Bringing Home Danny

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Bringing Home Danny Page 12

by M. A. Blisher

  He hired a private investigator to make sure there was no grieving parent or concerned relative trying to find the kid. If nothing else, it would ease his conscience. Mitch had no tolerance for people who decided to have children without honoring the commitment to raise them. He could not understand why anyone would turn a back on a boy like Danny. Mitch quickly grew to appreciate why Antonio and TJ were so protective of him.

  Despite all his teenage moodiness and attitude, he was proving to be a likable young man. He was even enjoyable to be around when he wasn't being defensive. He had a quick sense of humor, and a shy smile that could sneak up and brighten the darkest of moods. When Danny was hurt he tried to hide his pain and fear behind a hard facade. But his tough act covered a vulnerability that could tug at the heartstrings of even...well, even Mitch.

  Unfortunately, it was up to Mitch to be the real tough guy. Otherwise, Antonio and TJ would let their sentimentality get the best of them. It wasn't what any of them needed. Danny required someone to take charge, and to tell him how it was going to be whether he liked it or not. Someone was going to have to stand firm and be the voice of reason. No matter how much his partners wanted to keep the boy, they had to do what was best for him, and Mitch was not convinced it was living in the city with three older men.

  Mitch's first priority was to the two men he was already committed to. The longer Danny stayed, the harder it was going to be on all of them when he left.

  Danny was thinking a lot lately along the same vein. He was starting to feel comfortable here. Too comfortable , and Mitch seemed hell-bent on trying to find someone else to be responsible for him. He knew it was only a matter of time before he had to leave. Even so, he hadn't regretted coming. TJ came through with his promise of buying him a whole new wardrobe. He even drove him around until he found a part-time job. He never had to pay for meals or a roof over his head, so he was able to save up money for the first time in his life. Danny also feared he was letting his guard down. He was beginning to think of this place as his home; that he had family.

  Eventually, he was going to be disappointed, and he wouldn't be able to bear being let down if he got too close. So, Danny started pulling away. He relied on public transportation instead of accepting lifts from TJ. He also avoided dinners at home, and began to take on more hours at work.


  Missing spending time together, TJ insisted on driving Danny to work. “What do you want for dinner tonight?” he asked, hoping to entice Danny to stay home for a change.

  “ I'm going out with some friends from work.”

  “ Yeah, where?”

  “ Jack's.”

  “ What time?”

  “ 5:30. Why?”

  “ Maybe I'll meet you there.”

  “ All due respect, TJ, I don't need a babysitter.”

  “ All due respect, Danny, Jack's is a bar, and if you want to go there, I'll be coming with you.”

  “ Jack's is a restaurant.”

  “ With a bar, and you'll be going during happy hour.”

  “ So?”

  “ So, you're not going alone.”

  “ I won't be alone, I'm going with friends.”

  “ Friends who are over twenty-one, and who I am sure will be drinking.”

  “ They're not all over twenty-one.”

  “ They are all older than you, and you are not going without me.”

  “ Fine, then I won't go.”

  “ Fine, what do you want for dinner?”

  “ I don't care.”

  “ Go ahead and be a baby, it won't change anything. You know perfectly well I'm responsible for you. No way am I allowing you to go out to a pub and drink.”

  “ I didn't say I was going to drink.”

  “ I'm not letting you go unsupervised.”

  “ I'm not going with a chaperone!”

  “ I thought we already agreed you weren't going.”

  “ I'm not!”

  “ Good! When do you want me to pick you up?”

  “ I'll take the train,” Danny said, before stomping out of the car and slamming the door.


  “ Where's Danny? I thought he was having dinner with us tonight,” Antonio asked, as he was setting plates around the table.

  “ He's not back yet?” TJ questioned.

  “ We haven't seen him.”

  “ I know where he is. I'll bring him back.”

  TJ was fuming; he had just about had it with that bratty kid. Something had crawled up his ass, and he was pushing TJ's last nerve. Mitch had told him that Danny was going to be his responsibility, and he wanted to prove to Mitch that he was not going to be too much to handle. Lately, Danny was doing everything he could to prove otherwise.

  TJ wanted to be wrong about his suspicions, but was soon disappointed when he found Danny right where he thought he'd be - sitting at a table in Jack's Bar and Grill. He was surrounded by a half dozen co-workers, leaning back causally with a beer in his hand. TJ interrupted the conversation at the table by walking over to Danny and snatching the glass of beer out of his hand.

  “ Get up!”

  At TJ's order, the color drained from Danny's face and he stared frozen in disbelief. TJ set the glass down, hoisted Danny out of his seat, and pulled him a few steps away from the table, then landed a resounding SWAT to his rebellious bottom.

  “ What the fuck?!” Danny yelped.

  TJ yanked him further away from the view of the people at his table, and swatted him harder. Danny could hear a few muffled laughs coming from the surrounding area.

  A girl from the bar asked, “Who is that?” with obvious interest.

  Danny tugged at his arm trying to wrench free from TJ's tight grip. “What the fuck?! Let go!”

  “ You, young man, do not have permission to be here, and you’re coming home with me!”

  “ Keep your God damn hands off me! I'm not going anywhere with you!”

  TJ cornered Danny against the wall. In an ominously quiet voice he said, “You can either say goodbye to your friends with the remaining dignity you have left, or I will pull down your pants, and spank you right here. Then I will pick you up and carry you out.”

  TJ waited for Danny to make his choice when a co-worker of his came around the corner, and found the two of them staring at each other in cold silence. Mistaking TJ as a jealous boyfriend, he suggested the two of them come to the table to share a drink from the pitcher he had ordered.

  “ Danny is not old enough to drink, and won't be for another five years,” TJ said, loud enough for the benefit of everyone at the table.

  “ Oh, right. Sorry.” His co-worker responded awkwardly, not sure who he should be apologizing to.

  “ I'm leaving,” muttered Danny, “tell everyone I'll see them at work.”

  “ Sure, kid,” was the last thing he heard as he was ushered out the door.

  Spitting with anger, Danny was able to wrench free from TJ as they got closer to the car.

  “ How could you do that to me in front of my friends?!”

  “ They're not your friends, they're your co-workers. Now get your ass in the car!”

  “ You just don't want me to have friends, and I'm not going anywhere with you, so FUCK OFF!”

  Danny caught the rage that flashed in TJ's eyes, and took off. TJ met the challenge at full throttle, squelching Danny's attempt at a hasty get away. He promptly tackled the boy and dragged him back to the car. Blocking any escape, TJ jerked the passenger door open and threw himself to the seat, bringing Danny down across his lap. It was a snug fit, making it impossible for Danny
to wedge himself free. Despite the difficult angle, TJ managed to smack his bottom a hardy two dozen times before manhandling him back into the seat, buckling him up, and shutting him in.

  He quickly got into the driver's seat, and locked the doors before a stunned Danny had time to react. They drove home in silence. Danny's face was burning redder than his backside. He was too mortified to speak or even look at TJ. He stared out the side window not really taking in the view, and trying not to humiliate himself further by crying out in frustration. TJ's satisfaction was short lived. He was furious at Danny for being so stubborn, reckless, and ungrateful. Now he was concerned the kid would hate him. All his efforts to get Mitch to let Danny stay would be for nothing. He was sure Danny would want to leave the first chance he had.

  “ Get out of the car,” TJ ordered when Danny continued to sit stubbornly in the car once they arrived home. Danny got out when he saw TJ coming around to his side of the car. He slammed the door shut and ran into the house. TJ followed close behind him making sure he didn't take a detour out of the house.

  “ Oh, good, you're back. Dinner's ready in the dining room,” Antonio called from the kitchen.

  “ I'm not hungry!” Danny yelled, stomping up the stairs.

  Antonio's eyes followed Danny up before turning on TJ. “What was that all about?”

  “ Hurt ego.”

  During dinner TJ explained to Mitch and Antonio how he had found Danny at Jack's Bar and Grill drinking a beer, and how he explicitly told him he was not allowed to drink or go to Jack's without him.

  “ TJ, Danny is an emotionally fragile teenager with a delicate ego, which is saying something because most adolescents are that way to begin with. Although we are glad you brought him home, you shouldn't have spanked him in front of the people he works with,” Antonio chided.

  “ He'll get over it,” TJ spat out defensively, praying it to be true.

  “ After dinner send him downstairs. I have a few things I would like to discuss with him,” Mitch said calmly.

  “ Please, Mitch, don't send him away,” TJ begged. “I know why he's acting this way. He's afraid he's going to have to leave, so he's pushing us away.”

  “ Did I say I was sending him away?”

  “ No, but what are you going to say to him?”

  “ The boy needs to understand what behaviors are expected of him while he is here, and the consequences for disobeying them.”

  “ But you said he was my responsibility. You're going to scare him away.”

  “ I am aware of what I said, TJ. I wanted you to realize the seriousness of the choices you make. You are responsible for taking care of him. However, the boy lives in my house and he is ultimately my responsibility.”

  “ It's Antonio's and my house, too,” TJ objected.

  “ Yes, it is and we all need to take responsibility for him, but do not contradict me again.”

  “ But...”

  “ Thomas James, stop arguing with me, and do as I say!”

  “ Yes, sir,” TJ mumbled.

  After procrastinating through dinner, TJ headed upstairs to fetch Danny. He found the teen lying on his bed curled up with his arm covering his face. “Danny, Mitch wants to speak to you downstairs.”

  “ Why?”

  “ You'll have to ask him.”

  “ Did you tell him what I did?”

  TJ was amazed that Danny seemed more contrite than offended. He was positive Danny would still be angry with him.

  “ Yes,” he said cautiously.

  “ Why'd you tell on me?” Danny asked, sounding more like a young child than the young man he wanted to be.

  “ Sorry, kid, but they asked, and I thought they should know.”

  “ Why?” Danny whined.

  “ Because we care about you, and we want you to be safe.”

  “ Why?” Danny asked almost too quiet to hear.

  TJ was used to his pattern of questioning, and was ready for it. “Why what?” he asked, a little too impatiently. Danny didn't respond, and TJ rephrased the question, “Why do we want you to be safe?”

  Hiding his face into the bedcovers Danny asked, “Why do you care?”

  “ I told you, I like you.”

  “ I know, but why?”

  It was obvious how difficult it was for Danny to ask the question, and TJ realized he truly didn't understand. He sat down on the bed forcing Danny to sit up and face him. “I don't know, I just do.”

  Danny gave a wry little smile, and asked again, “But, why? I mean, you gave me a place to stay, you buy me stuff, you're always driving me around. I don't get it. What do you want from me? I can't give you anything.”

  “ I don't want anything, just your friendship.”

  “ But you have lots of friends, and two boyfriends...”

  “ I know, but it's nice having you around. What's there not to like? You're cute, you're funny, you're obnoxious. You’re the kid brother I always wanted.” He grinned and added, “Don't you know by now, I always get what I want.” TJ cupped his hand under Danny's chin resisting the urge to kiss him this time. “I love the way you blush. You're so easy to tease.”

  Danny's heart skipped a beat. If he wasn't blushing before he certainly was now. He shook his face out of TJ’s grasp. “Why do you always say things like that?”

  “ Sorry, I have five older sisters who spoiled me rotten. Besides, there must be something you like about me. I got you to come to New York, didn't I?”

  “ I was desperate,” Danny teased back.

  TJ gave a sultry laugh and said, “That's something else I like about you.” He bit his tongue not to say anything further, while reminding himself of Danny's age.

  After taking time to absorb recent events, Danny spoke up again. “I can't believe you did that to me. I mean, I never want you to do that again.”

  TJ was confident he was referring to the spanking. “Then don't ever defy your big brother again, and it won't have to happen.”

  Danny wasn't sure that was how older brothers acted, and he knew his feelings for TJ was more than brotherly. Nevertheless, he liked the idea of having a brother, and any family was better than none. TJ could tell Danny was still digesting the last comment, and didn't want to give him too much time to think on it.

  “ Come on,” he said, “Mitch wants to talk to you.”

  Danny nervously followed TJ downstairs to the office where Mitch and Antonio were waiting for him. Upon entering the room, Mitch called him over to have a seat. “I think it would be beneficial to clear the air about a few things.” Danny glanced back at TJ before nodding his head in understanding. Mitch continued, “I realize that TJ has been keeping an eye on you, however, Antonio and I are head of this household, and from now on you will be following our rules, or you will be facing our consequences. Do you understand?” Danny blinked and nodded, and Mitch continued, “Rule number one. You are expected to treat Antonio and me with respect at all times. If we ask you a question, I would appreciate a verbal response, yes or no, followed by 'sir'.”

  Mitch waited for Danny to comply with a little effort. “Yes, sir.”

  “ Thank you. Rule number two. From now on you are not to leave this house or go anywhere without our permission.” Danny was annoyed at this new arrangement, but was wise enough to remain quiet about it. “Rule number three. You are not to engage in any unsafe or illegal activities such as, but not limited to, drinking alcohol or using drugs. Clear?”

  “ Yes, sir.”

  “ Good, because if you ever leave again without permission, to go somewhere you have no business being, I will personally make sure the spanking you received from TJ will seem like
a fond memory.”

  Danny's eyes went wide at Mitch's declaration then jetted down at his feet . What the hell have I gotten myself into? He could feel the blood rush to his face. These people were crazy if they think I'd agree to let them spank me.

  “ Look at me when I am speaking to you, Danny.”

  Reluctantly, Danny peered back up at Mitch. It was as if he was seeing him for the first time. The man wasn't only big; he had a way of filling a room that made everything else pale in comparison.

  “ As of now, consider yourself grounded. That means for the next two weeks you are not to leave the house other than to go to work. You are expected to return straight home, or you will be losing your working privileges.” Danny glared at him in shock and misery. Mitch concluded, “You don't have to like it, because as of right now, you don't have a choice. You are in our care. Trust me, you do not want to find out what will happen if you disobey. Starting tonight, you are to be in your room no later than ten o'clock, so I suggest you wash up and get ready for bed.”

  Danny couldn't believe his ears. He sat waiting for his mind to register what was being told to him. Am I really being given a bedtime? He turned to Antonio who only nodded in agreement.

  “ Was there something I said that was confusing to you?”

  Danny wanted to tell Mitch to fuck off, but thought better of it. He'll decide what do tomorrow. “No, sir,” he said, with not enough attitude to be called on it.

  “ Then our discussion is over. You may go.”

  What the hell was that all about? Danny thought on his way back to his room. He reconfirmed his earlier suspicions that these people were crazy, and he had to get the fuck out of there. On his way up the stairs his anger wavered, and then dissipated as his shoulders slumped. He assumed they were still talking about him. At first it made him feel exposed and violated. Once his outrage had no cause to hold on to, he started to feel drained. He was tired, overtired, and had been for as long as he could remember. Even though it was only 9:30 at night, the thought of climbing into bed was appealing. The words, 'You're in our care' echoed through his mind, and it felt...well, he didn't recognize the feeling. What was it? Comforting? Safe? It felt suffocating, like he belonged to them... belonged .


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