Finally, I’d like to thank my wife, Joyce McClure, for reminding me in May 2003 that I wanted to pursue my Folklore project. I’d also like to thank my earliest readers, who provided me with crucial advice and encouragement: Andrew Francis, Mitch Kapor, Chao Lam, Scott Rosenberg, and Nikolas Tanaka.
Photo Credits
Cover: The Mac team. Photo by Norman Seeff, courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
Flap: Andy Hertzfeld. ©Elisabeth Fall
5: Andy Hertzfeld, Burrell Smith, and Brian Howard. Courtesy of San Francisco Examiner Photograher Paul Glines
15: NERF BALL®. © 2004 Hasbro, Inc. Used with permission.
27: Mac analog board. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
31: Macintosh photograph. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
37: Bicycle illustration. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
38: Adam Osborne. © Bettmann/CORBIS
46: Traffic signs. ©
48: Bill Budge. Photo courtesy of Bill Budge
51: Digital board photograph. © Derrick Story
53: Macintosh Software Team. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
54: Bill Gates. © Doug Wilson/CORBIS
60: Apple Lisa Computer. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
68–69: Design team signatures. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
72: Members of the Lisa team. © Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS
79: Andy Hertzfeld sitting on his car. © D.W. Mellor
83: Crowd at US Festival. © Bettmann/CORBIS
85: Steve Wozniak playing air computer. © Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS
99: Steve Jobs and Bill Atkinson. © Norman Seeff
104, 107: Alice packaging. Photos courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
128: Mike Moritz. © Matthew Naythons
150: Steve Jobs, John Sculley, and Steve Wozniak. © Bettmann/CORBIS
169: Defender® screenshot. Used with permission of Midway Games, Inc.
175: Bill Atkinson in 1987. Photo courtesy of Bill Atkinson
178: The Mac design team. © Norman Seef. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
180, 182, 183: 1984 commercial stills. © Apple Computer, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved. Apple® and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
184: Monkey graphic. ©
197: Burrell Smith. © D.W. Mellor
198–203: MacPaint Art by Susan Kare. Photos courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
206: Mick Jagger. © Neal Preston/CORBIS
209: Pyramid photo. © Norman Seeff. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
214: Mac in a bag advertisement. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
249: Andy Hertzfeld and the Mac team. © Norman Seeff. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
224: The Mac software team. © Norman Seeff. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
232: Brian Howard, Andy Hertzfeld & Burrell Smith. Courtesy of San Francisco Examiner Photographer Paul Glines
238–239: The Macintosh software team in the spring of 1985. © D.W. Mellor
267: Andy Hertzfeld in February 1985. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
275: Steve Jobs. © Ed Kashi/CORBIS
277: Apple’s Fremont Macintosh factory warehouse. Photo courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
278: Macintosh line art. Courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc.
August, 5–6
November, 7–8
February, 9–12
September, 13
October, 14–15
January, 26–28
February, 16–20, 24–25
March, 29–31
April, 32–40
May, 43–46
June, 47–49
July, 41, 50–54
August, 55
December, 60
January, 61–62
February, 63–70
March, 71–79
April, 88, 99–100
May, 101–103
June, 104–113
July, 114
August, 116–119
September, 80–84, 123–127
December, 128–130
January, 132–140
February, 140–148
March, 149–150
June, 171–174
August, 152, 158–167
September, 168–170, 178, 181–183, 186–190
October, 179, 184–185, 194–203
November, 191–193
December, 204–205
January, 206–223
March, 229–232
April, 233–235
June, 238–242
September, 262–264
October, 243–251
February, 253
May, 266–271
June, 254–256
1984 commercial, 181–183
3M machine, 133
80k language card, 7–8
90 Hours a Week and Loving It, 196
Adler, Darin, 78
alarm, dismantling, 118–119
Alexio, Peggy, 78
Alice, 104–107
Anders, Bob, 113
Anderson, Jane, 226
Apple’s first office in Cupertino, 14–15
AppleScript, xxi, 256
Applesoft BASIC, 255
Apple II, xvii–xxv
Apple II clone (see Franklin Ace)
Apple II mouse card, 47–49
Apple II Reference Manual, 63
Atkinson, Bill, xxi, xxiv, 7, 15, 49, 61, 73, 74, 110, 118, 120, 135, 139, 147, 165, 171, 188, 190, 198, 209, 232, 269, 273
“Fat Bits” pixel editing techniques (see “Fat Bits” pixel editing techniques), 149
car accident, 99
desktop accessories, 59
documenting creation of Lisa User Interface, 153–156
MacBASIC, 256
Macintosh/Lisa User Interface, 89–97
measuring progress by lines of code, 65
Mick Jagger and, 207
MonkeyLives, 185
photography, 240
RoundRects, 46
square dots, 32–34
time to develop QuickDraw, 179
worst mistake, 260
Aurrichio, Rick, 16
Baker, Paul, 33
Barks, Carl, 9
Baum, Allen, 257
Belleville, Bob, xxi, 70, 135, 206, 208, 253, 263, 267
Andy Hertzfeld’s performance review, 140–146, 229–231
“The Law of Conservation of Misery”, 88
resigning from Apple, 271
Resource Manager, 116–117
Sony drives, 158–160
wanting to fire Bruce Horn, 101–103
Xerox Star, 88
Ben Rosen, 135
Bicycle, 36–37
Bishop, Bob, 9, 12
early demos, 34–35
Black Wednesday, 16–21
Boich, Mike, 70, 132, 192, 214
Book of Macintosh, 15
boot sound, 123–124
Boston Computer Society, 227
Bouncing Pepsis, 35
Budge, Bill, 47–49, 81, 114
Bull, Victor, 238, 243
business cards, 78
Byte magazine, 136, 179, 226, 243
Cadigan, Katie, 226
calculator, 63–64
Capps, Steve, xix, xxi, 59, 104, 105, 156, 162, 166, 184, 189, 209–211, 248, 268, 269
Steve Capps Day, 204
case, designing Macintosh, 29–31
Casseres, David, 20
Chart, 191
Chernicoff, Steve, 113
Chiat, Jay, 181–183
code, measuring progress by lines of, 65
Cole, Phyllis, 272
nbsp; Coleman, Debi, 196
commercial, 1984, 181–183
Coonen, Jerome, 140, 186, 199, 204, 208, 209, 229, 255, 258
Couch, John, 60, 136, 277
Creative Think, 114–116, 232
Crow, George, xxi, 27, 41
Sony drives, 158–160
Cunningham, Andy, 226
Cutter, Mark, 171
Daniels, Bruce, 33, 104, 105, 136
Dawson, Bill, 78
Decombe, Jean-Michel, 31
Defender video game, 168–170
demos, showing off what hardware could do, 34–35
Denman, Donn, xix, 16, 58, 64, 168, 209, 210
MacBASIC, 254–256
designers getting credit, 135–139
desk accessories, 56–59
calculator, 63–64
puzzle, 186–187
developer documentation, 110–113
digital board, redesigning, 120–122
Disk Swapper’s Elbow, 211–212
developer, 110–113
QuickDraw, 63
Window Manager, 111
Donkey, 55
DOS 4.0, 16, 19
educational sales, 132–134
Ellis, Peter, 80
Englebart, Doug, xix
Espinosa, Chris, xxi, 56, 63–64, 111
Esslinger, Hartmut, 235
Fairbairn, Doug, 122
“Father of the Macintosh”, 272–274
“Fat Bits” pixel editing techniques, 147, 155, 156, 172
Ferris, James, 29
Filer, 35, 71, 74–75
Filo, David, 130
final push to finish software, 207–209
Finder, xxi, xxii, 75, 101, 102, 106, 147, 154, 161, 204, 205, 208–211, 247, 248
early prototype, 35
firings (Black Wednesday), 16–21
first printed circuit board, 43–45
fonts, naming, 165
Franklin Ace, 162–164
Gassee, Jean-Louis
replacing Steve Jobs, 271
Steve Jobs parking in handicapped spot, 252
Gates, Bill, 52, 53, 191–193, 256, 261
Applesoft BASIC, 255
Donkey, 55
Switcher, 246–248
Geschke, Chuck, 267
Good Earth building, 14–15
Graham, Bill, 81–84
Graham, Katharine, 226
Hacker, Brad, 113
Haelerli, Martin, 122
handicapped spot, Steve Jobs parking in, 252
Harbers, Jeff, 53, 244
hardware expandability, 50–51, 261
Hawkins, Trip, 106
Hayden, Steve, 181, 182, 214
Hertzfeld, Andy, vii, xxii, 60, 78, 209
leaving Apple, 262–264
meets Burrell Smith, 5–6
naming fonts, 165
performance review, 140–146
Hix, Steve, 28
Hoffman, Joanna, xxii, xxiii, 105, 110, 132, 267, 273
Holt, Rod, xvii, xxi, 15, 36, 51, 70, 78, 80, 139, 140, 158, 159, 233, 272
Homebrew Computer Club, xvii, 257
Horn, Bruce, xix, xxi, xxii, 35, 75, 78, 119, 154, 204, 209, 213, 260
Bob Belleville wanting to fire, 101–103
getting a computer, 60
Resource Manager, 116–117
Howard, Brian, xxii, xxiii, 20, 27, 41–44, 50, 230, 253, 272, 273
Good Earth building, 14–15
Hungarian Pascal code, 61–62
Huston, Cliff, 11
Huston, Dick, 17
IBM PC, first introduced, 55
image, first on Macintosh, 9–12
Inside Macintosh, 110–113
Integer BASIC, 254
Jagger, Mick, 207
Jasik, Steve, 164
Jobs, Steve, xvii–xxv
“Sayings from Chairman Jobs”, 166
almost 1982 Man of the Year, 128–130
being involutarily removed, 266–271
confronts Bill Gates about copying the Mac, 191–193
defined by Bud Tribble, 24–25
“Father of the Macintosh”, 274
forbids team from working with Sony, 158–160
icon, 147–148
message for Adam Osborne, 40
naming fonts, 165
parent’s house, 14
parking in handicapped spot, 252
reality distortion field, 24–25
Switcher, 249
taking over Macintosh project, 26–28
threatens to remove sound, 125–127
unveiling Macintosh, 217–223
wants Macintosh to boot faster, 161
John Vennard, 158
Kaehler, Ted, 101
Kare, Susan, xix, xxiii, 59, 66, 147, 149, 152, 155, 156, 209
MacPaint gallery, 198–203
naming fonts, 165, 198
pirate flag, 166
Kawasaki, Guy, 248, 249
Kay, Alan, xix, 101, 232
Creative Think, 114–116
quote by, 3
Kellner, Charlie, 123
Kenyon, Larry, xxiii, 58, 142, 144, 159–161, 190, 198, 204, 209
Kidder, Tracy, 128
King, Patti, 206
Kitchen, Steve, 268
Knaster, Scott, 78, 223
Konzen, Neil, 191, 193, 245
Donkey, 55
Kottke, Dan, 27, 41, 43, 47, 80, 129
LaserWriter printer, xxi, xxiv, 262, 267
“The Law of Conservation of Misery”, 88
Lebrun, Marc, 15
Lewin, Dan’l, 132, 133
Lisa, xvii
teams, friction between Macintosh and, 71–73
LisaDraw, 171
LisaGraf, 46, 90, 95, 97, 154, 171
(see also QuickDraw)
LisaSketch, 155
Lisa Filer (see Filer)
Lisa Graphics Editor, 96
Lisa Monitor, 35
Lisa User Interface, 74, 89–97, 153–156
loops, discovering, 88
Louis Comfort Tiffany exhibition, 277
low memory location, 184
Ludolph, Frank, 74
MacBASIC, 254–256
booting faster, 161
designing case, 29–31
“Father of the Macintosh”, 272–274
first demo for Microsoft, 52–54
multi-tasking environment (see Switcher)
official naming, 36–37
pricing, 194–195
reorganizing division, 266–271
spirit, 277–279
unveiling, 217–223
worst mistakes, 258–261
Macintosh Classic, 70
Macintosh team
being spoiled, 233–235
friction between Lisa team and, 71–73
salaries, 233
Macintosh User Interface, 89–97
Macintosh User Interface Guidelines, xxii
MacNosy, 164
MacPaint, xxi, 35, 49, 59, 91, 95, 136, 147, 156, 171–175, 184, 241, 247–249, 273
gallery, 198–208
MacSketch, 35, 155, 171, 172
MacWrite, 110, 184, 191, 204, 208, 210, 247–249
Mac Folklore web site, xxii
Major, Anya, 182
Malloy, Tom, 32, 61, 62
Manock, Jerry, 30, 68, 80, 272
Markkula, Mike, xvii, 14, 17, 181, 183, 218, 272
Mark Cutter, 171
Matthews, Mark, 53
McKenna, Regis, 178, 181, 226
Mead, Carver, 114
megaflop, 132–134
memory limitations, 188–190
Memory Shift, 243
menu command key symbol, 152
Microsoft, 110, 111, 191–193, 214, 245–251, 257<
br />
Applesoft BASIC, 255
first demo of Macintosh for, 52–54
mistakes in Macintosh development, 258–261
The Monkey, 184–185
MonkeyLives, 185
Moritz, Mike, 128, 128–130
MousePaint, 49
moustaches, 13
Mr. Macintosh, 66–67
MS-DOS, 55
multi-tasking environment (see Switcher)
Multiplan, 191
Murray, Mike, 70, 132, 150, 182, 207, 208
resigning from Apple, 271
Newsweek, 208, 226–228
NeXT, xxiii–xxv
Noyce, Robert, 135
Osborne, Adam, 39–40
Oyama, Terry, 30, 124
Page, Rich, 33, 71–73, 139
Lisa Monitor, 35
PC boards
esthetics, 41
first, 43–45
Pepsi (Bouncing Pepsis), 150
Petrie, Tom, 238, 239, 243, 244
Petty, Tom, 83
pineapple pizza, 44–45
pirate flag, 166–167
Pixar, xxiii
pricing Macintosh, 194–195
puzzle desk accessory, 186–187
QuickDraw, xxi, 32, 35, 46, 56, 61, 65, 90, 93, 97, 99–100, 111, 112, 149, 154, 171, 172, 190, 260
documentation, 63
time to develop, 179
(see also LisaGraf)
Raskin, Jef, xviii, xxi, xxii–xxiv, 7, 9, 17, 20, 27, 29, 36–39, 50, 68, 120, 129, 233, 277, 278
The Book of Macintosh, 15, 272
“Father of the Macintosh”, 272–274
Good Earth building, 14–15
inventing Burrell Smith, 8
quote by, 37
reality distortion field, 24–25
Red Book, 63
reorganizing Macintosh division, 266–271
Resource Manager, 101, 102, 116–117
Riddle, Ed, 27
rock festival (Steve Wozniak), 80–84
Rogers, Michael, 226
Rose, Caroline, xxiii, 112
Rosen, Ben, 135
Rosing, Wayne, 33, 74, 136
RoundRects, 46
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