Gabe's Destiny (Alien Mates Book Three)

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Gabe's Destiny (Alien Mates Book Three) Page 5

by Serena Simpson

  She leaned over and placed her hand on his. “Will you teach me?”

  “As much as I can.”

  “What’s wrong? You don’t look happy that we survived. I’m listening to you now. I know I was wrong to just walk off and I definitely realize how it put me in danger. Believe me, I’m willing to listen.”

  “It’s not that, Taya. When I am around you, it’s difficult.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When you’re different like you and I sometimes the rules change.”

  “That’s why Sudir’s and other monsters come after us.”

  “Yeah, but it’s more than that. I feel an attraction to you, but it’s not an ordinary can I take you to dinner attraction.”

  “You don’t want to drain me of energy like I’m the last cow on Earth.” She backed up a little on the bed.

  He laughed, a full body laugh that made the tension trying to stiffen her shoulders slide away.

  “Nope, not a bit interested in that. Of course, the male in me came up with something different he’d like to get his lips on.”

  She blushed, really how old was she? It took a swift shake of her head to get the images his words conjured up out of her head.

  “If you don’t want to eat me, in a horrible way, what do you want to do?”

  He settled deeper in the chair before making eye contact.

  “Let me tell you a little about myself. I’m a shifter. I think that’s the easiest way to put it. It means there are two sides to me. Right now you see the Arbrin side but within me, just as dominant, is the Matra side. Because we both know the public would be scared and hunt us down if he were seen outside, he stays hidden until we are alone.”

  “If you’re a shifter, why can’t I see the animal overlaying you?”

  “My Matra is not an animal. I believe you see that with the other shifters because they are originally from this planet. I am not.”

  “Your other side, does it wish to hurt me?”

  “We both want to protect you.”

  “Yet somehow the protection will be something that won’t make me happy.”

  “That’s about the size of it.”

  “As we grow older, the Arbrin/Matra begin to search for our soul-bond. Together we become one. It makes us stronger; after a certain amount of time we need that for our sanity. I should have more time but being a twin and dealing with what Rylan has gone through has triggered a need in me for my soul-bond.”

  “What’s a soul-bond? It sounds kind of painful.”

  “A soul-bond is what happens between two people who become one. Like Rylan and Aviana.”


  “It’s more than that. So much deeper and its forever but for now let’s call it marriage.”

  Her mouth hung open as she stared at him. Was he asking her to marry him? She was flattered, of course she was flattered but did it look like she was born yesterday. What exactly did he want out of a sham marriage?

  “You want to marry me?” She couldn’t keep the note of surprise from creeping into her voice.


  She laid down in the bed pulling the covers over her head before she sat up again realizing he must be teasing. It had to be a joke. She fell backwards and started laughing. Nice big laughs that might have encouraged him to join in. When she realized she was laughing alone, she stopped and sat up.

  “You’re serious?”


  Her stomach picked that minute to growl saving her from possibly disgracing herself.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Let’s go down to the kitchen, I’ll make you something.”

  He cooks? She stood up and silently followed him out the door and down the steps. Looking around, she wondered if everyone here was as crazy as he was. It really didn’t matter because they had saved her life. No one had to come and get her, but they did and she was grateful. So she would listen to what Gabe had to say before she politely turned him down.

  It didn’t matter that he was pleasing to look at, although if you were going to get married, the man should appeal to you. She wasn’t getting married though. He did have a really good sense of humor and could make her feel better in stressful situations. That would be a good quality in a marriage. Not that she was getting hitched.

  She shut her brain down, because this could go on forever. She wasn’t getting married and that was final.

  He pulled a chair out for her at the kitchen table.

  “Do you want breakfast or lunch?”

  “What’s for lunch?”

  “Sandwiches and chips, hamburger and fries. I see left over lasagna and a few other things I can whip up if I haven’t mentioned anything you’re interested in.”

  “A nice sandwich and some chips sound good.”

  He reached into the fridge and pulled out lettuce, tomato, mayo as well as meat and cheese.

  Her stomach growled again. She walked over to him and stole a couple of chips before he swatted at her hand making her laugh. Snaking her hand out to catch a few more, she returned to her seat with a smile on her lips. He really was a man, err male, who she wouldn’t mind dating.

  Stop it, she chastised herself. There would be no dating, no marrying and definitely no kissing, even though she was sure she dreamed about kissing him.

  He brought her plate over with a flourish. Then he retrieved drinks and his own plate. She sat in silence as she ate. The sandwich was great, a thick roast beef. She couldn’t remember the last time she had one because of all the salads she was eating, none of which helped her bottom line.

  “Thank you,” she said before picking up a chip and popping it into her mouth.

  “Your welcome, I would cook for you any day.”

  She looked at him and realized he was telling the truth.

  “I believe you.” With that revelation came an unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  She could feel herself stretching in his direction. There was a desire to be close to him, to feel his hands on her as he caressed her skin. The desire to touch him was even stronger. Without realizing it, she reached out and placed her hand on his.

  Her head drifted down as her fingertips caressed the back of his hand, learning the smoothness of it. He turned his hand over and she caressed his palm before allowing her fingers to trace his. There were callouses on his hand as though at one point he had done manual labor. His fingers were lithe and strong. The longer she touched him, the more little fires ignited in her belly.

  He brought his other hand up to trace the back of her fingers making her breath catch in her throat.

  “We haven’t known each other long enough to be attracted to each other.”

  “I thought humans believed in love at first sight.”

  “Not this human. I believe in being cautious and when I think I have all my ducks in a row, start from the beginning and do it all again. Remember I was a hospital administrator. Going too fast means missing things.”

  “Going to slow means the same thing.”

  “Where’s the middle ground?”

  “Taya, maybe you and I don’t get one. We either go fast or we don’t go at all.”

  “Gabe,” his name tasted good on her lips. “Maybe we need to look harder.”

  He smiled and stood to clear off the table. There wasn’t much to do but she helped him clean up before they walked back into the living room. She made herself comfortable on the couch and watched as he sat beside her.

  “Tell me more of this soul-bonding.” She wanted to hit her head on something. What made her say that?

  He gave her a small smile. “Marriage is something you can get out of if you have made a mistake. Soul-bonding isn’t. Being soul-bonded to the wrong person would be like a death sentence. Because of that, we would have to go through a trial. The trial would test us both and if we didn’t pass we wouldn’t be soul-bonded. The down side of that is you can only do it once. If you don’t pass there are no do overs.”

  It sounded like some mythical being, that knew more than you, telling you if you were compatible. She didn’t know if she liked that or not. At least it kept you from making a horrible mistake, but what if you were truly meant to be together and it got it wrong? Maybe you were just having a bad day.

  “I’m divided on whether I think these test are good or not.”

  “It doesn’t really matter, they are there just like a marriage license, either you do it or you don’t.”

  That made sense. Lots of people choose to live together without ever taking the next step and many were happy.

  “So you’re saying people can live together without soul-bonding?”

  He shook his head. “This is more than a physical relationship. When a couple soul-bonds, they are able to enter each other’s minds. Like we did earlier but more. It’s a connection that goes so deep it cannot be cut. To tamper with it could mean their lives. It’s forever, Taya. There’s no coming back from it.”

  “What would I get out of soul-bonding with you?” She sounded like a spoiled child or something worse and she knew it. For some reason she needed to know everything, even the parts that sounded bad.

  “I could tell you that you would gain greater access to your power, that together we would become a powerful couple. I could tell you that you’d be faster. Find out that you would recognize evil easier and defend yourself against it quicker. I could tell you all that and it would be true. Yet, in the end what you get out of soul-bonding with me, is me.”

  He looked her in the eyes, reached out and touched her cheek, caressing it. Then he stood and strode out the room leaving her staring after him.

  Chapter Eight

  Taya stood on the porch looking out over the front yard. It was wide and beautiful; it sparked a feeling of homesickness within reminding her of the view off her parent’s porch.

  With a sigh, she sat. Her life was becoming more complicated with every breath she took. Gabe had essentially asked her to marry him. Say that three times fast and her head may just explode. He saved her life but did that mean she owed him eternal fidelity. Wouldn’t a simple thank you and a gift card to some music store suffice?

  That was an easy no. Look Gabe, it’s me not you. Yes, you saved my life, but I think marriage is a little too much of a payment for it. Although my life is worth more than that. Gah, she was rambling in her thoughts. No, she wouldn’t marry Gabe as a thank you for saving her.

  Everything after that got harder. He wasn’t asking her for a pity marriage or even a pity roll in the hay. When he looked at her he saw her. Taya, past, present, and future. It was there in the weight of his stare. He saw something in her she couldn’t begin to describe. That kind of transparency was enough to make her shudder and run.

  If only it was simply that, but her body reached for him. She couldn’t keep her hands to herself. She needed to touch him, like the connection was the only thing that would keep her going. It was insane; people didn’t connect at such intimate levels. She needed a shrink.

  “Yes ma’am.” She could picture lying on her shrink’s couch answering her questions.

  “You heard his voice in your head telling you what to do?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “You say he’s an alien and you were accosted by another alien? One that’s an enemy of the one you’re attracted to?”

  It was official; she had lost her ever loving mind, but she wouldn’t be turning herself in. Strait jackets weren’t her style. Not knowing what else to do she picked up the burner phone she swapped out every few weeks and made a call.

  “Hello?” Tears came to her eyes at the sound of that voice.


  “Taya,” the woman on the other end screamed before her voice choked up with tears. “Bob, get in here now! Where are you, baby? Please come home or we’ll come to you. Taya’s on the phone.” There was a shuffle in the background and then her father’s voice was on the phone.

  “Where are you, Princess? I’ll come get you. We’re so worried about you. The police found your car at the bus station. They said there was no foul play and if you wanted to run away you’re old enough. They stopped looking for you but we never did. Where are you?”

  “I’m fine, dad, honestly. That person who was stalking me followed me or someone just like him found me. Either way, I left to make sure you and mom were okay. I can’t come back until I figure this out. I just needed to hear your voices.” She broke down in a sob.

  “Give me the phone, Bob. My baby is crying and I’m going to find out why.” There was silence, then her mother was back on the phone.

  “What’s going on, Taya, and I want the truth.”

  She gave her mother the unvarnished truth and waited for her to call her crazy or suggest she get mental help right away.

  “When you were a little girl you used to see monsters all the time.” There was a sadness clinging to her mother’s voice. “We eventually moved here hoping the nightmares would go away and they did. You became a normal child running and playing, having fun. The specialists said it was just a phase and your father and I prayed every night that they were right. When you started being stalked, at first we thought you were having the same nightmares, but nightmares don’t leave dead animals on your porch. We should have told you.”

  What would she have done if her parents told her? She would have probably laughed it off like she did with Gabe. Even though it was her parents telling her, she didn’t have any memories of going through this as a child. Most likely she had repressed them. Knowing what she knew now, repressing them was probably for the best.

  “Mom, if you had told me it would have either freaked me out more or I would have ignored it. Accepting this kind of thing isn’t easy.”

  “Taya, now that you know what’s wrong, can’t you come home?”

  Could she go home? Maybe, after she figured out how to protect herself and them. She was going to be in danger no matter where she lived; she might as well live by her parents. Yeah, she could go home or at least she could try if Gabe would stop invading her mind.

  “Mom, remember I told you about that male named Gabe?” She need to pace to tell her mom this so she stood. When her mother said yes, she told her the rest. “So you see he wants to marry me. It’s called soul-bonding and it’s for life.”

  “You don’t even know him!” Her father screamed from the background. Of course her dad was listening; he hadn’t seen her for a year. No way was he going to go back and watch whatever was on the television.

  “Really Bob,” her mother scolded. “We knew each other for three weeks before we headed to Vegas and got married. I thought my dad was going to kill you, and if I remember correctly it was close. I literally stood between his shotgun and you.”

  Her dad mumbled something about no one being good enough for his princess, especially some alien from another world. What if he tried to take her off planet or eat her for breakfast?

  Taya felt her lips quirk; she loved her family, they made her feel sane, like she would figure this out.

  “Your dad says he trust you.”

  Her father yelled, “When did I say that?”

  “He also says if you chose to soul-bond with this male we better get the invitation because we need to meet him. Understand young lady?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “And there will be a real wedding! Do what you think is right for your life, Taya. We will support you one hundred percent. Can I reach you at this number?”

  “I…” What could she say? Her mother was asking sweetly but pretty much demanding she give her a way to stay in touch.

  “Yes, mom. If I have to ditch this phone for any reason, I promise to get a new one and call you with the number.”

  “Thank you, dear.” Taya held the phone cradled next to her ear not wanting to break the connection with her family.

  Gabe was standing on the porch listening. He walked over and took her in his arms sheltering her. He took her phone and snapped a pictur
e of the two of them together and sent it to her mother.

  “Ma’am, my name is Gabe. You don’t know me but you’ll see me in the picture I just sent of me and Taya. I want to assure you that I will take care of her.”

  Her mother’s voice broke as she cried.

  Her dad’s voice came through the line. “Young man, you take care of my daughter. I’m going to hold you personally responsible for her wellbeing. Am I clear?”

  “Yes sir.”


  Gabe handed her the phone back.


  “Your mother and I love you and we expect you to take care.” Her father’s voice was warm in her ear. “I love you, Taya,” her mom whispered.

  “I love you too. I love both of you. Later.” She ended the call and there was a smile on her lips.

  “Gabe, can I walk to town?”

  There would be no more sneaking away until she knew what she was facing and how to defeat it.

  “You should be fine, but I would feel better if I walked with you.”

  “I would like that. Give me a few minutes to change.”

  “Go ahead.”

  She didn’t have much in her suitcases but she wanted to put on her sneakers for walking, change into a different pair of jeans, and grab a jacket. The air could still be a little nippy. In no time at all she was back on the porch. Gabe reached over and took her hand like it was natural. They walked into town quietly.

  Her thoughts were all over the place because he wasn’t acting like she thought he would. Mike, her last boyfriend, used to pressure her into doing what he wanted. If she said no, it was like she waved a red flag in front of his face. Gabe wasn’t doing that. The time they spent in silence didn’t feel like punishment. It was more like a comfortable silence between lovers.

  Not lovers. She resisted the urge to hit herself on the back of the hand and go naughty Taya.

  “Was there any place in particular you wanted to go?”

  Kill. Her. Now! There was no way in hell she was going to tell him she wanted to buy new panties just in case. Yep, no way.


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