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Lost in the Mist of Time

Page 38

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  He let her go.

  She was red with fury and her eyes darkened as black as a starless night. “What was that display?”

  He shrugged. “I had to try.”

  “Try what? Ye just attacked me like an animal.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t ye know when a man wants ye, Aislinn? We took vows, and we have yet to make it official.”

  “You asked me what I wanted,” as though this made all the difference in the world.

  “Aye, that I did.” He nodded. “And I heard ye well enough, but dear wife, ye forgot to ask me what I wished.”


  She began only to have him silence her. “I will not take ye by force, Aislinn, but do not expect me not to try and persuade ye to see reason.”

  Chapter 45

  The more Aislinn had thought about what Dougray had declared, the more determined she was to discourage him. He was going to try and persuade her to jump in bed with him without the benefit of love. Well he could give it his best shot, but she was not going to be all that easy. She wanted love, and if he could not give her that, then he was not going to get anything from her. He claimed that he would not force her. Well she would definitely use that to her advantage.

  Moira helped her quickly to dress in her deep blue, wool gown for the evening’s festivities. More guests had been arriving all day to offer special honor for the newly married couple.

  Married! Hah!

  What a laugh that was. They had joined hands and said they would play house for a year, then go their separate ways.

  When Aislinn stepped into the room, Dougray rose from his seat where he had been waiting for her. His eyes swept over her approvingly. The gown was of a rich, deep blue with the bodice fitted with a V-shaped neckline and intricate lace front attached. At her slim waist, she wore a decorative belt of pearls with a sapphire pendant clasp. The headdress was simple cauls of silver and tiny wisps of hair escaped from beneath its confines to frame her lovely face. Granted she was scowling at him, but that made her cheeks flush, heightening her beauty.

  He approached her then and took her left hand. She tried to pull it away but he held fast. “I have a gift, milady.” With that he slipped a beautiful Celtic knot ring onto her finger. The stone was an exquisite Amber stone with flecks of dark colors in the center of it. She was momentarily stunned, and her mouth slightly dropped open. “Are we speechless, my sweet lass of abundant words?”

  She clamped her mouth shut and her eyes flew to his face. “I can’t accept this.” Again she tried to pull her hand away, but he would not let her go.

  His changeable, gray eyes sharpened. “Nay, ye will accept it. I have taken ye as a wife and all shall know it.”

  “But….” He silenced her with his mouth. He had moved so swiftly that she didn’t have a chance to sidestep. One hand went to the small of her back, while the other held her head so that she could not escape his caress. After a moment, she didn’t care to. His lips were more persuasive than she would have liked to admit, drugging her senses, sending her heart pounding. His tongue moved with hers and shivers of desire raced through her veins. When he raised his mouth from hers, her head moved forward as if the sudden release left her seeking more. He gazed into her eyes and knew she had been greatly affected. He hid his pleased smile by giving her a quick kiss on her forehead. “Now that is what I prefer when I bestow a gift upon ye.”

  She blinked back to reality. “You beast!” She pushed away, her words stinging as if she had slapped him. “I will not be bought.”

  “That was not my intentions and it seems I do not need to buy ye. Yer mouth was most willing.”

  “It most certainly was not!” she lied miserably. “You had me trapped in your grip and I had no choice but to suffer your painful attack.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Painful? What do ye mean?”

  “That…that…” She searched her brain to come up with something, anything that might discourage him. “…that infernal mustache of yours. It rubs my skin raw. I detest the horrible, hairy thing!”

  She knew that she had pushed too far for she saw muscles in his jaw contract, as he clenched his teeth. He held back another angry retort with a deep, cleansing breath, for quarrelsome words would not endear her to him. “Deny it as ye will, but ye felt it as well as I did. Ye want to be with me, Aislinn, and the sooner ye admit it, we can put an end to this torment.”

  Her mouth fell open to protest but no sound came out. He was right and he knew it. She had been affected. She did want him. She closed her mouth and just glared at him, angry that he could read her so readily.

  “We will have time to discuss this later, but now guests await.” He took hold of her arm and escorted her to the Banqueting Hall.

  Once again everything was decorated to perfection. Aislinn smiled until her cheeks hurt and was very gracious to all, but all she could think about was that damn kiss. She could still feel the intimacy of it. And she didn’t want to!

  To top it off, she had to endure the closeness of the very man whom she wanted to forget. Just his presence was overwhelming her to distraction. She wanted to run, get away before she suffocated, and the confounded dress she wore wasn’t helping. She could barely breathe.

  “Sit still, Aislinn, and try to act like a lady,” Dougray whispered to her.

  She pulled at her bodice of her gown. “Damn. This garment itches and it’s so tight over my breasts that I think I’m going to pass out.”

  “At least it would be quieter then,” he said under his breath, while all the time he was smiling to the people that were gathering around to witness their happy union.

  Happy? Wasn’t that a joke.

  She detests my mustache! Dougray could think of nothing else. It was the height of fashion and she had ridiculed him. He knew he was being completely vain to think that way, but with that statement, she had added insult to injury. The woman refused his bed; if that didn’t just destroy a man’s ego, he didn’t know what would. “Aislinn, smile; everyone is watching.” He plastered a strained grin on his own face. “Don’t make me do something drastic, like cover yer mouth with my detestable mustache.”

  “You are a lowlife beast. I hope you know that.”

  “I didn’t know it until this afternoon, and I forgot to thank you for the compliment.”

  “It wasn’t a compliment.”

  “Nay? I thought ye were commenting on my animal magnetism. We both know that ye’re attracted to me.”

  “I most certainly am not!”

  He looked at her then with his hypnotic, clear, gray eyes. He inclined his head causing his dark, thick hair to move over his shoulder. She could just imagine running her fingers through its richness. God, he was so gorgeous, and by the arrogant smile he gave her, he very well knew it. “Should I prove it to ye?” He leaned toward her and she shoved him away. “Oh you….”

  “Ye are at loss for words…again, I see.”

  “No, I was going to tell you to go to hell, but then I realized that the devil himself would probably throw you out, you detestable fiend.”

  Dougray couldn’t help it. He threw back his head and laughed. Even when she was being insulting, he found her stimulating to be around.

  “I scorn you and you laugh. What is it with you?” “I’m truly sorry.”

  “You are not.”

  “Aye, of course ye are right, but still….” He put his hand firmly on her leg.

  “I laugh only because I now know that yer insults are yer little endearments, and I look forward to each and every one of them.”

  She shoved his hand away from her leg. “You are a conceited baboon. And don’t touch me.”

  “Why? Do I tempt ye when I do?” He purposely put his hand on her leg once more.

  She smiled sweetly right before she pinched his flesh between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Ouch!” He quickly pulled his hand away, like he was really hurt, but in actuality he was trying desperately not to laugh.

/>   “Oh, you’re such a baby.”

  Just then Aislinn noticed a beautiful blonde had swept into the room, her eyes resting on Dougray in a bold, maybe even seductive, manner. She might have dismissed the woman as just being flirtatious if she hadn’t felt Dougray straighten in his seat. She turned to look at him and he seemed not to be able to take his eyes off her. So that’s how it was. The jealousy surged through her veins. Her dark eyes snapped at him, her voice sounding like a hiss. “You slime ball. You want her, don’t you? Well go to her.” She waved her hand as if dismissing him from her sight. “See if I care.”

  His quick gray eyes were humorously resting on her and a smile of pleased satisfaction spread across his face. “Do I detect some jealousy? Maybe you care for me after all.” He tried to put his hand on her leg again, but she quickly slapped it away.

  “Oh, stop it. It’s not jealousy you see. It’s disgust. This is our night and you sit there and make eyes with that brazen hussy.”

  She was jealous even if she wouldn’t admit it, and maybe he could use this to his advantage. “I’ll give ye all ye want.” He waived his hand in the air. “I’ll even give up that woman ye think I’m attracted to.” He leaned really close to her now. “If ye will grant me a….”

  “I won’t sleep with you.” She crossed her arms across her chest.

  “Tsk, tsk. Is that all that is on yer mind?” She shot him a withering look. He loved it when he cut through her protective reserve. “I was merely going to ask ye to dance with me.”

  She felt utterly foolish that she had presumed, and she had no doubt that this was exactly what he had intended to do. “What do I care? Go to the woman and take out your sexual aggressions out on her.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, ye care, Aislinn.”

  “Fine,” she spit out behind clenched teeth. She did care and she didn’t want him making a fool out of her, by chasing after the blond hussy. “I’ll agree to one dance with you, if you put the little tart in her place, agreed?”

  He shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

  “Well here’s your chance, my lord, for she’s weaving her way toward you.” She couldn’t wait to see him squirm.

  The beautiful blond had reached them and showed absolutely no qualms at all that she was addressing a married man. Dougray gave the woman the most heartwarming of smiles. Aislinn wanted to gag at the syrupy sweetness he was exhibiting. “Miriam, it is so good to see you again…my love.” He added at the last moment and that caused him to receive a swift kick from beneath the table. He nearly bit his lip but recovered quickly. He took Aislinn’s hand in his and she tried to pry it loose, but he would not let her go.

  Miriam noticed the strange behavior but said nothing. Actually she had to keep herself from smiling at the obvious trouble Dougray’s woman was causing him.

  “Miriam, I would like ye to meet my wife, Aislinn.”

  Aislinn glared at Miriam not even bothering to hide her open contempt. The woman arched her golden brows with surprise, for she couldn’t fathom why the woman would hold ill feelings toward her.

  Dougray found this meeting to be rather amusing and hated to put an end to it, but he knew that he must. “Aislinn, may I introduce….”

  “Miriam. I caught the name.” Aislinn ripped out the words and was further irked when he gazed at her with an amused smile. “Frankly, Dougray, I am rather amazed that you were able to break away from your activities to join me tonight. You seem well acquainted with this woman, so I can only assume that you have had relations with her.” Aislinn’s cold frankness shocked Miriam further and there were not many who could do that.

  Miriam looked at Dougray to explain what exactly was going on here for obviously she was missing something, but he was no help at all, for he was too busy laughing. “Dougray, I don’t find this at all amusing.” Miriam’s eyes narrowed with annoyance.

  “I’m…sorry.” He managed between guffaws. “It’s just that it’s so very funny, if ye would just allow yerself to see it.” When neither woman seemed to share in his mirth, he brought himself under control. “Very well then.” He glanced at Aislinn who looked like she wanted to murder him. His smile widened loving that she was actually jealous. “Aislinn, may I present my sister, Miriam.”

  He wouldn’t have wanted to miss this for the world. The color in Aislinn’s face completely drained and he was sure if she could have crawled under the table and disappeared, she would have done just that.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Aislinn slowly glanced at the woman Dougray had called sister. She didn’t look at all pleased with her and she couldn’t blame her.

  “I…” She stammered not sure what she should say to make amends. “…I’m sorry that I offended you. I thought…well the way you looked at each other…I misread the look as more….” She lowered her head and closed her eyes. She was beyond embarrassed. What on earth could have made her behave so inappropriately?

  “I accept yer apology.” Miriam’s voice was musical to the ear and very sincere. “I know my brother. Being the cad that he is, I am sure he is responsible for this seemingly awkward situation.”

  Aislinn showed her gratitude with a genuine smile. She was going to like Dougray’s sister.

  “Really, Dougray…” Miriam gave her brother a withering look. “…how could ye make yer bride think that I was yer lover?”

  “Me?” His hand touched his chest right above his heart in feign innocence. “I’ve been wounded surely.”

  “I’ll wound you all right.” Aislinn kicked him again.

  Miriam smiled. “Ye’ve met yer match, dear brother. We’ll talk later.” She lovingly kissed him on his cheek before she departed to speak to a man who was standing over to the side. He had obviously heard the whole exchange for his mouth was quirked in a smile as he gave Dougray a salute.

  After the meal, the music began and Dougray looked at Aislinn with a fierce sparkling that lit his eyes. “A dance, milady.”

  “Uh uh. You tricked me and you didn’t….” He didn’t wait for her to finish her complaint. Instead he grabbed her hand and nearly dragged her from the table.

  “I was not asking ye for permission. I was telling ye my plans.” They had reached the dance floor and he pulled her close. “Dance,” he demanded of her.

  Aislinn had no idea what to do. Dance how? She didn’t know the steps. Dougray didn’t seem to notice and he twirled her around the floor. She began to relax, and for once, she let him lead.

  Miriam sat down next to her cousin, Fiach Ó’Colmáin. The priest turned and offered her a sudden, arresting smile. “Ye make it difficult for a man of the cloth to keep to his vow of celibacy.” He took her hand and graciously bestowed a welcoming kiss. The response was Miriam’s rich chuckle.

  “Fiach dear cousin, ye have not changed. I am still baffled how ye maintain yer oath when ye have always had a roving eye.”

  “Age, me love, has mellowed me. Besides the women run too fast for me to catch them now.” Despite his claim at being old, there was nothing antiquated about the man. He still looked strong and attractive, as he did in his prime.

  “I find that hard to believe. Ye loved to love and I still find it hard to accept that ye have put it all behind ye.”

  He smiled almost mischievously. “Sacrilege,” he teased. “Tsk, tsk. I may have taken the vows that the church requires of me, but I am still a man, Miriam. A beautiful woman still may turn my head, but that is all. I have found peace with God’s work that is more fulfilling than a woman’s touch.”

  Miriam arched her brows. “Ye are serious?” “Most assuredly.”

  “Well then I stand corrected.” They sat side by side and watched the dancing couples. Dougray and Aislinn stood out among them, both so tall. Miriam took notice that Aislinn nearly matched her brother in height, making them elegantly suited as their bodies mingled closely. They indeed made an attractive couple. “Fiach, what do ye say of this woman whom my brother has taken as wife?”

  He glanced at the lady in question.
“She is not Ella if that is what ye are hinting.”

  Miriam couldn’t help but laugh. “Nay, she is not. Ella was not a woman whom I would have chosen for my brother. The lady had not a brain in her pretty little head.”

  “Oh, but what a pretty little head she did have. I never laid eyes on a fairer woman since.”

  “Be careful, priest.”

  “Posh. Ye forget that I am not dead. I still have eyes in my head, ye know.” She ignored his little outburst. “Ella may have been a lovely face, but that was all there was to her. My brother would have tired of her soon enough.” She again drew her attention to Dougray and his bride. “This wife has fire behind those dark eyes.”

  “Aye, that she does. Never seen such dark eyes as she possesses.”

  “Ye talk of her attributes, but I am referring to the intelligence and spirit of the woman.”

  “It is all the same in my book.”

  Miriam rolled her eyes revealing her annoyance. “Really, Fiach, talking to ye is like talking to a child that has yet learned tact.”

  The priest chuckled. “And ye, my dear, are too serious for words. Loosen up a bit and enjoy the evening. Look there….” He motioned to where Aislinn and Dougray had moved from the dance floor. “Looks as though your brother intends to retire early.”

  “Don’t ye find their relationship odd?”

  “If ye mean that he fought her and won, which I have heard was not an easy task, then aye.”

  “Scathach, the warrior woman, I have heard them call her.”

  “A well deserved title, I have been led to believe. Now, I for one feel a woman with that kind of energy would best be used in the….”

  “Fiach, do not say another word or I will be forced to teach ye a lesson.” “Don’t tell me ye still wrestle people to the ground?” he teased her, remembering how she had been as a child. When she didn’t like what someone said she knocked them flat.


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