Bringing Home Danny

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Bringing Home Danny Page 23

by M. A. Blisher

  “ Nonsense, you're not going anywhere until those bruises have healed.”

  “ According to Doctor Phillips that could take a while.”

  “ What's the matter? Are we boring you already?”

  “ Not at all. Everybody has stopped by at least once to chat with me.”

  “ We should give you some peace and quiet then.”

  “ I don't mind the company.”

  “ Still, Jason said it was important for you to get some rest. I'll tell everyone to clear off til' you get some shut eye.”

  “ I can't ask you to do that, this is their house.”

  Antonio stood up and ruffled his hair. “Don't you fret about that, there are plenty of other spaces they can occupy. Soon as the sheets are washed, we'll have your room set up.”

  After Antonio left, Ricky shut off the television and closed his eyes. He was surprised at how quickly he was able to relax with all the noises coming from the other rooms. With fatigue and painkillers kicking in, he was asleep within a few minutes. By the end of the week, Ricky was not only feeling physically better, but emotionally stronger, too. He was humbled by the way the men fussed over him. Ricky continued to be amazed at how they selflessly catered to him without asking for anything in return. It did his heart good and accelerated his healing process.


  Antonio was enjoying his houseguest. It gave him the opportunity to pamper and nurture someone who wasn't going to take advantage of it like TJ, or fight it like Danny. After several days, Antonio recognized that what Ricky also needed was encouragement to spread his wings. He delicately approached the subject.

  “ As much as we have loved having you as a permanent fixture in our living room,” Antonio teased lightly, “I think it's time you start venturing out more.”

  “ You're right. I'm sorry...”

  “ Stop right there. You are not causing anybody any problems. We are more than happy to have you here. However, it's been over two weeks, and you've barely left the house.”

  Ricky nodded. He wanted to be strong for Antonio. But when he was out alone he got easily spooked. He knew Brendan had left the city; he had Antonio and Mitch to thank for that. Even so, he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that there was someone lurking behind ready to jump him.

  “ Why don't we go out for the day? Later, I will make you an appointment with Danny's therapist. It might be good for you to talk to a professional. He's been extremely helpful to us.”

  Ricky was very private and would have normally rejected the idea; except for some reason, he trusted Antonio implicitly. “If you think it's a good idea, I'll go,” he said, with conviction.

  Antonio patted his back. “That's my boy.”


  It was Mitch who brought Ricky to the counselor for his first visit. Antonio wanted to go as well, but they agreed it was best that he stayed back. Danny's caseworker was coming the same day, and Mitch made her uncomfortable.

  At the arrival of Ms. Wadd, the tension in the house was silent, but loudly felt. She was relieved that Mitch wasn't there. His critical and domineering presence put her off. She thought she was doing everything right, and didn't understand the friction between them. Antonio led Ms. Wadd into the living room where Danny was waiting.

  She cleared her throat and said, “Hello, Danny, how have things been?”

  Danny ignored her question and continued to watch the television.

  “ Danny, Ms. Wadd is asking you a question.”

  Danny appeared fascinated with biting his nails and eventually mumbled, “Fine.”

  “ Please turn off the TV, sit up, and say hello,” Antonio said more forcefully.

  Danny snapped off the television, slammed down the remote, and made an exaggerated effort to sit up. He finished his performance with a snide, “Hello.”

  “ It was brought to my attention that someone else has moved into the household. May I meet him?” The caseworker took a seat and directed her question to Antonio, ending the pleasantries.

  Danny spit the chewed nails from his mouth. “No,” he said bluntly.

  “ Danny! Yes, we have a young man staying with us temporarily. He is not available to speak with you at the moment,” Antonio informed her.

  “ Is that right? We'll just have to see about that later. It's imperative that I meet with everyone residing in the household,” she said, while tapping her foot.

  “ Why? I thought you were going to stop nosing around here soon.”

  “ I'm sure you are aware that you are on my caseload until you turn eighteen. That being said, you are correct that our time together is limited. Which brings me to the next matter. Your mother has been requesting a visit for some time...”

  Danny stopped biting his nails to interrupt with a flippant, “So?”

  “ So,” she answered, clearing her throat and tapping her foot, “if I had it my way, and the court system wasn't so overloaded, we would have forced this issue a lot sooner. It is just too bad your poor mother isn't being given fair consideration for her rights as a parent.”

  “ Yeah, that is too bad. She might be forced to console herself by drinking straight from her favorite bottle of Absolut,” Danny shot back at her.

  “ Daniel, please try to be polite. Ms. Wadd has a job to do.”

  The irritated caseworker continued to tap her foot and nod condescendingly. “Try to understand, Danny, this is hard for her. She's been worried sick about you.”

  Antonio could see Danny struggling to hold his tongue. He spoke up for him by saying, “I'm sure it would be hard for any mother not to see her son. However, right now, Danny is our concern, and he is not ready for a visit.”

  Ms. Wadd cleared her throat and made a disapproving face. “She was afraid you would say that. She has a stack of letters here that was returned to her unopened. She asked me to hand deliver them to Danny to make sure he gets them.”

  “ Ms. Wadd, I can assure you, we have not intentionally kept those letters from reaching him.”

  Danny made a sound of disgust. “I don't want those damn letters!”

  “ Daniel!” Antonio scolded, in a warning voice.

  The caseworker pushed the letters more forcefully at him. Danny stood up with his palms out wide in front of him in indication that he was not going to touch them. “Keep those fucking letters away from me, you bi..!”

  “ Daniel Christopher!”

  “ What?!”

  “ Excuse us a moment,” Antonio uttered, under a strained voice. He swiftly grabbed Danny and brought him to the kitchen, leaving Ms. Wadd to clear her throat and tap her foot in private. Antonio took a quick look behind him before pulling a wooden spoon from the counter drawer. He then yanked his belligerent ward to his side, and paddled him several times.

  “ OW! Why are you hitting me?” Danny protested in outrage, “She's the bitch who...”

  “ One more rude comment and you will be tasting soap before the day is out!”

  Danny huffed and refused to acknowledge Antonio's threat. Nevertheless, he kept his bad words to himself. Antonio knew it was hard for Danny every time the caseworker came. It dredged up bad feelings and unwanted memories. For that reason, Antonio gave him a little slack on his less than respectful response. He finished with two last thwacks of the spoon catching the under curves of Danny's bottom. Danny sucked in his breath to stifle his whimpers. Antonio spun Danny around to face him.

  “ Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  Danny hissed and scowled, and had nothing to say for himself. Antonio lifted the spoon to encourage a response.

  “ Sorry, but I don't like her. She doesn't listen, and she keeps butting into my business.”

/>   “ That's her job.”

  “ To not listen?”

  “ To butt into your business.”

  “ She's a moron! She doesn't care what I have to say.”

  “ I don't care what you think about her. You will not speak to her like that. We are not raising you to be rude.”

  “ You're not raising me! I am not a child!” Danny shouted. He could feel his hands shaking, and tried to hide them by crossing his arms.

  Ms. Wadd followed the heightened voices into the kitchen. “Is there a problem in here?”

  Antonio dropped the spoon back into the drawer as she approached. Ms. Wadd couldn't be sure what she saw. Danny's mother had warned her that something sordid might be going on. She wanted to be able to catch it in action. Danny rolled his eyes at the caseworker, and then swore under his breath as she came closer. He backed away from the two of them, glaring challengingly at Antonio.

  Antonio could see the signs that Danny was clearly agitated and about to panic. He tried to quell it. “I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but...”

  “ Nothing's gotten into me! I just want everybody to leave me alone!” Danny slid past the two of them and took off towards his room.

  TJ came through the front door as Danny whisked past him and ran up the stairs. Antonio and Ms. Wadd were fast on his heels. TJ had heard the raised voices from outside. He assessed immediately what was going on when he saw Ms. Wadd's car in the driveway.

  “ I'll go talk to him,” he said to a bewildered Antonio.

  Ms. Wadd made to follow them upstairs. Antonio stepped in front of her to block her way. “Why don't we give them a few minutes?" he suggested. "If they are not down shortly, I will go get them.”


  “ Fuck off, TJ! I don't want to hear it!” Danny yelled, the minute he saw him enter his room.

  TJ closed the door behind him and made a step towards the angry teen. Danny pushed him away, shoving a little harder than he had planned. TJ regained his balance, grabbed Danny by the collar, and pulled him up close.

  “ What the hell, Danny?! Why are you being such a little shit lately?”

  TJ looked at him intently, hoping to find a clue somewhere on his face. Not willing to give him answers, Danny kicked him in the shin as he fought to get away. Finally losing his cool, TJ threw him on the bed, turned him over, and began spanking his bottom.

  He managed to land several hard smacks to the moving target.

  “ Stop! You're not my father, and you're not my boyfriend! So stop hitting me!” Danny screamed.

  TJ stopped and stared at the wretched boy. Shaking his he head in dismay, he stood up, put his hands on his hips and demanded answers. “What's the matter with you? Why can't I even talk to you anymore?”

  “ Go talk to Ricky if you want someone to talk to so badly!” Danny cried into the blankets.

  “ Is that what it is?” TJ relaxed his shoulders and asked with the hint of 'ah ha' in his voice. “Are you feeling bad because I'm spending a lot of time with Ricky?”

  “ No. Why the fuck would I care if you're spending time with Ricky?”

  Danny scooted up to the head of the bed to protect his backside, and to avoid TJ's outreached hand. TJ dropped his hand and said, “I don't know, but ever since he's been staying here you've been extra cranky.”

  “ I'm not cranky. I'm not some little kid.” The words caught in Danny's throat and his voice cracked when he asked, “Why does everybody keep thinking that?”

  TJ's anger quickly dissipated . Damn, why does this kid have to be so darn adorable the minute his temper drops and his insecurities show? “I know you're not a little kid. It's just, I can't help that I want to protect you. If it makes you feel like I'm treating you like a little kid, then I'm sorry.”

  “ Forget it.”

  “ I can't forget it. I don't like seeing you so upset. If I'm the cause of it then I want to be able to do something about it.”

  Danny sighed. “It's not your fault. I don't like it when my mother tries to interfere. And, that bitch down there seems to think she is some sorta saint." His explanation was partly an attempt to deflect the truth behind TJ's assumption. TJ listened patiently while Danny continued, “Antonio wants me to be nice to her. But, I can't!”

  “ Come on, we'll go back down and 'yes' her 'til she gets bored and leaves. Let's make a game out of seeing how many times we can get her to tap her foot and clear her throat. I bet you a week of dishes I can get her say, ‘We'll just have to see about that’,” TJ mimicked, in a high-pitched voice.

  Danny laughed in spite of himself. He accepted TJ's arm as he hooked it through his, and walked him back downstairs. After the caseworker left, Antonio thanked Danny for pulling his act together and remaining cordial for the remainder of her visit. Danny apologized in turn for losing his temper.

  Antonio was pleased with his boys. He casually walked over to TJ, kissed his cheek, and whispered, “Thank you.”


  The noon sun was pushing away the clouds and reflecting off the glass of the high-rise windows above the city streets Mitch and Ricky were walking down. Stopping abruptly, Mitch shielded the glare from his eyes and motioned for Ricky to take a step closer to him.

  “ We're a little early. How about we stop for a bite to eat before seeing the therapist?”

  “ Okay, if that's what you want,” Ricky replied shyly up to Mitch.

  “ I'm asking if that's what you want.”

  Ricky smiled bashfully and admitted, “I guess I could eat.”

  Mitch stared down at him thoughtfully. He's been told more times than he'd care to mention that he could be too controlling. And, if truth be told, then yes, he liked to be in charge. That way, he knew what to expect and everything ran smoothly. Given his size and forceful personality, people rarely questioned him. Mitch was accustomed to getting what he wanted. But this young man hit a different chord in him. He didn't want Ricky to meekly follow his suggestions. He wanted to know what he wanted. Somehow, he doubted the kid even knew himself.

  “ What do you like to eat?”

  “ I like anything.”

  “ Anything ?” Mitch exaggerated an expression of shock.

  Ricky laughed, realizing Mitch was teasing him. “Well, almost anything.”

  “ Ricky, I am asking you out to lunch. It would please me immensely if you could tell me where you would like to eat.”

  Ricky smiled nervously and played with the splints on his fingers. Mitch waited patiently for the timid young man to speak up.

  “ There's a little café I used to like to go to on my way to band rehearsal.”

  “ A little café? Are you sure I can fit? You're not afraid I'll be a bull in a china shop?”

  “ Oh, that's okay. We don't have to go there.”

  Mitch could have kicked himself for his untimely joke. “Ricky,” he said kindly, “I was only kidding.”

  “ I know. Still, if you would feel more comfortable someplace else, I'd understand.”

  “ I am sure you would. You are very thoughtful that way. But, right now, I would very much like to eat at this little café.”

  Ricky flushed at the compliment. “If you insist,” he said, laughing at himself.

  Once they arrived at the restaurant, Mitch had a desire to take the young man by the hand. He fought the urge and gently rested his hand on his shoulder instead. “Lead the way,” he said.

  Ricky took a quick peek around the corner, and noticed his favorite spot was available. He gestured to a snug little booth under an old faded painting of a dove.

  “ This is a very charming place, and the menu looks great,” Mitch told him, as they were seated.

bsp; Ricky breathed a sigh of relief. “I want you to know, I really...I really appreciate everything you and Antonio have done for me.”

  “ Antonio and I are well aware of that. You don't need to keep thanking us.”

  “ I wish there was something I could do to repay you.”

  “ I have everything I need in life. Enjoy this meal with me, and we'll call it even.”

  “ Still...”

  “ I have an idea. Why don't you recommend something off the menu for me?”

  Ricky sucked in air. He knew it was ridiculous, but he felt a lot of pressure to make the right choice.

  “ What are you in the mood for?” he asked, hedging for an idea.

  Mitch gently took the menu from Ricky's hand and placed it on the table. He then lifted the boy's chin and said, “I trust you to make the right decision.”

  Ricky blushed, and when the waitress came by he ordered for the both of them.


  Later that evening, Antonio and Mitch found some private time to discuss the events of the day. As much as they enjoyed the three younger men, they also cherished being alone together. It was an opportunity for them to put down their guard, gather their thoughts, and replenish their strength.

  “ We need to nip his poor attitude in the bud before it escalates,” Mitch lectured, after hearing of Danny’s reaction to the caseworker.

  “ We need to be understanding. He's going through a difficult time.”

  “ He needs to understand that there is no excuse for bad behavior. He might very well be going through a difficult time. Nevertheless, things are only going to get worse if we don't reign him in.”

  “ I'm sure you're right. I just hate to see him struggle with everything.”

  “ Antonio, we have seen him make a lot of strides since moving in. He responds very well to limits and structure. Don't go soft now.”

  “ You have my word. So, how was Ricky's first counseling session?”

  “ It seemed to go well. I would have liked him to speak up more, give an opinion from time to time. It's hard to know what he's truly thinking, he's way too docile.”


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