Exception to the Rules

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Exception to the Rules Page 2

by Stephanie Morris

  Sebastian opened the door and invited Cooper in.

  “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

  “Not at all. I was just going to head across the street to the bookstore and grab a cup of coffee as well. However, Ruby makes a good pot so I’ll get some of that instead. Would you like some?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Bas led the way into the small break room, where he pulled out two Styrofoam cups and began making his coffee. It wasn’t until after they returned to his office that Sebastian spoke.

  “So, what brings you by?”

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  Sebastian stopped short. “Oh?”

  Cooper chuckled. “Not that sort of proposition. This one will be more to your liking.”

  Smiling, and very much relieved, Sebastian sipped from his coffee. “Interesting. Please continue.”

  Cooper sat down in the chair across from Sebastian’s desk, placed his coffee near the edge, crossed his arms over his chest, and smiled. “I have a friend. Her name is Gaea Martin and she has a huge problem.”

  Sebastian enjoyed his coffee while Cooper filled him in on the situation. His first instinct was to say no and not get involved, but the more he heard about Gaea, the more his curiosity was peaked and the more protective he felt toward her. Protect and serve was a way of life for him.

  “She’s brilliant, huh?”

  “Top five percent of her class at TCU. She has entirely too much remarkable ability for the company she’s at.”


  “Like you wouldn’t believe. I don’t think she’s been on a date in four years.”

  “And I’d be with her. In her room for the entire week?”

  “Yes. Well, wait. I don’t know about the ‘in her room’ part. But considering the point of the plan, you’d have to stick pretty close to her side.”


  “Who knows? If you play your cards right, it could lead down that path.”

  “What did you say she looks like again?”

  Cooper chuckled. “I never said. But now that you ask, she’s hot. About average in height, somewhat on the small side, but a stick of dynamite, if you know what I mean. Medium length dark hair, sparkling brown eyes. Really beautiful. She could have men lining up, but…”

  Bas nodded, pleased, but not all that worried. Her looks were only a part of it. Her mind was what interested him the most. She was willing to pay him to be her escort. He didn’t need the money, but he did have something he wanted to bargain for.

  “Okay. I tell you what. Arrange a meeting. Whenever it’s convenient for her. We’ll discuss this.”

  “She’ll be excited.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  Cooper reached for his coffee. “What plan are you conjuring up?”

  “Tit for tat, Cooper. With some very thrilling potential.”

  Chapter Two

  Cooper studied him for a long moment, clearly trying to figure out whether or not he would move forward.

  “I’ll call her tonight,” Sebastian finally said with a slow grin.


  Bas took another sip of his coffee. “Can I ask you why you’re not volunteering to help her out?”

  “Believe me, I’d do it in a heartbeat, but I have to be in Orlando. Besides, I think this arrangement will work out better.”

  “Why do you say that?” Leaning over, he reached into the bottom drawer for a box of cookies he’d brought in the other day. He offered some to Cooper before digging out a few for himself.

  “Gaea and I met back in college, and I’d say I know her very well. Underneath the tough exterior is one hell of a good woman. She just has to realize that there is an entire world outside of her job. From what I know about you, that seems to be your specialty.”

  Sebastian leaned back in his chair. “I suppose it’s reasonably accurate to state that I have a curious perspective about things.”

  “Yes. The two of you in a room together shall be interesting.”

  “I wonder why she hasn’t just put the boss in his place. Doesn’t he realize there are laws against that sort of crap?”

  “I asked Gaea the same question. At this point, Gaea doesn’t want the hassle. She’s planning to move on to another company after this marketing campaign. This event can make her.”

  “I follow you. Always planning the next step?”

  “Never misses the smallest of details on paperwork.”

  “But almost gets hit anytime she crosses the street?”

  Cooper laughed, and lifted his cup. “To new adventures.”

  Bas clicked his cup, but instead of taking a sip, he said, “Hey, why don’t you give Gaea a call now? See if she can meet me for a drink tonight.”

  Cooper pulled out his cell phone and dialed. By the time he hung up, the arrangements were made, and Sebastian had four hours to put together a plan of his own.

  If it worked, it was going to be a hell of a lot more exciting than the two projects he was currently considering.

  Gaea checked out her appearance in the window of the bistro next to the bar she was meeting Sebastian at. The weather had been kind to her hair today. She’d touched up her makeup in the car, and her suit still looked as if she’d put it on a half hour ago. Not that it mattered. She was the one doing the hiring, but still. The situation was just awkward enough to have a built-in nervousness factor of ten, minimum.

  Sebastian Fuller. She’d done an Internet search on him, and what she’d seen had taken her utterly by surprise. The man was a very highly paid security consultant and had worked for some of the biggest corporations in the world. He was also a former Navy Seal, which sent a tingle down her spine.

  After she concluded all of her research, she realized his price might be much higher than she could afford. She’d called Cooper back to make sure he hadn’t offered the man her entire salary for the year. Cooper had promised her that if Sebastian Fuller did this, it wasn’t going to be for the money. Which made her question…

  Why? Why would he give her strange proposal any thought? What could he possibly get out of it, if not money?

  She was about to find out. If she could get her legs to function properly so she could walk inside. After a few deep breaths and a little encouragement to herself, she adjusted her purse strap on her arm and walked inside.

  Griffin’s was an upscale uptown bar. Drinks of all shapes, sizes and flavors covered the tall tables in the bar. There was a little laughter, but a lot of chatter bounced off the walls decorated with high-priced art. The splashes of bright color worked, especially with the oak bar and tables.

  She walked a little further until she was midway between the door and the bar itself, then did a slow perusal. No one looked like Sebastian Fuller, although one man to her left bore a strong resemblance to Antonio Banderas. She kept looking.

  A few seconds later, at the far left edge of the bar, a man alone, saving a seat, looked up expectantly. He was pretty close to Sebastian’s description. Around forty. She couldn’t tell if he was six-foot-four, but he had that military look about him. Brown hair, cut short, but still thick and shiny. Sexy green eyes, a nice nose, and a generous mouth. Altogether an attractive combination. A little too attractive.

  Cooper hadn’t said anything about Sebastian being so gorgeous. The word hadn’t been mentioned once. And she knew from experience that Cooper knew a handsome man when he spotted one. So maybe it wasn’t Sebastian.

  Cooper had stated that Sebastian was white. Not that she minded. For she was an equal opportunity dater that had dated outside of her own race before. The problem was she wasn’t certain Sebastian had.

  As soon as the thought entered her mind, she pushed it aside. Cooper wouldn’t do that to her. He wouldn’t set her up with a guy that didn’t check out all the way. If she was aware of the fact that Sebastian was Caucasian, Sebastian was aware of the fact that she was African American.

  The man in question waved, que
lling her doubts. He stood up. Yes. Definitely six-four at least. Smiling, too. A great smile. A grin that multiplied his gorgeousness by a factor of infinity. She pasted her own smile on her face and made her way through the crowd. He managed to hold on to two bar stools while chasing away a redhead with boobs the size of melons.

  “I really hope you’re Gaea Martin,” he said as soon as she was in hearing distance.

  “I am.”

  “Good because my mother raised a gentleman and this is the last empty seat in this place. I guess I should have suggested some place quieter.”

  “There isn’t any place quieter. Not around here at this time of evening.”

  He held out his hand. Long, supple fingers, strong grip. Warm, but definitely not damp. She felt her face grow hot just from the touch, which wasn’t like her. Not like her in the least.

  “Sit down. Let me buy you a drink.”

  “I should be the one buying.”

  “Feel free to pick up the next round, if you want,” he replied. “What would you like right now?”

  “A Cabernet, please.”

  He nodded, then turned to get the attention of the bartender as Gaea climbed up on the stool. Being on the short side always made it a precarious position, but she didn’t show anyone anything she wasn’t supposed to on her way up. She set her purse on her lap and glanced at Sebastian. He was even better looking up close. It was his mouth, of course. Full, pouty lips, but incredibly masculine. Laugh lines etched on either side. If Kallie were here, she’d be sure to comment on how kissable they were. Ah, that Kallie. She had a way with words.

  Sebastian put his credit card on the bar top when the drinks arrived. He’d ordered an Irish lager, and he didn’t bother pouring it into the chilled pilsner. Instead, he took a long pull from the bottle, giving her an enticing view of his Adam’s apple. Her gaze moved down to his shirt. Blue oxford, well tailored, she’d bet. It fit him beautifully, and she liked that he’d rolled up the sleeves a couple of turns. His jeans surprised her, but then she realized he wasn’t tied to a company, and he could wear anything he liked. The jeans got her vote. They fit his tall, scrumptious body like a glove.

  He coughed discreetly, and she almost spilled her wine in an attempt to get her gaze up and away from where it’d been focused. Again with the blushing. Good grief, what was wrong with her? That time of the month must be around the corner. She was never this…aware.

  “Cooper filled me in on your situation.”

  “So he said, but I wanted to make sure you understood completely before we go any further.”


  “It’s really an acting job. I thought he’d know someone out of work who could use the money. I can’t begin to fathom why you’d be interested.”

  “I’ll explain why. But first, tell me what you expect.”

  She took a sip of wine, felt it mellow out all the way down, easing some of her nervousness. “I have a boss who’s completely out of his mind, and I need someone to pretend to be my lover for a week. We’re promoting a new line of fashion with back-to-back junkets and a huge press party. The rules are that whoever I hire is going to have to be available for all of the events. For meals. For anything, all the while acting like we’re the couple of the century. But acting is as far as it goes.”

  “Yes, that’s pretty much what Cooper said.”

  “Okay, so why are you still interested? I have to be honest and tell you that I almost didn’t show up. Cooper twisted my arm and made me promise to see you. But I don’t get it.”

  “Well, Gaea, I believe there’s something we could do for each other. I see your dilemma, and while I’m not an actor, I’m certain I can play the part. I’m a fast learner, and I have no social ties that would interfere.”


  He smiled with that mouth of his. She almost began to giggle uncontrollably.

  “Here’s what I want from you in return,” he said, studying her eyes. “I want access.”


  He nodded. “To you.”

  “What? I don’t understand.”

  “To your thoughts.”

  She opened her mouth, but the only thing that came out was a high-pitched squeak.

  “All of them.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  He chuckled. The sound was rich and deep and almost enough to make her stop questioning his sanity. Almost.

  “Okay, let me explain.”

  “Please do.”

  “I have always been known to be a curious person. Can’t help it. It’s a long, long story, full of interesting information about my not so normal upbringing and my parents’ eccentric philosophy, which I’m certain we’ll discuss in detail over the next week, but the short answer is, I live to find answers to questions. I’ve always had an interest in intellect and anything dealing with how the mind works. Fortunately, I’ve had the opportunity to study with some of the greatest minds on the planet. I’ve challenged my senses, my abilities, and always attacked the major problems of my life head-on. I might be shaking on the inside, but I do it until I’m satisfied. Which doesn’t mean I’m always successful. But I never wonder what would have happened if only I’d taken the chance to find out.”

  “And what does that have to do with pretending to be my boyfriend?”

  He laughed. “Everything. In exchange for doing you a favor, you have to do one for me in return. I want answers from you.”

  “To what questions?”

  “All of them.”

  “Pardon me?”

  “All of them about women.”

  “I don’t know all the answers about women.”

  “But you know the answers for you.”

  She gave him a long, measured look.

  He grinned back at her. “No, I’m not certifiable. Strange, yes. But not quite at the padded-room stage.”

  “You want answers about women?”

  He nodded.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, I can ask you anything. No holding back. No thinking twice about propriety. I ask, you answer. Honestly. To the best of your ability. All of the questions I’ve wanted to ask but haven’t dared.”

  “You’ve never dated?”

  “Oh, I’ve dated. Quite a few women. I’ve been involved in relationships. All of which have failed. Mostly, I fear, to my lack of understanding. Seriously, I don’t get it. Forget the evolution of men being confusing, it’s women. Who are you people? The books are useless. Believe me, I’ve read them. And I still don’t get you.” He paused with a shake of his head. “Every time I think I have you women figured out, I find out that I really don’t. Take Helena for example. Great woman, an incredible lover. I was crazy about her, and she swore she loved me. We lived together for a blissful year. So what happened? Right after I proposed, and we’re talking within days here, she moved in with a career criminal that beat her for a hobby. And she’s just the tip of the iceberg. I ask other men, and they either throw up their hands or give me advice that has me sleeping on the couch for what seems like forever. It’s crazy, and it’s driving me insane, and damn it, what I want is to get it right once and for all.”

  Gaea heard what he said. She was a little taken aback by his honesty and enthusiasm, and completely positive this wasn’t going to work at all.

  “Oh, no,” he said. “Don’t make up your mind yet. Please.”

  “I’m just not sure this is going to work.”

  “Look, I know it sounds crazy, but really, it’s not. Consider it to be a research project. An in-depth study. Think of me as a scientist. It won’t be scary. I promise. And I won’t use the information to hurt you or anyone else. But you have to admit. This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’d never get this sort of access. In real life, I’d be too afraid to ruin a relationship. Or if I paid for it, I’d never really be certain I was getting the real scoop, you know? But this way, we can both benefit, and there are no feelings to hurt or wound, then, wel
l…” He stopped and took another sip of his beer. “Not to be immodest, but I think I can convince your boss or anyone else that I’m you man. I won’t embarrass you. I know my way around the press, and I won’t cost you a dime. All you have to do is answer me honestly. If you don’t know the answers, that’s okay. No problem. But if you do know, then I want them. No polite answers. No sparing my feelings. Just tell me.”

  “Just tell you, huh? Well, I know one thing.”

  “And that is?”

  “I need a much stronger drink.”

  Sebastian kept his grin steady, and made sure not to look satisfied. She was going to go for it. A minute ago he’d thought all was lost, but now? She seemed to be intrigued. From what Cooper told him about her, he’d hoped she’d also be curious.

  “What kind of stronger drink?”

  “A cranberry and vodka, please. Make it a double.”

  “Excellent choice.” He signaled the bartender again, and while he waited his turn, he took his time looking her over. He’d been so busy analyzing her body language that he hadn’t properly appreciated her body.

  She was small in stature, but not girlish. In fact, if he had to describe her, the words that would sum it up perfectly were 1950’s pinup calendar model. Definitely a throwback to that time frame. Her hairstyle had something to do with it, maybe the soft way the dark curls rested on her neck, or the swoop over her left eyebrow. Her lips, too, seemed naturally lush, not collagen-injected like so many of the crowd in this area. And if they had been helped? He wouldn’t mind. She was gorgeous and her skin seemed silky, and the intelligence so clear in those brown eyes made him want to start this week tonight.

  Not that he was going to actively pursue more than his stated objective.

  “What can I do for you?”

  He started at the bartender’s voice, ordered her drink, and himself a double whiskey neat. When he turned back to Gaea, she pushed her hair back behind her left ear. Her hand, tiny, feminine, captured his gaze and held it.

  He watched as she put her fingers around her wineglass. Rubbed the rim lightly.


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