The Amulet

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The Amulet Page 26

by Lisa Phillips

  Jessie felt his lips against the soft skin of her neck and she shivered. This wasn't supposed to feel so intimate. This was supposed to hurt. She was scared, but he was so weak. He needed this. His body was broken and burned. He needed blood to heal. Her breath quivered and then, she felt it. A tiny prick, less painful than a needle stick.

  His lips caressed the wound and erased the memory of pain. She felt the most amazing joy she'd ever felt. She had never felt so happy. It felt good. Through the haze of bliss, she saw the color returning to Nevar's skin and the patches of burnt flesh were replaced by the pink of new skin. His hand reached up to cup her cheek and his lips kissed her gently.

  She blushed six shades of red and tried to hide behind a curtain of hair. He stubbornly pushed it away to expose her eyes to his. His rich chocolate eyes melted her like butter and the shiver ran back up her spine. His lips were full and inviting her in. She had never seen a man look at her the way he was now and she was painfully aware that every inch of her skin was bared to his gaze.

  "It is not your flesh that has my eye, Jessie. Your bravery and compassion have me bewitched. You have a heart as big as your sister's, perfectly balanced between strength and tenderness."

  A tear slipped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. She smiled as wide as she ever had and hugged him. Finally she felt something of joy in her life. The wolf within her stirred at this new emotion. Fate was kinder now. She lifted her voice to the heavens and sang her song long and clear. This new feeling was the birth of a new love, and this time, death could not snatch it away from her.

  Alyssa sighed in relief. It was over. Now, they just had to go home. She kissed Xander on his cheek and was surprised by the stubble she felt there.

  "Well, what did you expect?" He laughed, his smile as captivating as ever. "I've been without certain creature comforts. Nevar may never have to shave, but I'm not so fortunate."

  "I think I like it," she told him. "You look more rugged and less angelic. It suits you."

  "Is that your way of saying that I'm not an angel?"

  This time, Alyssa was laughing. "That would depend on your definition of 'angel'."

  "Alright," he admitted, "I'll give you that one. I haven't grown a beard in some years. If you like it, I'll keep it."

  "Oh, but I'm a complicated woman, Xander. I like my men clean shaven also. But, I have a feeling that we can work something out."

  He winked at her. "What do you say we get out of here?"

  "That's the best idea I've heard in days! Hey, uh, Jess? Nevar? If you're both ready to go?"

  They broke out of their embrace and Jessie looked embarrassed. "Yes, we're ready," she answered a little too quickly.

  Alyssa raised an eyebrow at her sister, but she wouldn't meet her gaze. She shook her head and smiled knowingly at Nevar. The corner of his mouth inched up in a half smile. It still seemed to be bittersweet for him, but she saw the way he looked at Jessie. His eyes said more than words ever could. She had seen that look before when he looked at her, before she gave her heart to Xander. She would have given anything to keep from hurting him.


  She realized that she had let her emotions show on her face and quickly recovered. "So sorry, Nevar. It's been a long day and I'm ready to leave this place behind me."

  "I've never tried to travel through mist in a group like this," Nevar remarked. "Perhaps it would be simpler to travel in pairs?"

  "Yes, that would work out fairly nicely," Xander answered. He was thinking of the intimacy they had felt as mist and he wasn't keen on sharing as a group. He bent low to whisper in her ear, "And maybe then, we can finish what we started earlier?"

  She couldn't help but smile. It may have been a long day, but the night would be much, much longer. He pulled her close enough to let his hands roam. His breath was warm on her neck and his scent was laced with pheromones. The usual hindrance of clothes would have been a welcome barrier to calm the heat between them. His touch lit her skin on fire and sent her nerves into a frenzy.

  He was making it difficult for her to travel. The only destination she could think of was a bed. The low moan in his throat only added to her frustration. Somewhere amongst the wilderness of her mind, she found the clarity of thought to pull them from solid to vapor and take flight. Their essence was so intricately woven together that there was no way of knowing where one started and the other ended. But, their foreplay did not end there.

  Alyssa enveloped him, winding herself in and around him. There was no human emotion or words to describe what they felt. They were closer than skin. Their minds were one, feeling what the other felt and knowing exactly how to increase their pleasure. It was more intimate than sex, and just as enjoyable, but they planned on having the cake and eating it, too.

  Wrapped up as they were in their own indulgences, Alyssa barely noticed the weight of gravity pulling her down. She didn't care that her feet touched the floor. The familiar scents passed over her awareness, drowned out by the musk that lay thick on Xander's skin. So, it surprised her to feel the cool silk sheets against her body as Xander lowered her to the bed, her bed, the first place she'd been able to think of.

  He kissed her, gently at first, but then his animal passion took hold. His hands cupped her breasts and massaged the pink peaks with his thumbs until her breath was ragged and her lips parted in a soft moan. His mouth found the tender flesh of her nipple making her arch beneath him. His tongue was wonderful torture and her body writhed underneath him.

  She had her hands wrapped tightly in his golden mane. Every inch of him was glorious and she had never wanted a man as much as she did right now. She called out to him, begging him to take her now.

  He slid his hand between her legs to find her slick with need, but he wasn't through yet. He found her clit and watched as her eyes rolled back. He was enjoying this so much, but he would have to satisfy the beast soon. She made him so hot, but he would wait. She bucked under his touch and he felt her muscles seize as the white flames danced in her head. The fire consumed her and then burst into millions of tiny shards of light.

  He gave her a small reprieve as he repositioned himself between her legs. He kissed her chest and the hollow of her throat. Then, he slowly slid himself into her and reveled in her slippery heat. Her sharp inhale told him he had found what he was looking for. He held her hips in place as he started the age-old rhythm. She started to moan. His hips began to speed up, driving himself deeper inside her until her moans grew louder.

  Higher and higher, they climbed together. She grabbed his hips and held on as if he were the only thing holding her to the world. It made him feel powerful. He silenced her moans with his mouth, claiming her with his kiss. She was his and his alone. His wolf fought for control as he drew closer to the edge, but he was stronger than the beast.

  The white fires began to dance in his head as his body began to quiver. Alyssa was pulling him closer. Her hips rose to meet with his. He felt her muscles clench and pulse. It sent him over the edge and for a few moments, they were both lost in a sea of stars, wrapped in each other's warmth.

  When he finally released her, all he could say was, "Oh, Alyssa."

  She curled her body into his and her fingers started petting the blond curls on his chest. "Oh yourself, Xander," she replied, so soft and breathy that it nearly turned him on again. Her petting was soothing while setting him on fire at the same time. She was radiant in her afterglow, and yet, there was more to it than that. She seemed to glow as if there were a light hidden beneath the surface.

  He held her for some time, both for her sake and because he simply did not want to let her go. She kept the wolf satisfied and made him easier to control. She was the moon, the only source of light in his endless night and she made him stronger. Who knew that she would be the one to put the pieces of his heart back together? She was so different from her mother and his necklace belonged around her neck.





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