Kitty and the Tiger Treasure

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Kitty and the Tiger Treasure Page 1

by Paula Harrison


  For Inky, the most mischievous cat in town—P. H.

  For Helena and her cat crew—J. L.



  Title Page


  Meet Kitty & Her Cat Crew

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Super Facts About Cats

  Excerpt from Kitty and the Moonlight Rescue

  Back Ads

  About the Author and Illustrator


  About the Publisher

  Meet Kitty & Her Cat Crew


  Kitty has special powers—but is she ready to be a superhero just like her mom?

  Luckily, Kitty’s cat crew has faith in her and shows Kitty the hero that lies within.


  A stray ginger kitten who is utterly devoted to Kitty.


  Wise and kind, Figaro knows the neighborhood like the back of his paw.


  Pixie has a nose for trouble and whiskers for mischief!


  Sleek and sophisticated, Katsumi is quick to call Kitty at the first sign of trouble.



  Kitty sprang from the sofa to the door in a single bound. “Stop right there!” She pointed her finger at Pumpkin the cat. “You won’t get away with it this time!”

  Pumpkin, a roly-poly ginger kitten with black whiskers, scampered out of reach. “Can’t catch me!” he meowed, darting into Kitty’s bedroom.

  Kitty chased after him, giggling. Pumpkin leaped onto the bed and rolled over to let Kitty tickle his fluffy tummy.

  Kitty’s mom came in. “What are you two up to? There’s a lot of giggling going on in here.”

  “We’re playing Catch the Bandit!” Kitty told her. “It’s a new game we invented, and it helps me improve my superpowers.”

  “I see!” Mom smoothed back Kitty’s dark hair. “I’m glad you’re practicing, but it’s getting late. It’s time to settle down and go to bed.”

  Kitty climbed under her blanket. “I am very sleepy.”

  “I’m not surprised!” Mom smiled as she tucked Kitty in.

  Kitty smiled back. She knew her mom understood how important it was to practice her powers. Kitty’s family had a special secret. Mom was a real superhero and went out at night to use her catlike abilities to help people. Kitty and her little brother, Max, had the same superpowers as their mom. Kitty could see in the dark and hear noises from far away. She could also balance perfectly and perform amazing somersaults. Best of all, she could talk to animals!

  A few weeks before, Kitty had been on her very first nighttime adventure. She had met Pumpkin, who had no place to stay. Kitty was so happy the kitten had come home with her. Now he was part of the family, and he slept on Kitty’s bed every night.

  “Don’t forget we’ve got a big day tomorrow,” added Mom as she tidied Kitty’s clothes. “We’re going to the Hallam City Museum to see the new exhibit. The Golden Tiger statue will be there, along with lots of other ancient treasures.”

  Kitty sat up in bed again. “Is the Golden Tiger really covered with diamonds?”

  “That’s right! And it has large eyes made of emeralds,” Mom told her.

  “I can’t wait to see it!” cried Kitty.

  “I’m glad you’re excited,” said Mom, laughing. “Sleep well, honey!”

  Kitty turned on her night-light and snuggled down under the covers. She couldn’t wait for tomorrow. The new treasures at the museum were supposed to be amazing. The Golden Tiger statue was decorated with dozens of jewels. Kitty couldn’t wait to see them all winking and glittering!

  Pumpkin padded across the bed and flopped down beside her. His eyes shined in the dim light, and his fur was velvety soft against Kitty’s arm. Kitty sighed and closed her eyes. Pictures of imaginary treasure floated around in her head.

  Pumpkin wriggled. “Kitty, are you asleep?” he whispered.

  Kitty’s eyes opened. “Not yet! What’s wrong, Pumpkin?”

  The kitten’s whiskers twitched. “What’s the Golden Tiger statue like? Is it enormous?”

  “It looks small in the pictures. It’s probably no bigger than you!” Kitty smiled.

  “Then why is it so special?” asked Pumpkin.

  “Mom says it was buried in an ancient tomb for thousands of years before archaeologists found it. It’s made of gold and covered in diamonds. The tiger’s eyes are made from sparkling emeralds.”

  “It must be valuable, then.” Pumpkin snuggled against Kitty’s shoulder.

  “It’s priceless!” Kitty told him. “And it could be magical, too. The legend says that the Golden Tiger listens to your heart’s desire, and if you touch its paw, it will grant your greatest wish.”

  Pumpkin’s eyes widened.

  “Dad told me all about it,” continued Kitty. “Lots of people have had good luck after seeing the statue, but there’s a curse, too. If a bad person does something to make the statue angry, it will conjure up ghostly spirits to seek revenge!”

  Pumpkin shivered. “Ooh—spooky!”

  “I hope I can get close enough to see it tomorrow. The exhibit is opening for the first time, so I think the museum will be crowded.”

  “I wish I could come with you!” said Pumpkin. “Are cats allowed to visit?”

  Kitty shook her head. “I don’t think so.” She lay quietly for a moment. Then she sat up so suddenly that she nearly knocked Pumpkin off the bed. “I’ve got a great idea! If we visit the museum tonight, then you’ll be able to see everything and there will be no crowds at all. We’ll have the whole place to ourselves!”

  Pumpkin’s nose twitched. “But . . . is the museum very scary?”

  “It’s full of interesting things. We can look at them together.” Kitty tickled Pumpkin under the chin. She knew the kitten got nervous about new things and new places. After all, he’d been all alone before he met Kitty. “Don’t you think it would be fun to have a new adventure?”

  Pumpkin nodded slowly. “I like the sound of the statue with the diamonds and emeralds. Jewels are so sparkly, aren’t they?”

  Kitty nodded, pushed back the covers, and jumped out of bed. “We should go right now! The museum is only ten minutes away, and I can use my superpowers to find a way across the rooftops.”

  Pumpkin sprang onto the window seat and pushed back the curtain with his nose.

  A crescent moon shined brightly, and light poured into the room. Kitty felt excitement bubble inside her. She gazed at the roofs of the houses all laid out in long rows. She could see a way through the chimneys as if it was a secret path only she knew!

  Pumpkin twitched his nose again. “I just hope it doesn’t rain.”

  “If it does, I’m sure we’ll find somewhere to shelter.” Kitty took out her superhero clothes and tied on her black cape and cat tail. Finally she added her cat ears and looked in the mirror. Dressed in her cat costume, she felt like a real superhero! Her powers lit up inside her like the moon coming out from behind a cloud.

  When she opened the window, the night wind blew in and the curtains flapped. Kitty climbed onto the ledge, her heart skipping. Going out to see the museum’s treasures was exciting, and also a tiny bit scary. “Are you ready, Pumpkin? It’s time to start our next adventure!”



  Kitty climbed from the window ledge to the roof and ran lightly along the rooftop. The stars shimmered like diamonds in the evening sky. Kitty breathed deeply. On a magical night, with the moon shining brightly, her su
perpowers felt stronger than ever. She turned a cartwheel, feeling her powers tingling through her body.

  “Do you know the way to the museum, Kitty?” asked Pumpkin, climbing up beside her.

  Kitty looked over the rooftops, her special night vision sharpening. “Yes, I’m sure I do. Look, there it is, on Crown Street.” She pointed to a tall building made of pale stone. It had a domed roof and huge columns on each side of the front door.

  Pumpkin and Kitty ran along the roof and around a chimney. Kitty’s cape flew out behind her as she leaped from one house to the next. The wind swirled around, making the trees sway, and the shadows of the branches danced in the moonlight.

  Suddenly, a sleek black cat with a white face and paws stepped out from behind a chimney. Kitty recognized her friend Figaro right away. “Hello, Figaro! What are you doing here?”

  “Waiting for you, of course!” Figaro twirled his whiskers. “I spied you climbing out your window and I thought to myself, what sort of adventure will Kitty embark on tonight?”

  “We’re going to the museum to see the Golden Tiger statue,” explained Kitty.

  “We want to see it before the crowds come tomorrow.” Pumpkin waved his tail excitedly.

  “The statue of the Golden Tiger is a rare and mysterious object!” Figaro’s eyes gleamed. “I have heard the strange legends about its powers.”

  “Would you like to come with us?” asked Kitty.

  “I would be delighted, dear Kitty.” Figaro bowed his head. “Lead the way!”

  Kitty led them across the rooftops to Crown Street. The museum roof was flat, with a glassy dome in the middle. The building was enormous, with doors and windows on every side.

  “I wonder where the Golden Tiger statue will be.” Kitty clambered down to the nearest ledge and peered through a window. There was a row of ancient swords inside a glass cabinet. She climbed to the next window and saw china vases and silver plates inside the display cases.

  Pumpkin stayed close to Kitty while Figaro stepped gracefully from ledge to ledge. Kitty peered into each dark room. The museum was so vast. Where would the Golden Tiger be? At last she spotted a shiny banner: COME SEE THE ANCIENT TREASURES OF THE INCA WORLD! Following the arrow, she leaped to the next window ledge and looked eagerly inside.

  The Golden Tiger stood on a small platform surrounded by a red velvet rope. A spotlight shined directly onto the statue, and the tiger’s emerald eyes glowed so brightly that for a moment Kitty wondered if it was alive. The Golden Tiger was sitting upright with one paw raised in the air. It was gold with elegant black stripes across its back and a coat encrusted with diamonds.

  “Wow!” cried Pumpkin. “It looks amazing.”

  “I must say it’s very impressive.” Figaro swished his tail. “Very impressive indeed!”

  Kitty pressed her nose to the window. The shelves around the statue were full of treasures, but the Golden Tiger was the shiniest and most amazing one of all. “I’d love to get a bit closer,” said Kitty. “Then I could find out whether the statue really does grant a wish when you touch its paw!”

  “What would you wish for, Kitty?” asked Pumpkin.

  “I don’t know!” Kitty bit her lip. “Those jewels look so beautiful. I’d love some diamonds, emeralds, and rubies of my own!”

  Pumpkin rubbed his head against Kitty’s knee fondly.

  “I believe a closer inspection of the statue is an excellent idea,” said Figaro. “I can think of many things I would wish for: some pampering at the beauty salon, or a four-course meal at Sinclair’s Finest Fish restaurant! Let us go inside at once.”

  Kitty hesitated. “Do you really think we should? No one’s supposed to go in there at night.”

  “Please, Kitty!” Pumpkin turned his big eyes on her.

  Kitty nodded. “All right—but we must be really careful. Look, there’s a way in over there!” She took hold of a drainpipe, ready to climb to the ledge below.

  There was a whooshing noise overhead.

  “MEEOOOW!” A creature landed heavily on Kitty’s shoulder.

  Kitty wobbled, grabbing the drainpipe to keep her balance.

  Pumpkin panicked and leaped onto Kitty’s foot, pinning it to the ledge with his paws. “Eek! Don’t worry, I’ve got you!”

  The creature, a gray Persian cat with bright eyes, sprang onto the ledge and stared up at Kitty fiercely. “You won’t get away with this!” she hissed. “I know a cat burglar when I see one. You’ve come to steal from the museum, haven’t you? Well, I won’t let you!”

  Kitty stared back in surprise. Who was this new cat and why did she think they were thieves?



  The gray cat flicked her tail crossly. “I’m the museum cat, and I won’t let anyone get away with stealing.” She glanced at Figaro and Pumpkin. “And you two should be ashamed of yourselves for helping her. No honest cat would do such a thing!”

  Figaro’s sleek black-and-white fur bristled. “How dare you accuse us of being common thieves?”

  “Hush, Figaro! It’s all right.” Kitty turned to the gray cat. “You don’t need to worry. We’re not here to steal anything. We only came to look at the Golden Tiger statue because we were so excited to see it. My name’s Kitty, and I have superpowers. These are my friends Pumpkin and Figaro.”

  “Oh, yes, I’ve heard about you.” The gray cat studied Kitty’s cape and cat ears. Then she bowed her head. “My name’s Cleo. I’m sorry I jumped on you.”

  “You should be very sorry!” Figaro scowled deeply. “Imagine landing on someone like that! It’s hardly civilized.”

  “I got the wrong idea when I saw you sneaking along the window ledge,” said Cleo. “I hope I didn’t frighten you all.”

  “Don’t worry—we’re fine!” Kitty told the cat. “I suppose we must have looked a bit suspicious.”

  Figaro made a humph sound and turned away to clean his paws.

  Pumpkin crept along the ledge to look at Cleo with curious eyes. “Do you really live here in the museum?”

  “I sleep in an office at the back of the building,” explained Cleo. “It belongs to Stan, the night guard, but he’s fallen asleep in his chair again. So it’s up to me to keep the museum safe. There are a lot more precious things here now that the new exhibit has arrived.”

  “It sounds like you should be the museum’s official guard,” Kitty told her.

  Cleo rubbed her ear with her paw. “I’d love to be a real guard, but the humans don’t seem to notice how hard I work. I adore living here—it’s amazing! Would you like me to show you around?”

  “Yes, please!” Kitty’s eyes shined. “And we’d love to look at the Golden Tiger.”

  “It’s a very special statue,” said Cleo proudly. “It looks even better up close. I’ll take you inside—just make sure you don’t touch anything.”

  “What’s that funny shadow over the Golden Tiger?” Pumpkin asked suddenly. “I can hardly see the statue anymore.”

  Kitty peered through the window. Pumpkin was right. There was a shadow there . . . and it was moving!

  “It looks so spooky!” squeaked Pumpkin. “It’s not the curse, is it?”

  Kitty pressed her face close to the window. The shadow slipped around the side of the display cabinets and disappeared. Then something, or someone, cut the power to the lights. Suddenly the whole room plunged into darkness.

  A tingle ran down Kitty’s back. “What’s going on? Cleo, something’s happening!”

  Cleo darted over at once. Figaro stopped cleaning his paws and joined them.

  The moon broke from behind a cloud, sending a shaft of light through the dome window. The shadow became clearer. It had a furry brown-and-white coat and long, floppy ears.

  “That looks like a springer spaniel. What’s a dog doing in the museum?” gasped Kitty.

  “An intruder!” Cleo’s fur stood on end. “And I was so busy talking that I didn’t even notice.”

  The dog moved stealthily around the gallery
until it stood right beside the Golden Tiger.

  “Paws and whiskers!” exclaimed Figaro. “It’s heading straight for the statue.”

  They watched in alarm as the dog leaned closer and reached out his paw. . . .

  “STOP THIEF!” cried Cleo. “That doesn’t belong to you!”

  The dog knocked the statue from its pedestal. The Golden Tiger rolled across the museum floor, its diamonds sparkling in the moonlight. The statue’s emerald eyes glowed like the eyes of a real tiger. Then the dog picked up the statue in his jaws and ran off into the shadows.

  “He’s getting away!” squeaked Pumpkin. Kitty saw the desperate look on Cleo’s face. “Don’t worry! We’ll help you catch him.” She shimmied down the drainpipe to the ledge.

  The she threw up the window and leaped inside. The museum was silent and still.

  Cleo shook her head. “Stan must have forgotten to set the burglar alarm again!”

  Kitty looked around and shivered. The last time she’d visited the museum, the whole place had been bright and noisy and full of people.

  Now there was a shadowy shape in the corner, and moonlight glinted on something shiny. Kitty caught her breath. Then her eyes sharpened, and she saw a wax model of a soldier carrying a spear. She breathed slowly to calm her racing heart. The thief was somewhere in the building, and she was determined to catch him.

  Cleo and Pumpkin tumbled into the room behind her. Figaro climbed in last, with a flick of his tail.

  “Cleo, can you take us to the exhibit room?” said Kitty.

  “This way!” Cleo led them up a grand marble staircase into a splendid gallery beneath the domed ceiling. Moonlight shined through the window above. All around them, the treasures of the exhibit were arranged in beautiful cases.

  There were fans painted in delicate colors, ancient coins, and silver plates studded with rubies.


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