek's father always kept me in the dark, probably for this reason I assume."

  "Do you need provision? I can get rid of all of your papers, make it look as if you never existed, but I want to be able to provide for you if you need it," he said sincerely and seriously.

  "If you could just keep my credit card opened for now, I'll keep the name that I am under right now. I will be fine," I told him.

  "If you're sure that's all you need. You have our numbers if you are in need of any assistance. If you find yourself in trouble just call," he said and I smiled.

  "It's truly appreciated Frances, and I will keep that in mind. But honestly, don't expect to hear from me again."

  "The offer still stands, but I understand. Take care of yourself Delilah," and with that he hung up. I was filled with so much relief that I could barely contain it. I felt on top of the world. There hadn't been a fight, everything was coming together nicely. I only hoped that the same would go with Isaiah.

  Chapter Twenty-One – Punishment

  It was official, I was worried. It had been a whole day, and I had no word from Isaiah. Nobody got any calls and when anybody tried to call him it went right to his voicemail. I would even catch Brian with a worried look on his face when he thought I wasn't paying attention.

  "Where the fuck is he?" I yelled. "He should have called by now! I need to talk to him. Brian I need to go see him," I had begged him to take me and he was firm in his answer, no.

  "Delilah, I know that you're worried. But he will get in contact with you when it's safe. Don't worry, he is George's favorite, so he won't kill him," I could just hear the end of that sentence 'but he'll beat him to a bloody pulp.'

  "If they kill him, I will hunt them down," I said viciously. It wasn't an empty threat. That was four hours prior to the door being banged on vigorously. Brian, ever cautious, made sure he had his gun on him. When he opened the door Isaiah literally fell through onto him. I felt my heart stop momentarily.

  He was bruised and dried blood was everywhere and his breath was interrupted by wheezing. It took me all of two seconds to dash across the room and fall down by his side. Forget the "tough as nails" façade, I started crying. I lifted his head into my lap and smoothed his hair back from his forehead. He looked up at me through swollen eyes and tried to smile. It looked more like a grimace.

  "Oh babe, what did they do to you?" I said softly.

  "It's okay, I'm fine," he said through ragged breaths. Here he was beat half to death and he was comforting me. I had to laugh at that, though there was no real humor. Brian lifted Isaiah as easily as he would a sack of potatoes. I was momentarily awed by that considering how small he was compared to Isaiah. I followed them to the bathroom where Brian left us.

  I started the tub, adjusting the temperature so it wasn't too hot or cold, and carefully started taking off his clothes. I started crying again when I saw his torso. They had cut him. It wasn't too deep, but just a mediocre cut with some punches to it would hurt like crazy. Once I got him undressed I helped him into the tub. I grabbed a cloth that was hanging on one of the towel bars and started gently wiping him off.

  "Thank you, Princess," he said softly. I could only nod, I didn't trust myself to speak. The water was already tinted red and I hadn't even gotten half way down his stomach. I had to stop for a minute. It was too much and I started bawling. Not dainty little tears that you see in the movies. No, tears that had me almost screaming, and snot running down my face. Isaiah rubbed my head as I cried. When the worst of it was over he spoke up. "Delilah, this was being merciful. I had to have a punishment. I expected it, which is why I didn't let you go," his voice was hoarse and it made me want to cry more, but I forced myself not to. "George understands the situation and he wants to meet you. He wants to help us D, but he needed to put me in my place for lying to him. Liars are not tolerated," I sniffed and nodded. "Baby, stop crying, I'll be okay. At least I'm not dead," he gave me a half of a smile.

  "I know, I just hate seeing you hurt. It's like, they might as well have done this to me," I started my task again and when he was all clean he laid in the water awhile longer, saying it soothed his aching muscles and then I helped him out. He wrapped a towel around himself and we went into the room I had been staying in. "Lay down and I'll get some peroxide, it won't hurt as much as alcohol," I told him.

  I went downstairs and asked Brian where I could find some peroxide and he showed me. He also gave me some bandages to cover the cuts up. I made my way back upstairs to find Isaiah passed out on the bed, his towel hanging dangerously low. But I didn't even take the time to admire it with him being in so much pain. It was better that he was unconscious. It wouldn't hurt so much.

  I did the job carefully, making sure I thoroughly cleaned the wounds so they wouldn't get infected, before bandaging them up. When I was all done I just sat and stared at him. How had one person come to mean so much to me? I couldn't fathom it. Half a year ago I didn't care about anybody. If I had passed Isaiah on the street, I wouldn't have even looked twice. Now, by an odd turn of events, he had come to mean everything to me.

  I curled up next to him, not touching him in fear of hurting him. Warmth was radiating from his body. I carefully grabbed his hand and set it on my stomach. "We made this, Isaiah. We made life," I whispered. "It's making up for all the lives we've taken. This kid's going to have the best life," I sighed. Isaiah's hand started to move on my stomach.

  "Yes it will Princess, don't you worry about anything," he said groggily. His hand moved up to my face, though his eyes were still closed. Yeah, we'd get through this together.

  Chapter Twenty-Two – Sorting Things Out

  Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. That's what I kept telling myself. It had been a week since Isaiah had gotten his "punishment", and we were a block away from George's house. I gripped Isaiah's hand tightly, mine was sweating. I never sweat, yet here I was, sweating like a pig, which I have to tell you, is a ridiculous phrase because pigs don't sweat. At least that's what I've heard, but I could have heard wrong. Anyway, I was nervous, that's all you need to know.

  "Calm down Delilah," the first four times he said it his voice was understanding and soothing. This last time, he just snapped it. I could understand his irritation, if I were him and had to put up with me being so nervous, I would have lost my patience after the first time.

  "Sorry," I muttered. I couldn't help it. I didn't know why I was nervous, I am almost never nervous. Finally we pulled up to a gianormous- yes I know it's not a real word- house. It was a beautiful brick building with the greenest lawn I've ever seen in my life. It wasn't gated like most big houses. But as we pulled up to the front I saw a lot of cameras. Isaiah parked the car and we sat there for a minute.

  "Everything's going to be fine Princess. George will take care of us, I promise," he said as he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

  "Will he let you out?" I asked quietly. Is
aiah's face scrunched up in confusion.

  "Huh?" Any other time I would have thought the look was amazingly cute, but not today, not right now.

  "Will he let you out, so you don't have to do missions anymore?" His face lost it's confusion and his eyes softened. He sighed.

  "I'll need to work for him for awhile longer, so he's not supporting us for nothing," he said softly. There were the tears again. I didn't let them fall but I felt that irritating burning.

  "I understand," I whispered. When the hell did I get so whiney? Honestly, I couldn't stand myself. "Maybe, by the time the baby comes around?" I asked hopefully, but I didn't count on it. Isaiah just sighed and got out of the car, coming around and opening my door for me. He didn't wait for me as he walked up to the front door and so I hurried to catch up to him and took his hand in mine. He held it loosely. Okay, he was mad at me I guess. I squeezed tightly on his hand until he reacted and held my hand properly.

  He rang the doorbell and was answered almost immediately. A tall, tan, heavy woman opened the door and hugged Isaiah to her. "Oh good, you're here! We were getting worried," she said in a thick Italian accent. She looked down at me and smiled. "This must be Delilah," she said letting go of Isaiah and grabbing me. I stiffened, not use to any physical affection from anyone but Isaiah. I patted her on the back and she let go. "You really must be something for our Isaiah here to lie to us," there was no malice in her voice, she was genuinely sweet. "Come in, come in. Georgie is expecting you," she said, waving us into the house.

  We were taken through a large entry way that had marble floors and white walls. There were a few statues in there and it was absolutely beautiful. She lead us down a hall to a large wooden door. She knocked, and without waiting for an answer entered. Isaiah squeezed my hand and we walked in behind her. It was a dark wooden room with a few book shelves and a large desk in it. Behind the desk sat a man. He stood as we entered and I felt like a fricken midget. Everyone in the damn place was tall. He was taller than Isaiah, who was like a giant next to me. He was well built with dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes. I felt pale, short and fat thanks to the second person growing in me.

  "Isaiah, welcome back," he said with a brilliantly white smile, he had to use whitening strips. Teeth just aren't naturally that white. His gaze went to me. "My, she is beautiful," he said with a smile. I tried not to feel flattered, this was the man who had beaten Isaiah up hard core, but with his dark gaze on me and the sincerity in his voice, it was hard not to. "Welcome to the family, little one," I chanced a look back at him and he had a smaller smile on his face and warmth in his eyes. I decided then, that I really didn't understand these people.

  "Uh, thanks," I said quietly.

  "Anyway, Isaiah," George said, turning back to Isaiah. "We have a couple houses that are available, you and your," he paused, "woman," he finally decided on and I stifled my laughter, "can go look at them tomorrow. I have a job for you tonight. Lucy can show Delilah to your room while we sit and chat," he nodded at Lucy and she took my hand and started walking away. I did not want to leave Isaiah. I almost refused but he gave my hand a tight squeeze and let go. I sighed and followed Lucy, pulling my hand from hers.

  Once we were out of the room she slowed down so I could walk next to her instead of behind her. She chatted aimlessly for awhile as she lead me through three hallways and up two flights of stairs. She lead me into a room that was, like the rest of the house, magnificent. I won't go into details describing it, cause I'm not really detail oriented. But it was nice and had it's own bathroom. She turned to me and looked at me seriously.

  "I hope you love him, honestly love him. He has never, not once lied to us, even when he was a young boy. He's sacrificing a lot for you. He means a lot to me and I would hate to see him hurt," I heard the underlying threat there. I nodded.

  "I can guarantee you, I do love Isaiah. I have given up everything I ever knew, gone against orders, and killed my boss for him. If there's anything else I need to do to prove it, I have no clue what it is because I don't think you can get any more sacrificial than that," I told her firmly. She smiled brightly.

  "I like you already, it's a shame he had to meet somebody like this, but at least he is happy," she said before putting a hand on my shoulder, squeezing and walking out, shutting the door behind her. I was glad she was gone. I decided to check out the bathroom and I could have died happy when I found they had a tub like the one I had at my apartment. I immediately started running the water and stripped my clothes, settling down into the tub with a sigh. Heaven on earth was right here. I closed my eyes and began to think. Everything was so easy. Too easy. Could it really be that good? Most things had more of a challenge than this situation. I honestly was expecting a war to break out on Isaiah and myself. I was worried that everything was going too smoothly. Something bad had to happen.

  As I was thinking so deeply, I didn't hear Isaiah come in the bathroom. So when I felt his hands on my shoulders, pushing me forward I was surprised. He pushed me forward a bit and slid in behind me. He left his hands on my shoulders as I leaned back against him, rubbing them soothingly. His fingers were magic. I sighed contentedly, before my mind starts reeling again.

  "Were you mad at me earlier?" I ask quietly. His hands momentarily stop and so I shrug my shoulders to keep him going.

  "No Princess, I am mad at myself and I took it out on you. I'm sorry," he whispered the last part and kissed my neck. I turned my head and kissed his temple.

  "Why are you mad at yourself?" I ask before settling back against him. His hands move from my shoulders and go under my arms to wrap around my stomach. He stayed silent for awhile, gently running his hands across my stomach.

  "I want the best life for you. If I could get out I would Delilah. But I have no other way to support us. I've never done real, honest work. Plus, this is my family. I can't abandon them when they still need me. I talked to George about all of this. I can be like Brian, but that's the best I can do. He can destroy my papers, make it look as if I never existed in the mob. But I will still be working for him," I nodded in understanding.

  Isaiah's hands start moving south and I suck in a breath. Did I mention before, he has magic fingers? It had been since that fateful day in Brian's basement that we had been together. It seemed like a lifetime ago. As one hand went down the other went up and I was overwhelmed with feeling. My head was spinning as he sucked on my neck. I turned to face him, annoyed for a moment how big my stomach was. I kissed him on the mouth and his arms wrapped around me.

  "It's been too easy," I said between kisses. "Life isn't this simple, shouldn't something worse happen?" I whispered. He kissed me deeply.

  "Sometimes, things can be this simple," and that was that. He made me forget about everything, if only for a little while.

  Chapter Twenty-Three – Not So Star-Crossed

  I've learned to trust. I never thought that would happen. Isaiah was right when he said that some things just are that simple. I would not have believed it until it happened to me. And it did, indeed, happen to me. Things started going smoothly. George, among the fifty billion things he does, sells houses. And he took Isaiah and I to four different houses that were all equally as great. One surpassed the rest of them though because it had a Jacuzzi tub. Isaiah laughed at me when I told him we absolutely had to have that one. That wasn't the only good part though. It was a large house and beautiful to boot.

  Isaiah took me to the doctor's frequently, and about four months into it they told me I could find out the sex of the baby. Not only did I find out that much, but I found out it wasn't baby, it was babies. Two of them, a boy and a girl. We stood speechless for awhile before simultaneously smiles broke out onto our faces. If I thought Isaiah was loving before, when he found out he had three people to take care of, he got one hundred times worse, or better, however you want to look at it. He hardly let me do anything which was annoying.

  He was an angel though when I got over emotional when I looked at myself in the mirror. I tr
ied to avoid it as much as I could because man I was fat. Stretch marks were showing up too, but I slathered them with anything I could find in the stores to reduce them. Bless Isaiah's heart, he didn't care about them. He even kissed them, which also made me cry. Everything anyone did made me cry during my pregnancy.

  As I got closer to my due date, George gave Isaiah a vacation. He knew how worried I would get when Isaiah would go on missions and didn't want to cause any stress to me or his grand babies. Lucy was a doll through all of it. She would help me clean the house and just sit and talk with me. She would tell me stories of her many adoptive kids and make me laugh until I thought I would die. She was like the mother I never had.

  Brian and Adrian were still in the picture. Adrian brought over all of her baby books and gave me helpful tips for certain things. When everyone would leave in the evening Isaiah and I would sit and read the books together. The look on his face when he read some of the things was priceless. And he was so cute trying to memorize everything.

  Needless to say, my life was good, and for the first time I was content. I had a family and I had love and a place to live, and no more sleeping with sleazy guys. But let me tell you, when those babies came out I almost wished I could take it back for how much pain I was in. I got to the hospital too late and they couldn't drug me. Luckily the birth was a quick one, I was barely in labor for two hours. Little Brian came out first which I was thankful for. Somewhere deep down, I had longed for an older brother. And though he was only seven minutes older than Lillian, she still had an older brother.


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