Islam Dismantled

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Islam Dismantled Page 23

by Sujit Das

  Muhammad put his cheek and chest in between the naked thighs of a menstruating Aisha … (Sunnan Abu Dawud: 1.270)

  Narrated `Aisha: The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot… During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me . While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods. (Bukhari: 1.6.298)

  Sucking the tongue, testing the saliva and drinking the leftover of Aisha, who was of his granddaughter’s age, were favorite sexual activities of Muhammad. His sexual urges were abnormal.

  Muhammad used to kiss and suck Aisha’s tongue while they were fasting . (Sunnan Abu Dawud: 13.2380).

  Aisha said: ‘During menstruation, I used to bite off meat from bone, the Prophet would take the bone from me and place his mouth at the same spot to eat of it where I had been biting: when I drank water, he would take the vessel from me and place his lips at the same spot where I had put mine’ . (Sunnan Ibn Majah: Vol. 2).

  After the sexual mono-game Muhammad used to spoil his own garment and his child sexual partner took the job of cleaning it. How disgusting!

  Al-Aawad and Hammam reported A’isha as saying: I used to scrape off the (drop of) semen from the garment of the Messenger of Allah . (Muslim: 2.567)

  Incase I (Aisha) found that (semen) on the garment of the Messenger of Allah dried up, I scraped it off with my nails . (Muslim: 2.572)

  Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar: I asked `Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, ‘I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah’s Apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible’ . (Bukhari: 1.4.231)

  Narrated `Aisha: ‘I used to wash the semen off the clothes of the Prophet and even then I used to notice one or more spots on them’ . (Bukhari: 1.4.233).

  To impose discipline on Aisha, Muhammad had raised his violent hand on her (Muslim: 4.2127). However, Muhammad’s pedophilic lust was not satisfied with Aisha. Once he was attracted to a baby and wanted to marry her later. This is the height of ugliness of this hardcore pedophile.

  The Apostle saw Ummu’ when she was a baby crawling before his feet and said, ‘If she grows up, I will marry her.’ But he died before he was able to do so . (Ishaq: 311).

  Muhammad was very ugly while dealing with children. Ash Shifa, (Tr. Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley, 2004, p. 184, cited Kasem, 2007) recorded that Muhammad had a disgusting habit of spitting in the mouths of suckling children. No doubt, he was at top of his ugliness with this type of acts. How a sane person can ever think of forcing the babies to drink his spittle? It is simply disgusting! Probably Muhammad used to get abnormal sexual pleasure by spitting in the mouth of the babies.

  A Narcissist has no regards for women except fulfilling his own purpose. Since he cannot love himself (his true self), he is not capable of loving others. He may act lovingly, even pretends to be madly in love with a woman, but actually he displays love to achieve goals. It may be money, power, political strength, or a narcissistic supply (Masterson, 1990, p. 97). Once substitutes are available, the former ones are abandoned without a thought (Vaknin, 1999, p. 51). He does not feel guilty for it. Sometimes, the Narcissist disconnects himself from the lives of his partners in order to teach them a lesson (Zayn & Dibble, 2007, p. 88). Qur’an says,

  It may happen that his Lord, if he divorce you, will give him in your stead wives better than you, submissive (to Allah), believing, pious, penitent, devout, inclined to fasting, widows and maids. (Q: 66.5)

  The definition of love according to a Narcissist is totally different from that of a normal healthy person. Masterson (1990, pp. 109, 110) wrote, “ Love is the capacity to acknowledge the other’s real self in a warm, affectionate way, with no strings attached … true love is a union of two people each for the ‘good of the other’ where the other’s best interest become at least equals to one’s own… But the Narcissist defines love as the ability of someone else to admire and adore him, and to provide perfect mirroring. ” In most cases, he prefers to be feared or admired, rather than loved. As Vaknin (1999, p. 358) wrote, “ When the Narcissist says ‘I love you’ he really means, ‘I depend on you for the stabilization of my narcissistic supply and for the accumulation of the supply for the road ahead’ .”

  Narcissists always want something from others. They are not capable of giving anything to anyone, no matter how small, without asking something in exchange. When a Narcissist asks a person how you are doing, in his mind he actually does not intend to know about the well-being of the other person. Rather he is taking the “emotional temperature” of the person to see if he is reacting, because he is looking for that reaction. Even if the person is finally giving him a piece of his mind, the Narcissist is not listening; the statement simply goes in one ear and comes out from the other. Nothing makes a difference; the listening part is an illusion.

  Muhammad did not know how to form a stable marital relationship. He simply could not postpone satisfaction. A Narcissist is the creature of “here and now” as he judges himself to be all deserving. He is immature in every walk of marriage and sex (Vaknin, 1999, pp. 139, 272-3). I can make a comparison – a person who has been in a wheelchair since childhood cannot have any idea of what it feels like to walk, run, jump, do gymnastics, ride a bike, etc. Similarly, the person with NPD is in an emotional cripple. His experience of life bears no resemblance to the ordinary person’s. As Vaknin (1999, pp. 357, 195) wrote, “ The Narcissist never invests in anything, and never perseveres – so he never gets emotionally attached to anything … if he does not get attached, he cannot get hurt ”.

  For Muhammad, sex was an expression of power, both emotional and physical. Conquest of the body of a defenseless woman was a status symbol for him; this was the proof of his virility. This type of cruel activities allows a Narcissist to engage in vicarious narcissistic behaviors, to express his narcissism through the “conquered” women, transforming them into instruments at the service of his narcissism, into his extensions. For Muhammad, Rayhana and Safiyyah were two instant narcissistic solutions. He had no shortage of women; he could easily spare those two women who were in extreme grief, but he did not. He used sexual attack to “conquer” and “secure” new sources of narcissistic supply. The Narcissist likes to believe that he is the maker of the decision of which type of relationship he should establish and with whom. For Muhammad, Rayhana and Safiyyah must value his companionship sufficiently to sacrifice any independent expression of their own personalities. As Masterson (1990, p. 124) wrote, “ The exhibitionist [a person who shows expression of power] Narcissist would see the woman’s sexual response as part of his entitlements and would say openly that he expects her to devote herself to his needs. He would manipulate her in such a way that she would have to accept his entitlement ”. This is heroism for a Narcissist and because of this attitude he often finds depictions of rape on video as enjoyable and sexually arousing (Hook, 2007, p. 33). A woman has no mind, only the “meat” of her body is “Halal” for Muhammad to enjoy. The “halal meat” of a woman’s body has no individuality, no identity of its own – it is a toy for enjoyment.

  Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah: When I got married, Allah’s Apostle said to me, “What type of lady have you married?” I replied, “I have married a matron.” He said, “Why, don’t you have a liking for the virgins and for fondling them?” Jabir also said: Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Why did not you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?’ (Bukhari: 7.62.17)

  When I returned to Medina, the Prophet met me in the market and said, ‘Give me the woman.’ I said, ‘Holy Prophet of Allah, I like her, and I have not uncovered her garment.’ Muhammad said nothing to me until the next day. He again met me in the market and said, ‘Salamah, give me the woman.’ I said, ‘Prophet, I have not uncovered her garment but she is yours.’ (Tabari: VIII.97)

  The lascivious Prophet had a secret desire for his daughter-in-law, Zaynab bint Jahsh. It was not social
ly accepted for an Arab to marry his daughter-in law. But a Narcissist is not bind by any rule. It is the Narcissist who determines which laws to obey and which to break. He expects the society, his partners, his colleagues, his spouse, his children, his parents, his students, his teacher – in short; practically everyone in this world to abide by his rulebook. Muhammad broke all the social taboos by expressing his desire for the petite and elegantly attractive Zaynab. He retained the power to decide which contracts were to be scrupulously observed and which offhandedly ignored. By family obligation, Muhammad was supposed to be as her father. To fulfill his sexual desire for Zaynab, the Narcissist was in action again. What commences as an elaborate daydream ends up in a Narcissist’s mind as a plausible scenario. The con artist silenced his critics with a simple solution – he claimed that Allah had instructed him to marry Zaynab, and that Allah himself would solemnize the marriage of Muhammad with his daughter-in-law. To fulfill Muhammad’s desire Allah revealed the following verse.

  … and when Zayd had accomplished what he would of her (divorce), We gave her to you (Muhammad) in marriage, so that there is no fault in believers concerning (marriage to) the former spouse of their foster children if they divorced them. The decree of Allah must be done . (Q: 33.37).

  By marrying Zaynab, Muhammad proved that the society must attend to his needs whereas he was under no obligation to listen to or understand anyone. He did not feel shame at all because he had bypassed it. Whenever Muhammad took undue sexual advantages, he directed the shame to Allah as if whatever he did, he was actually following Allah’s instruction. So it was never “my fault”. The verses where Allah granted Muhammad special sexual privileges served only one purpose – it transformed “Muhammad’s fault” to “Allah’s fault”. Hotchkiss (2003, p. 6) wrote, “ The shame is directed outward, away from the self. It can never be ‘My Fault’”. In the following verse Allah takes away Muhammad’s shame.

  No fault shall be attached to the Prophet for doing what Allah has obligated for him. Such was the Way of Allah with those who passed away before the decree of Allah is a decree determined .” (Q: 33.38)

  Male Narcissists hate women virulently, passionately and uncompromisingly. His hate is original, inherent, and irrational. Though most of them learn how to disguise, even repress these untoward feelings, their strong hatred does swing out of control and erupt from time to time. Muhammad was a misogynist (strong hatred for women). In his farewell sermon he equated women to cattle. Tabari recorded,

  Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur’an . (Tabari: IX.113)

  Since women are domestic animals, logically, the old stock can be replaced by new one, as Tabari and Ibn Ishaq recorded,

  Ali [Muhammad’s adopted son, son-in-law, and future Caliph] said, ‘Prophet, women are plentiful. You can get a replacement, easily changing one for another’. (Tabari: VIII.62; Ishaq: 496)

  Elsewhere (Dagher, 1995, pp. 18-9), Muhammad is reported to have said, “The woman has two things to cover her: the grave and the marriage”. When he was asked which one was better, the reply was, “The grave”. Lastly, a quote from Imam Ghazali’s work shows how much hatred Muhammad had for women.

  The Prophet said: if husband would be covered with pus from head to toe, and wife would lick it, even then wife’s gratitude to husband wouldn’t be fulfilled . (Imam Ghazali, from Ihya Ulum Al-Din, volume - 2)

  There is a reason why Muhammad equated women with domestic animals. The ideal life partner of a male Narcissist is someone who is willing to become an extension of his fragile ego, to serve as an object of admiration, contempt, or often enough both, as if he had put a sign over the door ought to read “Abandon Self All Ye Who Enter Here” (Hotchkiss, 2003, p. 121). It means the life partner must obliterate her autonomy in the service of her husband’s narcissism with doggy obedience. In sum; the husband cannot regard the separate existence of his wife as she does for her own. Such a woman is no way better than a domestic animal. Lastly, a quote from Russell (2009, p. 76) which is self-explanatory,

  Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give; unconsciously, if not consciously, they feel this and the resulting disappointment inclines them towards envy, oppression and cruelty .

  3.6.6: Why Muhammad was Sinless?

  Muhammad could not fathom the reciprocity in human relations, and as a result, slowly he became antisocial lacking in morale and in consequences. Muslims believe that Muhammad possessed special spiritual qualities, was ma’soum (or, masom, innocent) which means immaculate from sin (Nasr, 2007, p. 39). According to Qur’an, Allah forgave all past, present and future sins of His beloved Prophet. It means; whatever evils Muhammad wants to do, he can do without any remorse. He can loot, murder, plunder, rape – practically commit any crime known to the society with Allah’s license. God himself is guarantor of his forgiveness. Qur’an says,

  Lo! We have given thee (O Muhammad) a signal victory, That Allah may forgive thee of thy sin that which is past and that which is to come, and may perfect His favor unto thee, and may guide thee on a right path. (Q: 48.1, 2).

  Narcissists are prone to magical thinking. In this respect they are like children. Muhammad never felt guilty for his cruel acts. He put Allah directly responsible for all his wrong doings and gave an impression to his followers that he was merely following Allah’s instructions. A person who is carrying out God’s order is not responsible for his actions, either directly or indirectly, and hence he is immaculate from sin. If Allah’s decrees are delivered by Muhammad’s tongue, then of course Muhammad is sinless.

  Abu Musa reported the Apostle of Allah as saying: Make intercession to me, you will be rewarded, for Allah decrees what He wishes by the tongue of His Prophet. (Sunnan Abu Dawud: 3.5112).

  Umar b Abu Salama said that Messenger of Allah, Allah pardoned thee all thy sins, the previous and the later ones. Upon this the Messenger of Allah said: By Allah, I am the most God conscious among you and I fear Him most among you . (Muslim: 6.2450).

  The fact that nobody is perfect gives little comfort to the Narcissist. He thinks that he is an exception to this natural law. Thus, it is his challenge to find a way to stay pumped up inside in order to hold these harsh realities at bay (Hotchkiss, 2003, p. 7). He maintains his grandiosity and all-powerfulness through a connection to “someone”, who can pump up to sustain the illusion of his chosen “specialness”. For Muhammad, this “someone” was none other than the Allah, and the chosen “specialness” was, of course, “sinlessness”.

  A Narcissist does not feel that in any way he is related to his former “shelves”. He blames the external world for his mishap. He is surprised by society’s insistence that he should be punished for his deeds and be held responsible for them (Vaknin, 1999, pp. 49, 186). Even he may develop a feeling that he is being persecuted by powers greater than him. However, sometimes he realizes that people around him are sad and disappointed, and it has certainly something to do with his attitude towards them. But his grandiosity covers up his disagreeable state of things by convincing him – poor things, they can never fully understand him, they are so inferior, it is no wonder they are so depressed (Vaknin, 1999, p. 46). He cannot see through the defensive structures of his life, his thinking, his ways of perceiving reality. He senses, but cannot understand the hollow core at the center of his life. He had lived too long on deception and fantasy, and now he is the master deceiver (Masterson, 1990, p. 81). Allah wrote in the Qur’an,

  And when We would destroy a township We send commandment to its folk who live at ease, and afterward they commit abomination therein, and so the Word (of doom) hath effect for it, and we annihilate it with complete annihilation . (Q: 17.16)

  And We are not unjust to them, but they themselves were unjust . (Q: 43.76)

  It was not We that wronged them: They wronged their own souls
. (Q: 11.101)

  This is how Muhammad immunes himself from sin. He is just carrying out Allah’s instructions and the victims are suffering because of their own wrongdoings and Allah’s curse. With Allah’s authority, Muhammad can “destroy a township” and “ annihilate it with complete annihilation” without taking a single grain of responsibility for it. So why should he feel guilty or accept the sin? For a person to be truly guilty, he needs to intend, to deliberate, to contemplate his choices and then to choose his acts. Muhammad had done none of these. A Narcissist, because he is deeply immersed in his delusion and grandeur, believes that his heinous acts have or will have a greater positive influence on humankind (Vaknin, 1999, p. 140). Let us analyze the most hateful verse of the Qur’an – “The Verse of the Sword”.

  When the sacred months are over, slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Take them and confine them, then lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and establish the prayer and pay the obligatory charity, let them go their way. Allah is Forgiving and the Most Merciful . (Q: 9.5).

  The above verse is one of the most frequently quoted Qur’anic verses. It is both offensive and defensive and meant for worldwide application. Muslim terrorists cite this verse to justify their violent jihad. However, this verse appears to be self-contradictory – Allah is instructing the Muslims to slay the nonbelievers, but at the same time Allah claims that he is “forgiving and the most merciful”. But no; this verse is perfect if judged from a Narcissist’s point of view. Muhammad knew that his instructions were immoral and would cause great pain to others, but his “magical thinking”, i.e., his way of viewing the world convinced him that though his actions were against society and humanity, he could “get away” with this, because whatever he is doing today is for a long term benefit to the civilization. In the future, people will accept him as a true Prophet and his Allah as the most merciful and forgiving God. Therefore, this verse, though looks contradictory according to our moral standard and intellect, is meaningful if analyzed from Muhammad’s point of view. Now we know what Muhammad’s strength was. He was capable to “ destroy a township” and “annihilate it with complete annihilation” without blinking an eye, and still could think himself sinless.


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