Perfectly Lonely: (Let Me In, Book 2)

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Perfectly Lonely: (Let Me In, Book 2) Page 6

by Marin, Jessica

  “No way! You’re not getting my phone number.” I shake my head. “I don’t understand what’s in this for you?”

  “Spending time getting to know you.” I roll my eyes at the cheesiness of his answer.

  “What’s in it for me?” I ask, not understanding how I would even benefit from a two-week friendship.

  “For you to see that people do deserve second chances, no matter what their circumstances are.” He grabs my hands and refuses to let them go when I try to pull them away.

  “I forgave you tonight! I know how to give second chances.”

  “I’m not talking about me being the one having a second chance,” he says softly and I can’t help but watch his eyes as he pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. His hazel eyes return to mine and I’m hypnotized by their heat and the silent promises being offered to me.

  “What happens at the end of the two weeks?” I quietly ask, not knowing if I’m ready for his answer.

  His smile starts slowly on his lips and I see the warmth of it reaching his eyes. For a moment, I’m so mesmerized by the full beauty of his face that I don’t fully comprehend what he says next.

  “You’ll be in love with your new best friend.”



  I woke up this morning happier than I’ve been in a long time. Vivid dreams of Layla filled my sleep and left me waking up with a painful hard-on. Fortunately, a cold shower and my hand provided instant temporary relief. I still can’t help but chuckle at the look on her face last night when I told her she was going to fall in love with me. She stared at me as if I had grown two heads and then proceeded to laugh hysterically at me, telling me I’m a cocky bastard who is batshit crazy to ever think she would fall in love with anyone within a two week timeframe. She’s right in the fact that I’m a cocky bastard, but when I want something, I will stop at nothing to get what I want.

  And I want Layla Sands.

  I’ve been dreaming about her since the moment I met her and, at first, I thought her constant presence in my dreams was due to the guilt of my actions. But what I felt last night when she forgave me is something deeper, more meaningful. Something I’ve never felt for any other woman. I know it isn’t going to be easy to win her. Her walls are thick and her hurt is deep. This will be a tough fight, but the end game is the ultimate prize.

  As I leave for my morning meeting with Cal at his apartment, I decide I need to see Layla as soon as possible. I take my phone out of my pocket and send her a text.

  Me: Good morning, Angel! I hope you have a great day. Meet me for dinner tonight?

  I place my phone back in my pocket, trying to act calm, cool and collected when really I want to watch the screen in anticipation of her response. Five minutes later, as I’m almost at Cal and Jenna’s apartment, she responds back to me.

  Layla: Who is this?

  Me: The man of your dreams.

  Layla: Seriously, who is this? If this is one of my business clients, this is highly inappropriate and I will report you for sexual harassment.

  Me: This is your new best friend and you would thoroughly enjoy and want more of my kind of sexual harassment.

  Layla: How in the hell did you get my number, Chase? I’m going to kill Robert.

  Me: Robert is a smart man and sees we are made for each other, Angel.

  Layla: Please don’t call me, Angel. No, we aren’t made for each other and no, I can’t meet you for dinner tonight.

  Me: Why not?

  Layla: I have plans.

  Me: Cancel them.

  Layla: No!

  Me: Fine, I will just follow you to wherever you are going and wait for you.

  Layla: Friends do not stalk friends! Besides, I have to work tonight.

  Me: You shouldn’t be working late at night. I’ll accompany you.

  Layla: NO!

  Me: This isn’t a negotiation, Layla. I want to see you. I WILL see you tonight.

  Layla: You’re creepy.

  Me: And you like creepy. So have a great day and I’ll see you later… Angel!

  I can’t stop smiling, despite the challenge that lays ahead of me with her. I don’t know if I’m going to succeed in making her develop feelings for me, let alone love. I‘ve only had one serious relationship in my life, in college, which felt more arranged since our families were friends. All I can do is be me and show her that I’m serious, but I might need reinforcements in the name of Jenna and Robert. I just hope they think I’m worthy of her and will help.

  When Cal texted me last night asking for me to come over this morning, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to give him my two weeks notice. The timing of this meeting couldn’t be better as I can talk to Jenna and Robert as well while I’m here. I put my game face on because this meeting just got more serious than initially intended.

  I arrive at their apartment, the doorman waving me in since I’m now on the approved list of visitors. I take the elevator up and knock once I reach the door. A casually dressed Cal opens the door and motions for me to come inside. I walk in and see no signs of Jenna or Avery, only three suitcases lined up near the kitchen.

  “Going somewhere?” I ask, motioning my head towards my new findings.

  “Taking my girls for a quick getaway to a remote location on Lake Michigan. We will be back in a couple of days.”

  “Where are Jenna and Avery?”

  “I sent Jenna to the spa this morning and took Avery to child care. I will pick her and Avery up by lunch time and then we will head straight there.”

  “Is Robert at the office?”

  Cal raises a questioning eyebrow at me. “Robert is with Jenna, also receiving spa treatments this morning. Why?”

  “No reason. Just need to talk to him about something.” Cal doesn’t need to know about my intentions with Layla just yet. He isn’t my friend, but a client, despite his proximity to Layla because of Jenna.

  “I appreciate your willingness to meet with me on such short notice. Have a seat so we can begin since I’m on a tight schedule this morning.” He waves his hand toward the couch for me to sit. I put my camera bag down and sit on the edge of my seat, my curiosity peaked at what he wants to say to me.

  “As of today, Mason will no longer be with us.”

  “Why? What happened?” I ask, concern filling my voice at this news. Jenna can’t go again without a bodyguard, despite the decrease in the number of paparazzi compared to last year when she was a fresh face and a new story.

  “I always knew that being the bodyguard to the partner of a celebrity wasn’t what he was interested in, but I was hoping he would stay a bit longer. Nevertheless, one of his former Navy SEAL mates called him with a new opportunity that was more exciting than his current job assignment.” He leans forward and looks me squarely in the eye. “When we get back from our trip, I’ll interview new candidates. In the meantime, I would like to hire you to watch over Jenna.”

  I conceal my shock at his request, since I’m the last person that should be considered for the position. “I’m not trained to be a bodyguard.”

  “You already scan social media posts for information on where to find the next celebrity gossip and the whereabouts of those celebrities. This time you will be looking for specific threats against Jenna, Avery and myself. You also have extensive training in Krav Maga. I think you would do just fine if your talents were called upon. Besides, this would only be until a new bodyguard has been hired, which I’m hoping will be in place by the time I leave.”

  “How do you know about that?” I narrow my eyes at him, starting to feel my blood pressure rise at the knowledge that he has had me investigated. Only my family and close friends know about my Krav Maga training.

  “I’ve brought you into my life and that of my family’s. Every person is thoroughly investigated before I make that decision. So yes, Chase, I know all about you. From the elementary school you attended, to the millions of dollars your father embezzled from the family company that is almost in ruins.
” He gives me his signature cocky smirk, leans back, and places one arm against the back of the sofa and crosses his legs.

  I want to punch that fucking smirk right off his face.

  “What do you want from me, Cal?” I growl, wanting him to cut the bullshit and get to the point.

  “I want you to be with Jenna whenever she’s not in my presence until a new bodyguard is hired. If I ever feel that I need you when Jenna and I go out together, you will be accessible. When Jenna and I don’t need you, I want you to follow Layla. I would like for that to start today since we are leaving for the weekend and will not need you to accompany us.”

  This time, I can’t contain the shock that registers on my face, as I wasn’t expecting Layla’s name to even be brought up in this conversation. “Why do you want me following Layla?”

  “Jenna’s concerned about Layla and since she considers Layla a sister, then that makes Layla part of my family. Jenna’s worried that Layla might slip into her old habits, since she won’t be staying with us anymore due to my arrival back in town. So, I want you to follow her and report back to me on her daily routine and activities.”

  “And what if she does revisit her old ways?” I don’t reveal to him that I already have been following her for my own selfish reasons. I want to know exactly what his plans are if she does relapse.

  “Jenna and I will cross that bridge if it comes to it. I’m hoping it doesn’t, as that will upset Jenna greatly.”

  I ponder what he has just asked of me, delaying telling him that I have to depart Chicago in two weeks. This would be a perfect opportunity to get closer to both Layla and Jenna, with the possibility of persuading Jenna to help me win Layla’s heart.

  “How much?” I demand, referring to the price he’s going to pay me for my services. Everything comes with a price and I’m not going to work for free for Cal Harrington when I should be spending all of my time trying to help save my family’s company.

  “I will pay you $75,000 for the next two weeks and will consider becoming a private investor in your company. I expect a tour of your offices and vineyard before I leave to go back to Thailand.”

  “How the fuck do you know we’re looking for private investors?” I ask in disgust, wishing he didn’t know such personal information about me.

  “You of all people know that money can buy you any kind of information, Chase.” He looks at me with a knowing smile and stands up, signaling that this conversation has come to an end.

  Karma, you’re a fucking bitch!

  I stand up and follow him to the front door. He opens the door and like a dog obeying their master, I walk out and turn to look at him from the threshold.

  “I expect your acceptance when I return on Sunday. Have a great weekend.” And with that, he slams the door in my face.

  I stare dumbfounded at the door, not quite understanding how I should feel about what just transpired. I’m upset over the fact that he knows about the trouble Wilson Enterprises is in, but intrigued about what his motives are for possibly even considering being an investor. As I move swiftly toward the elevator, I realize that this might buy me more time in Chicago with Layla.

  And the possibility of saving my family’s company.

  As soon as I get back outside, I call my brother, who picks up after only one ring.

  “Get things ready, Rhys. I just secured our first meeting with a potential investor.”



  How dare Robert give Chase my phone number without my permission! I’ve blown up his phone with obscenities, but haven’t heard back from him since he’s getting treated to a morning at the spa with Jenna, courtesy of Cal. He’s so lucky that Cal asked me to meet with him this morning, otherwise I would silently barge into his spa session and make sure the hot stones they are using on him burn the devil out of his skin. He needs to stop meddling into people’s lives as I don’t want Chase Wilson in mine. I forgave Chase and I want to move on.

  I cross the street to Jenna’s apartment and do a double take as I get closer and recognize the handsome figure of Chase outside of her building. He is talking on his phone and his body language is screaming that it isn’t a good conversation. Even with his animated features, the man is ridiculously hot. Today he’s dressed up more than what I’ve normally seen him in. He’s wearing a white button down shirt, navy chino pants with a tan belt and tan shoes. Aviator sunglasses shielding his eyes and his stylish leather camera bag crossing over his body. He rakes his free hand through his hair and I find myself trying to remember if his hair feels as silky as it looks. There are girls who would kill to have his type of hair.

  I shake my head at how he looks like he can be a model in a Hugo Boss ad and I can’t help but wonder what in the hell his true intentions are with me. By no means do I think I’m ugly, but I have curves in places he has probably never handled on his previous conquests. It makes me even more suspicious as to what his motives are since his looks are in the same caliber as Cal’s looks — meaning he can get any woman that crosses his path.

  I quickly look around to see if there is any place I can hide and watch him from afar, but since there isn’t, I have no choice but to walk past him. Sighing in defeat, I make my way toward him as slowly as I possibly can. Maybe he will be too busy yelling at whomever he is on the phone with to notice me?

  As soon as the thought leaves my mind, he turns toward me and a slow, salacious smile forms on his lips. My traitorous heart starts to beat faster at that smile and I’m immediately put into a bad mood, not wanting to react this way toward him. He tells whomever he’s on the phone with that he will call them back, hangs up, and puts his phone back in his pocket. He walks the remaining distance toward me until we are standing right in front of each other. I will myself to look anywhere else but at his face.

  “What a vision my eyes behold. See Layla, fate wanted us to see each other today.” The words flow so smoothly from his mouth that I wonder if he majored in the Art of Seduction 101 in college.

  “More like a coincidence, Chase.”

  He cocks his head to the side and my eyes catch sight of him unconsciously licking his sensual lips. “Is it though, Layla? I think we do have someone watching over us, wanting us to be together.” His husky voice and words make me shift uncomfortably as images of him naked, kissing down my body suddenly appear. I don’t remember much from our tryst in Las Vegas, but the more I’m around him, the more my body is starting to remember.

  And it’s starting to demand more.

  “Why are you over here and not following Jenna?” I force the unwanted mental images aside and change the subject.

  “I needed to meet with Cal. Why are you here?”

  “To ask Cal to fire you so you’ll stop stalking me.” I try to give him my most serious look, but it’s hard to keep a straight face when he starts laughing. His laughter starts out as a deep rumble in his chest before exploding out. It’s infectious, making me want to laugh with him.

  It’s also damn sexy and makes me want to kiss him.

  Not liking how I’m reacting toward him, I try to side step around him, but he just moves along with me and places his hand against my cheek. His touch sends a shockwave of warmth through me and freezes me in place as he moves that same hand down and cups the side of my neck. He pulls me closer to him and leans down, his breath tickling my ears.

  “I see the way your vein rapidly pulses when I touch you, Layla. Your presences does the same to me.” He lifts up my hand with his free hand and places it against his chest. I gasp as I feel his heart ponding the same way mine is.

  “This is only the beginning of how I want to make you feel when you are ready to give yourself to me,” he seductively whispers in my ear and I try to swallow the saliva that wants to drool out of my mouth over how his words make me burn. I inhale his delicious peppermint breath, which causes me to look out of the corner of my eye at his lips. I almost moan out loud from the proximity of his mouth and the want of sucking on those invit
ingly firm lips.

  If you move over just an inch, you can taste them for yourself.

  Before I have a chance to even consider if I want to make that move, he stands up straight and presses his lips to my forehead. “I’ll see you later, Angel,” he says and walks away.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, willing my heart to stop beating so fast. I take a step forward only to come up short by the uncomfortable wetness that has now formed in between my legs.

  That man has just annihilated my panties.



  I don’t even give Cal the chance to say hello as I race into their apartment the minute he opens the door, mumbling that I need to use the restroom. I run straight to their bedroom and find the extra clothes that I keep stashed away in Jenna’s closet. I groan out a sigh of relief when I put on a pair of new, dry underwear. I find a plastic bag underneath Jenna’s bathroom vanity to use for my wet ones and stuff the bag in my purse.

  Damn that man for turning me into a flustering idiot!

  I come out of their bedroom and slam the door closed. I can’t hide the emotions that are playing on my face as I try to calm down. Anger and embarrassment course through me as I see Cal watching me with concern. I must look exactly like how I feel.

  “Is everything all right, Layla?” he asks softly, handing me a glass of water. I nod my head thanks and down it in a couple of gulps. I place it on the kitchen counter top, take a deep breath, and look Cal straight in the eyes.

  “I want you to fire Chase Wilson,” I demand.

  He narrows his blue eyes and gives me a questioning smile. “And why should I do that?”

  “Because he’s stalking and harassing me.” Cal’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise and I see a quick flash of anger appear in his stare before he replaces it back with his usual look of calmness.


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