Islam Dismantled

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Islam Dismantled Page 20

by Sujit Das

  Al-Bara’ reported: He [Muhammad] said: ‘Offer it as a sacrifice. He who slaughtered after prayer, his ritual of sacrifice became complete and he in fact observed the religious practice of the Muslims’. (Muslim: 22.4823)

  Abu Tufail ‘Amir b. Withila reported: Allah’s Messenger said, ‘Allah cursed him who sacrificed for anyone besides Allah’ . (Muslim: 22.4876).

  Muhammad’s mind was full of hate and depression. Depression and rage ride in tandem. For a Narcissist, as depression intensifies and comes to the surface of awareness, so does anger (Masterson, 1990, p. 64). At first, many of them cannot pinpoint the reasons why they are angry and project their rage to the world as if the whole world is their enemy. They cannot justify themselves. This is the internal hell of a Narcissist, and he continuously pays for it.

  Did Muhammad have a conscience? No; not at all. Muhammad had no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter whatever he had done. He had absolutely no struggle with shame, and the very concept of responsibility was unknown to him. He could not stop simply because he was addicted to the excitement of being notorious. He lied profusely and was capable of killing millions of people without giving a second thought to protect his lies; it thrilled him. He overvalued himself by committing mass murder. As Stout (2005, p. 5) wrote, “ Terrorism (done from a distance) is the ideal occupation for a person who is possessed of bloodlust and no conscience, because if you do it just right, you may be able to make a whole nation jump. And if that is not power, what is? ”

  Our very “humanness” depends largely on our self-knowledge and realization of self-worth. It largely depends on our experience of ourselves. An individual after experiencing thoroughly with his own self can understand and fully appreciate the “humanness” of others. In this respect, the malignant Narcissist has very little or no experiences of his own self. Muhammad lived in an invented world of his own design. He was like a fictitious figure in a grandiose script where he was the leading actor with his Allah as a supporting actor. Therefore, he possessed no skills which may enable him to cope with other human beings. To react emotionally to a malignant Narcissist is like preaching Gandhian nonviolence to an Afghan Taliban fundamentalist. Since a Narcissist cannot share other’s emotions, he cannot put himself in their shoes. One cannot truly love others if he is unable to truly love himself. Loving the true self is healthy, but loving the “reflection” of the true self has severe drawbacks. In personality disorder studies, often a term is used – Emotional Involvement Prevention Mechanisms (EIPMs). The EIPMs are intended to prevent the Narcissist from getting emotionally involved (Vaknin, 1999, p. 127). For a Narcissist, people are either functional and useful to his pursuit of narcissistic supply or not a living creature at all.

  By inflecting pain to others Muhammad felt superior. Though he enjoyed their sufferings, he was not a sadist. There is a small difference between a malignant Narcissist’s victimization and sadism. Muhammad’s cruelty had a purpose. The Narcissist tortures and abuses as a means to punish and to reassert superiority and grandiosity, but the sadist does so purely for enjoyment, like animal torture, child molestation, forced sex, etc (Vaknin, 1999, p. 184). But in both cases, the abusers are ruthless, self-centered, strictly rigid and unable to empathize with their victims.

  After conquering Khaybar; Muhammad put Kinana to death after extracting information about the whereabouts of his treasure, took possession of the fortresses, killed all the able-bodied men, and distributed women amongst Muslims (Bukhari: 2.14.68). The war cry of Muhammad’s companions at that battle was “O you have been given victory, kill! Kill!” (Bostom, 2008, p. 278). Amongst the captured women there was Safiyyah, Kinana’s seventeen years old beautiful wife and two cousins of hers. Muhammad took possession of Safiyyah and took her to a tent for sexual pleasure on the same day he had killed her husband and many other male relatives. Two years before Safiyyah’s father was killed along with many male relatives of her when Muhammad – the mercy of God among mankind – butchered another important Jews’ tribe, the Quraiza.

  How could Muhammad show this type of monstrous brutality against Safiyyah? In a single day Safiyyah was the wife of a Jewish tribal chief, a widow, a captive and wife of Muhammad. No one should think that Muhammad fell in love with Safiyyah’s beauty and therefore decided to marry her right away. He wanted to show his superiority over the Jews. The Narcissist thinks this way – “I inflict pain, therefore I am superior” (Vaknin, 1999, p. 183). It was his strong urge to punish the Jews for not accepting Islam. He compensated his defeat by inflecting pain on them. The Narcissist himself is helpless to his narcissistic rage. After it explodes, the Narcissist does not know where to stop and how much punishment is enough for his victims. For a Narcissist, there is no moral dimension.

  The brutal murder of Umm Qirfah is worth mentioning. She was murdered for no reason except that she was known as the wisest woman in Arabia (Ahmed, 2006, p. 22). Tabari (VIII.96) recorded, one of Muhammad’s commanders tied her legs with rope and then tied her between two camels until they split her into two. Umm Qirfah was one hundred years old when she was subjected to such a cruel death.

  Muhammad was an “intra-species predator” with an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal. For a malignant Narcissist; the world, the closest relationship and even his own body can become the enemy in the eyes of his false self (Masterson, 1990, p. 61). Narcissists smell blood where others smell beautiful emotions. Often the hate is so intense that he immensely hates himself but cannot show it to others. He avoids “emotional handles” – photographs, music identified with a certain period in his life, places, people, mementoes and emotional situations. He is scared that at any unguarded moment his true self may get accidentally discovered. This is one of the reasons, Muhammad prohibited drawing his portrait. He was so paranoid that he even feared to look at his own picture.

  From deep inside, the Narcissist is fully capable of differentiating between right and wrong (Zayn & Dibble, 2007, p. 102). He is in his senses; he can make moral choices, and is perfectly capable of anticipating the results of his actions and their influences on others. But he remains indifferent because his false self simply cannot react in a healthy manner to a changing situation. He feels compelled to continue to pursue precisely the same path (Vaknin, 1999, pp. 44, 89). Muhammad could make moral choices but he was not capable to limit his behavior accordingly. Qur’an says,

  When you speak, be just, even if it affects your own kinsmen . (Q: 6.152).

  The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is better… (Q: 41.34)

  …be good to parents and to kindred and to orphans and the needy, and speak kindly to mankind … (Q: 2.83).

  Give unto orphans their wealth. Exchange not the good for the bad (in your management thereof) nor absorb their wealth into your own wealth . (Q: 4.2)

  Therefore, the orphan oppress not . (Q: 93.9).

  The questions of morality, i.e., concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice, etc, did not bother Muhammad. He knew that looting and killing of innocents are evil deeds, but he did it. He knew that the orphans should not be oppressed, but how many orphans did he sell to the slave market after he devastated the Jewish tribes? He knew that one should speak kindly to a fellow human, but where were those moral standards when he declared, “I will bring you slaughter”? In his entire career, did he ever promote any ethical values; e.g., trust, honesty, good behavior, fairness, and kindness? As Stout (2005, p. 9) wrote, “ It is not that this group fails to grasp the difference between good and bad; it is that the distinction fails to limit their behavior. The intellectual difference between right and wrong does not bring on the emotional sirens and flashing blue lights, or the fear of God, that it does for the rest of us ”. As Checkley (1976, p. 90) wrote, “ Beauty and ugliness except in a very superficial sense, goodness, evil, love, horror and humor have no actual meaning, no power to move him ”.
  The Narcissist often notices that something is wrong and people around him are not happy (Vaknin, 1999, p. 96). But emotionally he is so empty that he cannot find an answer. Because of this, sometimes an internal struggle starts. This time often the superego emerges for rescuing the false self of the Narcissist. With the confirmation from his superego, the Narcissist tries repeatedly to convince himself that everyone else is wrong, defiant, incapable and lacking in judgment, and he is not on the wrong side, and the other party is in fact the abuser and the future will correct the “misconception” and “misjudgment” about him. In sum; the superego convinces the Narcissist that he is victimized, not a victimizer.

  Allah was Muhammad’s superego. Superego (which I will discuss in details in a later chapter) is the inner voice of a Narcissist. It gives him authorization. Beyond this, superego is just a paper tiger, a filthy scarecrow impotent and powerless. Superego is not the same as false self, but it is the master of the false self. Both of them have well distinguished “imaginary” existence (only in the sick mind of a Narcissist). Though they often work in favor of each other, on rare occasions they can function against each other also. Hence superego is not strictly same as alter-ego, though most of the time it works as alter-ego. Muhammad’s Paranoia and Self-doubts

  A malignant Narcissist is not only vile, cruel and malicious; he is also full of paranoia and self doubts (Lachkar, 2008, p. 30). He sees enemies and conspiracies everywhere. He often casts himself as the heroic victim (martyr) of some negative forces. The thinking is that a great man should have great enemies, or, every great Prophet must have an equally strong ungodly opponent, otherwise the Narcissist is devalued and with this devaluation his stock of narcissistic supplies is exhausted.

  Likewise did We make for every Messenger an enemy, - evil ones among men and Jinns, inspiring each other with flowery discourses by way of deception. If thy Lord had so planned, they would not have done it: so leave them and their inventions alone . (Q: 6.112).

  A person in authority, who wants to maintain his position by frightening others, cannot rest peacefully. Muhammad was not capable of trusting anyone. This way, he had developed paranoia. Ibn Ishaq recorded,

  [Aisha recalls] “Muhammad never failed to come by our house every day at the two ends of the day. …Once he came during the heat of the day so we knew that it was because of something special. When he came in dad [Abu Bakr] rose from his bed, and the Messenger sat down. Muhammad said, ‘Send out those who are with you.’ My father said, ‘Prophet, these are my daughters [one of which is now your wife]; they can do you no harm, may my father and mother be your ransom.’ (Ishaq: 223).

  This is abnormal. Muhammad did not even trust those two small children and Abu Bakr had to swear by his parent’s names to remove his paranoid fear. As Zayn & Dibble (2007, pp. 46, 92) concluded, “ To a Narcissist, the friends and even the family members of his partners, pose a threat of exposing his real self. He really is oblivious to the feelings of others ”. Vaknin (1999, p. 116) commented, “ He attacks those he thinks take him for granted, or those who fail to recognize his superiority, those who render him “average “and “normal”. And they, alas, include just about everyone he knows ”.

  Following verses reflect Muhammad’s panic.

  Remember how the unbelievers [Meccans] plotted against you (O Muhammad), to keep you in bonds, or slay you, or get you out (of your home). They plotted, and Allah too had arranged a plot; but Allah is the best schemer . (Q: 8.30).

  And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them); and Allah is the best of schemers . (Q: 3.54)

  While revealing these verses, Allah forgot that he was supposed to be the all-powerful and all-knowing. Why Allah needs to arrange a plot if he is all-knowing? It is just an insult to God to say that He is the best plotter or a world-class schemer. Actually these were Muhammad’s own words put in Allah’s mouth. Muhammad was preoccupied with baseless doubts about the trustworthiness of the Meccans. Here Muhammad is again playing a monodrama, Allah took the center stage and Muhammad remained behind the scenes. A God does not need to be “the best schemer” but Muhammad does for his narcissistic manipulation. He felt a certain amount of pressure to maintain his self-created world, and did it through deceptive scheming, plotting and cheating. As Zayn & Dibble (2007, p. 92) concluded, “ A Narcissist always seems to be thinking and planning. His mind never rests. It takes a lot of work to maintain control of his world and all the relationship involved. There never seems to be real happiness or peace for the Narcissist ”.

  A man who sees enemies everywhere has to be the best schemer (or cheater!). The scheming Prophet had found the perfect God to take away his burden. Ishaq recorded Muhammad’s words put in Allah’s mouth,

  I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My guile so that I delivered you from them . (Ishaq: 323).

  In Islam the word “guile” is used in the same way the Bible defines Satan – “insidious and cunning, a crafty or artful deception, duplicity” (cited Winn, 2004, p. 361). Zayn & Dibble continued, “ He uses his sense of power to control those around him and to change situations in his favor. He lies awake at night creating possible scenarios for situations that may never come into existence and prides himself of all the back-up plans he invents for ‘just in case’. Instead of viewing those situations as unnecessary worry when things don’t play out the way he imagined, the Narcissist feels proud that, at least, he had been prepared” .

  A real God cannot suffer from paranoia. Allah is not an “all-knowing” God. There is at least one thing which this ignorant God does not know, i.e., “What is real?” The fact is that those verses were not revealed by any God or supernatural, rather they originated from the delusional mind of the fake Prophet of Islam. Low self esteem and strong hatred can give rise to paranoia and the process of Qur’anic revelation to Muhammad was a classic case of paranoid delusion. Science had already spoken out the truth about the true nature of his prophethood. The Paradise and the Hell

  “Hum ko maaloom hai janat ki haqeeqat lekin,

  Dil ke behelane ko Ghalib ye khayaal accha hai .”

  (Of course I [Ghalib] know there is no such thing as paradise, but to fool yourself, Ghalib, you need such pleasant thoughts.)

  Mirza Ghalib (1796 - 1869)

  “An awkward, unscientific lie is often as ineffectual as the truth.”

  Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

  In Islam, the very concept of both paradise and hell is immoral and disgusting, more satanic than divine. This view of paradise is so vulgar, demeaning, sexist, and immoral, and hell’s torments are so hateful that any logical minded person will find it repulsive. A God shall never resort to sex, violence and torture to gain followers. To criticize Islam and Muhammad, this particular topic is often taken up by both non-Muslim and ex-Muslim scholars.

  According to Qur’an; in paradise, there are gardens and vineyards, and high-bosomed virgins with a truly overflowing cup (Q: 78.31-33), the virgins are bashful, dark-eyed and as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches (Q: 37.40-48), virgins are self-sealing loving companions (Q: 56.35-37), Muslims will wed these virgins (Q: 44.51-55), the virgins shall recline on couches ranged in rows (Q: 52.17-20) and the virgins are untouched by man or jinns and they as are fair as corals and rubies, sheltered in their tents and within reach will hang fruits (Q: 55.53-58, 70-77).

  Allah’s promise of seventy-two virgins fascinates every Muslim. The grand prize seventy-two virgins is a big motivation for the Islamic suicide bombers for going to a mission. Tirmidhi recorded,

  Narrated Al-Miqdam ibn Ma’dikarib: Allah’s Messenger said,’ The martyr receives six good things from Allah… [one of this is] he is married to seventy-two wives of the maidens with large dark eyes; and is made intercessor for seventy of his relatives’ . (Tirmidhi: 1067).

  After promising paradise, Muhammad realized that a man cannot have so much sexual power to have sex with seventy-two virgins
. So he gave a vivid description of the sexual organs of the heavenly virgins and promised the Muslims prolonged erection of their sexual organs. Not only this – the believers can father a son also!

  Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, reported that Allah’s Messenger said, ‘When a believer will wish a son in the Paradise, its conception and its birth will happen in one single hour as he wishes’ . (Sunaan Ibn Majah: 5.4338)

  Anas ‘Umama reported that Allah’s Messenger said … Allah, the Mighty and glorious will marry him with seventy-two wives, two will be from virgins (haurine) with big eyes and seventy, will be his inheritance from the people of the HellFire. Everyone of them will have a pleasant vagina and he (the man) will have sexual organ that does not bend down (during sexual intercourse). (Sunaan Ibn Majah: 5.4337).

  Allah’s paradise has a free sex-market where there is no limit of the number of sexual partners. Women and young boys are on display as if in a fruit market where believers can choose the desired ripeness.

  Ali narrated that the Apostle of Allah said, ‘There is in paradise an open market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, at once he will have intercourse with them as desired’ . (Al-Ghazali’s Ihya Ulum al-Din, Vol. 4, no. 34).

  However, after promising plenty virgins, Muhammad suddenly realized that some of his followers were homosexuals and hence virgins were of no use for them. Homosexuality was and is widely practiced in Arabia. Many famous poets of Arabia have glorified homosexuality in their literature. To please the homosexual Muslims, Allah promised them young boys. Qur’an says; the handsome boys are like scattered pearls (Q: 76.19), well-guarded (Q: 52.24) and of perpetual freshness (Q: 56.17). Whenever the Muslim clerics are asked to explain the purpose of boys in paradise, they say that they are servants of the faithful. But why a servant has to be ever-young, beautiful like pearls, dressed in brocades and bracelets. He can surely be old, ugly and poorly dressed. It should not matter as long as he serves his master sincerely and maintains personal hygiene. These pearl-like boys are supplied by Allah to provide “special” service to the homosexual Muslims.


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