Falling Star (Combustible Book 2)

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Falling Star (Combustible Book 2) Page 25

by Brandy L Rivers

  “Yeah, look, that’s the least of my worries. He was in my house just now. My security failed. No alarm went off while I was in the bathtub. The police are on the way, but I’m freaking out. Just tell me you’re at the ranch and it will only take a couple hours to get here.”

  “Of course, but need your address. What about your sexy fireman? Why isn’t he there with you?”

  “He’s actually at an emergency. You know, putting out a fire—that thing he does for a living. Please, Ryan, come out. Bring O’Neil with you.”

  “We’re on our way. Don’t stress. We’ll figure this out. And you better have your gun in case he’s still there.”

  “Oh, I’ve got it.” The knock at her door made her heart skip a beat, and she looked out the peephole. Marissa stood there with her partner, Ben. Ella opened the door and stepped back, putting the gun in her waistband. The safety was still on. “Call me when you’re close. The police just got here.”

  “We’ll be there.”

  “A gun?” Marissa asked. “Tell me you know how to use it.”

  “Of course. I had training, not just with blanks. And I have the permits.” Ella took a breath. “Want to see the paperwork?”

  “No, I trust you. But I’ve known enough people who never bothered to learn. That almost always leads to problems.”

  Ella managed a tight smile. “I’ve had a stalker for years. I wanted to be prepared.” She snorted. “Obviously, it didn’t help last time he got his hands on me, but that took a car accident and a concussion.”

  Marissa nodded, her brow arched. “Show me what’s going on.”

  * * * *

  Ella sat in the corner of the living room, where she could see all the open spaces. Marissa and Ben had taken her statement and gathered what evidence they could. They tried to convince her to leave, but she had stayed put so there was a cop car on the street, watching.

  Didn’t take long before she regretted the decision to brave it out. At least, Ryan was on his way with his security expert who could take care of the problem Ben found when he’d checked the box.

  The buzzing startled her, but Ella picked up her phone. We’re here.

  She stumbled to her feet, still shaking from the ordeal, and made sure Ryan was on the other side of the door. Relief flooded her as she threw open the door. Ryan scooped her into a bear hug. O’Neil stepped in behind him and squeezed her shoulder.

  “Hey, Raven. Long time no see,” O’Neil said with a pinched brow.

  “Ella, please call me Ella. I’m sure everyone’s figured it out since the video, but damn it, I really wanted to leave Raven in the past.”

  “That will take some getting used to.” O’Neil nodded inside. “Show me the system, Ella. I’ll go from there.”

  She took them through the house, showing O’Neil everything the security guy had pointed out when she first had it installed a couple days after moving in.

  Back in the living room, Ryan took Ella’s hand. “You’re shaking like a leaf, angel. This is really getting under your skin, huh?”

  Her teeth ground together before she managed an answer. “I was in the next room, naked, in my bath. I thought the video was as bad as it was going to get. Apparently not.”

  “You need to sit.” Ryan escorted her to the chair and she curled up, pulling her legs to her chest. He started for the kitchen “I’ll get you something to drink.”

  “I’m fine, Ryan, please. I’m not thirsty.”

  “Pshh… if you were fine, you wouldn’t be in this state.”

  She put her head down and pulled in a slow breath. If she hadn’t been so stupid, she wouldn’t be in this mess. No, she urged Trent to go to work, where he was supposed to be. And now, she could really use his arms around her, telling her everything would be okay before carrying her to his house.

  O’Neil sat on the coffee table before her and leaned forward. “Looks like this guy hacked the system, then rerouted the feed. I wouldn’t be surprised if more sex tapes show up.”

  She shook her head frantically and blinked back tears. “I didn’t have cameras installed in every room. Just the entrances.”

  “They’re connected now. This guy has been in your house, at least a couple of times.”

  She couldn’t breathe and closed her eyes tight.

  Ryan dropped down beside O’Neil and handed her the wine glass. “Drink up. It will help you relax.”

  She shook her head, holding the glass off the edge of the couch, avoiding the smell.

  * * * *

  Trent didn’t know what the hell was going on, but Ella wasn’t answering her phone, and Mila only said two men showed up at her house. Worried sick, he slammed his truck door shut and drove to her house. Sure enough, a black Escalade was parked in her driveway.

  He stormed up the driveway and banged his fist on the door. Ryan King’s brow arched as he opened the door. “The fireman?”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Trent snapped.

  “Whoa, calm your ass down. I’m not here to take your woman. I’m here for a friend.”

  He looked past Ryan to find another big man standing next to Ella, who sat huddled in the chair, hugging her legs to her chest with one arm, and hanging onto a wineglass with the other hand. The other guy stared Trent down, his massive arms folded over his broad chest.

  Trent glared at the stranger. “And who are you?”

  “A friend, and the guy fixing her security issues. Seems Logan Manchester, formally Logan Poole, has been in her house, probably more than once.”

  Trent brushed past the movie star and knelt in front of Ella, who didn’t look up. Tears stained her face. He’d seen Tina like this so many times he’d lost count. Lost in a sea of depression, drinking to drown the pain. He stared at the glass of wine and the wet spot on the carpet beneath it.

  Ella didn’t say a word, too lost in her thoughts to realize he was there. Fear gripped him tight as his mind started filling in the blanks.

  “Are you drinking?” His tone was harsher than he meant, but he didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

  Her head snapped up, her eyes narrowing. “Excuse me?”

  Slowly shaking his head, he sneered. “You let two men come in here and give you alcohol?”

  Anger filled her blue-green eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Are you drunk? How long have they been here?”

  She climbed out of her chair and backed away from him with a blank mask on her face. She took the glass with her, not spilling a drop. “You really think that’s what’s going on?”

  Standing up, he huffed. “I don’t have a clue what the hell is happening. You aren’t answering your phone. Then I find Ryan King here, with I’m hoping his bodyguard, and you’re not saying a damned thing.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she turned away.

  The big silent guy spoke up, “Hey, man, you should probably back off before you regret the next thing coming out of your mouth.”

  Trent turned to stare up at the man. He had a good three inches on him, built like a bodybuilder, and wearing a military-style haircut. “Would someone tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  Ella glared at him. “Logan was here… while I was in the bath. I came out and found ro-roses and lav-lavender strewn across the b-bed. You were busy at a fire, so I called Ryan and O’Neil.”

  He tore the glass from her hand and slammed it down on the table. “And this? You turn to alcohol because some asshole got in here? I thought you were smarter than that.”

  Ella walked away, shutting down.

  He stepped toward her and O’Neil pushed him back. “I warned you to think before you spoke.”

  “Nothing to say?” Trent demanded of Ella. “Is this how you deal when I’m not here and you fall apart?”

  She turned and climbed the stairs without another glance. Trent tried to follow.

  O’Neil slammed him down in the chair. “Hey, she doesn’t need that bullshit. She’s on the edge as it is.”
  “No shit. So why didn’t she call?”

  “Last she heard, you were on your way to a fire. You never called her.”

  “I’ve left three messages and several texts.”

  Ella returned downstairs with a small suitcase and headed for the front door. Still no words. Not even a glance in Trent’s direction.

  Trent shoved past O’Neil and stepped into Ella’s path. “Where the hell are you going?”



  She closed her eyes and a single tear fell. “I thought you were different. Surprise, I was wrong.”

  He reached for her, and she stepped back, shaking her head. “Ella, talk to me,” he demanded.

  “Why? You have all the fucking answers.” She turned and went out the garage door.

  Before he could take a step, Ryan pushed him back. “Oh no. You’ve done enough damage. I want you to think about this for a moment. Did she smell like alcohol?”

  He glared back. “I don’t know. Neither of you allowed me close enough to find out.” He pushed his way past Ryan and watched Ella drive away. “You going to just stand there and let her drive drunk?”

  “You’re a damned moron,” Ryan snarled. “I gave her a glass of wine. She didn’t even take a sip, and she wouldn’t have even if you hadn’t shown up.”

  “And I’m supposed to believe you?” Trent shook his head. “I’m not even sure I believe anybody right now. She called you instead of me.” He tried to walk past Ryan, but the actor shoved him back.

  “Don’t be jealous. Ella and I have been friends a long time. But she’s got all the wrong parts.” He glanced at O’Neil, who nodded. “I’ve been with Shannon O’Neil here for nearly as long as I’ve known Ella.”

  Trent looked to O’Neil, who answered, “Yeah, that’s right, we’re a couple.”

  “Shit. Fuck!” He pinched the bridge of his nose and stepped back. “I need to find her. I need to apologize.”

  “Hey,” Ryan said, stepping in front of him, “before you go find her, you should really think about what you just did. Did she tell you why she left Hollywood?”

  “Reporters always assuming shit.”

  “And what did you just do?”

  He pressed at his eyes. “Why the hell didn’t she say something?”

  “When one of those assholes gets in your face, if you respond with anything, they usually find a way to twist your words and use it against you. She learned to be silent years ago. It’s the only way to deal with that scum. When you start throwing shit at her, why would it be any different?”

  “I just need to talk to her.” He slipped past them both, toward his truck and started dialing.

  The first time, her phone rang twice before going to voicemail. The next three calls went straight there.

  Desperate, he looked back at the house to find Ryan locking up and O’Neil standing next to him. “Ryan, O’Neil, I’m sorry. I know you have no reason to trust me, but if you talk to her, tell her to call. Please.”

  Ryan returned an expression full of pity. “I’m willing to bet it’s going to take her time to listen. She trusted you, and you broke it by doing exactly what everyone does to her.”

  “And that’s why I need to make this right.”

  O’Neil shook his head. “Did someone spiral out of control because of drugs or alcohol?”

  He nodded. “My father, my sister. And today we put out a fire at the same meth house where I dragged my sister out a few years back. Shit… I know better. She looked so broken, and then I saw the glass.”

  “We’ll talk to her,” Ryan promised. “It’s probably going to take time. If you care about her, and it seems you do, just have patience.”

  Trent asked for Ryan’s phone. “I’ll put my number in there so you can get in touch with me.”

  Ryan handed over the phone. “I hope you haven’t fucked up too much. She really loves you.”

  “I love her so damned much it scares me to death to think I might have lost her already.”

  Ryan patted his shoulder. “I’ll talk to you soon, one way or another. Maybe we can help. But if you ever pull this shit again…”

  O’Neil finished, “I’m going to beat your ass so hard you’ll wish you never laid eyes on her.”

  “Don’t blame you there.” Once he was back home, he sent a text.

  Ella, please, I was wrong. It will never happen again. I love you.

  He didn’t expect a response. Not yet. He needed to find a better way to get through to her, to make her understand.

  Chapter 38

  Lakeridge Inn was quiet and comfortable enough, but Ella’s emotions were on empty… and she felt like a fool. She should have told Ryan hell no to the wine instead of shutting down. She knew Trent had issues with the stuff, and after what he’d told her about Tina and his father, she really couldn’t blame him.

  Still, that didn’t give him the right to assume she was an alcoholic, or turning to drinking. He hadn’t asked, just accused. Bastard didn’t even find out if she was all right after she told him Logan had been in her house, in her bedroom, while she was in the damned tub, naked and vulnerable.

  Tears filled her eyes all over again. He’d sent a dozen texts. So had Mila. If she called Mila, she’d only tell Trent what was going on, and where to find her. She wasn’t ready to face him.

  Her heart ached too bad to listen to a thousand excuses. Ella was terrified she’d take him back and he’d break her open all over again. She needed time to build her courage before talking to him. Once, she could forgive, but a second time would shatter her already fragile heart. Before she could talk to him, she needed to know she had the strength to walk away if he jumped to similar conclusions in the future.

  Someone knocked on her door and she covered her head, wishing everyone would leave her alone.

  “Angel, it’s me,” Ryan called.

  She swung her legs off the bed and made her way to the door. “Tell me you didn’t have pity on that asshole.”

  “Shit,” Ryan muttered. “Yeah, but he’s not here.”

  She looked out the peephole and opened the door for Ryan.

  “I shouldn’t have given you the wine. I didn’t think you’d drink it, but I hoped it might ease your nerves.”

  “No. There’s nothing wrong with having a lousy glass of wine. Not that I drank the damned thing. Trent shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions and called me a drunk,” Ella muttered, turning to flop down on her bed.

  Ryan opened the connecting door to the next room and Shannon appeared on the other side. “Hey, kid. Trent knows he fucked up.”

  “Don’t even speak his name right now. I can’t. If I hear him apologize, I’ll forgive him. Then, when he does it again, he’ll break my damned heart.”

  Ryan plopped down beside her and scooted his arm under her shoulder. “I hear ya, but he’s had a rough day and knows he put his foot in his mouth.”

  She shot off the bed and paced away. “He broke me open because he thinks I’m like his sister. I’ve never given him a reason to go there.”

  “And if he can prove he knows where he went wrong, and that he won’t do it again?”

  “Then I’ll figure it out, but right now I can’t deal with him. I don’t have the strength.”

  “Do you love him?”

  She blinked back tears and nodded.

  “Then give him a chance to prove it.”

  “I will, but not tonight. I hurt too much to face him yet.”

  “Still having nightmares?”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Ella, does he make you happy?”

  She slid down the wall and covered her face. “Stop, Ryan. I can’t do this tonight. I’m not ready to talk. I need to think.”

  “All right. Just knock if you want to talk.” Ryan crouched down and kissed her head. “Don’t suffer alone.”

  Shannon added, “We’re both here and want to help.”

  “Thanks. How long do you think it will take to
set up the rest of the security system? I don’t want to stay in a hotel. I like my home.”

  Shannon answered, “Tomorrow. Top of the line. No hacking, no splicing. This bastard isn’t going to get back in when I’m done with it.”

  “Thank you. For coming out, for taking care of me. But right now I just want to sleep.”

  “No dinner?” Ryan tried.

  “No appetite. I can order room service later if I need it.”

  Ryan hugged her. “Okay. Good night.”

  Chapter 39

  She never came home. Trent kept a vigil, sitting in the living room watching all night long. He never saw anyone come or go from her house. Ella wouldn’t answer the phone, wouldn’t text. This was his damned fault, not hers. But he needed a chance, just one damned chance, to fix his fuck up.

  At daybreak, he got ready for a run, praying to God he’d see her, even if she had Ryan and O’Neil with her. Exhausted, and disgusted with himself, he returned home after not seeing a soul on the run.

  Mila met him at the end of her driveway. “Where is she?” she demanded.

  He shook his head, his heart twisting tighter. The thought of her leaving for good threatened to break him. “I don’t know.”

  Fury burned in her eyes. “She won’t even talk to me. What the hell did you do?”

  “Fuck, I messed up. I read the situation wrong and blew up.”

  “How?” she asked in a low, deadly voice.

  “I said shit I shouldn’t have. I know better, but after yesterday… damn it… I couldn’t stop my head from putting her in Tina’s shoes.”

  Mila’s hands clenched into fists as fury laced her tone. “Why?”

  “Logan had been in her room. Left flowers while she was in the bath. She didn’t tell me. I got there while Ryan and some security guy were there checking out her system. She had a glass of wine in her hand, and I assumed the worst.”

  “Instead of comforting her, you what? Accused her of being drunk? You jumped that far to conclusions, just like the reporters. That’s just great.”


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