The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection)

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The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection) Page 4

by V Bertolaccini

  He was sure Hess had intended to give the jewels to someone in exchange for favors, and he knew that Hess intended to visit the Duke of Hamilton, and he wondered if it had been for Britain to surrender in the war with Germany, and if so it could have been of great value!

  His mind went straight on the metal box they had found down the well and he recalled the pieces of glass that they had found inside it. Surely if all the metal around the jewels had corroded and the jewels had been in mud long enough they might have turned out looking like glass.

  Why had glass been in it? Why was there a metal box there? He had proven that the metal box could have been of German origins and from that era.

  It was amazing that they never actually properly checked them in the light of day and it was thrown away!

  He pulled himself upright with the help of the rope and released the rope’s tightened grip around his body, and he shivered at the coldness and from his thoughts.

  He cleaned dust away from his clothes and casually gave looks around him for anything he might have missed and in the debris, and wondered what the outcome of it would be, and he realized that Dory was now staring down intensely from above, and he had the feeling she would avoid coming down, and wondered how ridicules it was as if it was an atomic bomb she would end up disintegrated and up in the clouds with him, and he wondered if she thought of it as a normal bomb, like one of the bombs that had landed on London during the war, and if it exploded he would be the only one to get it in the chamber, and he waved directly at her and she waved back and smiled.

  There was only one object there and the black sphere and an attachment surrounding it, and he was surprised at the actual size of thing and the expense it might have cost, and wondered why he had not noticed, and he walked around it examining it, considering what it could be and what they would have used it for.

  Its black material still staggered him with its extraordinary energy pulsating through it, with its pure magnitude, more than anything he had encountered before, and he wondered what the hell it was doing, and who it had to belong to, and he wondered if they had discovered it like the alien object that had crashed in the wood, and it belonged to the government and military, and he shined his torch over it and studied bits of it in detail about it, and slowly examined its perfectly symmetrical black sphere central region for anything.

  He analyzed a region with markings and was sure that it activated it in someway and he touched it and it activated it and he wondered why!

  The whole sphere opened up and he stood staring at its inside in wonder, wondering what the hell it was! The whole thing and interior was like some fantastic deep sea craft that was so advanced he could not recognize anything. Most of it was black and there were flickering illuminations given off things he could not see, and for some reason he climbed into a type of seat at its center and sat examining what could be controls of some sort and something monitoring its function.

  It surely was not a bomb and he considered its function as a flying or space vehicle but could not recognize anything.

  He rested motionlessly, staggered at it, sensing something was going to happen, and considered getting out and he heard Dory and its opening shut, enclosing him away from the outside world, and he prepared himself for what could happen!

  Echoes of her voice and their last conversations haunted his mind. What the hell had he done? Why had he done it? Surely he could have avoided it!

  The thing seemed to turn hyperactive about him and power blasted through it and he prepared himself for something, but he never knew why, and he tried to check its basic function, which he tried over and over to gain proper awareness of. Why was it there and why was it sitting there waiting for someone to get into it and do something?

  It had to be a control seat he was in, but where were the controls to alter and deactivate it?

  He tried resting and ignoring it and felt sleepy, and casually wondered if he could be trapped there.

  When it activated for real he barely noticed anything. His mind was wandering through all the occurrences that had led up to its discovery, and him digging up the floor above, and him finally entering the mysterious chamber.

  Energy explosions blasted out across everywhere with so much force that it made his hair stand up and it even seemed to threaten to make space and time unbalanced or destroy it, and he wondered what damage Downing Street above would be subjected to!

  An explosion of blinding radiance left him stunned and he firmly shut his eyes but still saw it and he sat back calculating what problems he could face! From its intensity and colossal powers he sat firmly gripping the seat, keeping himself firmly against it, contemplating the dangers and his chances of survival.

  It was unbelievable and he wondered why he had even contemplated there not being real danger at one point, and it was his thought of it being an atomic bomb.

  He seemed to see glimpses through the object’s shell and saw that it was a perfect black sphere, clearly of highly advanced origins, for whatever it had been designed for, and that the sections that were at the side of the sphere had clearly been left behind somewhere, and he wondered where he was and if the building had entirely vanished.

  An immense whirlpool of shifting lines of energy formed and shifted strangely about its exterior and he studied it for a long time, and realized for a moment he never had any body or proper presence, and was something else, and some form of force formation! It was swirling through an outer vortex that replaced his reality with a mind-bending display of something that he could not recognize!

  The strange thing was he felt something else was there with him! Something else about him! Something controlling it and what it did! Though it was part of its existence seemed to be somewhere else!

  He frequently watched the sphere become entirely invisible and as though he was floating through something, with him invisible, and outside of energy formations, and he occasionally heard the sphere functioning and perhaps doing what it was supposed to.

  He realized things that could exist and that it could be controlled by telepathic transmissions and he wondered if it could create visions powerful enough to trick his mind, and he wondered why Dory wanted him to visit it so much!

  Silent roars of colossal power blasted out in the back of his thoughts and reality was a blur of swirling lights.

  Sickening lurches of the sphere shuddered through him as it located itself at different points in time, making vast leaps right across time, as it vanished and emerged in vast strange and mind-bending regions, emerging about him as though he were floating through places in the past as a ghost, as it checked and searched.

  With an accuracy and capacity inconceivable it explored time, and he sensed what it was searching for!

  Then startling views of normal space and time appeared everywhere, as the sphere completed its mission, and he lost consciousness as everything appeared and he emerged at a location in the past.

  Chapter 4

  The Final Solution

  (From the novel The Alien Artifact 6)

  The voyager was tremendous and they had surrounded it with all their equipment, even embedded through the ice below, as they attempted to study it as far as they could. Its powers were immense and it was found to have many other powers existing beyond the universe, in outer dimensions and time zones.

  A Russian scientist announced to Willis and Weaver, “We have the technology to communicate with it!”

  “I will still have to create a first contact situation mentally with it!” Willis answered firmly. “It is not going to easy!”

  “So what’s happening?” Weaver asked, anxiously waiting for a reply to what was occurring, after days of watching them at work, and Willis preparing himself.

  “I’ll tell you what I know!” Willis stated, wishing Weaver to know what was happening. “It was damaged and the controller/entity crashed it into this world and next to the ice station, mainly due to the transmissions from the equipment and telescope that they have bel
ow the station that has been repeatedly transmitting first contact messages throughout the stars for many years! I believe it intended to repair itself or have us do it for it! Even in its dormant state it attempted to revive its voyager! Its energy was also exhausted, and it crashed deliberately, where it believed if it was not helped either that it would be revived someday if it remained on a world like this! They would find a way to revive it or something!

  “It chose me and in its dormant state had shown me what had happened to it, but it had been unsuccessful in what it had intended to do.

  “It chose to allow one of the Russians to make another contact attempt to check if it had missed something in its dormant state and it was unsuccessful again, and it had rewarded him with what he had wanted and an ultimate weapon that could win world wars.

  “It could not use him or me in the state we are in! It could not alter us without killing us! It is far too weak to think properly and control the voyager and needs an altered human that will be able to do what it wants, and I believe that it has enough energy to get to a powerful energy source to revive its energy supplies and its own energy and repair itself.”

  “Did you get that from it?”

  “I got most of it through communications and from experiences with it! I am ready and I am going to persuade it to take me aboard again!”

  Willis rested and concentrated on thoughts that he had accumulated and moved near the voyager, and where the entrance was located, and they all watched the entrance hole appear and they fitted a ramp under it and he climbed up into it.

  Weaver gasped and felt something from somewhere like something incredible was about to take place.

  “I believe that what’s active now is the equivalent to our subconscious mind!” a scientist announced from Weaver’s side, sitting at some equipment monitoring what was happening. “While it is in a type of sleep or suspended animation, which carries out various functions for it.”

  Weaver was left confused in what Willis intended to do and started to see the problem in more depth, and it might not work.

  “I am picking up communication thoughts from it!” the scientist announced. “I believe that he is persuading it to make a copy of him for some reason! No! He wants it to make an altered version of him that can carry out what it wants! It has accepted it and is creating the copy!”

  Weaver watched all the scientists stop work all around the voyager, waiting for something to happen!


  Colossal explosions of energy blasted out with so much force that they threatened to start doing damage to the physical universe, and he imagined space and time becoming unbalanced and warped, and he wondered what damage the world could be subjected to!

  Echoes of conversations haunted his mind as he considered why they had not moved away when they had activated it!

  The vast powers surrounding them were staggering and Weaver wondered why he had not considered the entity as being dangerous and he felt sorry for Willis and wondered if he could escape alive, and he contemplated the dangers and his chances of survival!

  The voyager had formed a perfect energy form of itself, clearly of transcendent origins, and pulsated in the center of the cavity, as all the scientists sheltered around the rim of the cavity, and he wondered why nobody attempted to try to make it to the doorway into the Russian base, and looked there and saw people near there were rushing there.

  An immense whirlpool of energy lines magically began shifting around it like the rings around Saturn, and he studied it for a long time and realized that it had no proper presence there any longer and was some form of force formation, while the rest remained in other dimensions! There were signs of the vortex reshaping by its energy patterns!

  The voyager frequently turned visible in a translucent energy state, and he heard it functioning, and he had sensations and visualizations of the depths of the universe.

  Everything around him seemed to alter into a mind-bending dream of altering displacements as the voyager completed its mission, and he felt dizzy as everything transformed and the voyager vanished, leaving emptiness and a massive empty cavity.

  For a moment he had a weird sensation about something happening, and he saw Willis walking calmly up towards them, along the cavity edge.

  He watched some scientists nearby calibrating their equipment and anxiously checking what their equipment had recorded!

  All the scientists there seemed to realize that it had worked and that it had achieved its mission!

  “What happened?” he immediately asked Willis as he arrived at where they were. “Did it fully work?”

  Willis smiled brightly, and replied, “Yes! It has returned to where it came from!”

  “Wherever that is?” Weaver gasped, and felt deep excitement!

  He realized he had survived it, and the most dangerous mission he had undertaken so far, and at the bottom of his pocket he felt the two parts of the alien sphere, where the microfilm had been, and he wondered if they noticed! The material was the material the voyager had been made of and the indestructible material, and he considered what value it would have if they recreated it!

  Chapter 5

  The Particle Accelerator Gateway

  (From the novel The Alien Artifact 6)

  Weaver had hunted through complex computer data on the origins of the voyager for what must have been hours until they had detected his presence, and he was sure they had only allowed him to live to explain how he had got there!

  To his surprise he had been put in a cell at the moonbase with Lucas, and he realized that he had completed the mission of locating Lucas on the moon!

  Lucas looked ragged and had been trapped in the cell on his own for a long time! Grunts and sounds Lucas gave took strange tones about the strange underground low gravity cell, and Weaver could scarcely believe that he was the leading scientist!

  Weaver had to strain his eyes to see him in the dimness, while he considered what he had, and he decided to try to solve his accumulated queries and he started by giving him information on himself, and he finally asked what he had on the voyager!

  “Its origins are not an alien source!” Lucas announced, biting his lower lip hard.

  Weaver wondered if he was giving facts or theorizing, and swiftly replied, “How did you find out?”

  “They questioned me and I gave them my identity! They checked up on me! They trust me now and reveal confidential information! But they are not letting me go as I know too much!”

  He clearly was not positive if they would allow him to survive, and they were clearly waiting for something to happen!

  “From what origins is the voyager?” he asked firmly.

  “Its origins are you!”

  Weaver gasped and immediately laughed out loud, seeing he was being comical!


  “It originates from you!”

  Weaver thought he had either gone mad or he had after being hit on the head.

  “The material that object you call a voyager is in fact the material that you discovered at Ice Station X1. You gave them the alien sphere of the indestructible material, which the alien voyager there was made of, which had a microfilm in, and they managed to find out how to make it!”

  Weaver gasped and recalled the alien sphere, and him handing it over to his military intelligence agency, and that it had been the only object that they had left from the alien voyager!

  “They discovered how to make it then! But how did they manage to build a replica of the voyager?”

  “They never! They used it for something else!”

  Weaver could not understand, and recalled wondering if they could in fact use it and of what use it would be!

  “That object you call a voyager was an earlier experimental version!”

  “Of what?”

  “You have been in Moonbase X1 and Moonbase X2?”

  “Yes! They told you!”

  “Well, this is Moonbase X3!”

  Weaver realized that they had
actually built three, and wondered what the hell they were playing at!

  “What was it built for?” he moaned.

  “All three were originally built for research, for scientists and laboratories, many years ago! Each was to research the moon and things in low gravity in different ways. Moonbase X1 has the lowest confidential clearance, and X2 the next, and Moonbase X3 is the most classified! Only the most secretive experiments and technologies are used here! Usually for the military! Most of its research is to this day still highly classified!”

  Lucas rested against a wall and put his feet up on a chair in front of him.

  “They were given the particle accelerator projects years back, and they have been brought back to life with all the discoveries that they have been producing!”

  “What has that voyager object to do with particle accelerators?”

  “The first created a time warp, which they managed to trap in a magnetic field, in a spherical chamber. The second moonbase created forms of black holes, and built up a form of black hole in a magnetic field, in a spherical chamber. But they were unable to make the time warp or black hole do anything for them!”


  “Well, they have been carrying out experiments here with that voyager shaped object, with its indestructible material, and have been detonating their most advanced and classified mass destruction explosions in its sealed interior! To test and discover the outcome! Their past experiments of confining such explosions have not been altogether successful until now, and they have been blasting holes out of space and time with it!”

  “What did they find?”

  “Their research was incredible! But it was useless because when they used the process of opening the object the gateways kept closing! But they managed to get the information that they wanted!”


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