Lost in the Mist of Time

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Lost in the Mist of Time Page 46

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  She knew that he wasn’t and she felt terrible that she had even suggested it. “No, I don’t. But I don’t see you helping the situation. You’re upset of the mistreatment to me. I do appreciate it, but I don’t accept the way ye can close yer eyes to the rest.”

  “What would ye have me do?”

  “I don’t know.” She went over to the window seat and plopped down. She couldn’t get the image of the woman out of her mind, her pleading for mercy for a husband who had abused her. “I don’t want the man’s death on my conscience but,” she looked up at him, “I don’t want the woman to be mistreated.”

  “An obvious dilemma then.”

  After careful consideration of what Aislinn had revealed to him, Dougray decided that he had the appropriate punishment for Joseph Haggerty. He waited in the Great Hall, while Cormac went down to retrieve the prisoner.

  He let Haggerty stand there long after everyone had left them alone. He busied himself purposely letting the man sweat, wondering if his days were numbered. Finally he looked up, meeting the terrified man’s gaze. “Come forward, Joseph.”

  The man was leery, but he made his feet move.

  “Sit down.” Dougray indicated the seat in front of him.

  While Joseph pulled out the chair, Dougray poured two tankards full of mead and offered one to Joseph. Again the man hesitated, but his thirst won out. He drank heartily before he returned the tankard to the table. “Thank ye, milord.”

  Dougray leaned back in his chair. “I am struck with a rather difficult decision here.” He paused before he continued. “Grave charges have been brought against ye.”

  “I did not mean to strike milady. I didn’t see her.”

  “The bruise on her face proves ye saw her well enough.” The terseness in his voice made Joseph’s Adam’s apple bob up and down nervously. “Lady Aislinn wishes yer miserable life spared, only she does not want ye to harm another soul.” He again paused purposely letting the man’s imagination run wild.

  “Please I beg of ye. I will do anything ye want. I’ll….”

  “Silence.” Dougray rose from the table and Joseph winced as if he had been struck. “Yer wife also wishes ye to be spared.”

  “She’s a good….” His words died in his throat when he saw Dougray’s lethal glare. He was wise enough to lower his gaze.

  “I have decided to concede, but with strict stipulations.” This drew the man’s attention to Dougray once more. “I will let ye draw breath as long as ye treat yer wife with respect. If she even has a fingernail broken, I will have yer head separated from yer body. Do we have an understanding?”

  The man’s eyes bulged, but he managed to bob his head up and down. “Good.” Dougray went to the doors and opened them. “Murrough?” He rounded the corner. “Will ye escort Joseph back to his home?” “Aye, milord.”

  Joseph had already risen, grateful to still be alive. He was almost out the door, when Dougray halted him. “Haggerty?” The man cringed, but he turned

  to face him. Maybe he was going to die after all.

  Dougray took a swing at the man sending him flying against Murrough. Dougray towered over him his fist still clenched. “That was for Lady Aislinn.” He then left the room.

  “I think he broke me nose.” Joseph touched his throbbing face.

  “Stop yer whining, Haggerty. Ye should be thanking your lucky stars that is all he did to ye.”

  Dougray never explained to Aislinn what had transpired with his decision with Joseph Haggerty, and she had not asked. It was Mrs. Haggerty who informed her that her husband’s life had been spared, and that he was treating her with such reverence that she was sure another man had been sent back to her.

  “He is like when we first wed.” The woman indeed looked radiant.

  “I’m glad that everything worked out for you, but I cannot take the credit. Lord Dougray must have had a word with your husband.”

  “Maybe so, but again I thank ye, milady.” She curtsied quickly before she left.

  Hamish was with her and came to his feet. He had just finished his push- ups and heard the whole exchange. “I know Joseph Haggerty. He is changed man. I heard him even volunteer to help his wife wash the clothes.”

  “Hmm.” She couldn’t help herself from pondering over the reason why Joseph Haggerty would have changed so drastically. And she planned on thanking him personally.

  She found Dougray in the library hard at work, but he stopped what he was doing the moment she entered. His brows arched when she closed the doors and locked them. Without a word she sat down on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. He opened his mouth to say something, but she silenced him with her forefinger pressing down on his lips. She then kissed the tip of his nose, then his eyes and finally she gratifyingly kissed his warm welcoming mouth. Her dark eyes met his questioning ones and she ran her finger over his mustache.

  “Not that I am complaining, but how did I come to warrant such affection?”

  A beguiling smile spread across her lips. “Because I think you are the most wonderful man alive.”

  A chuckle rumbled deep in his chest. “I am, am I?”

  She nodded. “And I plan to show you just how much I appreciate the fact.” Her hand slid beneath his tunic and his brows arched quite high on his forehead.

  “Ye know that I have to head out, to take care of another dispute. Cattle has been taken again. It may require a few hours or more of my time.”

  “You can’t leave yet. You’re going to be busy.”

  “Are ye planning on seducing me in the library, lass?” “Uh huh.” She nodded.

  His smile proved that he rather liked the idea. “The dispute can wait.”

  Chapter 54

  Cormac hadn’t been with another woman since Fiona was warming his nights, and surprisingly he found that he didn’t want to be with anyone else. He was to meet her now. She had been rather secretive but he knew that was how she was at times, wanting to sneak away to make love where most women would never want to go. It was exciting as if they were doing something that they shouldn’t be doing.

  He spotted her waiting at the designated spot, though she had not seen him as of yet. He quietly dismounted and moved swiftly behind her grabbing her in a fierce embrace. She let out a yelp of surprise. He nuzzled sweet kisses down her neck only to have her hands on his chest to stop his ardor from getting too carried away. “Follow me.” She led him even farther away from the keep. Not that it mattered since he didn’t have to be back until later. There was plenty of time to play this little game of hers.

  Dougray still had not returned, making Aislinn feel extremely uneasy. He had told her that he was only going to be gone a few hours and that was two days ago. What could have become of him?

  “Be still, milady,” Moira gently scolded. She was sewing the lovely beads within her tresses. A most difficult task since though her hair had grown to nearly her shoulders, it was still quite short in comparison to what she was used to.

  “Sorry, Moira. It is hard for me to sit like this when I am so worried.”

  “Do not fret, milady. Lord Dougray has often tarried longer than he had anticipated. These petty raids can sometimes be complicated. Erics have to be paid to the victim, and if a term cannot be agreed upon, there will be more discussing.”

  “Knowing that does not make waiting any easier.” Moira smiled. “Ye miss him.”

  Aislinn half turned to look up at the young girl “Yes, I do.” She smiled warmly.

  “He will be back soon.”

  There was a knock on the door and Aislinn bid the visitor to enter. It was Teige with a sealed letter. “This just arrived, milady, brought forth by a rider who did not wait to be shown in.” He handed it to her. While she was busy reading its contents, Teige couldn’t help but bring his attention to Moira.

  She blushed prettily making her cheeks a rosy pink. Teige had known Moira since they were children, but she wasn’t a little girl anymore. She was of marrying age now, and if the shy ga
zes she gave him were any indication of how she felt for him, he just might have a chance.

  Aislinn stood so suddenly that both Teige and Moira forgot their preoccupation with each other. “Dougray has been taken. Hurry, Teige, gather Dermot and Cormac. We must leave now.” Desperation rang in those words.

  “Who has taken him?” Teige took the letter that she handed him.

  “They will kill him if I don’t go.” She ran to the trunk to pull out her riding clothes. “He’s being held for ransom and it says if I don’t go personally….”

  “A.J., this could be a trap. We need to check….”

  “We can’t wait!” She let go of the trunk lid letting it slam shut with a bang. “It states if I am not there by sundown, they will execute him. I refuse to take a chance with his life. Stay and check out the authenticity of it if you wish, but I am going, alone if I have to.”

  Teige was at a loss what to do. Instinct told him that he should see if he could find the messenger and extract the answers from him. But how could he do that and protect Aislinn at the same time? He knew she would never stay put while he did this and would end up going alone. “Just promise me ye will wait until I find Cormac and Dermot.”

  “Go then. Hurry.” She was still rushing around the room gathering her sword and other items she felt that she might need. “I’ll meet you down at the stables.”

  Teige had rushed down the steps nearly knocking over Hamish. “Where are ye going in such a hurry?”

  “There is trouble afoot I fear. I need to find Cormac and Dermot.” “Dermot is in the hall.” Teige would have gone on but Hamish stopped him. “Can I be of assistance?”

  He hesitated bringing the boy into this, but he seemed eager. He had shown great skill with the sword and Teige knew most of the men were either hunting or were needed to guard the gates. “Aye. Come with me then.”

  Aislinn was ready before all of them and was pacing when Teige finally arrived with Dermot and Hamish. “Where’s Cormac?”

  “I was unable to locate him.” Teige didn’t want to tell her that he had a hunch Cormac was somewhere with Fiona.

  “We can’t wait. We’ve already wasted enough time.” With her order, they left the safety of the keep and headed in the direction that the ransom note indicated, toward the Butler stronghold.

  Teige was more than a little uneasy with this venture. He ordered Dermot in front with Hamish, and he took up the rear hoping that they could protect Aislinn, if the need arose.

  After hours of lovemaking, Cormac reluctantly left Fiona’s side. She was overly vivacious, even for her. Every time he suggested that they head back to the castle, she thought of ways to make him forget that he had other duties that he needed to tend to.

  He was still wearing a satisfied grin when he entered the courtyard and nodded toward one of the guards, who immediately came forward to halt him.

  “Where have ye been? Teige has been looking all over for ye.” “What was so urgent?”

  “Milady received notice that milord was being held for ransom.”

  “What say ye?” Panic spread through his veins. He was the one in charge when Murrough was away. He should have been here. “Milord left the keep with men that would guard him. How could this happen?”

  “The Butlers must have done something underhanded.” Cormac’s frown deepened. “Where is Lady Aislinn now?” “Gone to meet the kidnappers.”

  “What? Alone?” he shouted. “And Teige let her go?” “Teige is with her.”

  Cormac ran his hand through his hair, angry with himself for not being here to make sense of this. “It was obviously a trap. Who brought this letter?” “Don’t know. Teige did suggest this to milady. She would not see reason and was determined to go by herself, if she had to.”

  “I have no doubt that she would too,” Cormac agreed unhappily. “How much of a head start do they have on us?”

  “Two hours at most.”

  “Gather a few men and meet me back here in ten minutes. We will go after them and pray to God that we are not too late.”

  Chapter 55

  The attack came with such a sudden surprise that Dermot and Teige barely had time to draw their swords. Aislinn had dismounted and was not far behind with her own weapon. She immediately attacked with force.

  Midst the fighting, she caught a glimpse of Hamish. At the moment, he seemed to be holding his own, though she was not sure how long his strength would hold up to the full grown men who kept coming at him.

  She threw another swing at her would-be attacker knocking him flat. She then whirled about, catching her sword around the enemy’s with such force that his weapon flew from him. The man looked in awe at the tall woman who had taken his sword from him, and with little or no effort at all. She was indeed every bit what had been rumored about her and more. She took a step forward, her intent obvious. “Where’s Dougray?” she demanded, only he was too scared to hear the question.

  “Scathach!” The man turned and ran. He was not going to be killed by the warrior who seemed more goddess than woman. Aislinn turned planning on going to Hamish’s aid, but before she could move, she witnessed the ruthless warrior’s attack on the boy, his sword lunging toward him. She let out a scream and charged the man who had slain Hamish, not caring in the least that she was being reckless in her attempt.

  Her foolishness nearly cost her her life. The man twisted around to protect himself and nearly ran her through before she corrected her mistake. She wasn’t fast enough. The enemy’s sword managed to slice through her shirt, grazing her tender flesh. With a cry, she stumbled back falling over a victim whom Teige had finished off only moments before. Teige saw her go down, but was unable to help for he was occupied with deflecting the blows that were coming dearly close to severing his head.

  Aislinn scrambled to her feet, but it was too late. Her assailant was upon her, the point of his sword pressing against her chest.

  His bluish green eyes bore into hers more with amazement than with triumph. “Do not move, milady,” he ordered then shouted for all the others to hear, “I have yer lady, and if ye value her life, ye will surrender now.”

  The fighting came to a stop. Teige and Dermot looked to where Aislinn was being held by a Butler’s sword knowing the fight was over. Teige was the first who recognized him. “So, Tremain, ye still live.”

  Aislinn’s eyes widened. This was Tremain Butler? The very man that Dougray’s sister had given her heart to, but he was also the man who had killed Hamish.

  “Aye.” The man’s eyes glared with venom. “And if I did not have me orders to deliver ye to the Butler, I would finish the job that I started long ago on ye.”

  Teige took a step forward but Dermot held him back. “Ye’ll be dead quick enough,” he hissed at him. “We have to think of A.J. There will be time later for revenge.”

  Tremain didn’t like that Dermot was whispering and made his point known. “No need to discuss escape, unless ye plan on seeing yer lady’s head removed from her shoulders.”

  “We will go with ye,” Teige said through clenched teeth, knowing that he didn’t have any other options. The other men under Tremain’s orders relieved Teige and Dermot of their weapons. Dermot’s gaze found Hamish’s body among others that had fallen lying so still with blood seeping from the wounds. He choked back the tears as his heart clenched in his chest.

  Teige couldn’t allow himself to think about the boy. For right now, he needed a clear head so that he could think of an escape.

  A guard pushed him forward.

  Aislinn was thrown in one of the cells where darkness would soon be her company, the heavy door shutting behind her. At the moment she wasn’t scared for what was in store for her, for she had a hunch that she was not in immediate danger, but she worried what they would do to Teige and Dermot.

  Teige had been right and she had been a fool not to see that the letter was an elaborate trap. The Butlers didn’t have Dougray, but were going to use her as bait to draw him here.

  “Milady?” When she did not answer, he spoke a little louder, “A.J.?” Aislinn heard Teige and moved closer to the door. “I’m here, Teige. And Dermot?”

  “Here, milady.” The man answered for himself.

  “A.J., how bad is your wound?” Teige had noticed on their way here that her shirt was torn and blood had soaked through the fabric.

  Aislinn had been so worried about where Tremain was taking them that she had forgotten about her injury. She looked down to see the tear in her shirt and lifted the fabric to take a look at the damage. It was bruised and tender to the touch, but at least the bleeding had stopped. “A flesh wound is all,” she was relieved to report. “And the two of you?”

  “We fare well,” Teige answered yet again.

  “We will get out of this.” Dermot sounded more confident than he actually felt.

  They were all silent for a moment, just enough time for helplessness to seep into their consciousness.

  “I left a message at the gate for Cormac. He will come for us,” Teige offered, but in his heart, he didn’t think it was possible. Cormac was not one to fall back from a fight, but they were deep in Butler territory.

  Aislinn moved away from the door and leaned against the wall before she let herself sink to the floor. She felt weary and couldn’t help the tears that slid down her cheek. This was her fault. If she had listened to Teige, they wouldn’t be in this mess and Hamish…. She sniffled and the sound echoed, reaching both Dermot and Teige. They looked at each other both worried that her hope was diminishing.

  “A.J., do not dismay,” Dermot tried to reach out with words.

  She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. “I killed Hamish, as surely as if I took my sword to him. It’s my fault.”

  “It is not yer fault.” Teige leaned against the door, pounding his fist against the hard wood.

  “No? Hamish was but a boy and I convinced him that he could be a warrior. He should have been at home, where he would have been safe. I sentenced him to death the moment I placed that weapon in his hand.”


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