The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection)

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The Deadliest Alien Artifacts (Story Collection) Page 8

by V Bertolaccini

  “It is new!” Mortimer finally declared, after observing its movements, and he watched it as if he had been waiting all his life to see it, and gasped a few times, and examined what he was looking for, and even looked staggered a few times.

  “What do you make of it?” Mortimer eventually asked, as they sat in some seats. “We still have nothing given on its identity!”

  He started consulting quietly with Merton and other scientists around them joined in, but they still seemed to avoid giving a firm answer or anything.

  Mortimer eventually tried to talk them into doing something, and announced, “It seems to me to be still in an energy form and trying to become solid, and parts of it occasionally take some solidness! We can barely see any of its proper features though! I think it has been altered into something by something! Perhaps to survive here! It must have many incredible hidden powers, which we have not encountered before!”

  “It has a very mysterious nature!” Merton replied first. “I think it may be using some form of technology to reform itself, and it may or may not be successful or it may take far longer to do. It is handling the situation! Its may be trying to adapt!”

  “We don’t know what the hell that is?” one of the security guards behind them moaned. “Do you have a way to capture it? We have not heard of anything like it!”

  Bryson wondered again if the two paranormal scientists thought it was of paranormal origins and were avoiding ruining their reputations, and a short time later he heard them mention it in a silent debate with each other.

  What surprised him and a few others the most about them was how they reacted and treated such things when there was a suggestion of there being supernatural there, and he wondered again if they had something or were actually covering up something else?

  He now wondered if they actually did find anything if they would show it, and if what they showed would it ever be enough to prove its existence and that they were dealing with something supernatural?

  Explanations by people could easily prove that it was not, which usually was the case, and the thing in front of them was highly advanced and could easily be an ancient alien form.

  They started consulting with each other openly on what it could be clearly attempting to get the others to give them their thoughts, while leaving things open to anyone to add to and the other scientist to add their thoughts to freely.

  What they mainly agreed to was that they thought it was new and had an entirely new status!

  After a great deal of discussions and surveillance, checking of new and old readings, and of observations through monitors from every form of surveillance, from all the equipment everyone brought in and set up around the phenomenon at every good conceivable angle, they all remained set on leaving everything on what could happen open, and they took in all the information, and only admitted to it was more advanced than anything that they had seen, and perhaps would see at many angles.

  For some reason it never seemed to acknowledge them! Bryson was sure that it knew of their presence. If it was advanced as they claimed, he wondered why it never left there, as it could easily shift away and surely go through walls and get away.

  They continuously considered what would happen next, as it was not clear anywhere. They would just have to wait for whatever the outcome would be!

  He was sure it was attempting to transform into something and adapt to its surroundings, and wondered how dangerous it could be? Could it make itself invisible? Or teleport itself to somewhere else? Though it currently looked as though it had limited powers or damage that was stopping it doing something.

  All the scientists conclusively had a meeting and agreed to begin the activation of a screen around it, where they would use anything that they could to confine it to where it was, to stop it escaping, and work on a way of removing it from the museum to a safe location, away from public regions.


  The Energy Bubble

  Forms of the being consistently rematerialized and altered within the energy field they activated around it, with it floating over the center of the artifact, while all the scientists stood in a circle going right around it, examining it close up for the first time, and they stood staggered when they grasped how human it actually was, and tried to grasp what it was doing and if it was in pain.

  Bryson was also staggered and even wondered if they were responsible for what was happening to it, and if they were underestimating its powers and what it would do if it freed itself?

  It resembled a magical being, or magical human! Its normal state captured their imaginations, and they repeatedly tried to grasp what it was! What was it doing there? Why had it chosen where it had been? What had happened?

  At times it expanded in size and took the appearance of a shocking giant demon shape, glowing with energy, as it altered and whirled with hideous energy surges, while something seemed to consistently stop it vanishing.

  He wondered what the Exploration Association scientists intended to do with it? They surely would have to remove it from the museum? Or would they place it there as one of their exhibitions? It was famous and an interesting science exhibition! There was a rumor of going around of them doing a deal and that they would leave it there until it formed into what it was forming, or they no longer wanted it. Yet someone might eventually remove the energy field around, and something might happen?

  It was an incredible discovery and advertisement for the Exploration Association and the public would love the exhibit!

  The entire area at the back of the stage and scientists was now covered in equipment and scientists studying information about it, with many close examinations of the energy bubble examining all the new forms of energy discovered earlier.

  The energy bubble still altered time and they checked its field and power and what it did at different points about it, and the scientists reacted immediately when they received new unknown findings.

  It looked as though it were rupturing space and time and playing with it in its energy sphere. It had strange properties that were crazy to them! Perhaps due to it being damaged in some way was the main explanation! It was creating alterations in the fabric of space and time, but could it allow some form of gateway into the depths of it to exist?

  While the media captured the global media, greater amounts of principal scientific groups became interested and countless principal global scientists arrived and carried out numerous fundamental and complicated research and experiments throughout it, using more advanced and unheard of equipment, while others monitored and stored as much as they could, in greater degrees.

  Yet nobody could still determine its origins or if it came from this universe! It even seemed that they could be there the rest of their lives exploring it and not coming up with the proper explanations to its origins and use, never achieving their goal.

  Bryson occasionally shuddered as he studied its shape hovering over the artifact!

  The abnormal antics of some scientists at times also captivated him, mystifying him with the depth of their nervousness and fear! Some repetitively studied the readings and their equipment and with alarm, preparing themselves for something that he saw the two paranormal scientists gradually become aware of!

  What the hell was it? What was the thing? Was it really a supernatural entity? Could something go wrong?

  Something at one point seemed to be happening and there were great alterations in the being and energy bubble and the scientists began swiftly studying it everywhere.

  Then one morning Bryson received a message to go immediately there as there was something occurring, and he knew straightaway that the conclusion to something was about to occur, and on the way there he realized that it had been doing something and taken all the time since its appearance to do it, and he was sure it would have normally have done it instantly and that it had trouble doing it!

  Once he saw the being’s formation and its thick denseness and the artifact and energy field going crazy he turned silent and obser
ved everything he could with Merton and Mortimer, and the other major scientists there, from behind a protection screen.

  A sudden swift flash exploded out at the center of the artifact and temporally blinded them, having them all covering their eyes, and some made sure cameras were observing it in the brightness, and Bryson saw what was occurring by shading his eyes.

  The energy in the artifact was colossal and the technology behind it fascinated everyone! It would be worth billions if they could recreate it!

  Bryson gasped when he saw the reactions of Mortimer and other scientists when the brightness and activity began vanishing and he wondered why, and saw they were waiting for something, and the outcome of everything there to come to a conclusion!

  Then the figure of a man walked out of the bright light, and he suddenly staggered about, and walked up to the protection screen and knocked on it as hard as he could!

  The scientists removed the entrance gate and helped him out as though wondering how he had been left inside the confined region without them noticing.

  Nobody knew him or had seen him before, and Bryson wondered if it had copied the human looks from someone? But he could not recognize anything and the man looked altered somehow. He looked like a more advanced version of a human! Like a genetically altered human! He wondered if he was now a new form of species of human?

  The man spoke strangely and with some trouble, and showed that he had some bad disability.

  “Who are you?” Merton asked him, first.

  “What year is this?” he replied, holding himself upright in pain.

  When Merton told him he was stunned and collapsed across the floor, and sounded as though he was dieing, and the scientists started helping him and phoning for medical support.

  Many studied his body and found what they believe was improvements to it, and he had been altered into a more advanced human, but even with his improvements they knew he was about to die, and they saw the artifact and that it had been destroyed.

  After seeing everything, and knowing the outcome, Mortimer swiftly began questioning him, trying to get as much as he could from him. All their work could be meaningless if they never got answers to what had occurred and where he had come from!


  The Time Traveler

  The time traveler launched and vanished into the past leaving all the people at the launch site gasping from the pure magnitude of the forces and explosive exit, and it became clear to everyone that the colossal expense, time and trouble, and vast dangers to the time traveler would end time travel.

  The world’s first time machines were time probes and were original used to probe the near future, where they were recovered within days, and had their accuracy and recordings checked. Most vanished completely, and the ones that were recovered showed why they were only random lucky arrivals, and many that appeared were detected at sites all over the world, with the majority damaged in collisions.

  The time traveler and time machine mission had taken many years of work, and a great deal of information also had to be accumulated as they had been trying to discover a time disturbance that had been detected in the past, where the use of a time machine had been proven to have been used.

  The other time machine and its accuracy and power had clearly not been created by any human! The technology behind it surpassed anything that they had encountered!

  They believed it even surpassed anything in this universe and had been created by something they could barely imagine, and the time traveler had his mission carefully planned and been given technology that they believed could capture the other time traveler, and what it used to travel through time.

  The time traveler traveled further into the past than any other human before had traveled, and his time machine swiftly blasted out of his century into what resembled a constant explosion, which would have destroyed his time machine if it had not been designed to withstand virtually anything thrown at it.

  The time traveler considered following it to where it had come from, where he believed it had vanished to after its mission, and after his mission he intended to reappear approximately one minute after he had vanished into the past, at the launch site.

  The time machine resembled some form of highly advanced missile, and he constantly examined it and his mental controls searching for damage and for signs of powerful forces acting upon it, and it was undamaged and working properly, but when it entered a time zone, and stopped traveling through time, the forces at its entrance damaged the time machine, damaging many of its functions, and he discovered the incredible speed he was traveling at through the atmosphere, and at a far faster speed than he should have been, and before he crashed into the ground something hit the time machine.

  Chapter 8

  The Alien Encounter

  (From the novel The Alien Artifact 6)

  Out of the silent empty Antarctic night high-powered rifle blasts were astonishing, especially in the fatal blizzard engulfing Willis! The explosions sounded so powerful he believed they were using some form of powerful explosive in the bullets!

  Whoever was after him had to be crazy and out for the kill, and stupid for entering them into such a blizzard and fury of snow! He could not realize who was there and just accepted that they might be trying to kill him for being a leading scientist at the ice station!

  Ice Station X1 had to be located in the coldest and most remote place on the planet! Even in the summer the place had been deadly cold to him! As far as he was concerned there was nothing there to kill for and nobody there that he thought capable of doing so! It and the coldness made him cringe, and blindly rush on through the blinding blizzard, lost.

  A loud explosion blasted out and a bullet thudded somewhere nearby and he had to run through the dark snow landscape for his life! He dared not use his light and he could barely see anything!

  The men could be heard over to his side and he realized that they could have infrared sights and he just dived into a pile of snow, and buried himself deep. Surely they would not find him!

  Once he realized that nothing had happened he started to enjoy the rest and being free from being attacked. His mind raced through what had occurred! Yet he only realized that the location that he strolled into had been a region that nobody at the ice station went in, and he started to wonder what was there.

  Why would they go to such lengths to kill him? What could possibly be there? What could be there in such a desolate place?

  When he finally left where he was and started to return to the ice station, he started tracing where he had been where they had appeared and started looking around, and strolled around and found something buried beneath a region on flat snow, which he wiped the snow and ice away from and revealed a wooden cover.

  Below it he found a vast hole going straight down deep into the ice below, which had clearly been hollowed out with some large powerful machine, which he had not seen there. Yet the region was vast!

  Who had dug such a hole? And he wondered if it was by some foreign country that intended to destroy the secret military station?

  It was then that he discovered an old rope and harness buried away in the snow, and knew he had a way to climb down, and he decided to investigate it, while avoiding being killed by them or the blizzard! He was sure it had been dug for a reason and that something was just below him!

  He swiftly attached the ropes and fitted the harness around him and shifted in, and turned on his light, and covered the top with the wooden cover.

  Mind-bending sounds and echoes from the haunting blizzard screamed down through the ice shaft with fury and left him stunned at the dangers, and no matter how he tried to shake it off and contemplate identities his thoughts never formed stable recognitions of what was occurring in the blizzard above!

  The ice that the tunnel went through fascinated him as it was different from the regular ice below the ground there! It looked to him to have been formed from water that had melted and had been frozen quickly afterwards!

>   Clouds of powdered snow and snowflakes swirled down and through the beam from his light and he continued to release the rope, edging him down, seeking to discover what was below.

  He realized that he had avoided being killed after all and wondered if he was going to be killed later, when he climbed back up and went outside.

  He groaned as he moved down, realizing the mistake he was making and the trouble he would have getting back to the surface and trying to find the ice station in the dark.

  He stopped and dangled about on his rope and examined how the tunnel had been cut, while glimpsing parts of the shaft above, and was surprised again at how large and expensive the equipment used must have been.

  He had always wanted to investigate some great mystery and it had even helped lead him into becoming a scientist, at such a far out desolate location, and he wanted to explore more. He had wanted to explore and discover new things of value and greatness, and perhaps even be remembered in history somewhere!

  What interested was why they had gone to such lengths to kill him, and why he had not known about the tunnel! Surely they had a way of examining below the ice and would have done it while constructing the underground ice station, especially with it being of so confidential and belonging to the military.

  What treasures could be hidden away in such a region, with it being one of the last not properly explored regions?

  What was he dealing with though? Why were they trying to kill him? Were they protecting something that they had hidden there?

  Something of unfathomable unidentifiable nature could be under him and he had to explore it!

  As he lowered himself progressively he started to realize the depth of it and that there could be something there!


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