Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2)

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Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2) Page 23

by Brittany Holland

  “Knock, knock.” I stand at the threshold, not wanting to barge in, respecting the boundaries. “I just got a call from Mr. Barrington’s office.”

  “Same here, I wonder what could be going on?” Piers paces back and forth while Willow occupies Drew with her mobile. “Scarlett, I hate to ask… but do you think this has something to do with Cohen?”

  “He hasn’t said anything, he’s not in town right now. But I know he hasn’t visited James in a couple of weeks.” I inform him my tone getting a little defensive, but a bad feeling settles over me.

  “Okay, okay. Just asking.” His hands fly up in defense.

  I stand in the doorway, unsure of how to respond.

  “Should we all ride together then?” He offers and I momentarily pause.

  “Uh, sure. If that’s okay.” I glance between him and Willow, feeling trapped in a parallel universe.

  “I figure that Willow should accompany us, since this could have to do with her and Drew, with the will.” He goes on to explain as we walk to the lift.

  “That’s absolutely fine. Whatever you think, you don’t have to explain your actions to me.” I remind him, before rushing to grab my bag from my office.

  As the car speeds, away from the office, I take out my mobile to call Cohen and it goes straight to voicemail. The feeling of dread grows, spilling into my veins like an icy fear. After everything we’ve been through it seem like things are finally on the right track, I can’t help but feel like something bad is about to happen.



  A note. That’s all I found when I showed up at my mum’s place this morning.


  Too late. I’ll handle this myself. You had a chance, but you became blinded by her. Infatuated with Scarlett, the same way James was with Wendy. I’ve still got contacts of my own in London, I know what you’ve been up to. A mother always knows.

  The bad men are going come, we need to go. Pack a bag and wait for me. I’ve went to settle things.



  That can only mean one thing, she’s gone to London. I don’t know how long that she’s been gone. She sent a message begging me to come for a visit two days ago, I told her I was flying in yesterday, then there was a delay due to rain. But her sending for me and then leaving lets me know that she set me up, I just pray that I can get back to Scarlett. before for my mom finds her. Luckily she doesn’t know much about her like, where she lives, only where she works.

  A return call to my mum’s doctor lets me know, that she hasn’t been taking her meds properly and that she didn’t show up for her bi-weekly session. Which was the agreement for signing herself out of the facility. A place that she could have gotten more specialized care. She insisted she was fine, that she just needed a clear head and me to come home. Lies, all lies. She’s not fine.

  What else has she been lying about?

  I’ve called in a favor and chartered a plane, to get me back to London as soon as possible.

  To protect Scarlett… from my mum.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The closer we get to Barrington’s office, the more dread that fills my stomach. I’m not sure what this has to do with me, but seeing Piers so tense has me on high alert.

  When we arrive, the secretary leads us into a large meeting room, just beyond dark walnut doors. Drew stays out with the receptionist, while Piers leads the way, Willow next and then me. Before I even enter the room, Willow’s gasp is enough to have my hair standing on end.

  “James?” Piers draws in a sharp breath.

  Larger than life, James Black sits at the head of the meeting table in a dark navy suit, with his black hair slicked back and his blue eyes staring in our direction, as we file into the large room, that suddenly feels too small. We all remain standing, I think because we are in shock.

  It’s like seeing a ghost.

  Oh, my God. It can’t be. I need to call Cohen, he needs to know.

  “I’m sure you’re all wondering what we’re here for? It seems in my absence, there have been many things brought to light. As I’m sure you’re now aware, I do in fact have a son, Cohen.” His tone is very matter of fact, as his eyes pass over us, all lined up at one end of the table while he sits at the other end flanked by two men.

  The older distinguished looking gentleman sitting to his right is Mr. Barrington, the other fellow standing to his left, I’ve never seen before. His menacing stance and tinted glasses give away the fact that he is some type of hired guard.

  Acid fills my mouth as I think how wrong this is the Cohen isn’t here, but he’s back in Scotland taking care of his mum and hand itches to reach in my bag and pull out my mobile, but something about being in James’ presence transports me back to being a child. I’m fearful to make one wrong move.

  James was never violent towards us in his actions, but he didn’t have to be. He was a man who’s voice could strike fear into the hearts of grown men. Realizing that I’ve started to zone out, I focus on what he’s saying as the ringing in my ears lessens. I don’t want to miss a single word.

  “Willow, dear.” His voice gets choked up with emotion and I haven’t seen James like this, but very few times in my entire life. Men like him show no weakness.

  “Willow, I’m so glad to see that you found your way back home.” He addresses them, watching closely as he speaks. Ever the businessman, he’s gauging their reactions.

  “Piers, it seems I have you to thank for that.” His voice seems genuine, but he still carries that same air of authority when he speaks. The type of control you’re born with.

  I look between Willow and James and back at James, again. Shocked would be an understatement.

  “Wendy would’ve been so glad to have you home, taking your rightful place at Everland, and bringing young Drew to grow up where you lived. It’s what she always wanted. I guess by now, you know that from the reading of the will.” He goes into detail, about the stipulations and I shudder at the mention of Wendy’s death.

  “I do.” She agrees, quietly. “How did you know Piers found me?”

  “I know everything. I know that he found you and brought you home. Piers, for that I’m forever grateful to you. Willow, that’s what Wendy wanted, I’m just sorry that I played such a huge part in you leaving your home for the first place.” He drops his head forward.

  “I can’t undo the past; I can only look towards the future.” He pauses, breathing deeply as he gets his bearings, eyes still cast downward at the table. “I never was an emotional man. Passionate, yes… jealous, yes. And even at times ruthless and selfish, all those things. But when I lost Wendy some of that fire burned out.”

  He looks up, with red rimmed eyes and no one says a word. The tension in the room is stifling.

  “Putting her in the grave, knowing the only person who ever loved me back was gone, I-something inside me broke. The doctor still doesn’t know what it was or what happened, the only thing I can say is it was a broken heart. Standing outside her grave, I then looked up and into the eyes of the son I thought I would never see, a child that had been taken from me before he was even born.” His voice grows agitated and I risk stealing a glance at Willow and Piers and find that they are just as dumbfounded as I am.

  Guilt swims in my gut, hearing words that Cohen deserves to know.

  “A baby that I was never intended to know about, shows up as a grown man… they think the shock of seeing him, combined with grief is what caused me to have the episode. Now you might wonder how I know all of this and you have to remember, I have eyes and ears everywhere and I’m always watching.”

  “I believe that.” Piers mumbles under his breath.

  I can see the tick of Piers’ jaw, and I know that he’s working extra hard to keep himself from blowing up.

  “Wendy may have thought she was keeping you from me, I knew. Willow, I always knew where you were. I didn’t however know, that you had a son, Phoenix Andrew Nichol
s, until about three years ago. That’s when I change my will, but at that time I did not know that I had a legitimate heir. His mother had lied about so much, it’s possible that she was lying about the child even being mine. But when I saw him, saw that black hair and cool blue eyes glaring at me with hatred, I knew without a doubt that he was mine.” His voice catches on the last word.

  My mind aches from trying to remember that dark day in the cemetary, desperate to recall if I saw him there without realizing it. But all I can see is James glaring at us, and dirt on roses.

  “Willow, I’m glad to have you back and I truly am sorry I hope you someday you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me and let me be a part of young Drew‘s life.”

  Tears prick my eyes even know the words that James is saying or not directed at me Wendy remain silent frozen in place.

  “I never wanted to run away Uncle James, and it wasn’t all your doing, we all made a lot of mistakes. I think Wendy would be happy to know that after all this time it seems we’re all atoning for our sins.” She sniffles. Piers wraps his arm around her waist as she begins to cry, looking up at him and then over at me, offering the week smile.

  ‘Scarlett.” James startles me, “It seems Cohen is quite smitten with you.”

  “It’s more than that.” I snip back, not appreciating his insinuating that what we have is only temporary.

  “Of course, forgive me for implying otherwise. It seems you have grown into quite the business woman.” He nods with approval, and though it shouldn’t, it prides me to hear him say so.

  “Thank you. Forgive me, but I just don’t understand? Cohen just visited you last week and you were unresponsive? Now you’re here calling secret meetings and the person you owe the biggest explanation to isn’t even here!” I can’t help but be upset and my tone simmers with anger and confusion.

  “Ahhh, Scarlett. I had forgotten what a spitfire you were. Glad to see that some things never change.” He’s amused rather than angered at my outburst, but I don’t care how he feels about it, as long as he answers the question.

  “I woke up a few days ago and I ordered the doctors not to tell anyone.” James explains.

  “I’m supposed to be notified in any status changes! I’m the one who arrange for the facility.” Piers jumps in, his arms tensed at his sides.

  “Thank you for that, Piers. Given how I treated you, I’m lucky that you didn’t just have them dump me in the Atlantic. They thought it best for me not to see or talk to anyone for a couple of days until they could run some test and figure out what it caused it. There’s no known damage, it appears the stress and shock on my body pushed me over the edge, while my mind was asleep my body was resting.”

  He leans back in the chair and takes a sip of the glass of water in front of him, with a loud gulp.

  “They think the turnaround started sometime after Cohen’s visit, and Willow’s.” He smiles at her. “Hearing a familiar voice, then hearing Cohen’s voice for the first time, knowing that he wanted to have something to do with me gave me something to fight for. It’s like I was in a fog, somethings felt like a dream, others very real. Piers, I even recall your visit. The day after they admitted me. The sadness in your voice as you demanded by sleeping body for answers to find Willow, the tears for Wendy.” He goes on and Piers lowers his head in embarrassment.

  He never told me he went to see James.

  Tears streak down my face as I think about all the lies, all the truths swimming in this room. The years of hurt, and the weeks of healing. wishing that Cohen were here to hear these words.

  “Why isn’t he, why isn’t Cohen here?” I speak up.

  “I’ve tried to find him, I was hoping maybe you could help me with that. I had eyes on him in London after I woke up, but he’s disappeared.” He explains, his voice dripping in regret.

  “That’s right, he’s gone back to Scotland, to care for his mother.” I offer.

  “Lucy?” James questions and Piers’s mumbling catches my attention, he has an odd look on his face.

  “I’m not sure he’s never said her name, he’s very private where she’s concerned.” I find myself saying too much, regaining focus, hopefully Cohen won’t be upset with me for giving away his location, but I think he needs to talk to James.

  “I would like to get in contact with him, I did some things I’m not proud of when he was younger and I don’t want to track him down, don’t want him to feel hunter. I was hoping he would come to me… so maybe you could pass along a message?” He pleads and seeing a man as powerful as James Black asking for help, broken and desperate, I say the only thing that’s right.

  “Sure.” I agree to do what he wants. Cohen needs this.

  “Tell him to come and find me, come home, that I have something for him.” His eyes soften as he nearly begs me. “Promise me.”

  “I will.” I vow.

  “All those weeks I was stuck in a dream like state, all I could do is remember.” He looks through us as he relives what he went through.

  “Remember when Wendy got the crazy idea to take on all the world lost children, or as many as she could help and build a home for them in the estate her parent’s left her. She thought all children deserved to grow up, loved and natured. Not just their bodies, but their minds, their imaginations. She became so consumed with caring for everyone else, there was a great divide.”

  His eyes focus back in and he looks at each of us as he continues his story.

  “I was jealous, and I was wrong. Piers, Wendy loved you like a son. I think you already know she loved your father.”

  Piers doesn’t say a word, but I can feel the pain rolling off of him at the mention of Peter.

  “He was a good man, a friend even… it just so happened that we loved the same woman. It was my fault that he ended up with someone else. I never meant to make you pay for his sins and push you away from Everland, away from Willow and Wendy, your family. I can never repay you with those years so, what I’m going to do is sign over all my shares from BlackHouse. I would still like to have us retain a seat on the board, but there will be no more litigation, no more sneaking around buying up shares.”

  My head whips over to find Piers with his jaw hanging open and Willow with tears streaming down her face.

  “I understand why you wanted to take the company, to prove to me that you could do it, that you were a man, and that you were my equal in every way. No more fighting. They say you can’t buy happiness, but I’m hoping you can buy forgiveness, I’m going to sign over the shares to you, because you’re not my equal, Piers. You’re a better man than I’ll ever be and I’m sorry that I didn’t see that sooner.”

  The emotions flooding through the room nearly bring me to my knees. I’ve never seen Piers look so shocked in my life.

  “Thank you, James.” Piers steps forward and shakes James’ hand. “I appreciate that and whether I care to admit it or not, I always looked up to you. Maybe not as a father, but as a businessman.”

  Before he can see any more of the door burst open and a middle-age woman with ratty brown hair burst into the room.

  “Lies! Lies! And more lies!” She wails! “How dare you hold this meeting without me? It was me who birthed the rightful heir to this empire!”

  “Mum?” Piers whispers, his words carrying the weight of an anvil.

  Everything happens so fast, it’s like an action sequence in a film when a car flips or a building blows up. It’s so fast, it’s slow. More yelling. Piers rushes to Willow’s side as James’ bodyguard flies around the table. Barrington jumps up, a glass of water tips, its contents spilling over the side and dripping onto the floor with a hushed tap. James sits as still as a statue in his chair as chaos ensues all around him. I press myself down into a chair and reach for my bag to get my mobile, to call Cohen.

  Swiping it to life, I dial his number. It rings. And rings. I hear it ringing in my ear, but the ringing echoes, getting louder. It now echoes in this very room. The taunting sound, like a warning b
ell in my mind. What the bloody hell?

  I suddenly get that tingling sensation on the back of my neck, standing up I move around the table to see Cohen barging into the room looking frantic, his disheveled state and unshaven face are alarming.

  His horrified eyes lock on mine, “Scarlett?” He moves towards me.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you were out of town?” I whisper, my heart pounding so hard, my ribs ache.

  “I was I—” He’s close enough to touch me, but I step back as see the pain that flashes in his eyes.

  “Stay away from her!” The mad woman orders, pulling on his arm. “You’re not supposed to be here!”

  “Mum, what are you doing?” He yells, looking from her to me and back again.

  “Mum?” Piers asks, repeating Cohen’s question, looking like he’s just seen a ghost.

  Mum? My head swims with stars and my stomach rolls. I fall to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest as tears fall. More secrets, more lies.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Jerking my arm free, I ignore my surroundings and rush to Scarlett’s side.

  “Scarlett? Are you okay?” Crouching, I pull her trembling body into my arms. “Talk to me baby.”

  “You lied,” she cries and the sound is like a knife to the heart. “You were here all along, and you mum, she’s, she—” Her breathing turns to panting as she struggles to get the words out. “Piers. You. Her.”

  “Shhh. Slow down, take a breath.” I hold her against me until she quiets down, unsure what she’s trying to tell me. The longer I hold her, the louder my mum wails. For the first time, I look around to find several pairs of eyes on mine. Piers looking shocked, Willow with tears falling and my own mother seething with anger.

  When my gaze connects with one pair in particular, I’m frozen on the spot. “James.”

  “Hello, son.” He stands, leaning on the table for support. What is he doing here? He’s awake? How?


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