genesis of
geographic distribution of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and
human agency and
human nature and
international political environment and
linguistic camouflage of
logistics of
nation-building and
number of victims
perpetrators of (see Perpetrators)
politics and (see also Eliminationist politics)
as social control
source of
success rate of
as term
transformative politics and
understanding circumstances surrounding
war and See also Eliminationist assaults
Mataim, Pak
Mau Mau
Mauthausen camp
Maya, eliminationist assault against
view of Maya as subhuman See also Guatemala
McCain, John
McVeigh, Timothy
Mein Kampf (Hitler)
Mengistu Haile Mariam
Mesbah-Yazdi, Mohammad Taghi
Mey Komphot
Milgram, Stanley
Militaries, as eliminationist institutions
Milošević, Slobodan
bringing to justice
eliminationist politics and
as mass murderer
mobilizing anti-Muslim beliefs
Mitterand, François
Mizinge, Élie
Mladić, Ratko
Mobile killing squads
Möbius, Kurt
eliminationist politics and
rise of state power
Moly Ly
Monetary prevention program for mass murder
Monks, elimination of Buddhist
Moral evaluation, task of
Moral norms, condign cruelty and
Moral Reckoning, A (Goldhagen)
Moral responsibility, prevention of genocide and
Mordtmann, Johann
Morgenthau, Henry
Motivation, of perpetrators
Mountain Wreath, The (Njegoš)
Muchiri, Esther
Mugabe, Robert
Mukasinafi, Veronique
Mundschütz, Martin
Munyabugingo, Marcel
Munyakazi, Yusuf John
Munyankore, Jean-Baptiste
Munzigura, Adalbert
Muratčauš, Alisa
Muriithi, Wandia
Muriuki, Milka
Musabyemaria, Patricia
Mušanović, Aida
Muslim-Hindu prejudices
Mutungirehe, Pio
Mwanankabandi, Berthe
Nabhani, Taqiuddin al-
Nagasaki bombing
Nama, eliminationist assault against
Nanjing (Nanking), Rape of
Nasrallah, Hassan
National chauvinism, communism and
National interest, intervention and
Nationalist regimes, mass murder and
“National security” doctrine
following intervention
mass murder and
Native Americans, eliminationist assaults on
intervention by
Navy Dy
Nawaz, Maajid
dehumanization and demonization by
eliminationist ideology
forced sterilization and
removing political opponents
social transformation and
treatment of political opposition in Germany
victims of See also German perpetrators; Holocaust
Nazism, Political Islam and
Nehru, Jawaharlal
New York Times (newspaper)
Ngarambe, Elie
Ngeze, Hassan
Nicholson, Emma
Nixon, Richard
Njegoš, Vladika Petar Petrović
Nkuranga, Jean Pierre
Nondemocratic regimes, eliminationist politics and
Noneliminationist outcomes
Noninstrumental cruelty
North Korea
Nottingham, John
Ntaryamira, Cyprien
Ntuyahaga, Bernard
Nuclear weapons, Political Islam and
Nuon Chea
Nuremberg trials
Nyamata Genocide Memorial (Rwanda)
Nyirarugira, Esperance
Obama, Barack
Oe, Kenzaburo
Ohlendorf, Otto
Okinawa Notes (Oe)
Orenstein, Henry
Organization of American States
Organized excess cruelty
Orthodox Church, Serbs’ eliminationist assaults and
Osorio, Jesús Tecú
Others, conception of
current political situation
eliminationist politics in See also Bangladesh
Pakistani-Bengali prejudices
Pakistani perpetrators
rape and See also Bangladesh
Pamuk, Orhan
Pasteur, Louis
Patriarchal society, rape as eliminationist means in
Pavelić, Anton
Pavlović, Dejan
Pawełczyńska, Anna
Peccerelli, Fredy
Peer pressure, perpetrators and
Permission for the Destruction of Worthless Life, Its Extent and Form (Hoche)
authority postulate for actions
bounties on leading
brutality of human nature postulate for actions
bureaucratic mindset postulate for actions
bystanders and
civilian slaughter during war
coercion postulate for actions
communities of (see Communal worlds)
cruelty of (see Cruelty; Excess cruelty)
death marches and
demeanor during slaughter
discomfort of/dissenters among
economic and political spectrum of
German (see German perpetrators)
gruesomeness of actions
hunt for victims
Hutu (see Hutu perpetrators)
interchangeableness of eliminationist means and
international community and
judgment of
lack of attention to
motivation of
other actions of
perception of leaders’ authority
plunder postulate for actions
reasons for killing
recruitment of
response to eliminationist policy announcement
self-exonerations of
Serbian (see Serbian perpetrators)
shared mindset of
social psychological pressure postulate for actions
success of
support of communities
transformation of their worlds and (see also Communal worlds; Eliminationist worlds)
treatment of victims prior to killing them
trophy photographs of
understanding of eliminationist programs
willingness of
women as
Perpetrators’ beliefs
activation of
amoral utilitarianism
character of
congruence with leaders’
hatred borne of war
political ideology and
prejudices against specific groups
structural explanations of
Perpetrators’ impunity
nbsp; domestic community and
international community and
self-exoneration and
United Nations and
Personal worlds. See also Excess cruelty
Peterson, Scott and Laci
Photographs, perpetrators’ trophy
Picard, Edmond
Pinkus, Oscar
Pinochet, Augusto
Planning eliminationist assaults
Plunder postulate, for perpetrators’ actions
campaigns against ethnic Germans
German treatment of Poles
mass murder of Jews in
Political goals/power, mass murder and
Political ideology
eliminationist politics and
perpetrators’ beliefs and
work in camps and
Political Islam
antisemitism of
attitude towards West
central facts of
culture of death and
demonization of opponents
global aspirations of
Israel and
nuclear weapons and
religious basis of
in Sudan
terrorism and
transformation and
in war against humanity
Political Islamic Muslim Brotherhood
Political leaders
activation of eliminationist beliefs
camp system and
centrality of in mass murders
centralized control of elimination by
congruence of beliefs with perpetrators’
genesis of mass murder and
international persuasion of subordinates
practicing eliminationist politics
punishment for eliminationist programs
Political regimes, dehumanization and demonization and
Political rights
degree of freedom and
protection of
eliminationist assaults and transformative(see also Eliminationist politics)
increase in popular participation in
Pol Pot
cooperatives and
eliminationist deaths under
eliminationist discourse
eliminationist program
Power, of modern state
Prayer, The (Lubarda)
Prejudices against specific groups, perpetrators’ beliefs and
Prevention of elimination
anti-eliminationist discourse
cost-benefit ratio of eliminationist politics and
democracy and
efficaciousness of
eliminationist beliefs and
focus on
influence on perpetrators and
international community and
modern state power and
political participation and
proximate factors and
stopping eliminationist politics and
Prevention of reproduction
Preventive (defensive) war
Preventive intervention
Prince, The (Machiavelli)
Proud Stumbling (Lubarda)
Proximate factors, prevention of eliminationist assaults and
Proximity, intervention and
Pryadilov, Aleksi
Punishment of eliminationist leaders and perpetrators . See also Perpetrators’ impunity
Purity, eliminationist politics and
Quran, Political Islam and
Rabe, John
Races, Germans treatment of differing
of British in Africa
dehumanization and
eliminationist mindset and
of Germans
of Japanese
of Khmer Rouge
nonintervention and
in Sudan
in United States
Radio Rwanda
Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM)
Rafsanjani, Hashemi
Ražnatović, Željko
of Armenian women
of Bangladeshi women
in Darfur
by Germans of non-Jewish victims
in Guatemala
of Herero women
of Kikuyu women
as political weapon
Rape of Nanking (Nanjing)
in Rwanda
by Serbs
war and
Rape camps
Rape of Nanking (Nanjing)
Ratha Duong
Reagan, Ronald
Recruitment of perpetrators
Reeducation camps
Regional organizations, intervention and
conceiving of enemies as heretics
eliminationist assaults and
perpetrators’ beliefs and
Political Islam and
prejudices in Yugoslavia and
resistance to enacting eliminationist solutions and
transformation and
Religious leaders, eliminationist politics and
Renzaho, Tharcisse
Reproduction, prevention of
Resettlement camps
Responsibility to protect
Retribution, mass murder and
Retributive justice, international law of
Rewards for Justice program
Rightist regimes
heretics and
mass murder and
political ideologies of
Ríos Montt, José Efraín
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