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Replacement Page 11

by Wojciech Cram

  other means."

  "You would wish us to fight?" She nodded. Duncan's eyes bore into her. Her mind felt fuzzy. Outside the walls Cain had erected for her she could feel his mind trying to reach hers,

  to feel out her thoughts. "It would cost us many lives. Why?"

  Beth held her chin up proudly. "Because it's better to fight and have some live to carry on our ideals than to sit by and be exterminated."

  His mind pulled back from hers. There was the slightest shift in his broad shoulders. He hadn't been able to read her mind. "Bethany, we must discuss the rest of this without you


  "What? Why?"

  "Thank you for your input. We will take it into consideration. We won't be able to discuss anything, however, because this involves your life too." He paused, fixing the collar of his

  shirt and slowly letting his eyes drift to her face. "You are a member of Daybreak. Sometimes it means that you must put your fate in the hands of your elders and peers, as you

  would do with the people who would die fighting these dragons. Now it is time for you to share their fate: what happens to you will be decided by us. You will have no sway in the

  decisions of this council, just as I will have no say when I take our answers to my leaders. You are excused."

  "I'm sorry," Storm said slowing and look down an alleyway cautiously. He then turned to look at her. "Not exactly the best birthday, huh?"

  Tasha took his hand in both of hers and smiled. "No, actually, I had a great time."

  A smile broke across Storm's face. "Good. I'm glad."

  "Come on, we should head home." Tasha said tightening her grip on his hand slightly, walking in front of him, and pulling him around the corner only to come face to face with

  another hunter, or rather, huntress. Thinking quick Storm stepped in front of Tasha, pulling her behind him protectively.

  Something happened, though, that broke huntress's concentration because as soon as she saw Storm, her deep violet eyes (quite contrast to her silverwhite hair) widened, and she

  let out a small gasp. Her dagger clattered audibly to the alley floor. Her mouth hung slightly open.

  Unfortunately for her Storm had already flung his fist toward her, the only thing in his mind protecting Tasha. He'd never forgive himself if she got hurt or—heaven forbid—died

  because he was too slow to react.

  The side of his fist connected with the huntress's cheek. She let out a startled yelp, causing Storm to wince, and collapsed to the ground, still in shock.

  It took Storm a moment to realize that he felt bad for hitting her. Which was way out of character because he hated all hunters. All of them! But this specific hunter…. Just looking

  down at her made his heart ache and it scared him!

  "Come on, before she gets back up!" Tasha whispered pulling him. He stumbled a few feet past before he got control of his body again.

  "Wait." he said something tugging at the edges of his memory. This feeling that had arose inside him, roiling like fog, was eerily familiar. His breath caught in his throat as those

  tender, homey feelings washed over him. His whole body tingled and, with a hitched breath, he realized what was happening. Who this could be. Because only one person in the

  entire world could arouse those kinds of feelings. Feelings that he'd never, ever, felt in his entire life for anyone.

  "Wait?" Tasha hissed as Storm pulled his hand out of hers and slowly walked over to the huntress who hadn't bothered getting up. "What do you mean wait?" But Storm wasn't

  listening, he kept walking forward. "Storm! What are you doing! She's a hunter! This could be some kind of trick! An ambush! We have to get going!"

  Storm turned quickly to look at Tasha. "Just… just trust me on this. II think I know her." At this Storm's eyebrows furrowed. Tasha just looked at him like he was crazy. "Please,

  just… give me a minute. If I die then you can say, 'I told you so.'"

  Tasha's lips twitched but she crossed her arms and regained her composure. "Not funny."

  Storm smiled. "It was too, and you know it."

  "Storm—" Tasha objected.

  "I know what I'm doing," he promised before turning back around to the girl. "I think." he added in a mutter taking another step.

  The huntress, who had her head turned, her hair forming a curtain, blocking her face completely, scrambled back, away from Storm as he came closer. That is until she hit the

  brick wall. Still she didn't move, get up, run away. She simply sat there, her head turned away.

  Storm knelt down next to her and hesitantly reached forward to rest a hand on her shoulder. She jerked her shoulder out of his grasp and pushed herself closer to the wall.

  "II'm not going to hurt you." Storm said quietly.


  After a moment he stepped over to the other side, but she merely turned her head to the right. Again, Storm reached forward slowly and rested his hand on her shoulder.

  "I just need to ask you something." he said lamely. She responded by pulling away from him. As she did this, her bare arm brushed his fingertips and a shock went through both of


  Finally, the huntress turned her head toward him, her eyes wider than before, and locked eyes with his.

  Tasha walked over and covered her mouth with her hand. "Is that the Vigilante?" she asked in stupefaction. "That can't be."

  But it was.

  As if in a trance, Storm reached forward, barely breathing in and out. The girl sat there, staring at him, frozen. He delicately took the edge of the mask between his thumb and

  index finger and started to peel it off. The Vigilante turned her head away slightly, closing her eyes.

  Storm shook his head, the mask dropping out of his now numb hand.

  No, he thought. Just no!

  Not her! This soft, elegant thing? A hunter? Now way!

  Then his eyes flickered down and noticed two small, identical bumps on her neck. They were slightly agleam in the dim light of the moon. Still quite fresh.

  That's when he knew. He didn't want to accept it. Here it was, though, almost like a slap in the face.

  It was her.

  She was the infamous Vigilante.

  She was…

  "Emerald." Storm breathed.

  Emerald didn't know what to say. She slowly turned her head back and looked at Storm. His eyes sparked with anger and hurt and disbelief and betrayal. Emerald opened her mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. What could she say? How would she explain this?

  "You're girlfriend's the Vigilante?" Tasha asked.

  Storm turned toward his friend annoyance flashing in his eyes. "She's not my girlfriend. I met her, like two weeks ago. We've only hung out once." he defended, turning back to

  face Emerald again.

  "Still!" Tasha exclaimed. "She's the Vigilante! I can't believe this!"

  But neither Storm nor Emerald were paying any attention to her. They were staring at each other again. Not moving, not speaking, no words able to describe what happened a

  second ago. But, finally, with one last small shake of her head, Emerald leaped up, grabbed her dagger, and dashed back down the alleyway. Just like that she was gone, engulfed

  by the buildings surrounding them.

  She didn't stop running for anything. She just ran and ran. Thanks to all her training, it didn't take much out of her, even in heels. However, the shock of it all was taking a toll on

  her. She had just let two vampires know her identity! That was like the golden rule all hunters needed to keep! It was especially dangerous with a reputation like hers.

  The doorman opened the door for her and tipped his hat. She gave him a weak smile and nodded as well, her chest was heaving, but she slowed and walked calmly and civilized

  into the lobby. The ride up to her floor was quiet, but as soon as Emerald got into her suite, she had something close to a meltdown.

Dammit!" Emerald growled throwing her fist against the wall making sure not to punch a hole. She went into the bathroom and ripped her wig off and threw it to one side before

  quickly taking her colored contacts out. Letting out a heavy sigh she rested her palms on either side of the sink and stared at her reflection in the mirror, but then she saw those


  Storm's wonderful, electric blue eyes, glittering with pain of deception.

  Emerald let out a hiss and dropped her head, letting her hair fall around her.

  But he's a vampire! She yelled at herself. Then again she could argue that it was her fault she didn't realize that he was a vampire in the first place! But, how was that even

  possible! She was one of the best, most skilled hunters here in New York! How could she not tell that Storm was a vampire?

  She couldn't have been losing her touch… could she? He was just one vampire. She knew how to determine if a person was a vampire or not. Heck, she'd done it not even a day ago

  on her way to school. All it took was a glance and she'd know.

  But how did she not know that Storm was! She'd come into contact with him more than once, she'd been inches from him and still, nothing screamed danger when she was around

  him. Just the opposite, really. When she was around him, all sensible, conscious, logical thoughts seemed to just disappear whenever she saw him.

  Now that Emerald thought of it, he made her feel… strange: warm, safe, happy. Like she could trust him, like should could let her guard down around him. Which was a ludicrous

  thought because he was a vampire! He was a dangerous, coldhearted killer. She would never be safe around him, not that she was ever going to be around him anymore.


  She was never going to see or speak to him again.

  Emerald looked back up at her reflection in the mirror. Her face had hardened into a mask, her jaw set, her eyes flashing wickedly.

  And if he ever wandered into her territory again, she'd kill him.

  "How was school?" Adrian asked as Storm came in. However, Storm didn't answer because he was lost in thought and hadn't heard his father.

  He closed the door and started for the stairs.

  "Storm," Adrian called. Still no reaction. Looking around, Adrian took a pen from the small table he was standing next to and threw it at his son. It hit him in the back of the head.

  "Ow!" Storm exclaimed, his hand reaching up to rub where the pen had hit him instinctively. He turned to look at his dad. "What was that for?"

  "How was school?" Adrian repeated.

  "Fine." Storm muttered turning back around and continuing his ascent up the stairs.

  "Are you all right, son?" he asked. Storm stopped again and looked down at his dad.

  "I'm fine." he answered before turning.

  "Is there something you want to talk about?" Adrian persisted before Storm could take another step.

  "No." he stated flatly not bothering to look at his dad this time.

  "Are you sure?"


  "Storm—" Adrian started.

  "Dad, I have a lot of homework that's due tomorrow. I don't have time for Twenty Questions." Storm interrupted pivoting around to look at his dad. When Adrian didn't say anything

  Storm headed upstairs once again.

  "I know about the human girl, Storm." Adrian finally said stopping Storm dead in his tracks.

  Storm spun around. "Did Tasha—"

  "No." He didn't elaborate.

  "Then how—?" Storm started.

  "I am your father. Now, are you going to come down here and explain what all is going on, or do I have to ground you for the next month?"

  With a heavy sigh, Storm descended the stairs and followed his father into the living room. Adrian rolled his eyes and muttered, "Teenagers." under his breath as he sat down in

  one of the chairs. Storm dropped his backpack and overdramatically fell onto the couch opposite of his dad.

  He stared moodily out one of the windows.

  "You're eighteen, act it." Adrian said slightly exasperated. "Now, what's this about a human girl?"

  "ItIt's nothing, Dad." Storm told him unconvincingly. It didn't help that he was averting Adrian's gaze.

  "Now, son—"

  Storm's head snapped up and he met his father's penetrating brown eyes. "What is there to talk about, Dad? She's human. She's… she's a… a hunter." He snarled the word, his

  hands clenching into fists.

  Adrian sat back and stared at his son calmly. "Do you want to talk about it?" he finally asked.

  Storm stood. "Frankly, no, I don't want to talk about it." He picked up his backpack. "And I wasn't just making an excuse. I do have a lot of homework I need to finish tonight." He

  slung one of the straps over his shoulder. "So, if you'll excuse me." With that, he turned his heel and walked back upstairs to his room.

  Adrian sighed heavily and pinched the bride of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. "Teenagers." he hissed.

  They were screaming and shouting. Emerald couldn't tell why, but she wished they'd stop!

  With a heavy sigh, she rested her head into her arms and stared glumly ahead at the white walls of the cafeteria as her friends continued along with their excited shouts and talk.

  "Isn't this great!" Carter exclaimed looking at Emerald. Emerald didn't respond.

  "Anybody home?" Danny asked waving a hand in front of Emerald's face. She didn't blink, didn't budge.

  They all sat back down, crowding around Emerald finally realizing something was wrong with their friend.

  "Maybe she's asleep." Danny suggested.

  "With her eyes open?" Mackenzie pointed out.

  Danny shrugged defensively.

  Carter tapped Emerald's shoulder. "Hey, Emma," she said knowing that'd get some response out of Emerald. And she was right… sort of. Emerald simply turned her head to glare at

  her friend.

  "Don't call me that." she said in a monotone.

  Carter would've laughed but the look in Emerald's eyes stopped her.

  "Are you all right?" she asked concerned.

  Emerald turned her head back to the space on the wall. "Fine." she muttered.

  "Um… listen," Mackenzie started slowly, not believing her at all, and hoping this news would cheer her up. "Shaun White is going to be at Air Skate and Air Jump Corporation. We're

  all going, including Anthony."

  Before Mackenzie could invite Emerald she said, "Well you can count me out. I'm not going." Just then the bell rang. "I'll see you guys later." she mumbled getting up, slinging her

  backpack over her shoulder and sulking off to her next class.

  All three of her friends exchanged worried looks.

  Emerald took her usual route home, but wasn't on her skateboard. She was still thinking about last night. She was angry with herself, angry with Storm, angry with those

  feelings she got whenever she was near Storm, angry with how horrible she felt when she came to the conclusion that she was going to kill him if she ever came across him again.

  He was a vampire. She shouldn't feel bad about killing him, but she did. She dreaded thinking about killing him. Sometimes she'd even wish she'd never see him ever again. That

  way she could avoid the inevitable.

  Emerald walked slowly with her head down, not noticing the other person, who was also moping, head down as well. And they were on a collision course, too busy to notice each

  other until they crashed.

  Emerald gasped, dropped the books in her hand and quickly pulled back.

  "I'm so sorry—" she started until she looked up and saw who it was. She froze for a second before bending down to pick up her things and rushing off in the direction she came and

  decided to take the long way home, through all the foot traffic.

  When she opened her door though, the first thing she saw was her three friends: Mackenzie, Carter, and Danny standing in
the far corner of the small living roomlike area of her

  suite. A large banner was hanging above them that read: INTERVENTION. They were all holding letters in their hands.

  Emerald made a face, swiveled around and started to walk back out but her friends rushed up to her and blocked her path.

  "Wait, wait, wait!" Carter objected. "Just here us out."

  "How did you get in here?" was Emerald's response.

  "That's not the point now," Mackenzie said. "Just come in and sit down. You can't run away from your problems forever."

  "Guys, come on… I don't need an intervention." Emerald complained as Carter took Emerald's hand, Mackenzie the other and led her in while Danny closed the door.

  "They're right you know," Danny commented as Emerald sat down on the couch.

  "I don't have issues and I'm not running from anything. What made you think that anyway?" Emerald asked staring at her crazy friends.

  "You love Shaun White." Carter pointed out.

  "Okay… and," Emerald beckoned for them to continue.

  "You don't want to go see him when you have the chance." Mackenzie said.

  "This is, like, a once in a lifetime chance and you're not going!" Danny exclaimed. "You could talk to him! Get his autograph on your board or something! How can you turn

  something like that down?"

  "I'm just not in the mood." Emerald said shrugging like it was nothing.

  "We're your friends, you can tell us anything." Carter said softly, sitting down next to Emerald on the couch.

  She shook her head. "I can't tell you, sorry."

  Mackenzie sat down on Emerald's other side. "Like Carter said, we're your friends. Talking about it makes everything better." she coaxed.

  Emerald sighed quickly thinking of something she could tell them. "It's just… a boy." she blurted.

  "Oh, great." Danny groaned making a face, while both Mackenzie and Carter simultaneously said, "Aw, honey," sympathetically.

  "It's not that big of a deal, jeez." Emerald frowned.

  "She's right, let's move on to the subject we were really here for." Danny quickly interjected.

  "Oh, shush!" Carter reprimanded giving him a hard look before turning back to Emerald. Danny rolled his eyes and fell into a chair opposite of the couch, with his arms crossed.


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