Violet Among The Roses

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Violet Among The Roses Page 5

by Cricket Starr

  The uncertain feeling she’d had before returned. How could any woman resist this man’s warm caring regard? His hands, while they held her firmly to him, were gentle, caressing. He was claiming her as his own.

  But only for two nights. That was the problem. How could she make love to a man she’d know for only a short period of time? She didn’t doubt his promise that he could teach her that love existed for her—but what of the next day when he returned to his previous existence and left her behind? How would she cope with that?

  As she debated with herself, Nick took the initiative again. Bending his head, his lips brushed against hers, much as they had earlier in the park, and again in the bath. Tentative and hesitant, it was not the kiss of an experienced lover, but of one new to the role.

  Still, his lips moved against hers in the most beguiling fashion. He may be new to the role, but he was a quick study. His near-innocent kiss left her gasping for more.

  She tasted so good. Of their dinner, to be sure, and then there was the sharp tang of the wine they’d drunk. But beneath it all was another flavor, that of woman, of Violet, the sweetest flower of them all.

  Surely no other woman ever tasted like this, all sweet and heady, with an earthiness as well. He felt like one of the honeybees that gathered in his garden, dipping into a flower well for its nectar.

  If her mouth tasted this good, imagine what the rest of her was like. That thought left him eyeing her clothing, the bulky sweatshirt and jeans she’d donned after their bath. Why would a woman with such lush curves hide them behind these shapeless garments? He vowed to divest her of them as soon as possible—sooner, if he could get her cooperation in the matter. That seemed likely. From the glazed expression in her eyes, she must be feeling some of the same arousal flaming through his veins.

  His penis was standing up again and it had been relatively quiet since erupting in the bathtub. What would Violet say to that? Maybe that was one reason for wearing baggy clothes, to hide passionate reactions.

  Better distract her before she noticed. He gathered her into his arms and took her to the nearby couch, the soft cushions looking like a fine place to continue their activities. Kneeling, he deposited her, freeing his hands to pull on her sweatshirt, lifting it to seek the warm globes hidden by the thick fabric. Violet gasped when he found them and slid his fingers across the tips of the hardening nipples, repeating the actions he’d noticed she liked so much before.

  Soft and firm, smooth and silky. That’s what a breast felt like…and here he’d thought them to be hard things, like the ones he’d seen on marble statues. In reality Violet’s breasts were like ripe peaches, luscious orbs. Heavy and thin-skinned, they moved under his hand, an exquisite sensation. Violet squirmed as he explored their softness, kneading them gently.

  “I want to taste you, I want to know the sweetness of your flesh,” he crooned into her ear. He tugged on the edge of the sweatshirt, bringing it up to uncover her fullness. Oh, so round, so full—they did resemble peaches, very ripe peaches. He leaned in to taste their tips. So sweet, succulent—the taste of sweetness and cream. Intoxicated by her flavor, he tried each of them in sequence, trying to determine which he liked better, left or right. Did they have the same taste, or not? Was this one more like honey while the other had some lingering tartness?

  Violet moaned under his ministrations and he raised his head to gaze at her, noting the rapture in her eyes. “This is pleasure for you, as well?” he asked, breathless.

  She wet her lips and he felt a moan of his own rise. “Of course I enjoy it,” she told him, her voice throaty with passion. Pulling off the flower-covered sweatshirt, she dropped it on the floor next to the couch. Her shy smile was sensuous as she leaned back.

  Naked from the waist up, she was the most beautiful creation he’d ever seen. His hardness ached at the sight, his mouth watering in anticipation. Once again he dipped his head to lick, lave, nibble, and caress her tender globes, enjoying the sweet noises she made as he did.

  Eventually her hips began to wiggle on the couch, as if with a mind of their own, and the action drew Nick’s attention. He gently stroked the area where her legs met, and was rewarded by her sudden gasp as her crotch rose to meet his hand.

  This seemed even more sensitive than her breasts were. Intrigued, he ran his hand under the front of her pants, found the dense forest of curls under her silky undergarment. As he fingered them, her answering groan told him she liked his playing there and he resolved to get her pants off her.

  Unlike the jeans she’d given him, these had only one button and a wicked looking metal closure that consisted of teeth and a metal tab. While he continued to caress her breast with one hand, he used the other to ease open the button and then pulled on the tab. It failed to open as he’d expected, so he pulled harder.

  Violet’s amused chuckle made him realize his actions hadn’t gone unnoticed. “Would you like some help with that?”

  He gave up control to her, and she lifted the tab up to pull it carefully down the line of metal teeth. As they parted, he could see the silky underwear he’d felt, a light rose color not unlike the tips of her breasts. The comparison dried his mouth and made it hard to breathe.

  Underneath the silk were dark curls matted against her skin, the same color as her hair. She pulled off the jeans to drop them on top of her sweatshirt and all that lay between his eyes and the rest of her flesh was that scrap of pink silk.

  The urge to tear it off was strong, to shred it, removing the obstacle. But that felt too violent for this encounter. Violet was opening to him, like a flower unfolding from a bud, and that was not a process that went better for hurrying. Instead he touched the delicate fabric, fondled her through it, and felt her answering arousal in the dampening of the silk at the crotch, the pink darkening to a deep rose color.

  “You’re getting wet.”

  Her abrupt laugh was breathless and when he glanced at her face her cheeks were as pink as her undergarment. “It’s normal, Nick. It’s meant to make it easy to slide into me…with your…you know.”

  Feeling heat rising in her face, Violet broke off. Her role as teacher was hard. She was having a wonderful time at Nick’s hands, but his innocent questions kept embarrassing her. Now he smiled at her answer, his brown eyes dark with desire, caring…and something too close to love for her comfort.

  She should stop this, put her clothes back on and deny him any further contact. But it felt so good to be wanted by anyone, much less this lovely young man with his gentle hands and loving smile. What harm would it do if they were careful and used protection?

  Besides, if she’d understood him right, he’d given up a date with an accomplished seductress to be with her. She owed him something for that.

  Violet guided his hands to linger at the edges of her pink-colored underwear. Still holding them, she directed him to pull the panties off, lifting her hips to make the job easier. Kneeling before her, his face turned rapt, alive with eagerness and interest as his gaze took in the skin, hair, and folds now revealed between her legs.

  He spread her legs gently, examining this place of feminine mystery for the first time. Thin folds of skin formed lips around a sizable opening into her, surrounded by muscle that clenched at his finger as he gently touched it. The pathway leading to it held more folds of skin, partially obscuring a small nubbin that seemed to throb under his scrutiny. He took his finger and cautiously touched it, and was rewarded with a sharp cry from Violet. Nick glanced up to see her blue eyes wide, her tongue frantically licking those perfect lips of hers.

  “Tell me what I’m looking at, sweet Violet. Give me the words.”

  Her eyes fluttered and she refocused her gaze on him. As her breathing slowed, she pointed to the nubbin he’d discovered. “That’s very sensitive. It’s called a clitoris, or…just clit.” Guiding his hand to the muscle-bound opening, she said, “This is the opening to the vagina. That’s where…” Her voice trailed off as he moved his hand into the opening and felt the
muscular walls contract again.

  Nick eyed the thin flow of fluid building in the entrance and made the connection for himself. “That’s where my penis goes,” he answered for her. “I understand.”

  He explored the area with caution and wonder, careful not to hurt her, but too intrigued not to touch the secret places this woman had. It was sensitive, particularly the pearl-like clit, which made her gasp when he touched it, but even touching the soft folds and area around the vagina caused moans of pleasure to build in her.

  “Does a woman feel the sort of thing that I felt…” he hesitated, not knowing exactly how to put it. “That is, when you held me in your hand and I…?”

  Violet opened her eyes and smiled. “You mean can I have an orgasm? Yes,” she laughed. “Although it’s been a while…”

  “I told you, you have been with the wrong men. I will give you pleasure.” Nick spoke firmly, with complete conviction. “Show me what to do.”

  “Show you?” Confusion crossed her features.

  He moved her fingers to where his had been. “You must know how to pleasure yourself. I’m afraid I’ll do it wrong without your help. Use your hand to pleasure yourself and show me what to do. Please?”

  At his pleading tone and earnest face, some of her shyness faded away. Feeling more than a little self-conscious, she gently fingered the now-hard nubbin of her clit, using the juices leaking below to wet the area. He watched as she did it, saw the nubbin actually grow, and her gasp of breath when it throbbed under her fingers. She moaned and her hips twisted.

  It was like watching a blossom bud and flower, the way she reacted, the way she let loose of herself, the way a bud set loose its petals. Her fingers moved in abandon and she reacted in accompaniment, Violet in full bloom.

  It was magnificent to see the way she reacted. It made him long to be her fingers, to replace them, to be the one to give her such pleasure. When Nick thought he understood the procedure well enough, he added his fingers into the mix, sliding them over hers, and inserting them into her vagina as well.

  Violet’s actions changed then…she moaned louder and her hands abandoned her crotch, leaving it to his dominion. She reached for Nick’s shoulders, pulling him closer. His mouth hovered over the tip of her breast and without thinking he dived to it, lips clamping onto the nipple, suckling it. Her shudders grew even more intense and she let loose a short scream that communicated her pleasure in no uncertain terms.

  When he stared into her eyes, they were so wide with astonishment and passion, Nick couldn’t stop the laugh of joy that erupted from him. “I did it, didn’t I? I gave you an orgasm, Violet.”

  Too breathless to answer with words, she nodded. A laugh of her own came out of her, hesitant and thin. “I’m not sure I’ve ever done that before…quite like that.”

  He gathered her off the couch and into his arms, held her close to him, resting her in his lap, nuzzling her neck. Her sweet scent flooded his nose, the flower smell of her hair and skin mixing with the muskier fragrance of her sex, some of which clung to his fingertips. It was a heady mixture, arousing, and his sex throbbed in reaction to it.

  Such a powerful feeling, to be able to give pleasure to another. With every touch he’d given her, she’d felt more like his own, that she was his to touch, to taste, to love.

  Oh to have that for longer than just these few nights. His mind and body rebelled at the unfairness of it all, that their time together would be so fleeting.

  But a bargain was a bargain, particularly when you bargained with a goddess. Day after tomorrow he’d be a statue again, but his soul would have learned what the rest of the world knew.

  What it was to love.

  Chapter Six

  Violet finally recovered her wildly blown senses, to realize she was sitting in Nick’s lap, his warm, strong arms cuddling her close to him. His lips brushed her cheek and she felt the warmth of his breath.

  “What comes next, sweet Violet? What part of loving do we do now?”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, bare under her cheek. Bare? Of course it was bare; all of him was bare, same as her, the pair of them sitting on the floor of her living room without a stitch on.

  If Gary could only see her now! He’d always said she was too modest, a total stick in the mud when it came to sex, and here she was stark raving naked in the arms of a man she’d met just that afternoon, a man she’d never see again after tomorrow. Gary would never believe it. She could have never pictured herself like this before this evening.

  But then, that was before she’d encountered Nick and agreed to help him learn about love.

  Two nights and one day, that’s all they had. There wasn’t any time to be coy, to be shy; no time to waste.

  He was here to learn about sex with her as his teacher, a role she’d never have picked for herself, not in a hundred years. But it was her job and she was going to do it.

  She drew herself from his arms and stood, glad she was only a little shaky after the mind-blowing orgasm she’d just experienced. Nick still knelt on the rug, his face wondering. For a moment his pose reminded her of the statue he’d been, although his marble skin was now tan in color.

  She reached over to touch his cheek, his beautiful eyes gazing into hers, and her heart melted at the deep affection she saw there. No time to waste at all.

  “I think now we’d better move to the bedroom.”

  His smile was breathtaking as she took his hand, pulled him to his feet, and led him down the hallway.

  * * * * *

  The bedroom was still disheveled from her clothing hunt earlier, but Nick barely noticed that as they approached the bed. A bed! Big, wide, and probably soft. It might even be bouncy. He pressed down on one edge and watched it spring back.

  Nick couldn’t resist a happy grin. Excellent. It would make an ideal surface for lovemaking.

  He wrapped an arm around her as she pulled the covers back to reveal sheets covered with pale pink flowers. Slipping from his arms, Violet moved to kneel in the center of the bed.

  A brief smile crossed Nick’s lips as he realized what he was looking at. It was Violet, his Violet, naked and surrounded by roses. Violet among the roses, just as she’d been when he’d watched her earlier this evening. His heart turned over, and he knew for certain that the odd feeling he had whenever he looked at her was more than mere affection, or lust.

  What he felt for Violet was love.

  He loved Violet, now, tonight, tomorrow, and always. Whenever he thought of her from now on, it would be this image of her he’d imagine, her sweet smile and gloriously lush body, waiting for him on a sheet of flowered fabric.

  Waiting for him. She held her hand out and for a moment he hesitated, trying to preserve the image of her for all time, embed it firmly in his heart. Then he could resist no longer. He took her hand and slid onto the bed next to her.

  Bending toward her, he captured her lips and they kissed, again and again, her taste once more a revelation to his mouth, the sweet essence that was Violet. Once more he wondered if she tasted the same all over and this time resolved to find out. Pulling away from her lips, Nick trailed kisses down her neck, letting his tongue touch her skin, absorbing her flavor, comparing it as he kissed her from her top of her shoulders, along the ridge of bone there, then down to the beginning of the swell of her breast.

  Violet lay back on the bed, letting him crouch above her, giving him leave to touch, kiss, and explore all parts of her in the soft light of the bedside lamp.

  He ran his tongue around the outer edge of her softness, encircling it in a narrow spiral until it ended at the peak of her nipple. There he stayed for a moment, feeling the soft bumps and ridges of its pebbled surface.

  In the park he’d heard the occasional mother with her infant offspring, nursing it at a nipple much like Violet’s. Ruthlessly he killed the image that thought conjured, of Violet nursing his child at her perfect breast.

  When it happened, if it happened, it wouldn’t be his child.
Some other man would plant that seed in her, watch it grow, watch her turn from lover into a mother, and take possessive pride in that transformation.

  Some other man would have his Violet as his wife, not him. He was lucky to have her as a lover, even temporarily.

  Nick tore himself away from drawing at that single nipple and instead alternated between the two, suckling her nipples until her hips were once more gyrating wildly beneath him and her breath was coming fast. He reached down his hand to the soft mound of curls and it flew upwards into his fingers, telling him how close to orgasm she was again.

  But he didn’t plan to use his fingers this time. He wanted her taste, all of her tastes, to be on his tongue when he again turned to stone.

  Nick continued his downward progress, kissing the tender skin at the base of her ribcage, moving across the softness of her stomach, lingering for a moment at her navel, so petite and filled with interesting smells and flavors.

  But he had one more place to explore and he got back onto track, trailing a line of kisses to the top of her curls, the same mossy brown as her hair.

  And it did look like moss, brown and clinging as on the side of a rock, but this moss covered a much softer substance than stone. When at last his tongue touched the narrow cleft her soft hair hid, the taste nearly drove him out of his mind.

  Nectar was never as sweet, and salt not nearly salty enough. She was sweet and salt, tart and mellow, all rolled into one intense sensation, the epitome of all flavors. He let his tongue slide across her clit with one deft motion that left her breathless, then moved her knees up to open her more to him, give him access to all her honeyed parts.

  Violet couldn’t stifle her groan. She watched as Nick lapped at her folds, his eyes closed, soft moans coming from him along with soft comments about her sweetness. It was all she could do to keep her head with his version of foreplay. She’d come apart once already at his hands, and now he seemed intent on making her do it again, this time with his lips and tongue.


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