A New Place, Another Murder

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A New Place, Another Murder Page 11

by Christa Nardi

  Shane righted himself and his chair. “Don’t blame me, Del. No proof of anything. Though Brandon, the way Luke went after the ladies, you might need to do some checking. That boy better buy stock in some condom company.” He snickered and the other man stood up.

  “Sit down. And stop making a scene. We aren’t the only ones in here.”

  As they looked around, I turned away and shielded my face. I only hoped with my hair up, Shane wouldn’t recognize me. It was early for lunch and there was only one other table with two women. One of them reminded me of the pushy neighborhood mom, Ashley something. Like us, they talked to themselves and hoped to be invisible.

  Melina whispered, “Shall we leave? Or hang around and see what happens next?”

  “We need Sally to bring us the check.” I looked toward the kitchen and couldn’t see anyone. “Maybe she’s hiding. I wonder if they meet here and have family disagreements often.”

  A crash from the back and we turned to watch the fight between brothers, the chair now a couple feet from the skirmish. Blake and the third brother, Brandon, joined the fray. I wasn’t sure if Brandon was going to help Del or what. Blake managed to somehow get between Del and Shane, but not without taking a punch himself.

  Del stepped back, hands up. Blake turned around. Shane was rubbing his jaw with one hand. I couldn’t see the other hand.

  “Shane, what’s going on? I know Margie and you split. I talked to your sons last night and they told me. We’re family and family sticks together. You know anything about the drugs my grandsons got involved with?”

  “Family sticks together, right? Then where were you and my brothers when I had the State Police and the gaming commission come after me, breathing down my neck?”

  “Son, sometimes help isn’t obvious, but did you really think you got away with a few sanctions with your hostile attitude? You wanted to get in the horse racing business and I set you up. All you had to do was stay within the law and do it right. You got in trouble all by yourself just like you did when you were a teenager. I never should have let you get away with all the stuff you did, but your mom had your back.”

  “I never could live up to your expectations and be like Del and Brandon. It’s only fitting it’s their sons in trouble now.” He laughed and it was all Blake could do to keep the brothers from going after Shane again.

  Del hissed. “There’s one problem with all this, Shane. You. Caleb already admitted to using and dealing to feed his habit. He’ll be in rehab for a while. Thankfully, the doctors said his habit wasn’t cocaine, though that’s what he was dealing. It was some painkiller. Something he told them he took when he got thrown from a horse. Yeah, when he visited you. He told us he got thrown, had a concussion. Never mentioned opioids. Opioids he got from you.”

  “Shane, is that right, what Del said? You gave him opioids? Where’d you get them? Is that his source and who he’s dealing for?” Blake’s voice rose as he took a step toward his youngest.

  Shane never got a chance to answer as Chief Peabody and two officers chose that moment to walk in. The chief nodded to us and the other table of ladies as he turned the “Open” sign to “Closed.” He walked straight back, the two officers following him.

  “I got a call there was a disturbance here.” He looked around and then back to the men. “I think somebody owes Sally for the busted chair.”

  “Not a problem, Glenn. I’ll take care of the chair and the checks for those ladies. We didn’t mean to be disturbing anyone. We’re all tense with what happened with Caleb and Luke and the drug money. A little unnerved is all.”

  “I appreciate you’re tense. Interesting don’t you think that some of the drug money ended up with Stories’ body. And then there’s the tale of how the boys’ prints ended up on a certain yellow Highlander. There’s no record they ever rented that car, even for long enough to drive it away and bring it back. And the rental company, they don’t let people do test drives. Yet, their prints are in the car, Caleb’s on the steering wheel, the mirror, the visor, the door handle. Luke’s on the passenger side, same thing.”

  He let the information sink in and I couldn’t stop watching this scene play out. Blake paled but recovered when Del moved to punch Shane again.

  “Del, calm down. None of this is Shane’s fault.” He turned to Shane. “Right?”

  Shane threw up his arms, an exaggerated shrug and didn’t answer. He smirked as Blake shifted his attention back to the Chief

  “Del, Brandon, I’ll be talking with your sons again as soon as their attorneys are available. They’re minors so you’re invited as well. Blake, you need to settle up with Sally and then you all need to get out of here. She has a business to run.”

  On cue, Sally approached the group. Blake smiled at her, apologized and handed her some money. “Hopefully, that covers everything.” To his sons, he ordered, “Get your stuff and let’s go.”

  The chief cleared his throat. “Until this is resolved, please don’t plan on any long trips – that applies to all of you, including you, Shane. If I hear you’re on the road, I will put you in protective custody. We understand each other?”

  Shane’s face turned red and he took a step before Blake stopped him. “We understand. Shane’ll be at my place. His mom wants to see him anyway.”

  Chief Peabody followed as the Buchanans exited. He stopped at the door. “Sally, can we inconvenience you for a few more minutes here?”

  She looked at the money in her hand. “Take all the time you need. Ladies, you’re all paid up. Need any refills?”

  We all shook our heads and the other two ladies stood to go. “Sorry, but my officers need to get a statement from each of you.”

  One officer moved to the other table. The chief and the second officer came to our table.

  “Jonas, can you take Ms. Melina’s statement while I speak with… uh, Mrs. McMann and get her statement?”

  There was an awkward minute when no one moved. The chief waved his arm, signaling me to move to a vacant table and I got the message. He asked me what happened and I told him.

  “Caleb and Luke already confessed to planting the money, so Maddie and Alex are in the clear. I already shared the information on the Highlander with Brett. Funny thing, I got a call from Chief Hirsch.” His eyes twinkled. “Any insights, Dr. Hendley of Cold Creek?”

  I chuckled. “None you haven’t already thought of given your comments to Shane. He’s involved some how. If only in getting Caleb hooked on the opioids to begin with, maybe more.”

  He nodded and stood up. “You ladies are free to go. Someone turn the sign back to “Open” on your way out. I think we may have to give Sally some business and have our lunch here. Hopefully, nothing will interrupt our meal.”


  My next stop was the grocery store. The interchange among the Buchanans kept coming to mind as I moved between the aisles. My gut told me Brett was right about Blake. He might be a lot of things, but nothing criminal. It also bothered me that one of them, probably Shane, had followed me.

  At home, I was distracted when my contract and several other documents landed in my Inbox. The contract was standard legal verbiage and the salary for the year was higher than Dr. Addison indicated. I was happy with the terms. Unlike my previous contracts, this one included a paragraph stating very clearly this was for one year and one year only. So be it.

  The rest of the packet included a list of the courses I’d be teaching in fall and spring, as well as syllabi. For all but one, I’d taught something similar and could adapt what I already had. Human Sexuality I’d never taught. Kim taught it though so I called her.

  “How are you? Everything calmed down there? I caught a quick news alert about a drug bust.”

  “They identified two boys in the camp Maddie went to and now she and her friend Alex are in the clear. What a relief.”

  “What about Stories’ murder? Was he connected to the drugs?”

  “The murder investigation is still open. A drug deal gone
wrong is one possibility. Or maybe he was trying to get the two boys to turn themselves in and one of them killed him. At least we think we know who tried to force me off the road. The same two boys. At least two of the mysteries may be solved.”

  “Did you get the contract for Millicent yet?”

  “Yes, and that’s why I’m calling. I have to teach Human Sexuality. Can you email me all your stuff?”

  “Sure, and with all the time it’ll save you, what are you going to do for fun?”

  Laughing, I answered, “Want to come up here, maybe go to Lake Chesdin and go kayaking or hiking? There’s only three more weeks before the semester starts.”

  “I’ll see what Marty has on his calendar. Maybe come up next weekend? Would that work?”

  “Probably. I’ll check with Brett.”

  We chatted a little more about Cold Creek and Max.


  Before I knew it, Maddie came home. Her bright smile told me she was having a good day.

  “Everything go okay today?”

  “Yes. Mr. Simpson apologized to Alex in front of the whole camp. He made sure everyone knew Alex was innocent. It was kind of awkward to be back after being gone for a week. A couple of kids asked where I’d been. I … I said I was doing stuff with family. Is that okay?”

  “Well, you were so that’s not an outright lie. Anybody say anything about Luke or Caleb?”

  “MaryJane said Caleb was in the hospital from drugs. Nothing about Luke, though every time the door opened, I expected him to show up. Is he in jail?”

  “I don’t think so. Not in the hospital either.”

  Maddie sat down on the floor and Charlie crawled into her lap. “Can we take Charlie to see Bella again? When can Bella come home?”

  I shrugged. “We’ll see what your dad says when he gets home. In the meantime, I’ll get dinner ready and you can set the table.”


  Instead of camp, the next day I took Maddie to the pet store and we picked up a crate and bed for Bella though I had a feeling Bella’d be spending time in Maddie’s bed not her own. We also picked up a leash and dog toys. We got to Pets and Paws a little later than I usually arrive. Mrs. Chantilly and Melina were in the reception area when we walked in.

  “Oh, good. Now I don’t have to explain twice. Not that I should have to explain, mind you, but I will. Maybe then you can temper your reactions and not come stomping out to find me.” She gave Melina a pointed look. Melina shrugged.

  “Now, this is a trial. Blake Buchanan expects Luke will get probation and community service. That means they have to have some place willing to take Luke, and Caleb has about used up all the good neighbor feelings. Did you know, when I took over this house, there were almost a dozen strays? My grandmother and me, we take in strays and we make them people friendly. Seems to be nothing like having to clean up after a bunch of dogs to take that arrogance down a peg or two. Don’t you agree?”

  Melina gave her raised eyebrows and a grimace and I shook my head. “I’m lost here.”

  Mrs. Chantilly huffed. “Maddie, why don’t you and Charlie go visit Brown Sugar and the pups.”

  Maddie didn’t need any more encouragement and she disappeared. Only then did Mrs. Chantilly continue.

  “The police are going to figure out it was Luke and Caleb who ran you off the road. Caleb may have been behind the steering wheel, but in reality Luke and his ego were driving the car and the whole mess with the money and Alex Champlin. Plain and simple. I need some help here with the dogs. More coming in I hear from the vet. I’ve moved more crates into the small dog area.”

  “Is Luke going to work here?”

  Melina nodded. “With the big dogs in the back. Headphones in his ears and swearing.”

  I was speechless.

  “Headphones will go. You two. You know those dogs back there and the routine. He needs to learn those routines and behave while he’s doing them. If he gives anyone trouble or tries to charm the dogs to clean their own runs, well, I’ll have a few words with him and his grandpa. You taking Bella home today, Sheridan? And what’s this about you having a job? Congratulations.”

  She turned and walked toward the kitchen. Melina shook her head.

  “She has no idea what she has agreed to. Dealing with Blake Buchanan has to be trouble.”

  Mrs. Chantilly came back around the corner. “I’ve been dealing with Blake since we were in school together. You know what they say about old people and memory loss? Not me, I remember all his shenanigans, not just his charming ways. I told him a long time ago Shane needed a firmer hand. Now, it’s too late. Maybe not for Luke.” Her voice softened at the end and she disappeared.

  “I’ll put my bag in a locker and join you back there. May be a great opportunity to teach him some manners.”

  When I walked into the big dog area, Mrs. Chantilly was pulling the earphones out with one hand and had her other hand out. Luke’s face was getting redder by the minute, his hands clenched by his sides. Melina stepped closer.

  “The phone, Luke. Now. Or do I call your grandpa?”

  He hesitated and then pulled his phone out of pocket and placed it in her hand. “Back to work, now and you listen to these ladies. Do what they tell you to.”

  She turned around and walked away. The silence was too awkward for me. Chloe whimpered. I walked over to her cage and got her out.

  “I’ll take Chloe outside and maybe give her a bath. Is the shampoo out there, Melina?”

  Luke turned and did a double take as Melina answered, “Yup, conditioner too if she needs it.”

  I took refuge outside despite the heat, and managed to get wet enough to cool off in the process of bathing Chloe. Melina came out with a dog I’d not seen before. Another at least part Shepard. I finished with Chloe and left her in the outside run and went back inside. Her crate was cleaned out and a clean blanket and fresh water waiting for her.

  I looked for the roster where we noted who’s gotten taken care of last. Luke handed it to me.

  “Thank you. It looks like Barley needs to get some exercise and his crate cleaned. Where is Barley?” I handed him back the clipboard and looked around. Truly a mix of mixes, the color of Barley, I attached a leash to the dog and led him to join Melina.

  “I’m not thinking this is going to work, having Luke here. He’s sullen and angry. What do you think?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I answered in a whisper. “He is now, but he may figure out how to charm the dogs and Mrs. Chantilly. He’s lucky anyone is willing to give him a chance right now. I sure wouldn’t.”

  “I guess. That’s how she ended up adopting Lacie. Dogs aren’t the only strays she takes in.”

  I shrugged again and got to work. On the plus side, we managed to get more dogs bathed with Luke cleaning out the crates. When I went to check on Maddie and Charlie, I saw Luke over with the Dane mix, Danish. He spoke softly as he rubbed the girl’s belly.

  “Sheridan? Are we ready to go home? Mrs. Chantilly says Bella can come home, too.”

  Rather than have her upset by seeing Luke, I turned her around and out of the room as I yelled, “See ya, Melina. I’ll call you later.”

  We collected Charlie, Bella, and the gift basket from Mrs. Chantilly. Together with our goodies from the pet store, we were all set for the new addition. Or might have been if Bella didn’t get sick in the car.


  I was taken a little off guard when Brett came home with someone pulling in behind him. Obviously, someone Brett knew as he leaned against his car waiting for the man to join him. They were laughing as they walked in.

  “Sheridan, this is James Zabry, the detective who most often covers any local issues.”

  “Hi James, nice to meet you. Can I get you some coffee? Water?”

  “Nice to meet you, too, Sheridan. Water will be fine.”

  I grabbed a bottle of water for him and waited.

  “James is now investigating the drug dealing of Luke and Caleb. They definitely to
ok it outside the county and still may have something to do with why Stories was killed and by whom.”

  “Great. The sooner this is solved the better.”

  “I’m going to let James fill you in on the afternoon updates.”

  “The police up by Lynchburg confirmed Luke and Caleb were carded at a local nightclub and there was a report from security they tried to crash some party. A couple other run-ins but no charges were filed. For high school kids, it struck the police as odd they’d keep popping up. At the area colleges and at the high schools. Nothing confirmed yet, but not inconsistent with dealing.”

  “With them familiar with Lynchburg, it would be easy for them to figure out your route and hide before coming at you in the Highlander. If they were dealing drugs up there, they probably have places to hide. It’s looking more and more like it was them in the Highlander, Sher.”

  “Uh, I have the update, Brett,” James interrupted. “It’s confirmed. Caleb admits to stealing the car and driving the car, with instructions to cause you to have an accident. He said he did it with Luke’s help. Muttered something about his uncle, but didn’t specify which one. His lawyer kept trying to shut him up. When I asked him which uncle, he denied saying anything at all.”

  “What did Luke say? Why try to run us off the road?” It made no sense to me.

  James continued, “Luke isn’t talking. His attorney is much happier than Caleb’s. The other interesting thing? Blake Buchanan isn’t talking either. Nobody, including Caleb is talking about the murder.”

  “Caleb was the one who called it in. Luke was there with him when the police arrived. Did one of them kill him? Or do they know or suspect who killed him?” Brett voiced the questions we’d contemplated.

  “Those are the questions Chief Peabody is trying to answer. Me? I’m most interested in where Caleb was getting his opioids and the cocaine. Peabody suggested we start with a check on Shane’s gambling and horse racing at the same time. Not sure if he suspects something or what. Any ideas, Brett? You pulled that case last time.”


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