No Apologies (Bomar Boys Book 2)

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No Apologies (Bomar Boys Book 2) Page 25

by Jess Bryant

  No. She focused on doing what Remy had asked. She tore the blankets off the bed and then spread as many towels as she could over the sheets to protect the mattress. There had been so much blood on Remy’s hands she could only assume Colt was bleeding profusely.

  She was still dragging the blankets out of the way so nobody tripped on them when she heard heavy footsteps behind her. She turned on instinct and immediately dropped the pillow that was in her hands. Her breath caught and she wasn’t sure if it was a curse or a prayer that she whispered when she saw Remy holding Colt upright in the doorway.

  She winced as her eyes darted over him, taking in all of the damage even as her mind rebelled against what it was seeing. Colt’s face was a bruised and bloody mess that barely resembled the handsome man she knew. She had to fight back a scream of denial that anyone could do that to another human being let alone the man she loved.

  The skin on Colt’s cheek was split open and blood was oozing down the side of his face. She couldn’t tell if all of the blood was from that gash or not but she didn’t think it could be considering his hair was tinted red as well. His nose didn’t look broken this time but that was no real victory considering his right eye, just above the cut, was so swollen it was glued shut. His lips were busted and he spit blood, showing off red stained teeth when he grimaced in pain.

  Skylar covered her mouth, “Oh God…”

  “Watch out.” Remy maneuvered Colt on his wobbly legs towards the bed and she leaped out of the way as both men grunted, “Sorry bro. I know it hurts, just lay down and I’ll get you something.”

  “Sky. Need Sky.” Colt hissed out a rough breath.

  “I’m here.” She moved around to the other side of the bed and started to reach for his hand then thought better of it and pulled back, “I’m here baby.”

  Colt groaned as he turned his head to face her and his lips twitched, “Hi angel. My angel.”

  “I am. I’m yours. Don’t you leave me okay?” She felt the tears slip down her face when he managed to reach out and brush a hand across her cheek, “I love you.”

  “Love you too.” Colt’s hand dropped away, “So much.”

  Skylar gasped in a breath as the words she’d waited for hit her like a slap in the face. No. No! She wanted to scream at him. She wanted to shake him. No, he didn’t get to tell her that he loved her now. Not like this. Not because he thought he was dying.

  Tears streaked down her face, “Don’t you dare leave me.”

  Colt was still and silent except for the heavy, labored breaths of a man in pain and she fought the urge to crawl into the bed with him. She glanced up to find Remy watching them with a look she’d never expected to see on his chiseled face. There was pain and there was despair and then there was this.

  She looked him over again and tried to figure out not just what to do next but also what had happened. Remy looked like hell. His clothes were rumpled and covered in blood. His dark hair was disheveled and his five o’clock shadow gave him a wild, unkempt look. But it was his eyes, those darker than sapphire blue eyes, their father’s eyes, that had her pushing to her feet to confront him head on.

  “What happened?”

  “I told you, he was attacked.”

  “Don’t try to bullshit me, Remy. What the hell happened?”

  He didn’t look at her. Didn’t even glance at her. He stared at his little brother, lying beaten and bloody, bruised and broken on the bed instead. A look passed his eyes that she couldn’t read, didn’t understand, and then it was gone and with it all trace of emotion disappeared from him as if it had never existed.

  If she wasn’t so accustomed to Colt’s mood swings, she might have been shocked by the ease of the change. Remy’s shoulders went back and his chin went up. When he finally looked at her, he was every inch the eldest Bomar brother, dangerous and untouchable.

  “Let’s talk in the other room.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she’d prefer to stay with Colt but Remy didn’t wait for her response. He turned on his heel and walked out of the room. She growled and cursed as she shot a glance at her unconscious boyfriend, worried about letting him sleep when he might have a concussion, worried about leaving him alone, but ultimately decided answers were the only way she could help him and followed his brother, gently shutting the door behind her.

  “Remy?” She prompted when she found him at the kitchen sink scrubbing his hands clean.

  “He was attacked. I don’t know by who. I don’t know by how many. He was like that when I found him.” He paused and shot a sharp look over his shoulder, “You need to decide right here and right now how much you want to know. This is Bomar shit. If I tell you…”

  “I’m all in with Colt. I’m not going anywhere and I’m not going to betray him. Talk.”

  If she stopped to think about what she was really saying, she still wouldn’t have taken the words back. They were true. She knew Colt. She knew all of him, the good and the bad, and she knew that as much as he hated it, as much as he might try to deny it, this dark and dangerous world the Bomars inhabited was a part of him.

  “Okay then… I don’t know how much you know so I’m going to keep this as simple as I can. There are some guys that are mad at Colt right now. He was supposed to end a fight last week and it went on a lot longer than it should have. People lost money. The attack on your shops, this, it’s their way of sending a message.”

  “A message?”

  “They think they got cheated and they want Lincoln to know that if they get hit where it hurts, we get hit where it hurts.”

  “Jesus.” She swiped a hand over her face as her mind finally stopped whirling long enough to latch onto a piece of information, “This is about Lincoln? About those fights he has Colt competing in?”

  Remy’s eyebrows went up, “You know about that?”

  “Of course I know about that. Colt told me that he’s fighting for Lincoln until he can pay him back for the loan.”

  “The loan?”

  She met Remy’s eyes and felt an insane urge to laugh or cry or both. This family and their damn secrets. From the confusion coloring his face, it was clear to her that despite whatever parts of the puzzle Remy had been clued into, he didn’t have the full picture. Since he’d decided to enlighten her, she figured she might as well return the favor.

  “Yeah, the loan. Lincoln loaned Colt money a few years ago when he and Cash were first trying to get out from under Decker’s rule. Colt’s been fighting for him ever since to pay him back and earn his freedom because only in your fucked up family could helping each other mean paying back money with blood, sweat and tears.”

  Remy’s mouth thinned, “That’s what Lincoln has over Colt? The kid owes him some money?”


  “Son of a bitch.” He surprised her by slamming his fist into the cabinet and then cursing some more, “I knew Link had somethin’ on him but nobody would tell me what it was. That bastard put my brother in a ring and risked his life for some fuckin’ money?”

  She assumed that was a rhetorical question and remained quiet.

  “Does Cash know about this?” Remy scowled.

  “No. Colt kept him in the dark. He said Cash would’ve stopped him.”

  “Damn right Cash would have stopped him because somehow that twin got all the brains.” Remy kicked the cabinet, “Goddamnit, they never should’ve gotten involved with…”

  Before he could finish his sentence, the door to the apartment opened again and the man they were discussing came through it. Lincoln Bomar looked exactly like he always did. Smug, arrogant, self-assured and not a hair out of place. The only sign that something might even be wrong was the fact that he was scowling instead of smirking.

  Knowing that Colt was lying in bed hurt while this man walked around untouched made Skylar’s blood boil. Before she could think better of it, her temper got the best of her. She rushed towards him and raised her hand. She slapped him so hard it made her palm sting but he barely bud
ged so she shoved him in the chest, trying to inflict some sort of damage as she railed at him.

  “You did this!”

  “What the fuck!” He snarled as he easily restrained her.

  “This is your fault!” She struggled against his hold and when she couldn’t break free she raised her knee.

  “Stop!” Lincoln scowled and twisted, clearly sensing her intention to harm his favorite body part and pushing her back away from him, “I said stop! We’re all on the same side here.”

  “Fuck you, Lincoln! You’re the reason he’s hurt!”

  A pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and hauled her backwards. She struggled against Remy but when he didn’t budge an inch she gave up. She couldn’t fight them, not physically, and another round of tears blurred her vision.

  “I’m the reason he’s gonna survive this too so back off and let us through.”

  “Skylar, calm down. Let Nessa go look him over.” Remy whispered, his touch softening as soon as she stopped fighting.

  Skylar shuddered out a breath and managed a nod. She hadn’t even noticed the woman standing behind Lincoln in the doorway. The other woman seemed altogether unfazed by Skylar’s outburst. As soon as she nodded, the nurse darted past her towards Colt’s bedroom.

  “Nessa will take care of him and if she can’t, she’ll tell us and we’ll get him to the hospital.” Remy promised as he released his hold on her and stepped between her and Lincoln.

  Nessa. Right. She was a nurse but she was also family. She’d been engaged to one of the Bible Bomars, Joel, before he died. That was why they trusted her to keep this quiet and help them. She was one of them.

  “I’ll go see if Nessa needs anything...”

  Skylar shot a hand out when Lincoln started to go past her and shook her head, “No. You’re not going anywhere near him.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He balked, as if shocked she would dare tell him what to do. She was sure it was a rare occasion when anyone dared contradict Lincoln Bomar. God knew she wouldn’t have done it either but this was too important and her handprint on his cheek made her bold.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Is that so?” His lips curled into that trademark smirk and she contemplated slapping him again.

  Remy stepped up right beside her, blocking Lincoln’s path, “That’s so.”

  Since Remy seemed to be standing with her, she crossed her arms over her chest and held her ground, “Colt’s out.”

  That earned her a snort, “Yeah, okay…”

  When he started to go around them Remy stepped in his way and put a hand to his chest, his voice deadly serious when he spoke, “He’s out, Link. For good. No more fighting. No more jobs. He’s going to survive this and when he does, he’s done.”

  A warmth she hadn’t expected lit her veins as she glanced over at Colt’s older brother. She’d heard the anger in his voice when she told him Lincoln was forcing Colt to fight for him. She’d seen his despair as he looked at his brother lying in that bed. But somehow, when faced with his eldest cousin, his de facto leader, she hadn’t expected him to take her side or even Colt’s.

  “He’s out.” She reiterated and then made the offer she knew Lincoln couldn’t refuse, “Whatever he owes you to get out, I’ll cover it.”

  That earned her both of their intense stares and she fought not to fidget. Remy looked shocked. Lincoln looked interested. Just as she’d known he would.

  One dark eyebrow rose, “Honey, do you have any idea who you’re talkin’ to?”

  “Do you?” She shot right back at him, “Because if its money you want, I can get it to you as soon as the bank opens on Monday. Give me the number you need to let Colt out of whatever deal you two have and I’ll get you clean bills to cover it.”

  Lincoln seemed to consider her words and then shook his head, “I wish it was that easy sweetheart. I like you but it’s about more than money.”


  “I’m not the only one that fronted the C’s. Colt fights for me, yeah, but he does it in Abel’s ring. I might take your money but my cousin, he’s gonna want more than that.”

  Remy cursed, “Abel too? Both of you fuckers took advantage of him?”

  “He needed help and you weren’t around, Cuz.” Lincoln narrowed his eyes at Remy, “Abel needs a fighter, somebody in the family that can’t be beaten. Without Colt in the ring, we’re not represented and…”

  “I’ll take his place.”

  Skylar gasped at the offer. Remy didn’t fidget. He didn’t blink. He stared Lincoln down when his cousin appeared to size him up and she felt not only an odd sense of warmth for the dark-haired Bomar brother but also real respect. He would take Colt’s place in the ring, just like that, because Colt needed him. No matter what his brothers or anyone else thought about him, she saw in that moment that whatever reason Remy Bomar had for leaving town ten years ago, he was trying to make up for it now.

  She swallowed past the lump in her throat, “That’s it then. I’ll cover the money. He’ll cover the muscle. Is there anything else you need to make this deal?”

  Lincoln scratched his head, “You’re both crazy, you know that?”

  “Do we have a deal?” Remy growled.

  “Yeah. We’re square. Colt’s out.”

  “Good.” She rubbed a hand over her face, “Let me know how much.”

  “Oh, you can bet I will.” Lincoln snorted.

  “Fine. I’m going to go check on my boyfriend now. You two stay out here.”

  She turned on her heel and retreated down the hallway of the small apartment. She didn’t honestly expect either of them to listen to her but when she didn’t hear footsteps behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief. She felt like she was on the verge of losing it and when she slipped inside Colt’s bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her and saw him again, she did.

  Tears blurred her vision and she hurriedly wiped them away. Colt was out. He was finally going to be free of his demons. No more dark, dangerous Bomar life for him. No more fighting or dealing with his cousins and their threats. He was free of it all and it had only taken him being beaten into unconsciousness for her to figure out what she should have done from the beginning.

  The money wasn’t important to her. She had it. She’d always had it. Whatever insane figure Lincoln cooked up, she could cover it.

  There was a college fund her parents had set up when she was born and she’d never touched it. When she’d decided not to go away to university, to instead try her hand at cosmetology, they’d told her it was hers to do with as she pleased. They’d wanted her to use it to open the salon but she’d refused. She’d wanted to do that on her own.

  She’d never found anything she wanted badly enough to accept her parents money but she wanted this. She wanted Colt, happy and whole. She wanted them to have a future together. And she was only angry with herself that she hadn’t thought of using the funds to buy his freedom from his family earlier.

  If she had, he wouldn’t be fighting for his life right now.

  A hard voice with a strict no-nonsense lilt cut through the silence, “You gonna be okay?”

  Skylar wiped at her cheeks, “Yeah.”

  “Good, because I can deal with blood but I’m not so good with tears.” Nessa hadn’t turned to look at her as she bandaged Colt’s face, “You’re the girlfriend I take it?”


  “Well, your boyfriend is gonna be okay. I gave him something to knock him out because he was fighting me when I first came in. I need to stich up a few of these lacerations and he’s gonna hurt for a while but he’s lucky. He’s young, strong and healthy. He’ll pull through.” Nessa turned to face her, her eyes serious and her face solemn, “But a word of advice from somebody that’s been in your position? Don’t let him see you cry. Don’t let any of them see you cry. They’ll never take you seriously if they do.”

  Skylar opened her mouth and then closed it again. She nodded instead. She hadn’t asked
for the advice but she would take it.

  “You love him?”

  “Yeah.” She answered easily, her gaze straying to the man in the bed.

  “Then you need to harden yourself to this.” Nessa spoke again and Skylar’s eyes went back to her in time to see her hands shake just a little as she brushed Colt’s hair back from his damaged face, “Because this is who they are. The fighting and the danger, it’s a drug to them. They need it as much as they need oxygen. Can’t survive without it.”

  “No, that’s not Colt.”

  “It’s all of them. Don’t kid yourself thinking yours is any less damaged than the others. It’s who they are and this…” Nessa motioned at Colt’s unconscious body, “This isn’t the worst that can happen. Not by a longshot.”

  Skylar bit her lip, unsure of what to say to that. What could she say? If there was anyone that knew the Bomars and their penchant for trouble, it was this woman. She’d loved one of them and she’d lost him to this dangerous life that they all lived. Skylar couldn’t say anything in that moment but luckily Nessa didn’t appear to want her to.

  The older woman wiped her hands and then cleared her throat, “Would you mind telling Lincoln that I need that kit from the car? I only brought my small bag in but this… well it’s going to take a lot more needles and thread to put your boy back together.”

  She winced at that but nodded, “Yeah, okay.”

  Skylar let herself back out into the hallway, trying not to let Nessa’s advice get to her. Colt wasn’t like the rest of the Bomars. He wasn’t. He didn’t love the danger and the fighting. He wanted out. He did. And now that she’d bought him out, he would be happy. They would be happy.

  But it was hard to ignore her doubts when she walked into the living room and found a whole group them all looking like they were gearing up for a fight. Skylar stopped in the doorway, her eyes going wide at the sight. Jesus, she’d left the room five minutes ago and it had just been Lincoln and Remy. Now there were multiple men, multiple Bomars, and her stomach twisted when she saw Cash standing in the middle of them.


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