Perfectly Lonely: (Let Me In, Book 2)

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Perfectly Lonely: (Let Me In, Book 2) Page 14

by Marin, Jessica

  Fortunately, Jenna’s not a hoarder and already had a lot of her non-every day items in storage. With the help of professional packers, the rest of their personal items were officially moved into storage yesterday. Before we left this morning, I moved in my clothes and the small amount of decor items I kept, which wasn’t much since I plan on starting fresh and buying whatever items I need that Jenna is not supplying me. She’s letting me use all of her furniture since Cal promised she can decorate the new house whatever way she wanted.

  I look over at her sitting next to Robert and start to get a little teary eyed at the thought of not seeing her for a month. As if she can sense I’m watching her, she looks up, smiles and winks at me. She and Robert have been strategizing on what she’s going to work on while being overseas. I don’t see this being a huge change for her since her client involvement started to lighten as soon as Avery was born. Robert has become more of the face of the company, with Jenna concentrating on running it behind the scenes.

  While she and Robert work, Avery and her new nanny, Isla, play a board game. Avery liked Isla within minutes of meeting her and so far, it seems to be a perfect match. I still get a weird vibe at how dismissive Isla was during her interview regarding the last couple she worked for, but obviously, Jenna didn’t have an issue with it and hired her after her background check cleared.

  My gaze wonders over to where Cal and Chase are sitting. They are discussing the itinerary for Vancouver with James, Jenna’s new bodyguard. James has more experience with being a celebrity bodyguard than Mason did and while he’s not as good looking as Mason, he has interacted more with all of us in one week than Mason did in almost one year.

  I close my eyes as I listen to Chase describe to James the venues that we will be visiting. I inhale a deep breath and recall vividly my latest dreams of him, which causes me to cross my legs as heat pools in between them. He has stayed true to his word about only trying to be my friend, but one that doesn’t call or text you. I catch him staring at me sometimes, his eyes so heated with the same desire that I’ve been craving from him, but he has not acted on it and has stayed away from me. His actions have left me disappointed. I open up my eyes and stare at him, realization hitting me smack in the face.

  I want the old Chase back.

  I don’t want to just be Chase’s friend.

  I want those morning text messages.

  I want to hear him call me Angel.

  I want those damn kisses that are molten lava to my core.

  But news of him staying behind in Vancouver once Cal and Jenna depart has left me feeling unsettled. How can I feel this way for someone who will no longer be in the same city as me? We both have the means to try to make long distance work, but do I want to even try? Would he still even want to try?

  The captain’s voice breaks into my thoughts as he announces we will be landing in Vancouver shortly. Cal, Chase and James continue on with their conversation while Jenna and Robert pack up their laptops and stop working. They join Avery, Isla and I near the window to look at the beautiful city of Vancouver, surrounded by mountains and water. Twenty minutes later, the plane’s wheels smoothly touch down and we have officially landed at Vancouver International Airport. Because we’re on a private chartered plane, we stop near a private hanger where a large black Mercedes passenger van awaits for us to disembark from the plane.

  “Everyone, I want to welcome you to Vancouver! Our transportation is here to take us to the house you will be staying at for the next couple of days. We’ll settle in and relax for a couple of hours before having dinner,” Chase instructs as we unbuckle our seat belts and head toward the stairway to get off the plane. The air is filled with excitement as most of us have never been to Vancouver before and are looking forward to the adventure that awaits us.

  Chase plays tour guide for us during our forty-five minute car ride, pointing out some famous sites of downtown Vancouver. Our route then leads us into Stanley Park and over the gorgeous Lions Gate Bridge as we head into West Vancouver. As if I wasn’t already in awe over how magnificent the city was, I wasn’t prepared for the beauty of the French Chateau that is going to be our home away from home for the next four days.

  “Pinch me… pinch me so fucking hard because I think I’m dreaming,” Robert says, as we step through the doors of the mansion to see it is on the waterfront. Chase introduces us to Deborah, a kind looking, older woman who is the executive assistant at Wilson Enterprises. She secured the house for us and gives a tour, showing us the bedrooms, gym, movie room, and kitchen. She leads us back outside to the pool, where there is a large table with chairs and umbrella decked out with food and beverages for us to consume while we enjoy the waterfront view. We all sit down, completely famished from the plane ride, and start to eat.

  “Deborah has made itineraries for everyone during your time here. While Cal and I tour the vineyard tomorrow, the rest of you will go sightseeing. Deborah has listed some of the top destinations to see in Vancouver. Just let Deborah know what time you’ll want to start tomorrow and the van will be here for you.” Chase hands Jenna and Robert her card for them to call. I stare dumbfounded at this new Chase I don’t recognize. I don’t know why I didn’t notice his attire on the plane, but he’s wearing a beautifully tailored suit with no tie, his hair worn down and styled. As much as I love seeing him in casual clothes, there’s something dangerously sexy about a man in a suit. Since we’re on his turf, he oozes an air of control, combined with power, but not in a conceited way. I blink a couple of times, never dreaming about seeing him in this light and I’m beyond turned on.

  “Now, if you will excuse me everyone, Deborah and I will leave for you to settle in. We’ll be back tonight for dinner with more of the staff that we would like for you to meet. Enjoy the rest of your day and we will see you later.” He nods at Deborah, who gets up to leave with him. I hesitate on whether or not to go after him, but with the reminder that my time with him is limited, I decide to go after him.

  “Chase!” I yell, running after him and Deborah. He turns around at the sound of my voice, surprise registering on his face at my wanting his attention.

  “Hi…um, your city is beautiful,” I stammer, not knowing how to start off this conversation with him and feeling like a bumbling idiot.

  “Thank you.” He smiles and looks back at Deborah. “Deborah, I’ll meet you in the car.” She nods her head and turns to leave. “Is there something you need, Layla?” Chase asks, concern on his face.

  “Are you staying here with us?” I swallow, not understanding why I’m being so shy all of a sudden as I have always been the dominate personality when it came to men.

  “No, I’m staying at my condo.” He gives me a questioning look as to why I wanted to know.

  “Oh, okay. Well, if there’s some time tonight after dinner… I… um, would like to talk with you privately.” What in the hell is wrong with you, Layla? Be confident!

  “Sure we can. Are you okay, Angel?” he asks as he studies my flushed cheeks.

  “Yes!” I say enthusiastically at hearing him use my nickname again. “Yes, I’m great!”

  “Okay, good.” He takes my hand and squeezes it. “I’ll see you later then.” And he departs without looking back.

  * * *

  Later that evening, Chase returned with his brother, Rhys, and some important key players of Wilson Enterprises. We all sit outside for dinner, where a chef and a staff of six serves us a five course meal. Dinner consisted mostly of casual talk, with Chase doing most of the talking to try to ease the two sides of his world together. Rhys quietly observed everyone from afar, his face showing no emotions as he assessed each one of us when we played an ice breaker game that their Director of Marketing suggest we play in order to get to know one another better. Four hours later, dinner was starting to wind down. Jenna and Cal excused themselves and said good night to everyone in order to put Avery to bed, who fell asleep in Jenna’s lap. Rhys and the rest of the Wilson Enterprises staff said their
goodbyes and left. Robert persuaded Isla and James to go play a round of pool with him, sensing that I needed alone time with Chase. As soon as everyone was out of ear shot, I got up and sat closer to him.

  “Thank you so much for a beautiful evening. Did you orchestrate all of this for us?”

  He shrugs his shoulders, as if none of this is a big deal. “I just had a vision of what I wanted and Deborah made it happen. You’re going to have an amazing time tomorrow with what she has planned.”

  “Chase…” I start, needing to rip the band aid off and tell him what I’m feeling. “I want to see your world. I want to see your offices, see your home, meet your friends. I really want to understand you better while we’re here in your world.”

  He closes his eyes, his expression pained as he tries to find his next words. “Layla, I can’t keep letting you in, only to have you push me out every time I make a mistake.” He bites his lip and I sense that he’s nervous for revealing that to me.

  Revealing that I’m the one who actually has the power to hurt him as much as he has the power to hurt me.

  I take both of his hands, settle them onto my lap, and squeeze them in reassurance. “I want to try, Chase. I know you’re a good man and I trust you don’t want to hurt me. I don’t want to hurt you either. So, if you aren’t interested in me anymore, I completely understand.” I look down at our hands as he maneuvers them so that he’s the one now gripping mine instead of me gripping his.

  “I will forever be interested in you, Layla,” he growls and the intensity of his voice causes me to look up at him. In one swift motion, he swoops his head down and sears me with his lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and throw myself into his lap, needing to feel him against me. His tongue demands entrance into my mouth and I’m more than happy to oblige. I moan out loud from his delicious taste, my hands holding his head to mine so I can deepen the kiss as our tongues thrust into each other. His hand moves to my breast and starts to slowly caress my nipple through the fabric of my dress. So lost am I in him, his touch, his noises, that I don’t feel the vibration of his phone. When he pulls his mouth away from mine, I whimper at the loss, my head screaming to distract him away from his phone. I start nipping at his neck, leaving a trail of scorching kisses with my tongue back to his mouth. He pulls his phone out of his pocket just as I feel those lips back on mine and for a brief moment, my brain screams victory. It’s only when he doesn’t kiss me back with his normal enthusiastic passion that I realize the moment is gone and fizzled as he’s distracted by whatever he’s reading on his phone.

  He presses his forehead against mine while trying to regain his composure. Disappointment runs through my veins and cools my blood that his kisses had lit on fire. My breathing slows down as I wait for him to speak.

  “Angel, I’m sorry, but I need to go,” he sighs out his own disappointment and leans back so he can look me in the eyes. “I wish I didn’t, but my brother needs me to head back to the office.”

  “Now? But it’s almost eleven o’clock at night,” I ask incredulously, not believing that he’s going to work now.

  “I know, but he wants to go over the itinerary for tomorrow and this is the only time to do it. I’m sorry. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for everyone. Promise me you will have dinner with me? Alone?” His eyes plead with me to understand, the emotion unnecessary as I’m ecstatic that he still wants me.

  “Absolutely!” I nod and give him a soft kiss on the lips. I get off of him and smooth out my dress that is now wrinkled from his roaming hands.

  “Walk me to my car?” He doesn’t give me a chance to answer as he gets up, takes my hand and heads toward the house. He kisses me two more times before he leaves, one of those times coming dangerously close to us having sex on the hood of his car. I watch him drive away, leaving me breathless with hopes for tomorrow.



  My heart is hammering in my chest from the adrenaline that is buzzing through my body as I watch Cal sign on the dotted line; his letter of intent to become our first investor and celebrity endorser in the history of Wilson Enterprises. We had transportation pick up Cal and his agent separately this morning in order to meet us at a hanger for the chartered helicopters we rented to take us to the vineyard. The forty-five minute helicopter ride east provided gorgeous views of the mountains that cascade through British Columbia and Washington State. Once we landed, we spent all day touring the vineyard with the Chief of Staff, who meticulously explained each and every detail that goes into the making of our most famous commodity — ice wine. After meetings and lunch filled with samplings of our wines, we took the helicopters back to Vancouver to have more meetings at headquarters. Cal was gracious and shook every single employee’s hand, signed autographs, and took photos with them before we were able to isolate him in more meetings that included marketing and advertising plans for him. We went over content of the contract we had previously sent to his lawyers and accountants for approval a couple of days ago. Once adjustments on numbers of profit revenue sharing were corrected, it only took Cal and his agent to have a ten minute private discussion before announcing his verbal agreement to our terms. We went over the updated itinerary for the next couple of days as we’ll now do a press conference at the vineyard and have a private party in downtown Vancouver, inviting the most influential people in British Columbia. Those people on the list being other potential investors that Rhys and I have on our wishlist.

  We walk Cal and his agent back to the awaiting transportation and watch in silence as they leave our offices. Once their cars are out of sight, Rhys and I turn to look at each other. I stare at him in amazement as genuine excitement is radiating from his eyes.

  “I can’t believe that just happened. We did it — we fucking did it!” he shouts and before I can answer, he’s hugging me tightly. I wrap my arms around him in return, savoring this moment with him as brotherly moments like this are few and far between. “I feel like I just scored five goals,” he laughs as we break apart and walk back to our offices.

  “Enjoy this feeling, baby brother. All your hard work in saving our family’s business is going to pay off,” I reassure him, wanting him to feel as proud of himself as I am of him.

  “No, Chase. You sealed this deal. We might have physically arranged everything, but it was your vision, your knowledge of the vineyard, your confidence and savvy business skills of putting the deal together. We could never have pulled this off without you.” His acknowledgement of my hard work means the world to me as I busted my ass on this deal and to see it come to fruition sparked that passion that I once had for Wilson Enterprises. I’ve missed this place. I’ve missed the employees. I feel valued and respected here — two emotions that you’ll never find in the paparazzi business. This is where I belong and with the outcome of today, I know I’m needed in order to bring success back to the family business.

  I belong here and the feeling calms any anxiety I had of returning home.

  Where does that leave Layla?

  Shit, I forgot about dinner with Layla!

  So caught up in the emotions of the day, that I lost track of time. When I look at my watch for the time, I’m shocked to see it is past eight p.m. I excuse myself from my brother and race back to my office to find three missed text messages within the last four hours from her:

  Layla: Are we still on for dinner tonight? If so, what are the plans?

  Layla: Hope you are okay since I haven’t heard from you.

  Layla: Couldn’t wait anymore for dinner. Enjoy your evening.

  I quickly rattle off a text to her, asking her to pick up when I call in five-seconds as I know she won’t if she’s mad at me. I hit send, count to five very slowly and call her.

  “Angel, I’m so sorry,” I say as soon as she answers. “With Cal agreeing to the contract tonight, we had to quickly call all the vendors we had on hold to give them the green light for the events we’re going to have during the next two days announcing our partnership with him.�

  “So, you’re still at the office?” she questions, her voice sounding less angry from when she answered the phone.

  “Yes, Angel. I’m still here. We have some more work to go over before I can leave. I didn’t realize I left my cell phone in my office until I saw the time and how late it was. If I send a car for you, would you come to my condo tonight when I’m done?” I plead in a husky voice, my need to see her overtaking my thoughts.

  “I’m already snuggled up with Avery, watching a movie.” Disappointment laces through me, but it’s my fault for not getting in touch with her sooner.

  “I understand. No excuses tomorrow, I promise. Tell me about your day,” I ask, not ready to hang up yet as I’m curious about her thoughts on Vancouver.

  “It was a wonderful day. I think we hit up every major tourist attraction in Vancouver. Avery loved the aquarium. I can’t get over how beautiful it is here,” she marvels and I love hearing her appreciation for the city I call home.

  “Do you think you could ever see yourself here?” The need to know if she would ever be willing to move here for me is overwhelming.

  “Never say never, Chase. Leaving Chicago always seemed like an inconceivable idea to me. But, now I can see that it isn’t anymore.” I smile at her answer, those words exactly what I needed to hear. “Tell me how your day was? When Cal returned, he told us all about your beautiful vineyard and seemed excited about the partnership.”

  “Today was long and tiring, but absolutely amazing. The team has worked so hard to show Cal what an elite partnership it would be and it looks like their hard work has paid off. I’m so proud of my brother and everyone who has worked such late hours.”


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