Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2)

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Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2) Page 25

by Brittany Holland

  His head falls forward and his shoulders slump. “I understand, but if you change your mind, Scarlett knows where to find me.”

  We’re almost out the doors, when he calls after me, “I have some things for you, if perhaps you would like to meet up? Golf? Dinner, drinks? You name the place, the time. Maybe we could talk more and then I could give them to you.” I pity the desperation in his voice.

  “It’s a little late for that don’t you think?” I say with my back still to him.

  “I have a shipping business that needs a fourth generation to stand at its helm, I know it’s too late for us, but maybe not for you to take your rightful place. And I know you’ve already started making a name for yourself on the water. Cohen James.”

  He can’t be serious. It’s all I’ve ever wanted and he’s dangling it right in front of me.

  “That easy, no strings?” I whirl around, angry with him for offering, angry with myself for wanting it so bad.

  “Of course there are strings! You’re my son and now that I’ve found you, I’ll not let you go. Strings be damned, I want to anchor myself to you Cohen! All I’m asking for is a chance, son.” He stands and walks to me, grasping my shoulders in his large hands. My heart is cracking wide open.

  I want that. I want him. I can’t.

  “Stop calling me that!” I yell, pulling back and it feels good to let it out. “You don’t know me at all.”

  “Yes, I do! I heard everything you said when you came to visit.” I can’t hide the shock on my face.

  “That’s right. I couldn’t respond, but deep down, I heard you. What I don’t know, Cohen, I’ll learn.” He stands in front of me, and I’m intimated by his tone and his size. “What I do know so far is that you have a God given knack for piloting a vessel, you are good with computers and I know that you have taken good care of your mum. And I’ve recently learned that you saved Scarlett here, more than once. I know you nearly killed a man to defend her honor. You’re fierce, brave, loyal and passionate and those are all qualities that make a leader extraordinary.” His voice booms out.

  I blink back tears, I squeeze my eyes shut so tight, it hurts. I can’t let him see how much his approval means to me.

  “You could be so much more than me, Cohen.” Now it’s his turn to break down. “Don’t let revenge sail you down the river of regret like I did. It will consume you, darken the best parts and crumble the worst ones. One day you won’t recognize yourself, you’ll be staring down death and feel it all slipping through your fingers. I’ve been given a second chance at life, by the grace of God and I’m hoping that maybe you could find it in your heart to give me one too?” His chest is heaving and his own eyes swim with tears.

  How do you say no to that?

  I look over at Scarlett, who is watching the exchange, she smiles at me and nods.

  She’s taught me about taking chances and proved you should never say never. I never thought I would have a dad, yet here I am.

  Opening my eyes, I look into his eyes, my father’s eyes as a tear falls down, leaving a salty streak down my cheek.

  “Okay.” My voice is hoarse.

  “Okay?” He stares at me in shock.

  “Okay, I’ll give it a chance. Get to know you, the rest we will see about.” I clarify.

  “I’ll take it. Please come by tomorrow, I have something I’ve been waiting a long time to return to you.” Not wanting anymore surprise I ask him what it is.

  “Return?” I look at him, waiting for an answer.

  “A bear that I found at Paddington Station two decades ago.” It can’t be.

  “That was real? I always thought maybe I dreamed that night.” I whisper aloud.

  “It was very much real, I was so close to finding you that night, I wasn’t sure the bear was yours, but I hoped.” He confesses.

  “Thank you.” I choke out, momentarily stunned into silence. Mr. Bear. It seems he wasn’t alone all these years after all.

  “Well, I should be going. I forget Barrington bills this room by the hour.” He makes a joke to ease the tension still surrounding us.

  “Till tomorrow.” He nods.

  “Good thing you can afford it.” I smile back, and he chuckles. Then I watch my father slowly walk out the room, where another guard stands waiting for him. My father.

  “That was…” Scarlett wraps her arms around my waist and holds me tight.

  “Yeah.” I agree, not knowing how to describe it either.

  “Ready to get out of here?” She nuzzles tighter into my chest.

  “Absolutely.” My lips brush her forehead and we turn to go.

  “Are you okay?” She asks, follow me.

  “I will be.” I smile down at her and know that as long as I have her at my side those words will ring true.

  As we’re exiting Barrington’s office a voice calls out from behind the desk, “Cohen is that you?” Shit.

  “Miranda, how are you?” She beams up at me and Scarlett looks like she’s ready to break the poor girl’s glasses. This could be bad, we’ve had enough drama for one day, so I quickly think of a way to diffuse the situation.

  “Doing well, so looks like we ran into each other again, after all.”

  “So it seems. Have you met my fiancé, Scarlett?” Scarlett stiffens next to me, not bothering to extend her hand. She’s jealous. Glad to know I’m not the only one.

  “I haven’t, lovely to meet you.” She plasters on a fake smile and walks away.

  “Do I even want to know?” She groans, walking outside.

  “It was before you love, no need to worry.” I take back the hand that she pulled away.

  “Fiance? Really?” She crosses her arms across her chest, and tugs her lip into her mouth as she pouts.

  “What? You will be.” I inform her, desperate to be the one nibbling on that lip.

  “So glad to know you asked and that I accepted.” She teases, I take her hands in mine and pull her to me.

  “It must have been that night, that you were delirious and lost in the throes of passion.” My words brush against her lips, my hands tug at her purple slip dress. The nearness of her, her touch, her dark humor… is just what in need after what we just heard.

  “Which one?” She nips my bottom lip, pulling it between her own and sucking on it.

  “Good answer. Just another reason why I love you.” I pull back to she can see in my eyes that I’m serious. I do love her. With every fiber of my being.

  “I love you too, more than words can describe.” She leans back in and my mouth captures hers in a passionate exchange of affection.

  “I’m still going to marry you someday.” I warn her, the thought has me growing hard.

  “I don’t need your ring ,Cohen, I have your heart and that’s enough for me.” Her words move me. I’ve never needed anything like I’ve need her.

  “You’ll always have my heart, but I want you to wear my ring too.” I explain, holding her tightly too me.

  “Is this a proposal then?” She feigns shock, looking around as we stand on the path next to Barrington’s office.

  “Cheeky thing you are. Of course not, I’m a gentleman after all. Give me a little credit. You’ll know, trust me. It may be a banner in the sky or a giant pearl buried in a basket of fish and chips at The Ship’s Wheel.” I toy with her, but thinking about it is giving me all kinds of ideas. I’m thinking either aboard my boat on a sunset cruise? Or possibly, riding a double-decker filled with black orchids.

  “So how did you know your mum was coming?” Scarlett asks as we resume walking, going nowhere in particular, just away from my past, letting it all sink in.

  “I went to visit, but she was gone, I got here as soon as I could. I had my driver follow her when her plane landed.” Remembering how worried I was has a chill running through me.

  “Been hacking the passenger manifest have we?” She teases, squeezing my hand.

  My wry smile is answer enough, but I humor her. “It was a matter of national security,
there was a threat to the queen.” I tell her, when she rolls her eyes, I stop walking and lean closer, until our foreheads are nearly touching. “It’s true, my queen was in danger.”

  “God save the Queen.” She laughs into my mouth as my lips devour hers, not caring that we are standing in the middle of busy sidewalk.

  “Cohen saved the queen!” I correct her. And I’ll keep saving her every chance I get.



  Waking up, with the warmth of the late afternoon sun kissing my fair skin. Stretching, I feel the glorious ache of our love making session we had after a refreshing swim. I’ve been lounging on navy and white stripped pillows on a dark wood deck near the bow. The salty sea spray fills my nose as I take a deep breath. I could get used to this.

  A quick glance over my shoulder reveals Cohen, standing at the wheel, looking like a sea god, in a white gauzy button down, with every single button undone and loose linen shorts riding low on his hips, revealing a perfectly sculpted V. He’s not overly muscular, but he’s lean and chiseled in all the right places. My mouth starts to water as I drink him in, from behind oversized sunnies.

  “See something you like?” He calls out, above the sound of the waves lapping against the boat and the wind flapping in the sails.

  “I do.” My eyes sweep down, lingering at the drawstring of his shorts as I suck my bottom lip in between my teeth, because I know it drives him wild.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we will never make it to the inlet before sunset.” He threatens.

  “Whatever you say, sexy pirate.” I blow him a kiss and let him be. For now.

  Rolling back over and sitting up, my white crotchet cover up, tickles my skin as it slips off one shoulder. Reaching into my straw bag, I pull out the letter that Willow gave me at dinner last Sunday, at Everlend, the night before we Cohen and I left for our holiday. I’ve been meaning to read it when I had some time alone, this feels like the perfect time.

  It was the first Sunday dinner since Piers and Drew found out that they were brothers, a few weeks before. Anna, the housekeeper kept crying and hugging everyone, I think she baked about six dozen scones. James even stopped by for some of Anna’s famous bread pudding. Baby steps.

  But for the first time in a long time, it felt like old times, only better. Things are slowly getting better.

  It wasn’t as awkward as it could have been, but Drew kept us all in stitches, as we sat around the table. James, Piers, Willow, Drew, Cohen, me and even Teddy was there. A family. Not by normal standards and certainly not a storybook family, but our family.

  Holding the heavy linen envelope in my hand, I see that my name is scrawled across the front, in Wendy’s elegant script. Tears burn in the corners of my eyes. The gentle breeze flutter in my long hair that’s nearly white from being under the sun as I tear open the letter and hold it tightly as it futters in the wind.

  Dearest Scarlett,

  I fondly remember the day you came to us. You had the brightest indigo eyes with flecks of purple and the cutest little pixie haircut. I called you our little fairy. You were small for an eight-year-old, but you could definitely hold your own.

  In fact, the boys were afraid of you at first. You had the spirit of a warrior and the grace of a dancer. That’s another reason you were my little fairy. Fierce and delicate.

  I was worried how you might fit in because you tended to be a loner, but Piers and Teddy took you under their wing and you guys formed the most amazing bond, it was as if you had always been together. The lost boys, you called yourselves.

  If you’re reading this letter that means I’m no longer with you and it breaks my heart to know that all the memories we have are in the past, and I won’t be there for your future. I will never see you fall in love, get married, or start a family of your own. Because those are the things that a mother looks forward to seeing her daughter do. You are like a daughter to me Scarlett. So, it pains me to say goodbye. The doctors say I don’t have much time, so I’m using what time I have left to put some things in order.

  I know Willow was my niece and things changed with Piers when she came. But always know, I loved all of you at Everlend like you were my own. Please try to forgive her and understand that she was dealing with some things when she left. I hope someday you will see the sister you could have in each other.

  Looking back on my life I can honestly say I have no regrets. I did everything I wanted to do, I was lucky to love and be loved by not one but two men as different as they were both a crucial part of my life. I was blessed with a houseful of wonderful children.

  I know you have loved Piers since you were kids, but I truly believe that he and Willow are meant to be, just as it’s written in the stars for you to have someone who completes you. Someone who is your equal in every way.

  A lover to hold you close, a fighter to protect you. One day someone will come along, if they haven’t already. He will be the one to hug you so tight that all your broken pieces will fit back together again, the half to your whole.

  I’m already so proud of how far you’ve come, your business what you, Piers and Teddy have created with PAN Industries and the London Lost.

  You’ve created such amazing lives and I wanted to wait until the time was right to give you a special gift.

  I know you always loved having tea parties, when you were a little girl, but you didn’t want the boys to know… so it was our little secret. When you left you only had one of the cups, I’m so sorry how things worked out and that you had to leave so suddenly. But I’m grateful that you stayed in contact with me all these years, and I wanted you to know that the remainder of your tea set is at the estate, Anna has it for you.

  Someday you’re going to realize your worth, I hope by now you already have. You have such light within you, don’t be afraid to let it shine. I’ve set aside a trust fund for you, I want you to find the joy that comes from giving back the way I did. The trust fund is yours so that you can spread your wings and make the world a better place. This will help with the London Lost expansion you’ve dreamed of.

  The last thing I want to let you know, when your sister approached me all those years ago, she told me terrible things that were happening to her, things I won’t divulge because it’s not my story to tell, but it was very hard for her to leave you behind, so you have to know that it was for her own safety that she had to leave. My attorney has her name and her contact info. It took me a while to locate her, but it’s my final gift to you.

  I love you very much Scarlett and I’m very proud that I got to be in your life. Remember to forgive and to live and love without limitations. Always keep each other close, family is everything!

  Love, Wendy

  Big fat tears fall on the paper as I read the words Wendy wrote for me. She always knows just what to say, even from the grave. It’s like she somehow was looking out for me and sent Cohen my way.

  She made all my dreams come true in a couple sheets of linen paper.

  The sound of water lapping against the boat feels my ear, as happiness feels my heart. I put the note away for safe keeping. Jazz! My sister, butterflies fill my stomach at the possibility of seeing her after all these years. For now, I leave my past behind and focus on my future.

  Closing my eyes, I let her words sink in. Everything she said about finding someone has come true, Cohen is everything she said I would find and more. Everything I never thought I would find, or deserve. Now I truly believe it was written in the stars for us to find each other.

  The spray of the warm salt water mixed with the dark ocean sent that is Cohen washes over

  me. Everything about him surrounds me even from across the deck. I feel his eyes on me as I stand.

  My navy and gold swimsuit hugs my body like a glove beneath my cover and his eyes remain glued on me as I walk towards him.

  “Hello sleeping beauty.” He smiles at me.

  “Hello, sexy pirate.” I reply, wrapping myself around him as he steers the bo

  “We’re nearly there.” He explains as he slides me in front of him, steering with one hand, while the other pulls gently on my hip and his solid chest slams into my back. “It seems someone is still earning her sea legs.”

  “Well, in my defense, it’s only been three days and you’ve kept me on my back for a good portion of the trip.” I reach behind me, gripping his solid body to steady myself as the boat rocks.

  “Guilty, as charged.” His tongue trails up the curve of my neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

  “The view in incredible.” A sign escapes my lips as I stare out at the tranquil blue waters of the Almafi coast.

  “Yes it is.” I look over my shoulder, to find his eyes on me.

  “You really need some new material.” I tease him.

  “You will always be my favorite view, ocean or mountain. Nothing compares.” I melt at his words, however over the top they may seem, I feel the same about him.

  “Here we are.” He gestures to a serene inlet that has views of private white sandy beaches and breathtaking mountains in the distance.

  He steps back and I miss the warmth instantly. He proceeds to take off his shirt, letting the white fabric flutter to the teakwood deck as he secures some ropes.

  “Show off!” I call as he prepares to drop anchor.

  “You want to grab the picnic basket?” He replies, running his hand down his washboard stomach that’s golden from the sun. “I’m starved.”

  Insatiable. I mutter under my breath as I run down to the ultra-modern galley to grab the picnic basket for our sunset picnic, the smell of fresh fruit and local cheeses is mouthwatering. Reaching into the stainless wine cooler, I take out a bottle of white and grab two glasses, then the opener, setting them carefully in the dark, wicker basket. Looking around the galley, I love how his boat is a blend of old world charm and modern luxury.


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