Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2)

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Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2) Page 19

by Brittany Holland

  “You didn’t?” She beams at me.

  “I did.” I nod at her.

  As we board the bus she looks around, her brow furrowed. “It’s empty?”

  “It is.” The corner of my mouth twitches as I fight back a smile. “It’s ours for a few hours.”

  “You’re serious?” She gushes, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

  “Very.” I plant a kiss before sliding her arms down, taking her hand and pulling her to the narrow

  staircase that will lead up to the top.

  “Cohen!” She squeals with delight as we get to the top and take a seat in the very back.

  The excitement on her face is priceless. Worth every pound spent.

  As the driver pulls away, she snuggles closer. Even in summer, London can be a bit chilly, especially when on top of bus zooming through the city.

  “You look lovely today, by the way.” I brush my lips to her cheek as we look out over the top.

  “You don’t look half bad yourself. Although, I never imaged a sexy pirate in loafers before?” She teases at my casual dress.

  Before I can retort Buckingham Palace has come into view.

  “I used to dream of living there, when I was little.” She says, barely loud enough for me to hear.

  “I bet most children did, especially, little girls.” I whisper into her hair. “Dream of being a princess and marrying a prince, riding off into the sun set in a horse drawn carriage. The perfect fairytale life.”

  “For a short while sure. But I thought mostly about how they have guards that protect the people that live there. I longed for that. Safety, security.” Her voice fades. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Never apologize for sharing with me, ever.” My heart breaks for what she endured.

  “Plus I’m much more into pirates than princes these days, and buses are way cooler than carriages.” She teases, attempting to lighten the mood. But now more than ever, being there for her becomes the most important thing to me.

  We leave the past behind and take in the rest of the sites in good spirits.

  Her excitement is contagious. We laugh and tease, watching people and buildings go by. We see Big Ben and the Parliament, and she shouts it out repeatedly, quoting a silly American movie as we go around the turnabout. We take cheesy selfies, at her request. We stop for a picnic lunch in Hyde Park as our time draws to a close.

  Laying in the green grass, with her spwarled out next to me on a blanket as we sip wine and feast on cheese, fruit and dessert. I can’t help but feel like this huge part of my life has been missing. A piece I never knew excisted.

  Relaxing, the sounds of trees rustling in the breeze and children laughing fill the air. After what feels like seconds, it’s time to board the bus and head back to the hotel.

  When we are taking our seats, up top, of course, she turns to me.

  “This day was incredible! Thank you, so much!” Her arms fly around my neck and her lips smack playfully on mine.

  My tongue darts out and I taste the sweet reminents of the sticky toffee pudding from our picnic.

  I kiss her back and her fingers thread in my hair, I fell the vibration of her moaning into my mouth.

  My hand slips down between her legs and I playfully walk my fingers up, and tease her, pulling the lace aside.

  Just when my finger sweeps her core a big fat raindrop falls on my cheek.

  I carry on and he we continue kissing as my hand brushes her most intimate parts, while we ride atop a double-decker bus with all of London able to witness to how we can’t keep our hands to ourselves.

  The drizzle picks up, so I withdraw my hand, and she whimpers.

  “Sorry, love. It’s about to rain cats and dogs.” I pull her with me towards the stairs, and we make our way back to the lower level that is covered. Pressed tightly together under the safety of the bus she takes my hand and brings my fingers to her lips, tasting herself on them.

  “I already am.” Her eyes hooded with lust as she whispers to me.

  “We need to get cleaned up before our date tonight. But first we’ll get a little dirty.” I tell her, intending to make good use of that marble counter.

  “Where are we going tonight?” She eyes me curiously.

  “It’s a secret.” I nip at her lips, if she keeps asking I’ll break down and tell her. I can’t seem to keep anything from her. Except the truth.

  My heartbeat thuds dangerously, as my conscious chimes in.

  “I thought I was the tour guide.” She pouts playfully.

  “Alright, alright.” I give in, needing the distraction. “After we get changed, I thought we would take in a show at Electric Cinema in Nottinghill. Have you heard of it?”

  “The one with the giant velvet beds in the first row?” she questions, her eyes looking amused.

  “That very one.” I inform her.

  “I’ve always wanted to go.” She tells me, smiling brightly at me. “I’ve passed it by several times but never took the time to stop.”

  “You work too hard.” I tease.

  “Says the pot to the kettle.” she quips back.

  “But, I must warn you,” I lean in close and whisper my warning across her sweet lips, “I haven’t secured a private showing, so you’ll have to be on your best behavior and keep your hands to yourself.”

  “Excuse me, sir!” she playfully slaps at me. “Says the man who’s had me or touched me on nearly every moving object or method of transportation in all of London!”

  “You have a point there.” He smiles. “Expect, I can think of another place I would love to have you.”

  “Where might that be?” She challenges, but I’m not mistaking the desire in her eyes for amusement.

  “My boat.” I tell her as the bus pulls up and drops us off at the Kensington.

  “Sounds wonderful.” She replies as we head back up to the suite. Once in the privacy of our rooms, she leaves a trail of her wet clothes from the dressing room, all the way to the bathroom.

  I’m right on her heels, removing my own.

  “I thought we could get dirty and clean at the same time.” She winks, using my earlier words against me. Little minx.

  “I love your multitasking abilities, Miss Taylor.” I smile at her as she pulls me into the steam filled shower.

  “Do you want to tell me what you have planned for tomorrow?” she asks

  “Now that I will keep a secret.” I vow knowing that tomorrow we will explore little Venice and take a boat ride down the Grand Canal.

  “I’ll get it out to you before the nights up.” She threatens with a laugh, turning her back to me and pulling her braid to the side.

  “We shall see.” I grab the loofah and begin making small circles on her skin.

  I can’t wait to take her out on my boat, maybe once things settle down with my mum, we will go on a proper holiday. I can take her out for a few days at sea. The thought of being trapped alone, with Scarlet on my boat surrounded by the vastness of the ocean gives me an exhilarated feeling and I make up my mind that I most definitely will be taking my lady sailing.

  I shudder at my use of the possessive description of Scarlett being mine. I can’t believe that I thought it, but if I’m being honest with myself she’s felt like mine since the moment I laid eyes on her, and this weekend feels like we’re making up for lost time.

  I may not be James Black wealthy nor have as many connections as Piers Nichols, but I’ve done pretty well for myself as a businessman in the tech industry and I’m glad that all my hard work has finally paid off.

  It’s never been about the money for me, but having the money to do these things and indulge Scarlett the way she should’ve been indulged her entire life, makes it all worthwhile. And it gets me to thinking how much more valuable it all is, having someone to share it with.

  “A little help.” Her voice echoes against the marble, handing me the shampoo and bringing my attention back to the task at hand. Getting ready to go to the cinema… like a nor
mal couple. I never knew being so normal could feel so extraordinary.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I’m half way to the pub when I realize that I’ve forgotten my diary. It has all my contacts, my schedule and pretty much everything I need to survive, so it’s rarely more than an arm’s length away.

  As modern as I am, I still prefer to keep a hard copy. Much the same way I prefer the weight of a proper book in my hand, to smell the ink, feel the worn edges on my fingertips when turning pages. Grabbing my mobile from my bag, I see that it’s already half past eight and Cohen will be waiting at our spot, the Ship’s Wheel.

  My heels click on the pavement as I walk back to my building. It’s hard to believe it’s only been a few weeks since running into him there. After Cohen came back from Edinburg, we had an incredible weekend, probably the best weekend of my life. Second only to the day I moved to the Everlend estate as a child. Back then, I was so sure I was living a dream, that it was a fairytale that would vanish if I closed my eyes for too long. Oddly enough, I feel the same way about Cohen.

  I want to cling to him, but I’m afraid if I squeeze to tightly, what we have will crumble and slip though my fingers, like sand when building a castle. I try to hold back, to make sure it’s what he wants too. I see the way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not looking, and I know all about stolen glances. I can’t keep my eyes off of him, when he’s in the same room. He’s everything I never knew I was missing.

  He’s been back and forth a lot, so after the weekend we shared at the Kensington, he moved his bags to my flat. He’s been staying at my place when he’s here and I know things are moving fast, but it’s just more convenient than him keeping a room in the city, when he’s spending all his time with me anyway. I’ll be glad when he’s not back and forth so much, but it seems his mum has a long road to recovery. We never really speak about the after, what happens when he doesn’t have to go back, I can’t help but feel like there is something else keeping him in London, but I brush it off as insecurities.

  We’ve spoken the phone almost every single day, but I haven’t seen his azure blue eyes or smelled his freshwater scent in over a week, except for his worn grey tee shirt he left behind. I’ve been sleeping in it to feel like he’s with me, and to keep the nightmares at bay. I want him, I need him, and I’m finally realizing that it's okay to lean on other people.

  Even though I miss him when he is away, it’s been refreshing, getting to know each other over the distance, it has allowed us both our space. Space that Cohen insists is driving him mad. I feel the same. But I don’t tell him… yet. I learned a long time ago not to show all your cards right away, so I hold back, just a little.

  The lobby is empty when I enter the building that’s been my second home the past few years and walk to the lift. Where is the guard? I make a mental not to ask Piers about that. Things are still tense, but he’s been back to work, we just avoid each other as much as possible. Willow even spoke to me the other day, so I’d call that progress.

  Shooting Cohen a quick text, I let him know that I’m running a few minutes late.

  When I step off the lift, I notice a sliver of light spilling from beneath my office door. That's odd. I'm sure I turned it off when I left this afternoon for my meeting. Gripping my mobile, I inch my way to the door.

  I automatically sense something is off. I have that tingling feeling, not the electric surge I get whenever Cohen is near, but that niggling, in the pit of your stomach feeling that lets you know that something bad is about to happen. Texting him once more, I let him know that I'm at the office and ask if he can meet me here.

  Something is rustling around and I know I should turn and run. If not for the feeling in my chest that something is awry, I would just assume it could be the cleaning people or another employee. But the only person that has a key to my office, besides me, is Piers.

  He wouldn’t be in there with the door closed. But maybe… Willow? No, no. That’s water under the bridge.

  Ignoring the voice telling me to turn around, I march myself forward and fling my door open, ready to confront whoever is trespassing in my office.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” I demand, trying to insert as much steel into my voice as I can muster.

  Stepping through the door I see that my office is empty, but papers are strewn about everywhere. Walking further into the office, I kneel behind my desk and began picking up the mess.

  My little black diary lays open, with red X’s marked through all the dates as I flip through the pages, as fear snakes its way up my spine. What the f-

  “Well, well, well… she does work night’s folks. It just cost extra.” My skin crawls as his creepy voice carries across the room, from the door.

  My head jerks upward and in an instant I’m standing, ready to flee when my fears are confirmed. Alan Anderson.

  “Don’t stand on my account. I think we can have plenty of fun with you on your knees like the filthy, lying whore that you are.” He walks slowly towards me. “I think we have a little bit unfinished business, don’t you Scarlett?”

  The way my name rolls off his tongue makes my stomach recoil.

  “I think we’re completely finished, you need to go.” My knees lock to keep my legs from shaking. Don’t show fear, vermin like him feed on it.

  “No, were not finished, not even close.” He raises his voice. “You nearly cost me my inheritance you little bitch!” His hand strikes out, grabbing the back of my neck and his fingers tangle in my hair, pulling it painfully away from the scalp. “If it wasn't for my mum threatening to leave my dad, they never would've bailed me out.”

  “I wondered how you got out. Figures. A weak, pathetic little wanker like you had to have mummy dearest come do your bidding.” I laugh at him, and my scalp screams out in pain as he pulls harder. I’m not going down without a fight.

  “That's the funny thing about money. It talks, and now thanks to my Mum's generous contribution, it’s saying, I'll be walking away a free man.” The alcohol on his sour breath hits me in the face as he explains, shifting us so that he is now standing directly in front of me and my desk is biting into my arse.

  “I don't believe you!” I hiss out, trying to wiggle free from him as he holds my head in place, using my long blonde hair as a rein. His other hand drags tortuously slow down the front of my dress, until he reaches the hem and tugs it up.

  “I just can’t decide if I want to bend you over this desk, or maybe we could go to the big boss’ office? How many times has Piers had you there? Hmm? How many deals have you closed with this sleek wood kissing your bare skin?” He asks as he tries to turn and push me forward.

  A loud ring echoes in the office as my mobile rings and Alan freezes. Cohen!

  When he does, I pivot and raise my knee to his balls with as much force as I can muster.

  Alan let’s out a shrill yell, sounding like a wounded animal as he drops to the ground, groaning. He releases my hair, but takes a large chunk with him as I break free.

  I make a run for it, leaving everything behind as I scramble to the lift, tripping over my heels. Kicking them off as I go, my bare feet skid to a stop across the slick planks and I press the button over and over, bouncing from one foot to the other, as I watch the numbers slowly climb.

  Come on. Come on. Come on.

  The doors creep open with a ding and I jump into the metal box, relief flooding through me with a whoosh. It’s short lived, because just as the doors close, Alan’s hand shoots through the opening and pries them back as he climbs inside after me. The doors snap shut, with me trapped inside with this monster.

  “No more running Scarlett, now you're finally mine.” He throws himself at me, and I manage to dodge him a couple of times before he grabs me. My shoulder blades ache from the way he's holding my hand gripped behind my back as he slams me up against the lift wall. Pain shoots out through my left elbow and radiates across my chest and back. But I don't give him the satis
faction of a scream.

  As long as he keeps his hands on me, he can’t pull the stop lever. So, I fight with everything that I have to keep his hands on me, holding out hope that we reach the lobby soon and that Cohen got my message.

  His hands rips at the sheer fabric of my dress.

  “Stop!” My voice quivers. “Alan, this is not what you want. You’re going to go back to jail!” I plead with him.

  He doesn’t speak, he huffs out in annoyance as he continues tearing at the fabric of my dress.

  I remain silent and bite back a scream desperate to keep my composure.

  “You owe me. I’ve wanted you since my father first started talking about this stupid deal. It’s the least you owe me after taking my seat away.”

  “Alan, it wasn’t my call.” I struggle, knowing I might not have made the decision, but it was the right one.

  “But this,” he digs his fingers into my hip, “this is payback for what your little boyfriend did to me.”

  “He was only protecting me!” I recall Cohen fighting with him that night at the retreat.

  “Not that night, you stupid bitch! He helped those little cunts frame me!” His breath is hot on the nape of my neck and I can feel him pressed up against me as I try to make sense of what he’s saying. I had no idea Cohen had anything to do with that.

  “He’s pretty good with computers, but not good enough. But you should know Scarlett, that’s not the only secret he’s keeping.” He laughs into my ear and I choke back vomit as I hear him fumble with his belt. “He left a trail, and now I’m going to make him pay. Make you both pay.”

  I watch the numbers as they countdown seven, six, five… I squeezed my eyes tight and I mentally count the seconds in my head. Ding.

  Just as the doors start to open, my eyes flash open and connect with his reflection as he reaches for the lever. I panic and shove backwards, my body lurching and knocking him to the ground, his hand wraps around my wrist and tugs, taking me with him. My mouth connects with the ground with a crack and the taste of blood fills my mouth. Get out! Now!


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